طبعا سوء الخلق "جهل" و "تخريف" لن ارد عليه لاني غير معتاد على التدني الى مستويات اخلاقية غير لائقة
The second and more likely potential replacement, announced by Germany's Bodenseewerk Geratechnik (BGT) in June 2001, is termed
PIMAWS, or Passive Infra-red Missile Approach Warning System. PIMAWS began development in 1997 as an advanced technology demonstrator jointly funded by the German Ministry of Defence and BGT, the project is due to complete in 2003. The system is intended for installation as Line-Replaceable Units in both of the wing-tip pods achieving full spherical coverage. The detector portion of
the system is a step-stare infra-red sensor operating in the 3-5µm frequency range allowing for both air to air and surface to air missile detection up to the post-burn-out phase. All the resulting data is fed into a custom designed image processing system utilising a Systolic Array Processor and DSP. Over 64 targets can be tracked simultaneously and through a built-in threat library they can also be determined. All the resulting data can be fed via a STANAG-1553B databus to the rest of the avionics, here one unit acts as the master the other the slave. This should allow the information to be fused with the other
AIS sources. Although ground tests have been carried out and flight tests are scheduled for October 2001 no decisions have been reached by EADS or the partner nations as to whether
PIMAWS will be integrated into Eurofighter.
لنكشف صاروخ حراريا سنحتاج الى infra-red sensor حساس للاشعة تحت الحمراء ولا يمكنه الكشف رادريا عن الاهداف لانها ستحتاج الى radar-wave sensor حساس للموجات الرادرية اذن فهذا يختلف عن ذاك ... اما التقسيم بسلبي وايجابي فهو مبني على Active و Passive حسب الصورة المرفقة وهو للتبسيط