يوم قتلت الاف 14 مقاتلة الاف 15 ايجل بوسطة الرشاش

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خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
26 يوليو 2008
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كما يبدو من العنوان .. في احدى المناورات والتي اشتركت فيها الاف 14 توم كات والاف 15 ايجل .. قامت الاف 14 بقتل الاف 15 بوسطة الرشاش ,, وقد كانت هذه الصورة التي نشرتها Aviation Week كانت ستميل البوصلة اليابانية جهة التوم كات بعد ان كانت عينها مركزة على الايجل .

The story of a legendary F-14 pilot and the gun kill on an F-15 that could sell Tomcats to Japan
Aug 18 2014 - 29 Comments

By Dario Leone
Known and unknown stories of a legendary F-8 Crusader and F-14 Tomcat pilot
Look at the picture above.

It’s a 8” x 10” frame of a 16 mm gun film shot which shows an F-15 Eagle locked through an F-14 Tomcat Head Up Display, at 250 feet, with piper on the Eagle’s pilot, gun selected, master arm on.

Even if the photo itself is already very interesting, the story behind it, is by far more fascinating. In fact, the naval aviator at the controls of the Tomcat can be considered a sort-of legend.

As explained by Alvin Townley in his book Fly Navy, most probably other pilots have scored more kills, held higher ranks or more prestigious commands, but few living aviators embody the untamed nature of aviation like the one-of-a-kind legend known to decades of F-8 Crusader and F-14 Tomcat pilots: Joe “Hoser” Satrapa.

A skilled rifleman, Joe joined the Navy with the aim to fly a jet fighter. His passion for guns guided him after the flight school graduation, in 1966, when he was called to opt for the F-4 Phantom or the F-8 Crusader. The Phantom had no guns and Satrapa thought: “No guns? What kind of aircraft is this with no guns?” and he immediately chose the “Last Of The Gunfighters” as the Crusader was dubbed by aircrews.

But the “Satrapa legend” began the day he was given the callsign “Hoser” (even if he is also known as “Da-Hose” or “D-hose”), during a mission at the gunnery range in which he was flying the tail position in a flight of four Crusaders. He cut off the preceding aircraft as they approached the target and started shooting from two thousand feet up, one and a half miles out, hosing off all his bullets in one pass.

His flight leader J.P. O’ Neill told him to return to the airfield at El Centro and the same night O’ Neill had the final say on the incident when he nailed Satrapa: “Lieutenant junior grade Satrapa, for hosing off all his bullets in one pass, will hence forth be known as Hoser. That’ ll be five bucks.”

Hoser was also widely known during the Vietnam War as a fearless F-8 pilot who regularly carried a good forty pounds of lethal ordnance, in case he was suddenly forced to eject from his aircraft and face an entire platoon of North Vietnamese Army regulars.

As explained by George Hall in his book Top Gun – The Navy’ s Fighter Weapons School, Hoser’s interest for guns continued when he transitioned to the F-14 Tomcat.

During the AIMVAL/ACEVAL (the Air Combat Evaluation/Air Intercept Missile Evaluation) fighter trials that put the F-14s and the F-15s against the F-5Es to test new weapons and tactics which took place from 1974 to 1978 at Nellis Air Force Base, Hoser (assigned to the VX-4 evaluators) was put in a 1 vs 1 against an F-5.

As the two combatants sat side-by-side on the Nellis runway, awaiting tower clearance for takeoff, Hoser looked over at his opponent, reached his hand up over the control panel, and mimicked the cocking of machine guns in a World War I Spad. A thumbs up came from the other cockpit, meaning that guns it would be, the proverbial knife fight in a phone booth, forget the missiles.

Both jets took off.

As soon as they reached the assigned area, the fighters set up twenty miles apart for a head-on intercept under ground control. Seven miles from the merge, with closure well over 1,000 knots, Hoser called “Fox One”, a Sparrow missile away, scoring a direct hit.

As they flashed past each other, the furious F-5 driver radioed, “What the hell was that all about?” “Sorry.” said Hoser, “lost my head. Let’s set up again. Guns only, I promise.”

Again the two fighters streaked towards the pass, again at seven miles Hoser called “Fox One.” The F-5 driver was apoplectic.

Hoser was first back to the club bar, nursing an end of the day cold one as the flushed Aggressor stomped in. “Hoser, what the hell happened to credibility?” the F-5 pilot asked. Hoser replied “Credibility is DOWN, kill ratio is UP!”

This story became very popular around Topgun, alongside the lesson learned: from 1 vs 1 to forty-plane furball, expect anything. But never expect your enemy to be a sweet guy.

Still, Hoser’s best experience during the AIMVAL/ACEVAL most probably came after the end of the trials. Even if Tomcat and Eagle drivers could not engage each other, Hoser and his RIO Bill “Hill Billy” Hill with Dan “Turk” Pentecost and Frank “Fearless” Schumacher onboard the second F-14, went 2 vs 2 against a couple of F-15 instructors from 415th Training Squadron (415th Flight Test Flight).

As told by Hoser to airwarriors.com “All pre-merge heat and radar missiles didn’t count. It was GUNS only at the merge.”The two Tomcat split the fight into two 1 V 1 with one F-14 high and the other low with fair lateral separation. Once Hoser and Hill Billy closed for a 250ft, gun kill on their Eagle, a minimal communication over the radio took place as Hoser recalls. Hoser: “Where are you Turk?”Fearless:”Right above you Hoser” Hoser: “We got two cons! Who’s out front? “Turk (mildly offended): “Who do ya think?”

Both Eagles were gunned, “knock it off” was called, and the Tomcats RTB’d with a 500 knot, 6.5g, half second break at Nellis.”

But there was something more:

“Knowing the gun camera film would be destroyed by the Nellis Photo lab, it was covertly sent to a secret contact at Grumman for processing. Bout a month later, December 6, the door slams open and General Knight, with 2 of his staff, doggie wobble heads entered demanding to know “who and where are Hoser and Turk?” Falcon (J.W. Taylor), OinC (who was the Officer in Charge) stepped up asking if he could be of assistance. The General responded with, “Your fighter jocks have no idea how their playful antics affect important political decisions!”

Well, as General Knight proceeded to explain, Japan had contracted for twenty one F-15s, but an article in Aviation Week had talked about the F-14 being superior to the Eagle. With gun camera film to prove it, Japan was considering buying F-14s instead.”

The General wanted and received all copies of the gun camera film, the TVSU/VCR (the Television Sensor Unit and the Voice Cockpit Recorder) and audio recordings on his desk the following day, but few months later Hoser asked to Falcon: “Hey Falcon, I know ya got a copy of that 16mm gun film…. how bout it?” JW returned few moments later with a copy of the film from which the above Tomcat gun camera image comes.

عادي جدا
هل تعلم بان اضعف نسخه اف 15 وهيF15C هزمت عصارة الصناعه العسكريه الفرنسيه الرافال 3 مرات
هزمتها مع ان الفارق المدى التقني بين المقاتلات
وهذا طبيعي بكل مناوره عسكريه تحدث هالاشياء
التايفون هزمت الاف22
والاف16 هزمت التايفون
والرافال هزمت اف 22
وسو30 هزمت اف 15
عادي جدا
هل تعلم بان اضعف نسخه اف 15 وهيF15C هزمت عصارة الصناعه العسكريه الفرنسيه الرافال 3 مرات
هزمتها مع ان الفارق المدى التقني بين المقاتلات
وهذا طبيعي بكل مناوره عسكريه تحدث هالاشياء
التايفون هزمت الاف22
والاف16 هزمت التايفون
والرافال هزمت اف 22
وسو30 هزمت اف 15

طبيعي جدا فهذا حال المناورات ( تختلف النتائج بحسب السيناريوهات .. الا انني اتحفظ على ما جاء باللون الاحمر ) .

ان كنت تقصد التمرين في نانسي ( تمرين Green Sheild لسنة 2014 ) فقد كانت النتيجة ( ان صح المصدر ) تعادل .



Two weeks into the exercise, the Saudis have grown into the Nancy environment and are giving the French a hard time. Camille Jolly, a weapons systems officer (‘wizzo’) from Nancy, flew against the Saudi pilots in the backseat of a Dassault Rafale B in the morning. “We were actually killed by them, but we did take out some of their aircraft too. I think the score was an equal 3-3.” According to Jolly the general goal of a Green Shield mission is to force a hole in air defenses by using offensive air, so that Mirage 2000D strike aircraft can move through to hit their targets.


امر يحسب للايجل بنسختها C ( ذات مقعد واحد ) ولكن خصمها آنذاك كانت الرافال بنسخة B ( ذات مقعدين ) والتي اظن انها مخصصة للتدريب في سلاح الجو الفرنسي :)



اتطلع لمقارعة الاف 15 SA ( خاصة انها مزودة بنظام الطيران بالسلك ) للرافال الاحدث F-3R وما سيتلوها من تطويرات مهمة .
طبيعي جدا فهذا حال المناورات ( تختلف النتائج بحسب السيناريوهات .. الا انني اتحفظ على ما جاء باللون الاحمر ) .

ان كنت تقصد التمرين في نانسي ( تمرين Green Sheild لسنة 2014 ) فقد كانت النتيجة ( ان صح المصدر ) تعادل .



Two weeks into the exercise, the Saudis have grown into the Nancy environment and are giving the French a hard time. Camille Jolly, a weapons systems officer (‘wizzo’) from Nancy, flew against the Saudi pilots in the backseat of a Dassault Rafale B in the morning. “We were actually killed by them, but we did take out some of their aircraft too. I think the score was an equal 3-3.” According to Jolly the general goal of a Green Shield mission is to force a hole in air defenses by using offensive air, so that Mirage 2000D strike aircraft can move through to hit their targets.


امر يحسب للايجل بنسختها C ( ذات مقعد واحد ) ولكن خصمها آنذاك كانت الرافال بنسخة B ( ذات مقعدين ) والتي اظن انها مخصصة للتدريب في سلاح الجو الفرنسي :)



اتطلع لمقارعة الاف 15 SA ( خاصة انها مزودة بنظام الطيران بالسلك ) للرافال الاحدث F-3R وما سيتلوها من تطويرات مهمة .
السعوديه شاركت باضعف نسخه لديها بالتمارين وهي من طراز C
والتي دخلت الخدمه بالسلاح الجوي السعودي عام 1981م
الخلاصة وانا اخوك
ان مقاتلة دخلت الخدمة قبل 33 سنة

هزمت درة الصناعه الفرنسيه الرافال

اختيار المملكه ل الاف15 اختيار رائع فهي شرسه
السعوديه شاركت باضعف نسخه لديها بالتمارين وهي من طراز C
والتي دخلت الخدمه بالسلاح الجوي السعودي عام 1981م
الخلاصة وانا اخوك
ان مقاتلة دخلت الخدمة قبل 33 سنة
مشاهدة المرفق 8638

هزمت درة الصناعه الفرنسيه الرافال
مشاهدة المرفق 8639

اختيار المملكه ل الاف15 اختيار رائع فهي شرسه

نفس كلام الاخ العزيز ابو قحط ( في احد المنتديات )


مجددا , لا يصح التعميم في هذه الحاله ..
لانه حتى الرافال هزمت درة صناعة المقاتلات العالمية .. الاف22 ( الشبحية ) وهي من الجيل 4.5 وتلك من الجيل 5



نفس كلام الاخ العزيز ابو قحط ( في احد المنتديات )


مجددا , لا يصح التعميم في هذه الحاله ..
لانه حتى الرافال هزمت درة صناعة المقاتلات العالمية .. الاف22 ( الشبحية ) وهي من الجيل 4.5 وتلك من الجيل 5



هذا طبيعي لانه تمرين وليس حقيقي
استطيع انا لو كنت طيار حربي بمناوره حربيه مع امريكا
ان احلق خلف اف 22 واصوب عليها والتقط صوره
وبكره ينتشر الخبر
قام الطيار الحربي خالد بطائرته اف 15
بهزم اقوی طائره شبحيه بالعالم اف22
يعني هذي تمارين عاديه وليست حقيقيه
تحياتي لك ياسيف وصباحك ورد ^_^
لاحظ كيف تؤدي المقاتلات امام الاف 15

هنا احد امهر طياري الاف16 فايبر يتحدث عن كيفية اداء الاف 16 امام الايجل ..

According to one of the more experienced of the U. S. Air Force Viper’s pilots, Lieutenant Colonel Philipe “Rico” Malebranche, the F-16 can do very well against the F-15. The F-16 is small, light and agile: although it has a lower maximum speed and rate of climb, it has a smaller Radar Cross Section and, once on the merge, it’s harder to spot. Furthermore, its turn rate is impressive: it does not lose much energy in turns (unlike, for instance, a Mirage 2000) and can outmaneuver the F-15 in low altitude dogfights.


ترجمة : الاف 16 تستطيع ان تؤدي بشكل ممتاز جدا بمواجهة الاف 15 .. الاف 16 اصغر , اخف وارشق . مع ان لديها سرعات قصوى ومعدل تسلق اقل , لكن لديها مقطع رادار عرضي اقل , وعندما تبرز , يكون من الصعب رصدها .

علاوة على هذا , فان معدل التفافها مذهل , انها لاتفقد الطاقة اثناء الالتفاف , بعكس الميراج2000 مثلا , ويكنها ان تتفوق في المناورة على الاف 15 في مواجهات الدوج فايت على الارتفاعات المنخفضة .


كذلك الحال بين الاف 16 والتايفون

During more or less a decade of service with the Italian Air Force, the F-16 has been extensively used to train Typhoon pilots in WVR engagements. According to the Italian pilots, the F-16 matches the F-2000 under 10,000 feet. But above FL100 the Typhoon becomes quite difficult to beat since its superior aerodynamics give the Eurofighter can out maneuver the Viper at every engagement.


في الارتفاعات المنخفضة ( تحت 10,000 قدم ) يمكن للاف 16 مضاهاة التايفون , ولكن فوق ارتفاع 10,000 قدم يصبح من الصعب هزيمتها حيث ان ايروديناميكيتها المتفوقة تجعلها تتغلب على الفايبر في كل اشتباك .


لماذا هذا الكلام !!

1- لنعطي اعتبارا اكثر لسيناريوهات الاشتباك ( الارتفاع , من هو الـAgressor ومن هو المدافع , ماهي الاسلحة المضافة , الخ..)

اجنحة الديلتا + الكنارد تعطي تفوقا بديهيا وثباتا عاليا على الارتفاعات العالية . فوق 10,000 قدم ( ومن هنا رجحت كفة التايفون في المثال اعلاه ,, وتبدع الرافال كتخصص في الارتفاعات العالية ) .. بينما ايروديناميكية الاف 16 تجعلها مبدعة وقاتلة على الارتفاعات ما تحت 10,000 قدم .
اخي سيف اقوی نسخه اف 15 SA
واقوی نسخه اف 16 بلوك60
السناريو كلاهما متجهين لبعض
من الذي يكتشف الاخر؟
هذا طبيعي لانه تمرين وليس حقيقي
استطيع انا لو كنت طيار حربي بمناوره حربيه مع امريكا
ان احلق خلف اف 22 واصوب عليها والتقط صوره
وبكره ينتشر الخبر
قام الطيار الحربي خالد بطائرته اف 15
بهزم اقوی طائره شبحيه بالعالم اف22
يعني هذي تمارين عاديه وليست حقيقيه

تحياتي لك ياسيف وصباحك ورد ^_^

صباحك ورود :)

لكن للملاحظة : تمرين ATLC 2009 لم يكن للتصوير بل كان نزالا عنيفا في سيناريوهات متعددة ومعقدة بين اقوى المقاتلات العالمية ... هذا التمرين لتطوير القيادة التكتيكية وابداع تكتيكات الاشتباك ( تمرين Advanced Tactical Leadership )

لكن يكن ابدا للتصوير والنزهه

انصحك ان تقرأ اكثر عن مركز الحرب الجوية الاماراتي AWC وبالاخص تمارين ATLC التي تقام بصفة دورية وتضاهي تمارين TLP التي يجريها الناتو


The UAE Air Warfare Centre was established in 2000; the first facility of its kind in the Middle East. It was established to allow doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures to be developed and evaluated for the UAE’s own new fighters but its role was soon expanded to improving interoperability among Gulf Co-operation Council air forces and the air forces of their coalition allies. This was intended to promote the security and stability of participating nations.

The Centre’s flagship advanced tactical leadership course was modelled on NATO’s TLP. It aims to facilitate integration and interoperability between participating air forces through the development of leadership skills in the participating pilots, who are taught how to employ multinational forces together to achieve mission success. The course takes pilots who are already qualified to lead a ‘four ship’ (four aircraft formation), and upgrades them to full ‘mission commander’ status, giving each student experience of commanding, planning and executing missions in realistic scenarios, with the syllabus moving through progressively more complex missions and more challenging scenarios.

The first AWC course was held in January 2004. Initially, participation was limited to the UAE AFAD, the United States Air Force and the UK Royal Air Force, with the French Armée de l’Air (AdlA) joining for the third course. Qatar and Saudi Arabia joined for the fourth course in April 2005. Today, the AWC serves all GCC countries, and there have been reports that the UAE hopes to include Italy and Germany “in the near future”.

Though established and run by the UAE Air Force, the centre operates to the very highest international standards and management is shared between participating nations, with foreign air forces providing key personnel on the staff.

The UAE ATLC offers its participants a host of advantages, by comparison with other existing training exercises, such as NATO’s TLP and the USAF’s ‘Red Flag’ exercises.

Captain William Broman of the ‘Swamp Foxes’, one of this year’s participating pilots, judged that: “The value of ATLC is in its uniqueness. ATLC stands alone as an exercise combining, as it does, elements of Red Flag and TLP. Countries that could not deploy to the United States or Europe are able to deploy to the UAE. This makes it an outstanding opportunity to fly with and/or against dissimilar aircraft, providing invaluable experience for our pilots and maintainers. Experience is everything to the warfighter.”

The AWC has access to training airspace that is three times larger in area and volume than that used for Red Flag, much less restricted by civil air traffic requirements and with minimal manoeuvre and electronic warfare restrictions for participating aircraft. It allows the use of combat tactics that could not be properly practiced in more restricted airspace.

Al Dhafra enjoys excellent weather, so that missions hardly ever need to be cancelled. During the first four courses at Al Dhafra, for example, only one mission had to be cancelled due to bad weather, whereas at TLP up to 50 per cent have had to be scrubbed due to weather restrictions.

But Al Dhafra is more than just an airfield with good weather, conveniently located to great training airspace. The base is exceptionally well equipped for its role, boasting all the latest generation range instrumentation infrastructure and debriefing facilities. Participating aircraft carry an ACMI (air combat manoeuvre instrumentation) pod which records aircraft and flight parameters and downlinks them to the ground. This allows precise real-time monitoring of all missions, down to the level of individual aircraft, enhancing flight safety and allowing accurate assessment of simulated missile shots. Participating aircraft are tracked in real-time and can be “kill removed” if the range training officers (acting as exercise referees) judge that they have been “shot down”.

As a result, places on the ATLC course are highly prized and are eagerly sought after. Air Vice Marshal Greg Bagwell, Air Officer Commanding the RAF’s No.1 Group, told Arabian Aerospace about the importance of ATLC to the UK: “The UAE is a key regional ally for the UK and it remains a very high priority for security co-operation. The Royal Air Force was, with the USAF, one of the original participants in the excellent training courses offered by the UAE Air Warfare Centre in 2004 and, since then, we have placed ever-greater value on the opportunities that ATLC affords us.

“RAF participation in ATLC represents far more than a token means of reassuring the UAE of our commitment. The RAF gains great training benefit from the realistic, rigorous and demanding training that ATLC provides, and it is already a key part of enhancing the operational capability and preparedness of the RAF Typhoon force. It gives our pilots a great opportunity to train with their regional allies and, in so doing, to understand and appreciate the very high level of professionalism and operational competence that exists within the UAE Air Force’s F-16 and Mirage 2000 squadrons.

“The Prime Minister himself visited No.11 Squadron as it participated in ATLC in 2008, and this gives a good illustration of the enthusiasm for such co-operation with the UAE Air Force and Air Defence at the very highest level.”

This year’s ATLC participants consisted of six Royal Jordanian Air Force F-16s from No.1 Squadron, at Al Azraq/As Shaheed Muwaffaq al Salti AB; six Pakistani Chengdu F-7PGs from 31 Wing, at Samungli Quetta; six AdlA Rafales from EC 1/7 ‘Provence’, at St Dizier; six RAF Typhoons from No.3 Squadron, at RAF Coningsby; and six USAF Block 52 F-16CJs from the 157th FS, 169th Fighter Wing, South Carolina ANG, at McEntire JNGB.

A six-aircraft deployment of F-22As from the 1st Fighter Wing’s 27th FS (‘Fightin’ Eagles’), Langley AFB participated in bilateral training opportunities with some of the coalition partners during the same period, but these did not participate in the main exercise.

For the two US units at Al Dhafra, the exercise was known as Operation ‘Iron Falcon’.

As well as flying together, most of the participating nations took their turn flying as the enemy, or ‘Red Air’. Captain William Broman, an F-16 pilot from the 169th Fighter Wing, told Arabian Aerospace: “The ‘opposition’ was very competent and posed significant tactical problems to solve. I was very impressed with the Typhoon and how it was employed during the exercise, while the UAE F16 block 60 E/F models represent the top of the F16 evolutionary tree.”

The UAE Air Force and Air Defence intends that the AWC and the ATLC should continuously evolve, with further upgrades and improvements to equipment and infrastructure, ensuring that it remains a first-class global facility.

There is a determination at the highest level that ATLC will never simply provide training using scenarios that replicate past air campaigns but will, instead, continue to create the most relevant and challenging tactical scenarios for its participants, forcing them to use innovative and imaginative tactics. The ATLC will continue to emphasise integrated operations between multiple air forces and will develop scenarios that require the application of offensive airpower in direct support of ground operations, especially those that require participants to employ time sensitive targeting (TST) against ‘fleeting’ targets. This will ensure that ATLC provides the most relevant training for its participants, adding greater value than other available exercises and courses.

This year’s participating pilots rated ATLC very highly. Captain William Broman of the ‘Swamp Foxes’ concluded: “The UAE’s political and military commitment to ATLC is impressive. They have great leadership with the proper focus and a real vision for the future of the exercise.”

- See more at: http://www.arabianaerospace.aero/fi...-in-the-uae-s-skies.html#sthash.hzQjsD2P.dpuf
اخي سيف اقوی نسخه اف 15 SA
واقوی نسخه اف 16 بلوك60
السناريو كلاهما متجهين لبعض
من الذي يكتشف الاخر؟

يعتمد على قوة الرادارات وكشفها والاجراءات الالكترونية المضادة ECCM من الحرب الالكترونية ..

بما ان قوة الكشف والمدى وخصائص الحرب الالكترونية تعد من اكثر اسرار المقاتلات .. من الصعب جدا ( ان لم يكن مستحيلا ) معرفة من سينتصر في هذه المواجهة .
لاتستخفوا بالتوماكت ففي زمنها تعتبر طائرة عصرها مدى رادار الf-14 ب ٤٠٠ كيلو متر
ومسلحة بالافيونكس الذي مداه ١٥٠ كيلو متر ،،، هي فعلاً طائرة عصرها لا استغرب ان فازت على اضعف. نسخ
الf15 ولكنها لاتقارن بالنسخ الحديثة او التايفون او الرافال وغيرها ..
الTORNADO هزمت الف15 بالمناورات ............................ من يعتقذ ان هناك طائرة لا تهزم فهو واهم
لاتستخفوا بالتوماكت ففي زمنها تعتبر طائرة عصرها مدى رادار الf-14 ب ٤٠٠ كيلو متر
ومسلحة بالافيونكس الذي مداه ١٥٠ كيلو متر ،،، هي فعلاً طائرة عصرها لا استغرب ان فازت على اضعف. نسخ
الf15 ولكنها لاتقارن بالنسخ الحديثة او التايفون او الرافال وغيرها ..
للتوضيح صاروخ فينكس يبلغ مداه 180كم وليس 150كم
لاحظ كيف تؤدي المقاتلات امام الاف 15

هنا احد امهر طياري الاف16 فايبر يتحدث عن كيفية اداء الاف 16 امام الايجل ..

According to one of the more experienced of the U. S. Air Force Viper’s pilots, Lieutenant Colonel Philipe “Rico” Malebranche, the F-16 can do very well against the F-15. The F-16 is small, light and agile: although it has a lower maximum speed and rate of climb, it has a smaller Radar Cross Section and, once on the merge, it’s harder to spot. Furthermore, its turn rate is impressive: it does not lose much energy in turns (unlike, for instance, a Mirage 2000) and can outmaneuver the F-15 in low altitude dogfights.


ترجمة : الاف 16 تستطيع ان تؤدي بشكل ممتاز جدا بمواجهة الاف 15 .. الاف 16 اصغر , اخف وارشق . مع ان لديها سرعات قصوى ومعدل تسلق اقل , لكن لديها مقطع رادار عرضي اقل , وعندما تبرز , يكون من الصعب رصدها .

علاوة على هذا , فان معدل التفافها مذهل , انها لاتفقد الطاقة اثناء الالتفاف , بعكس الميراج2000 مثلا , ويكنها ان تتفوق في المناورة على الاف 15 في مواجهات الدوج فايت على الارتفاعات المنخفضة .


كذلك الحال بين الاف 16 والتايفون

During more or less a decade of service with the Italian Air Force, the F-16 has been extensively used to train Typhoon pilots in WVR engagements. According to the Italian pilots, the F-16 matches the F-2000 under 10,000 feet. But above FL100 the Typhoon becomes quite difficult to beat since its superior aerodynamics give the Eurofighter can out maneuver the Viper at every engagement.


في الارتفاعات المنخفضة ( تحت 10,000 قدم ) يمكن للاف 16 مضاهاة التايفون , ولكن فوق ارتفاع 10,000 قدم يصبح من الصعب هزيمتها حيث ان ايروديناميكيتها المتفوقة تجعلها تتغلب على الفايبر في كل اشتباك .


لماذا هذا الكلام !!

1- لنعطي اعتبارا اكثر لسيناريوهات الاشتباك ( الارتفاع , من هو الـAgressor ومن هو المدافع , ماهي الاسلحة المضافة , الخ..)

اجنحة الديلتا + الكنارد تعطي تفوقا بديهيا وثباتا عاليا على الارتفاعات العالية . فوق 10,000 قدم ( ومن هنا رجحت كفة التايفون في المثال اعلاه ,, وتبدع الرافال كتخصص في الارتفاعات العالية ) .. بينما ايروديناميكية الاف 16 تجعلها مبدعة وقاتلة على الارتفاعات ما تحت 10,000 قدم .

لحظة لحظة معدل التفافها مذهل مقارنه بالاف١٥ هههههههههههههههههه

كل خصائص الايقل في القتال القريب تكاد تتفوق على الاف١٦ خصوصا لو ركبنا لها خزانات الكتفية هنا تفقد الفالكون معظم مرونتها

بعدين ما حصلت الا طيار اف١٦

من شاهدك يابا الحصين قال ذنبي
اي طائرة ممكن ان تهزم لكن المهم نسبة الانتصارات التي حققتها ....الاف15 للان هي الافضل بغض النظر عن ظروف المعارك ..لكن هي اكثر طائرة اثبتت انها تحقق المطلوب منها لليوم ....والف15 طائرة لكل انواع القتال وليس فقط خلف مذى الرؤيا كما يتخيل البعض
اي طائرة ممكن ان تهزم لكن المهم نسبة الانتصارات التي حققتها ....الاف15 للان هي الافضل بغض النظر عن ظروف المعارك ..لكن هي اكثر طائرة اثبتت انها تحقق المطلوب منها لليوم ....والف15 طائرة لكل انواع القتال وليس فقط خلف مذى الرؤيا كما يتخيل البعض

يدخل دائما عامل مهم وهو الطيار المقاتل
لاننا لو امنا فقط بالمقاتله ستصبح مصيبه
لان هناك دول تعتمد اساسيا على مقاتلا شرقيه واخرى غربية ولكنها ليست الاف15
أنا كمصرى أتمنى وجودها ولكن ثقتى فى الله ثم الجندى المصرى ثم الاف16 كبيرة
مصر والاردن والجزائر والمغرب كده اسرائيل فوقهم وقادتهم يعرفوا (يبقوا مقصرين فى حق بلادهم)
ولكن كل مقاتله لها محاسنها وسيئاتها
ولكنى من محبى الاف15 للاسف خاصة النسخة الاسرائيليه للاسف ايضا
طبيعي جدا فهذا حال المناورات ( تختلف النتائج بحسب السيناريوهات .. الا انني اتحفظ على ما جاء باللون الاحمر ) .

ان كنت تقصد التمرين في نانسي ( تمرين Green Sheild لسنة 2014 ) فقد كانت النتيجة ( ان صح المصدر ) تعادل .



Two weeks into the exercise, the Saudis have grown into the Nancy environment and are giving the French a hard time. Camille Jolly, a weapons systems officer (‘wizzo’) from Nancy, flew against the Saudi pilots in the backseat of a Dassault Rafale B in the morning. “We were actually killed by them, but we did take out some of their aircraft too. I think the score was an equal 3-3.” According to Jolly the general goal of a Green Shield mission is to force a hole in air defenses by using offensive air, so that Mirage 2000D strike aircraft can move through to hit their targets.


امر يحسب للايجل بنسختها C ( ذات مقعد واحد ) ولكن خصمها آنذاك كانت الرافال بنسخة B ( ذات مقعدين ) والتي اظن انها مخصصة للتدريب في سلاح الجو الفرنسي :)



اتطلع لمقارعة الاف 15 SA ( خاصة انها مزودة بنظام الطيران بالسلك ) للرافال الاحدث F-3R وما سيتلوها من تطويرات مهمة .

انا ايضا اتطلع للقتال لكني اتوقع انه سيكون "DogFight" ماذا عن القتال خلف مدى الرؤية ..،،