إفتتاح خط جديد لصناعة مروحيات AgustaW في كل من الجزائر وليبيا ، تركيا،الصين ، الهند وروسيا

رد: إفتتاح خط جديد لصناعة مروحيات AgustaW في كل من الجزائر وليبيا ، تركيا،الصين ، الهند ور

مصدر آخر عن agusta

the algerian government, which has been fighting radical muslim groups for more than a
decade, is understood to have requested no public comment be made on the deal. The anglo-italian helicopters will become the mainstay of the algerian armed forces, which have previously relied on russian and french equipment. Part of the deal is an undertaking by agusta westland to help set up an assembly plant and training and support facilities in algeria. Some of the helicopters will be put together in the new plant, including about 25 of the merlins. Once the deal is completed, algeria will have the second-largest fleet of merlins in the world, behind the uk, which has 70. The other helicopters to be bought by algeria are understood to be the aw109 and aw139 models, smaller than the merlin and made in italy.

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