أولا تحياتى لك أستاذ نبي على إهتمامك بمتابعة أخبار سلاح الجو المصرى لكن كلامك به اخطاء وسأعطيك مثال لخطأ واحد للدلالة
بداية هل سلاح الجوى المصرى ملتزم بباقة معينة من التطويرات الامريكية يعنى لو قلنا مثلا ان تايوان فى صفقتها مع الولايات المتحدة رفعت مستوى f-16A/B وكلها أقل مستوى بكثير من المقاتلات المصرية بباقة تطويرات ضمت محرك جديد ورادار يفوق رادار الفالكون ديزرت(APG-80)غالبا سيكون رادار نورثروب SABR وبود لايتنج فى الغالب ومحرك برات أند ويتنى F100-PW-229
طبعا العرض الامريكى يضم حزمة تسليحية ضخمة وبرنامج تدريب وحاجات تانية كتير :celebrate14[1]:
- 176 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars;
- 176 Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial Navigation Systems;
- 176 ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management systems;
- upgrade 82 ALQ-184 Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) pods to incorporate Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) technology or purchase new ECM pods (AN/ALQ-211(V)9 Airborne Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites (AIDEWS) with DRFM, or AN/ALQ-131 pods with DRFM);
- 86 tactical data link terminals;
- upgrade 28 electro-optical infrared targeting Sharpshooter pods;
- 26 AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Targeting Systems or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems;
- 128 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems;
- 128 Night Vision Goggles;
- 140 AIM-9X SIDEWINDER Missiles; 56 AIM-9X Captive Air Training Missiles; 5 AIM-9X Telemetry kits;
- 16 GBU-31V1 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs) kits; 80 GBU-38 JDAM kits;
- Dual Mode/ Global Positioning System Laser-Guided Bombs (16 GBU-10 Enhanced PAVEWAY II or GBU-56 Laser JDAM, 80 GBU-12 Enhanced PAVEWAY II or GBU-54 Laser JDAM, 16 GBU-24 Enhanced PAVEWAY III);
- 64 CBU-105 Sensor Fused Weapons with Wind-Corrected Munition Dispensers (WDMD);
- 153 LAU-129 Launchers with missile interface;
- upgrade of 158 APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Combined Interrogator Transponders;
- and HAVE GLASS II applications.
Also included are: ammunition, alternate mission equipment, engineering and design study on replacing existing F100-PW-220 engines with F100-PW-229 engines, update of Modular Mission Computers, cockpit multifunction displays, communication equipment, Joint Mission Planning Systems, maintenance, construction, repair and return, aircraft tanker support, aircraft ferry services, aircraft and ground support equipment, spare and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support, test equipment, site surveys, and other related elements of logistics support.
The estimated cost is $5.3 billion.
- 176 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars;
- 176 Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial Navigation Systems;
- 176 ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management systems;
- upgrade 82 ALQ-184 Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) pods to incorporate Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) technology or purchase new ECM pods (AN/ALQ-211(V)9 Airborne Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites (AIDEWS) with DRFM, or AN/ALQ-131 pods with DRFM);
- 86 tactical data link terminals;
- upgrade 28 electro-optical infrared targeting Sharpshooter pods;
- 26 AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Targeting Systems or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Systems;
- 128 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems;
- 128 Night Vision Goggles;
- 140 AIM-9X SIDEWINDER Missiles; 56 AIM-9X Captive Air Training Missiles; 5 AIM-9X Telemetry kits;
- 16 GBU-31V1 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs) kits; 80 GBU-38 JDAM kits;
- Dual Mode/ Global Positioning System Laser-Guided Bombs (16 GBU-10 Enhanced PAVEWAY II or GBU-56 Laser JDAM, 80 GBU-12 Enhanced PAVEWAY II or GBU-54 Laser JDAM, 16 GBU-24 Enhanced PAVEWAY III);
- 64 CBU-105 Sensor Fused Weapons with Wind-Corrected Munition Dispensers (WDMD);
- 153 LAU-129 Launchers with missile interface;
- upgrade of 158 APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Combined Interrogator Transponders;
- and HAVE GLASS II applications.
Also included are: ammunition, alternate mission equipment, engineering and design study on replacing existing F100-PW-220 engines with F100-PW-229 engines, update of Modular Mission Computers, cockpit multifunction displays, communication equipment, Joint Mission Planning Systems, maintenance, construction, repair and return, aircraft tanker support, aircraft ferry services, aircraft and ground support equipment, spare and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support, test equipment, site surveys, and other related elements of logistics support.
The estimated cost is $5.3 billion.
تخيل يا أستاذ نبيل أن البلوك 20 العتيقة ستتفوق برادارها على الفالكون ديزرت وستملك نظام حماية إليكترونى يعادل Falcon Edge وبدون تعديلات فى الهيكل ولاتيتانيوم ولاخزانات كتفية
نعم يمكن رفع مستوى أسطولنا بمكونات أمريكية لنجعله أكثر قوة بكثير .
لكن السؤال هل نريد ذلك؟
مشكلة المنتديات أن كثير من الإخوة يجرفهم الحماس ويظن نفسه تحول من محب للثقافة العسكرية إلى خبير بل ويدرك مافات الخبراء حتى
سلاحنا الجوى المصرى بخبراءه أدرى بإحتياجاته ويسعى لها بدون الحاجة لنصيحة بعض الهواة
دورنا وإمكانات الهاوى تسمح له بمحاولة الإطلاع وفهم ما يدور (فى نطاق المعلن طبعا) وليس إبداء النصح ففى النهاية هو مجرد هاوى
عموما بارك الله فيك على مشاعرك الطيبة تجاه سلاحنا الجوى