فولفجانج لوتز .. الجاسوس الألمانى .. والصواريخ والأحصنة المصرية

يحي الشاعر

كبير المؤرخين العسكريين
عضو مميز
2 فبراير 2008
98 0 0
فولفجانج لوتز .. الجاسوس الألمانى ..
والصواريخ زبريد القنابل
والأحصنة المصرية

كمت وعدت ، فيما يلى ، القصة المنشورة عن الجاسوس الألمانى ولفجانج لوتز ... قبل النقل من الكتب ...

ولابد من الرجوع الى تعليق الأخ العزيز الدكتور رجب ..ففى سطوره قدر من الحقائق ...

وما نبغى .. كعادتنا .. ليس المهاجمة ، ولكن التمعن .. ومحاولة التقييم ... والتحليل والنقد البناء ...

ولقد ذكرت ما يلى فى سياق موضوعى


عمليات التخريب

طلب الموساد من فولفجانج لوتز تقريرا وافيا حول الصواريخ المصرية الجديدة.. وقام لوتز بالمهمة وسلم التقرير لايسير هاريل رئيس الموساد الذي سلمه بدوره لديفيد بن جوريون، وكتب لوتز في تقريره ان الرئيس عبدالناصر يسعي للحصول علي عدد كبير من الصواريخ يتيح له إطلاق وابل منها علي اسرائيل دفعة واحدة.


وفي مواجهة هذا الوضع، قررت أجهزة المخابرات الاسرائيلية تنفيذ عملية في مصر يطلق عليها اسم 'دامو كليس' وكان ذلك في سبتمبر .1962 وملخص هذه الخطة هو تدبير اغتيالات وتفجيرات ضد العلماء الألمان في مصر الذين كانوا يساعدون في عملية التصنيع العسكري المصرية ، ووفضلت إسرائيل على أن يوجهوا رسائل رسائل ملغومة الى العلماء الالمان في مصر وحددت الفترة بين أكتوبر " تشرين الثاني " 1962 و أبريل "آذار" 1963 للتخلص من هؤلاء الخبراء وإدخال الذعر فى نفس البقية من العلماء الألمان والنمساويين ، لأجبارهم على مغادرة مصر وبذلك يتم لأسرائيل التوصل الى إيقاف مشروعات مصر العسكرية .

ومن المعروف ، أن الاسرائيليون اول من لجأ الى استخدام الرسائل المفخخة الى بعض البريطانيين لاغتيال خصومهم فوجهوا رسائل ملغومة في 3/9/1947 مماثلة في لندن، انفجرت بهم..
وطبقا للمصادر الإسرائيلية فإنه في هذا الوقت بالذات ، قد أصبحت عمليات اغتيال الشخصيات مشروعا عسكريا متكاملا، لا يكون فيه اسم شخص واحد نبتت الحاجة إلى التخلص منه، ولكن قائمة طويلة عرفت باسم "البنك" توضع خطط اغتيالها والتجهيزات اللازمة لها حتى تصدر لجنة قرار شخص منها فتوضع الخطط موضع التنفيذ.

وهكذا تم ارسال خمسين خطاب تهديد لهؤلاء العلماء وبعد ذلك، بدأت شحنات الطرود الناسفة تنفجر ... ولكن ليس في العلماء الألمان.

فقد قتلت الرسائل الملغمة ، قتلت ستة علماء مصريين، وانفجرت احدى الرسائل الملغمة فى سكرتيرة رئيس فريق العلماء الألمان، وأصابتها بجروح في وجهها ويديها وأصيبت بالعمى الكلى ولم يصب الالمان يومذاك بأذى الرسائل الاسرائيلية الملغومة بين يدي الدكتور انيس الصايغ في 19/7/1972، فبترت له اصبعين، وذهبت ببعض سمعه وافقدته بعض بصره. وانفجرت رسالة اخرى بين يدي بسام ابو شريف في 25/9/
..... "

غادر جميع الخبراء الألمان والنمساويين مصر فى فترة قصيرة جدا ، مما سبب توقف المشاريع ... وعدم مواصلاتهم ..

طبعا كان هناك "بالنسبة للصواريخ" نقص فى أجهزة التوجيه الدقيق ، ولقد حدث ذلك كله فى أشد المراحل حساسية ... "المرحلة قبل النهائية .. أى " BASIC PRE-FINAL TESTS PHASE "

يحى الشاعر

المصدر ألآول

المصدر الثانى

المصدر الثالث

المصدر الرابع

التاريخ الاسود للموساد
[FONT=Arial (Arabic)]حرب الدهاء بين المخابرات المصرية وجواسيس الموساد

[FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)]بكل المعايير [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)]والمقاييس، فشل العدوان الثلاثي الذي شنته بريطانيا وفرنسا واسرائيل ضد مصر عام 1956 في تحقيق أهدافه.. والأكثر من ذلك، أن هذا العدوان تحول إلي كارثة دمرت مستقبل رئيس الوزراء البريطاني أنطوني إيدن ونظيره الفرنسي جي موليه.. وظهرت اسرائيل ربما لأول مرة امام العالم في صورتها الحقيقية كدولة توسعية معتدلة.. [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)][FONT=Arial (Arabic)]
وأصيب قادة اسرائيل من أمثال دي÷يد بن جوريون وموشي ديان وجولدامائير بالإحباط خاصة وأن جمال عبدالناصر خرج من هذا العدوان الثلاثي زعيما كبيرا للمنطقة العربية وربما لكل الشعوب التي تعاني من الاستعمار..


ووسط مناخ الإحباط الذي عاشته اسرائيل في ذلك الحين، إتفق الزعماء الصهاينة علي إحياء أكذوبة اضطهاد اليهود في الحرب العالمية الثانية من خلال شن حملة كبري ضد قادة النازي الهاربين في مختلف انحاء العالم.. وبمعني آخر، كانت اسرائيل تسعي لخوض معركة سهلة تستعيد فيها كرامتها المفقودة في حرب السويس.

وهكذا، اختار زعماء الموساد هدفا سهلا يتمثل في بعض الضباط النازيين الهاربين وجرت مطاردة هؤلاء الضباط وسط حملة دعائية كبري صورت هذه المطاردة التي قام بها عملاء الموساد علي أنها عمل بطولي تفخر به اسرائيل..

في ذلك الحين كان رئيس الموساد هو أيسير هاريل الذي اختار قائدا ألمانيا سابقا هو أدولف أيخمان ليكون هدفا لأكبر عملية نفذتها المخابرات الاسرائيلية في حملتها ضد قادة النازي الهاربين..
كان أنجمان يوصف بأنه الوحش الذي أشرف علي أفران الغاز حيث يزعم الصهاينة أن ملايين اليهود أحرقوا داخلها وهم أحياء..

وقد هرب أيخمان الي الأرجنتين بعد إنتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية وحاول الحياة متنكرا للهروب من ماضيه النازي. وعندما وصلت معلومات إلي رئيس الموساد حول وجود أيخمان في الأرجنتين وضع خطة تحقق لجهاز المخابرات الاسرائيلي شهرة عالمية وفي نفس الوقت تلفت الانظار بعيدا عن الدور الاسرائيلي القذر في العدوان الثلاثي وتعمق عقدة الذنب لدي العالم تجاه اليهود بسبب أسطورة المذابح النازية أو الهولوكوست..

وعلي الفور، قرر أيسير هاريل رئيس الموساد تشكيل فرقة خاصة تضم 11 رجلا وامرأة من عملاء الموساد لإختطاف أيخمان إلي اسرائيل..

وكانت التعليمات الصادرة لهؤلاء العملاء تقضي بعدم قتل أدولف أيخمان تحت أي ظرف من الظروف وأهمية أن تتم هذه العملية في الارجنتين دون علم السلطات الأرجنتينية..

وسافر رئيس الموساد بنفسه الي الأرجنتين لترتيب عملية اختطاف أيخمان علي متني طائرة ركاب تابعة لخطوط الطيران الاسرائيلية (العال).

وإختار رئيس الموساد يوم الاحتفال بعيد الاستقلال في الأرجنتين للقيام بهذه العملية علي أساس أن الطائرة ستتوجه إلي هناك لإحضار أبا ايبان وزير خارجية اسرائيل بعد مشاركته في هذا الاحتفال..

وبالفعل تم تهريب أيخمان إلي الطائرة التي حملته الي تل أبيب.. وبعد ذلك، تفجرت حملة إعلامية كبري جعلت عملية اختطاف أيخمان تبدو في صورة انتصار تاريخي للموساد.

ووصلت الأمور إلي حد أن رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بن جوريون ألقي خطابا أمام الكنيست في مايو 1960 قال فيه:

'يسعدني أن أعلن نجاح أجهزة الأمن الاسرائيلية في القبض علي أحد عتاة المجرمين النازيين وهو أدولف أيخمان الذي يتحمل مع غيره من قادة النازي مسئولية الحل النهائي للمشكلة اليهودية عن طريق ابادة ستة ملايين يهودي، وسوف يتم تقديمه للمحاكمة وفقا للقانون الاسرائيلي.

وأصدرت المحكمة الاسرائيلية حكمها باعدام أيخمان وتم تنفيذ حكم الاعدام شنقا..

والغريب أن الصهاينة والاسرائيليين واليهود اعتبروا إعدام أيخمان مسألة أخلاقية رغم الانتقادات التي أعرب عنها الكثيرون إزاء العديد من النقاط الهامة في هذه القضية..

ومن أبرز هذه النقاط أن أيخمان كان رجلا عجوزا طاعنا في السن وقد إختطفه عملاء الموساد وتم تقديمه للمحاكمة بعد حوالي ربع قرن من الجرائم المنسوبة اليه.

كما انتهكت المخابرات الاسرائيلية سيادة دولة المفروض أنها صديقة لاسرائيل هي الأرجنتين دون علم السلطات الأرجنتينية

وفي ذلك خرق واضح للأعراف والتقاليد وللقانون الدولي.

حرب الجواسيس

وقد كان الألمان طرفا في حرب الدهاء بين المخابرات المصرية والاسرائيلية.. وحدث ذلك بالتحديد في واقعة العلماء الألمان الذين حضروا إلي مصر للمشاركة في دعم برنامج التسلح المصري وخاصة في مجال الصواريخ..

فبعد انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية، عمل الكثيرون من الضباط والعلماء الألمان مع الأمريكيين والسو÷ييت وتوجه بعضهم ايضا إلي مصر التي كانت اسرائيل تعتبرها مصدر التهديد الرئيسي للدولة اليهودية.
وإتفق قادة الموساد علي ضرورة ارسال جاسوس ألماني إلي مصر يعيش وسط هؤلاء العلماء وينقل تفاصيل مهمتهم مع المصريين.. ووقع الاختيار علي ضابط سابق يدعي فولفجانج لوتز وكانت أمه ممثلة يهودية تزوجت من ألماني يعمل مديرا لأحد المسارح ثم هربت من ألمانيا إلي فلسطين عام 1933 والتحق ابنها بالجيش البريطاني في الشرق الأوسط وحصل علي رتبة ضابط.. ونظرا لإجادته اللغة الألمانية فقد تم تكليفه بالتحقيق مع الأسري الألمان من قوات الجنرال روميل ثعلب الصحراء بعد هزيمته في معركة العلمين أمام الجنرال البريطاني مونتجومري.

والتحق فولفجانج لوتز بعد ذلك بعصابات الهاجاناه 'جيش اسرائيل السري' ووصل إلي رتبة ميجور في جهاز مخابرات وزارة الدفاع الاسرائيلية.

وبسبب ملامحه الالمانية الأرية، لفت فولفجانج لوتز أنظار المسئولين في المخابرات العسكرية الاسرائيلية الذين فكروا في الاستفادة منه كجاسوس بين المهندسين والعلماء الألمان في مصر..

وتم وضع الخطة الخاصة بمهمة لوتز وهي التخفي في صورة ضابط سابق بالجيش النازي 'السفيرماخت' خاصة في ضوء خبراته التي اكتسبها أثناء التحقيق مع جنود وضباط الفرقة 115 التابعة للجنرال روميل والذين وقعوا في أسر القوات البريطانية أثناء معركة العلمين..

وتظاهر لوتز بأنه خدم مع هذه الفرقة أثناء الحرب وتم تزويده بوثائق وأوراق رسمية تثبت أنه ضابط ألماني سابق والأكثر من ذلك أنه تزوج من سيدة ألمانية تدعي فولدروت نيومان.. كل ذلك بسبب الرغبة في إخفاء هويته اليهودية وعلاقته باسرائيل..

وإستغل الموساد أساليب الإبتزاز والإرهاب لإجبار المسئولين الألمان علي التعاون معهم.. وتم تدريب الجاسوس لوتز في مؤسسة تابعة للمخابرات الألمانية بأقليم با÷اريا.. وفي النهاية، سافر إلي مصر متنكرا في شخصية ألماني يتحدث اللغة العربية واستأجر ÷يلا فاخرة في ضاحية مصر الجديدة وتظاهر بأنه من هواة تربية الخيول العربية وإنضم لعضوية نادي الفروسية في الجزيرة..

ومن هذا الموقع، استطاع ÷ول÷جانج لوتز الدخول في صداقات عديدة مع هواة الخيول المصريين والأجانب ورحب به الألمان الذين يقيمون في مصر.. وكان ينفق عليهم بسخاء ويقيم لهم الحفلات من أموال المخابرات الاسرائيلية..

ونظرا لخبراته الهائلة في المجال العسكري، استطاع لوتز أن يزود الموساد بمعلومات خطيرة عن برامج الصواريخ المصرية.

وفي شهر يوليو عام 1962، أطلقت مصر أربعة صواريخ للتجارب أحدها مداه يتجاوز 175 ميلا وتستطيع الصواريخ الأخري الطيران لمسافة 350 ميلا وأعلن الرئيس جمال عبدالناصر أنه يستطيع تدمير أي هدف جنوبي بيروت مما أدي لاثارة الذعر في اسرائيل..

عمليات التخريب

وطلب الموساد من فولفجانج لوتز تقريرا وافيا حول الصواريخ المصرية الجديدة.. وقام لوتز بالمهمة وسلم التقرير لايسير هاريل رئيس الموساد الذي سلمه بدوره لديفيد بن جوريون، وكتب لوتز في تقريره ان الرئيس عبدالناصر يسعي للحصول علي عدد كبير من الصواريخ يتيح له إطلاق وابل منها علي اسرائيل دفعة واحدة.

وفي مواجهة هذا الوضع، قررت أجهزة المخابرات الاسرائيلية تنفيذ عملية في مصر يطلق عليها اسم 'دامو كليس' وكان ذلك في سبتمبر .1962 وملخص هذه الخطة هو تدبير اغتيالات وتفجيرات ضد العلماء الألمان في مصر.. وتم ارسال خمسين خطاب تهديد لهؤلاء العلماء وبعد ذلك، بدأت شحنات الطرود الناسفة تنفجر في العلماء الألمان.

وكان المسئولون الاسرائيليون من أمثال ديفيد بن جوريون وجولدامائير حريصون علي ألا تؤدي هذه العمليات إلي إثارة أي أزمة مع ألمانيا التي كانت تقدم مساعدات رهيبة لاسرائيل في إطار ما يسمي بالتعويضات عن مذابح النازي ضد اليهود..

أما قادة الموساد وخاصة ايسير هاريل فكانوا يرون ان هناك مؤامرة ألمانية ضد اسرائيل.. وفي النهاية حدث صدام بين دي÷يد بن جوريون وهاريل حول هذه النقطة خاصة وأن المخابرات سربت بعض التقارير للصحف حول هذه المؤامرة الألمانية المزعومة لدعم مصر عسكريا مما أدي إلي اثارة حالة من الذعر في اسرائيل.. ووصلت الأمور إلي حد استقالة رئيس الموساد من منصبه ولكن بن جوريون رفض هذه الإستقالة وطلب منه تقريرا كاملا عن كل شكوكه بشأن الدور الألماني في دعم برنامج التسلح المصري بشرط أن تكون معلوماته حقيقية ومؤثقة ولاتقوم علي الأقاويل والشائعات..

وبعد هذا التوبيخ من جانب رئيس الوزراء تمسك رئيس الموساد باستقالته قائلا انه ليس بمقدوره البقاء في منصبه بعد هذا الخلاف العميق مع رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي.

حتي ذلك الحين، كان الجاسوس ÷ولفجانج لوتز مازال يمارس عمله السري في مصر وهو يشعر بأنه في أمان تام لدرجة جعلته يتجاوز كل حدود الحيطة والحذر..

وعندما حصلت مصر علي بعض الأجهزة الإلكترونية المتقدمة من الاتحاد السوفييتي، تمكنت المخابرات المصرية من رصد رسائل الراديو التي كان لوتز يبعث بها لاسرائيل وتم القاء القبض عليه في شهر يوليو 1965 وقدم للمحاكمة حيث صدر الحكم بأدانته وسجنه مدي الحياة.

وقضي ÷لوفجانج لوتز عامين في السجن وتم الافراج عنه بعد ذلك في إطار صفقة لتبادل أسري حرب يونيو 67 وعاد إلي اسرائيل مع زوجته الألمانية وحاول اقامة مدرسة للفروسية وركوب الخيل قرب تل أبيب ولكن هذا المشروع باء بالفشل.. فهاجر إلي الولايات المتحدة لاقامة بعض المشروعات الاستثمارية ولكنها لم تنجح ايضا فتوجه إلي ألمانيا عام 1978 وقدمت له المخابرات الاسرائيلية ألف دولار ومعاش شهري لاتتجاوز قيمته 200 دولار ما اضطره للعمل في وظيفة حقيرة كحارس في أحد المخازن وعاش لوتز حياة صعبة في سنواته الأخيرة حتي مات وحيدا فقيرا بائسا رغم كل الخدمات التي قدمها للموساد
فيما يلي ما ينشره الأسرائيليين عن الجاسوس لوتز



Wolfgang Lotz


By Doron Geller

Wolfgang Lotz was born in Germany in 1921. His father was a non-Jewish theater director and his mother an actress. Neither of them felt any closeness to their respective religions - so much so that Wolfgang's mother did not even have her son circumcised. This turned out to work to his advantage in his career as a spy.
Wolfgang's parents divorced in 1931, and in 1933, with Hitler's accession to power, his mother emigrated to Palestine, taking her son Wolfgang with her. His mother got involved in the acting scene in Tel-Aviv, while Wolfgang attended the Ben-Shemen agricultural school. He changed his name to Ze'ev Gur-Aryeh, Ze'ev being the Hebrew word for "wolf" - as in Wolfgang. He became an "expert equestrian and horsetrainer." A few years later, before he was 15, Wolfgang joined the Haganah. "His duties included guarding the armored bus that provided the only means of getting to Ben-Shemen, which was surrounded by increasingly hostile Arab villages and towns. He also had to do horse-back guard patrol around the school itself."
In 1939, World War II broke out. Wolfgang Lotz, being fluent in German and English, as well as Hebrew and Arabic, was a great asset to the British Army. He volunteered and was sent to Egypt, where he remained throughout the war. His main work consisted of the interrogation of German prisoners of war - where his own command of the German language was very useful.
Soon after his return to Palestine, he became involved with arms smuggling for the Haganah. When the state of Israel was declared in May 1948, Lotz served as a lieutenant in the Israel Defense Forces, taking part in some of the fiercest fighting in the Latrun area. He stayed in the army after the war, and in 1956, as a major, he commanded an infantry brigade in the Sinai/Suez campaign.
Sometime after the Sinai Campaign of 1956, the Mossad approached Lotz about working for them. He did not look Israeli. As he recalled, "I was blond, stocky and…a hard drinker and the very epitome of an ex-German officer." He was also blue-eyed, and with his native German, he could be a superb undercover agent. He was also known to be courageous and ready to risk his life. What was more, he had an extrovert nature "and a superb acting ability inherited from his mother. And because he was not circumcised, he would find it easier than most to pass, if necessary, as a non-Jew."
He was almost 35 and did not see a great future for himself in the army. He was aware of the "intensive and exhausting" nature of Mossad training, but accepted the challenge eagerly. He was asked to convince others that not only was he not Jewish, but that he was an ex-Nazi. To build a cover story, he was sent to West Germany. He was "to play the part of a German businessman who had served in Hitler's Army in North Africa and then had spent eleven years in Australia breeding racehorses." All of this effort was preliminary to placing him in Egypt, where he was to infiltrate the coterie of ex-Nazis living and working there.
Lotz underwent intensive training in the art of espionage for several months, and took courses in Egyptian history, politics and culture. "As early as 1957 the decision had been made to send him there (to Egypt) so he could collect information on the Soviet arms being supplied to Nasser's government." But there was another reason the Mossad wanted a top agent in Egypt. "An increasing number of reports (were) coming in about the growing influence of German advisers who had been invited to the country by Nasser. Many of them were former Nazis. Scientists, engineers, doctors, police experts - they had come to occupy a central place in the running of the country." The Mossad was especially worried about German scientists working on an Egyptian rocket. The Mossad wanted more information, and Lotz was to provide it.
In November 1959 Lotz was sent to Germany. After a year of moving from place to place, in order to make it difficult to trace, it was decided to send him to Egypt. He arrived in December 1960 or January 1961. He quickly set about making contacts. He went to horse riding clubs, and he soon found which one was often frequented by Egyptian Army officers. Lotz met Youssef Ali Gahourab, the Chief of Egyptian police. Introducing himself as a horse breeder, the two soon developed a real rapport and friendship.
Soon word spread of the rich German who had arrived among the Egyptian elite. "Within days Lotz was being deluged with invitations to dinner parties, cocktail parties, swimming parties. Wealthy horse-fanciers were asking his advice. Police chief Gharoub made arrangements with him to go riding daily."
Nor did Lotz skimp on his own show of generosity. "He entertained often and lavishly, carefully noting the titles and military ranks of the acquaintances he made." He bought horses of his own and stabled them at the Cavalry Club.
After six months Lotz returned to Europe to report to his superiors in the Mossad. They were very pleased with his work. As Eli Cohen was called "Our man in Damascus", Lotz was called "The Eye of Tel Aviv in Cairo."
Lotz prepared to go back to Egypt with a large sum of money and a radio transmitter to secretly keep in contact and communicate with Israel. But before he did, something very strange indeed - for a spy in his situation - arose. Lotz was already married to a woman in Israel. His marriage was not going well, but he remained married. Nevertheless that did not stop him form entering into a complicated love affair. On a train from Paris in June 1961, Lotz, in his own words, met "'a tall, extremely pretty, blue-eyed blonde with the curvaceous figure I always have a weakness for.'" Her name was Waltraud Martha Neumann, a refugee from East Germany living in America. She was visiting her parents in Germany.
Two weeks later they were married. "It is almost inconceivable that a trained and otherwise reliable agent would do such a thing, but Lotz said he did not consult his Israeli controllers and simply took his bride to Cairo." He insisted on taking her with him, which seriously compromised him as an agent. "To make matters worse Lotz told her at the outset that he was a spy for Israel. If he should be captured in Egypt, her complicity would weaken his ability to resist the brutal torture he was certain to undergo." On the other hand Israel needed and wanted him in Cairo. He had proven himself as an invaluable agent. Mossad Chief Isser Harel gave the go-ahead to continue with the operation.
There were other unconfirmed reports that Waltraud was actually just part of his cover story, and that the BND, the West German Intelligence Agency, assigned Waltraud to work with Lotz as part of their clandestine cooperation with Israel.
Whatever the truth, their love was real. And when he told her he was spying for Israel, she agreed to help him enthusiastically.
Lotz returned to Egypt in the summer of 1961, with Waltraud following a few weeks later. Egyptian police chief Gahourab was there to meet him and drove him personally to Cairo, "where a lavish party was thrown in his honor." Despite the party, Lotz made his first transmission to Tel-Aviv.
Lotz had a virtually limitless spending account, and he used it to buy presents for friends in high places, to throw parties, and to buy horses and stables for the riding school he would open. Wolfgang and his wife enjoyed themselves immensely. During the day they rode with friends, and their active social life led to more and more contacts with people in high places. They established good relations with Brigadier General Fouad Osman and Colonel Mohse Said, key figures in Egyptian Military intelligence. Osman was head of security for rocket bases and military factories, and thus was responsible "for protecting exactly those installations that Lotz wanted to find out about." One of Nasser's closest advisers, Hussein El-Shafei, "often told Wolfgang of important state decisions before most government officials knew about them."
Lotz also became very close to many Germans and former Nazis living in Cairo. He even became genuinely friendly with one couple. Another friend was Gerhard Bauch, who claimed to be a former Nazi officer, but was suspected of leading a more surreptitious life. General Fouad Osman told Lotz one day; "That man Bauch is always hanging around listening to every word you say. Be careful. Officially he is here as an industrialist, but we know he is a spy for the Bonn government. We allow him to operate freely, as president Nasser wants good relations with the Germans…we also know that the information Bauch gets here is passed on to the CIA. As you are a German he may try to exploit your position here. Forgive me for saying so, but you are a little naive about the dirty business of espionage. I thought I had better warn you."
Rather amusing words, being told to the foremost Israeli spy operating in Egypt at the time. Wolfgang thanked his friend and promised to be more careful.
Lotz, however, did keep up his pretense, and even succeeded in establishing his reputation as a rabid anti-Semite - which only made him more acceptable to former Nazis and high Egyptian officials alike. He infiltrated the most secretive circles of the SS, as distasteful as it was to befriend these men.
His friendships with key military figures proved invaluable. He was able to visit even "closely guarded, top-secret bases near the Suez Canal. He and Waltraud were allowed access to airports where the Egyptians stationed their newly arrived Migs, and took photographs of the aircraft at close range with their pilots standing proudly by." Arms depots, air hangars, communication centers - all were open to him. At one point Israel wanted to find out more about the Russian Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) base being built near the Suez Canal City of Ismailia. It was absolutely off limits to people like him. But he went ahead and when arrested, he protested he had no idea where he was and if there were any problems, the military base commander could call Youssef Gahourab and Fouad Osman. The commander did so, and they indeed got Lotz off the hook.
The Egyptians boasted to Lotz about the clever way they mixed real fighter planes in with dummies on the airfields in order to confuse the Israeli Air Force. Lotz dutifully complimented them on their ingenuity and reported all of this to Tel-Aviv.
In the early 1960's Mossad Chief Isser Harel was very concerned by the danger of German scientists working in Egypt to develop their surface to surface rocket missile program. There was a perceived danger of the missiles reaching Israeli cities. Therefore, Harel pressed Lotz for more information on the development of the project.
Until then Lotz had given then Mossad very little information on the German scientists working in Egypt. But within six weeks Lotz "was back in Paris with a full list of every single German scientist living in Cairo. He had their Cairo addresses and the locations of their families in Germany and Austria. Through high-placed sources he had gained exact details of the exact role which each man played in the Egyptian armaments factories." From Lotz, the Israelis learned to their satisfaction that the Egyptians were having great difficulty in "finding a reliable guidance system."
Lotz maintained his horse breeding and horseracing charade, so much so that he even built his own riding establishment, "complete with miniature race track, stables, paddocks and a training ring." His friends came in droves to watch and admire his creation, which was just as he wanted; the more champagne flowed, the more his high-ranking friends divulged military and state secrets.
Lotz contributed to the Mossad campaign of threatening German scientists working in Egypt, mainly by writing threatening letters. One of them read; "We are writing to tell you that your name now appears on our black list of German scientists employed in Egypt. We would like to think that you care for the safety of your wife, Elizabeth, and your two children, Niels and Trudi. It would be in your interest to cease working for the Egyptian military."
Things were working fine for Wolfgang Lotz for a number of years until certain changes took place in Egyptian foreign policy in the autumn of 1964. The Egyptians had been dependent on Soviet military and economic aid since the mid 1950's. The Soviets used this leverage to pressure Nasser into inviting East German President Walter Ulbricht to come to Cairo. The West German Government protested, but Nasser felt he had to accede to Soviet wishes. So in the winter of 1965 he indeed invited the East German president. What was more, the Soviets had been complaining that the West German intelligence service, Gehlen, was working with the CIA against the Soviets.
Nasser decided to cooperate with the Soviets and show the West Germans that he couldn't be pressured in one move. He thus "ordered the arrest of some thirty West Germans living in Cairo." Wolfgang Lotz, his wife Waltraud, and Waltraud's parents, who had come to Egypt for a visit, were all arrested.
The Egyptians told the German ambassador that the arrests were purely a matter of form, and that they would all be released after the East German President left. But Wolfgang Lotz had no way of knowing this. He assumed that the Egyptians had found out about his spying activities. His first consideration, as the Mossad had feared from the start, was for Waltraud - and now her parents who were visiting as well. Lotz decided to cooperate fully with the Egyptians, who hadn't suspected a thing.
When they began to interrogate Lotz as a matter of routine, he volunteered to his stunned and unsuspecting interlocutor all they wanted to know. If the Egyptian interrogator had shown surprise, Lotz might have caught on, but the Egyptian didn't betray his astonishment. He merely told Lotz: "'I want to know where you hide your espionage equipment.'" He was just catching on to the meaning of Lotz' words, but he continued on with aplomb and presence of mind: "'We know everything. So as to avoid wasting time - mine and yours - it would be best if you confessed fully right here and now.'"
Lotz told him that he would "find the security transmitter in the bathroom." He went on tell him that in bars of soap they would find explosives and microfilm. They found over $75,000 in various caches.
But Wolfgang Lotz' acting ability and cool enabled him to keep much from his Egyptian interlocutors. He stuck to his cover story that he was a German, had been educated in Germany, and when World War II broke out he had joined the Afrika Corps. There, he said, he learned the equestrian art.
Following the war he went to Australia for 11 years before returning to Germany. He claimed that at a riding club he got an offer to breed horses and open his own riding establishment in Egypt. Only later, he said, did he understand that the Israelis had led him into a trap. He explained that he always dreamed of a horse farm and racetrack, and the price was to transmit information to Israel. "'I am a weak man'" he told them. "'I agreed right away. I did not even hesitate. I feared, at the time, that if I backed out my life would be in danger. The Israelis were ruthless and arrogant like all Jews. I thought it safest to follow their suggestions.'" He went on to warn the Egyptians: "Never have anything to do with them (the Israelis)."
The Egyptians seemed to accept his story of a rather slow ex-German soldier. But they checked to see if he was circumcised to make sure he was not a Jew. As we recall, he was not circumcised.
The Egyptians asked him for all of his contacts - who had trained him, where he had been trained, etc.
After days of this he convinced Egyptian Intelligence that Waltraud's parents were uninvolved. But they did not believe that Waltraud herself was innocent.
Lotz pretended to cooperate fully by volunteering all kinds of information - but his information was only partially true. The Egyptians believed he was a German spying for Israel but of course he was really an Israeli. He even made a televised broadcast to the German people urging anyone who considered spying on behalf of Israel not to do so, and expressed remorse for his own actions.
The Egyptians were thrilled with the propaganda - but the Israelis were even happier. Lotz' cover was obviously still not blown.
Just as the Egyptian-Jewish spies in the Operation Susannah fiasco received a trial, so did Wolfgang Lotz and his wife Waltraud. The Mossad secretly arranged for Lotz to have a German defense lawyer and an observer from Germany was even present.
Lotz continued to use his expert mix of truth and deception to convince the Egyptians that he was really a German. They believed him. There was a scare when a letter came from Germany, from a German lawyer representing victims of the Israeli threatening letter campaign. The lawyer accurately reported that Lotz' mother was Jewish and that he had emigrated to Palestine in the early 1930's, and that he had even served in the Israeli Army. But Lotz swore the information was false and the court still believed him.
On August 21, 1965, Wolfgang Lotz was sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor. Waltraud was sentenced to three years.
But Wolfgang was never forced to do hard labor. He won over the guards and befriended the other Israeli spies we learned about a number of weeks ago - Robert Dassa, Victor Levy, and Philip Nathanson. Lotz was even permitted to see his wife Waltraud now and then. Waltraud herself had become friends with Marcelle Ninio in the Women's prison.
At first Lotz did not reveal that he was an Israeli to his fellow Israeli spies. With time he did, and they became even more closely knit.
Months after the 1967 War, in the winter of 1968, Lotz, Waltraud, and the other Israeli spies were released in a spy exchange with Egypt.
Lotz returned to live in Israel. He went into various business ventures that never really worked out. But although never well known, Wolfgang Lotz deserves to be remembered for the tremendous contribution he made to Israeli security prior to the Six Day War, and for the presence of mind to fool his interrogators and jailers about his true identity as not only an Israeli spy, which they knew him to be, but as a citizen of Israel.

وتكتب صحيفة ها آريتز ما يلي

Double dad
By Yossi Melman
At 9 A.M. on February 27, 1965, Oded Gur-Arie left his home on Pierre Guerin Street in the Sixteenth Arrondissement of Paris. As he did every Saturday, he walked the 150 or so meters to the local kiosk to buy the International Herald Tribune. "I took the paper and started to walk home," Gur-Arie recalls, "and as always, I glanced at the main headline." The headline reported that six West Germans had disappeared in Egypt, among them Wolfgang Lotz and his wife, Waltraud. Gur-Arie, who was then 15, was Lotz's son. The headline knocked him for a double loop. First, "because I knew Dad was a spy and it was obvious to me that he hadn't 'disappeared,' but had been caught by the Egyptians. I was sure they would discover that he was an Israeli, and that would be the end of the story."


Gur-Arie: "That they would kill him."

The second shock came, he says, "when I asked myself who this Waltraud was. His wife? My mother was his wife! How could he have another wife? And what was I going to tell my mother in a few minutes? I understood that the story was getting complicated."

For 42 years Gur-Arie kept to himself the complications he encountered in his formative years. He never spoke publicly about what he went through. The story of his father, Wolfgang Lotz - he Hebraized his name to Ze'ev Gur-Arie - who was an Israeli spy in Egypt, has been told many times. Lotz himself wrote a book about it. The story of "the champagne spy" and "the spy on the horse," as he was dubbed, became one of the legends of the Israeli intelligence community. But now the story is being told from a completely different angle - from the viewpoint of the spy's teenage son - and the result is less than flattering to both the memory of the famous spy and to his handlers in the Mossad espionage agency. Oded Gur-Arie goes public on these pages and is interviewed for the first time about his suffering and about how his father betrayed him and his mother.

Gur-Arie, a professor of business administration and a businessman who lives in the United States, agreed to cooperate with Nadav Schirman, director of the film "The Champagne Spy," which will be screened in competition at DocAviv, the Ninth Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival, on March 17 and again on the 24th. In the film, and in this interview, Gur-Arie reveals his feelings as an adolescent who finds out from a newspaper not only that his father faces possible execution for spying, but that he is leading a double life in his personal relations as well.

It was not the typical double life that characterizes the shadowy world of espionage. Of course, Lotz had to conceal his true identity from the Egyptians in order to work as a spy. But contrary to all his instructions and to all accepted practice, he duped his handlers in the Mossad and he duped his family. He hid from his son and from his legal wife the fact that he had married another woman, too. While his son, Oded, and his wife, Rivka, were living in Paris, blindly worshiping the father-husband who was risking his life in Cairo in the service of Israel, Lotz established a parallel family with Waltraud, a young German woman. He also deceived her by not revealing that he was married and had a son.

Which of the two items you read in the newspaper that day was harder to digest: the arrest or the betrayal of you and your mother?

"I didn't compare them. Both items struck me simultaneously with the same intensity. I went upstairs and into the apartment. I told my mother that Dad had disappeared in Cairo. She grabbed the paper and read the report quickly. She remained unruffled and went to the phone. She called our liaison in the Mossad, Aryeh Sivan.

"Apparently because it was Shabbat, the Mossad people hadn't woken up that morning," he remarks caustically. "At that moment they didn't know that Dad had been arrested. I imagine that within minutes all the Mossad agents in Europe rushed out to buy the Herald Tribune in order to be updated. The fact that the Mossad didn't know that Dad had been caught and that they heard it from my mother, who heard it from me after I had read about it in the paper, was another breaking point for me. Dad had instilled tremendous confidence in me and in Mom. He gave us the feeling that he knew everything, that he would always know how to get by and that we needn't worry. And also that behind him was an organization and a system that knew what they were doing and would look after him should the need arise. Until then I was certain that the Mossad was omnipotent, that they had resources and that they always knew everything. As a youngster, the events came as a great disappointment to me."

Cover story

Oded Gur-Arie was born in 1949 in Jerusalem and attended school in Givatayim. In 1960 he and his family moved to Paris. For reasons of operational and family convenience, the French capital was chosen as Lotz's operational base. The Mossad's European headquarters were in Paris, and it was from there that Wolfgang Lotz set out for and returned from his missions in Egypt; it was there that he met his handlers for debriefings and spent his vacations with his family.

Lotz was born in Berlin in 1921. His father, a theater manager, was not Jewish and did not have his son circumcised, a fact that would later aid him in his work. When Lotz was two years old, his father committed suicide, leaving his Jewish wife Lena, an actress, to raise their son alone. After the Nazis came to power, in January 1933, mother and son immigrated to Palestine. Lotz went to school in the Ben Shemen Youth Village, served in the British police force, and in World War II volunteered for service in the British Army. Taking advantage of his fluency in German, the British assigned him to an intelligence unit in Egypt to interrogate prisoners of war.

His participation in the interrogation of German soldiers who were taken captive in the Western Desert campaign would later help Lotz create a credible cover story for his espionage mission. During his military service in Egypt he became fluent in English and also learned a little Arabic. Later on he transferred to the Jewish Brigade and was awarded the rank of sergeant major.

During his service in Egypt, Lotz met Rivka Merkes, a switchboard operator at British Army headquarters in Cairo. The two became a couple and in 1946, after returning to Palestine, they were married. They settled in Haifa, where she worked in the customs department and he at the oil refineries. Lotz fought in the War of Independence and afterward served as an infantry officer in the Golani Brigade. Oded was born in August 1949. In 1952, Lotz Hebraized his name to Ze'ev Gur-Arie, after his brother-in-law, Arie, an intelligence officer, who was killed in action. (Ze'ev is Hebrew for wolf.)

Lotz left the army in 1958 with the rank of captain. The family was now living in Jaffa, where Lotz opened a book publishing and distribution company together with the writer and translator Eliezer Carmi. However, the business floundered. Lotz couldn't find a direction in life. The family's anchor was Rivka. "Mother worked all along, first in the Lapidot Company and then as a switchboard operator at Haaretz," Gur-Arie relates.

At one point, Lotz offered his services to the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) Intelligence Department (the forerunner of Military Intelligence, or MI). A Shin Bet security agent, who interviewed him in this regard, wrote that Lotz "is interested in work that will give him satisfaction for a year or two in a target country." Another recommendation came from Avraham (Avrum) Shalom, at the time a member of the Shin Bet's operations unit (which was then also run by the Mossad) and later the head of the Shin Bet. Shalom's wife was a relative of Lotz.

"Avrum's recommendation was qualified," Gur-Arie relates. "He thought that Dad was not suited for long-term intelligence activity. He went through interviews and a few tests, and was hired."

'Sense of family'

In the Mossad he was known affectionately as "Wolfie" and codenamed "Shimshon" (Samson). He underwent a battery of tests, or "stations" - psychological, psychiatric, graphological - and field operations. One of the testers wrote: "Seems to have poor ability to withstand torture ... Self-loving type and looks after himself too much to be able to stand up to suffering. Vulnerable to pain and threats ... Problems in overcoming passion for women and wine."

However, the other opinions were favorable, and Lotz was accepted for the mission. "He had nerves of steel," his handler, Yaakov Nahmias, says in the film. "He was capable of looking the Angel of Death in the eye and drinking a toast with him."

Lotz became a "warning agent" - one who infiltrates a target country for a lengthy period. His mission: to achieve a status that would enable him to obtain information and warn about the host country's intentions to go to war with Israel. He was schooled in the art of spying in a villa in Ramat Chen by Moti Kfir, afterward the head of the Mossad's training department. Kfir taught him the basics of intelligence: how to carry out and how to evade surveillance, use of codes, communications, preparation of reports and so forth.

Lotz was assigned to Unit 131, a top-secret unit that operated deep-cover agents in the target countries - Egypt, Syria and Jordan - that posed a war threat. The unit, under the command of Yoske Yariv, was then part of MI. In 1963, when Lotz was already active in Egypt, Unit 131 became part of the Mossad. The background to this development was the replacement of Mossad head Isser Harel by MI director Meir Amit. Amit brought in his people, including Unit 131, which in the Mossad was codenamed "Caesarea" and became the espionage agency's flagship unit. Its agents - Israeli and other Jews - are called "fighters."

Lotz's cover story was that he had been a Wehrmacht officer and had fought under Rommel in the Western Desert. After the war he immigrated to Australia and had become rich from breeding horses. He had come to Egypt in order to establish a large ranch for the same purpose.

At a memorial evening organized by the Mossad after Lotz's death, in 1993, Yariv related that "Wolfie" had been apprehensive that his British Army service in Egypt would be his undoing. "I suggested that he go to Libya for a warm-up visit. In the end he went to Damascus for three weeks and to Cairo for five weeks to scout around and learn about Arabian horses. When he got back he was brimming with confidence."

The operational order from June 1960, along with other documents, including his contract, are preserved in Lotz's personal file in the Mossad archive. The contract stipulated that he would be employed for five years with the option of an extension or cancellation, upon a month's notification. In addition to his salary, he received an expense account of $350 a month plus one pound sterling per day, as compensation for residing in an "enemy country."

At the end of 1960 the Gur-Arie family moved to Paris. "I was a boy of 12," Oded relates. "I was told that we would be in Paris for five years as envoys of the Defense Ministry and that Dad would be going on long trips, but I didn't know exactly what he would be doing. It was all very pleasant. There was a sense of family: the apartment in an old building, with a wooden floor that creaked as though it were saying hello, the outings with the whole family in the city and in the countryside."

Lotz began his mission at the beginning of 1961. He established a horse ranch outside Cairo, which became a magnet for senior army and police officers and for the city's German community. He ingratiated himself with the Germans, acquired friends in the Egyptian army and police, and was a star at social events. One of his close friends was a senior police officer named General Gurab, to whom Lotz gave gifts after every trip to Europe.

Gur-Arie: "One time, Dad bought him a washing machine. When his ship drew close to the port, a police boat drew up alongside it, and the washing machine was lowered onto it without going through customs." This connection also made it possible for the Israeli spy to smuggle in a radio transmitter for sending messages to his handlers, which he hid in a drawer in his apartment. In Europe, his usual route took him from Paris to Munich, from there to Italy and then by ship to Egypt. On these trips he met with his handlers, initially Nahmias and afterward Sivan. On one occasion he took his son to a meeting with Sivan in a Paris cafe, and it was there that Oded first realized that his father was a spy.

The Mossad finds out

In January 1961, about a year after being sent to Egypt, Lotz met Waltraud Neumann on a train in Europe. He was 41, she was 30. He introduced himself as a millionaire who had made his fortune breeding horses in Australia and was now based in Cairo. Waltraud afterward told a friend that she had met "the man of her dreams" and that in one of their first meetings he drank Champagne from her shoe.

Waltraud Neumann was born in 1930 in eastern Germany. Her father belonged to the Jehovah's Witnesses, who were persecuted by the Nazis. As a teenager, at the end of World War II, she was raped, either by a Soviet soldier or a German priest. Years later, when she was arrested in Egypt along with Lotz, she was incarcerated in a women's prison in a cell with Marcelle Ninio, who had been convicted as part of the Israeli sabotage ring a decade earlier. Ninio afterward related that Waltraud suffered from nightmares in which the rapist appeared with a crucifix that lay on her chest.

After the war, the Neumanns moved to West Germany. Waltraud learned about the hotel business in Switzerland and went to Los Angeles with high hopes of finding a job, but her dreams were soon shattered. While working as a hotel chambermaid she fell in love with a man who broke her heart and turned out to be a con man. After sailing back to Europe, she met Lotz while traveling to Germany by train. Two weeks later they were married and she accompanied him to Cairo. He did not tell her that he was an Israeli or that he was married and the father of a son. Nor did he reveal his bigamy to his original family or to the Mossad.

The Mossad learned of it by chance. "One day we got a letter from him," Yoske Yariv related. "The envelope had a black lining, to prevent others from reading it. The letter referred to a previous correspondence between Wolfie and an Italian count from Rome, from whom he wanted to buy horses for the ranch. We noticed that the lining, which was a bit torn, contained an incomplete address, from which we were able to identify the words 'Mrs. and Mr. Lotz.'"

The Mossad immediately summoned "Shimshon" to Israel to explain. In the meeting, Yariv asked, as though offhandedly, "How's the wife?" Lotz replied quickly, "Fine, thanks." Yariv said that Lotz was prone to conceal things and was not always completely forthcoming, but when presented with the facts he immediately confirmed them. This pattern repeated itself now as well. Seemingly, his violation of procedures should have obliged his handlers to abort the operation and bring Lotz back to Israel, but "Shimshon" was a successful spy and the Mossad didn't want to lose him. It was decided to leave things as they were - and not to tell Rivka about her husband's bigamy. Lotz told Waltraud that he was a spy but not that he was working for Israel. She agreed to cooperate with him and, as Yariv noted, "was an extraordinary success, who helped him in his work."

"It was a cardinal mistake," Avraham Shalom, the former Shin Bet head, says in the film, "to let him live a true double life. His personality thus became even more fragmented, with two families, one in Paris and the other in Cairo."

New mission

In May 1963, Lotz's operational order was modified. "In addition to early warning," the new order stated, "you are to get close to the circle of scientists consisting of Paul Goercke, Wolfgang Pilz and Hans Kleinwachter. The goal is to liquidate them." In the late 1950s, Egypt's military industries began recruiting German scientists, engineers and technicians, most of whom had worked for the Nazi war machine, to aid in the development of advanced weapons systems, particularly missiles and nonconventional warheads. Israel's military and political leadership became hysterical. The feeling was that the German experts were out to complete Hitler's unfinished project. Mossad chief Isser Harel was particularly outraged.

The Mossad began sending threatening letters to the scientists and dispatching envoys to meet with them and their families, in an effort to persuade them to sever their ties with Egypt. When this tactic failed, a campaign of terror was launched. The Mossad sent booby-trapped letters aimed at assassinating some of the Germans. The letters were signed by an organization called The Gideonites, a fictitious group invented by the Mossad.

"Shimshon," as usual, carried out his mission proficiently. His handlers sent him explosives hidden in Yardley soaps. Lotz inserted the materials and the trigger mechanism into envelopes, which he sent from Cairo to the scientists. Unfortunately, one of the envelopes was opened by the secretary of the missile scientist Pilz, and the explosion left her blind. According to Avraham Shalom, it was a mistake to change Lotz's mission and have him carry out assassinations instead of remaining a warning agent. In February 1965, the Lotzes, returning from a visit to Marsah Matruh, near the Libyan border, found policemen outside their home. A search turned up the hidden radio transmitter. Four others, none of whom knew anything about their deeds, were arrested with them: Waltraud's parents, who were on a visit, and the representative of a German firm and his wife; three of them, including Waltraud's parents, were released, and the fourth was tried and acquitted. Waltraud was subjected to brutal torture. Lotz's trial lasted just two days and was in part broadcast on Egyptian television. He was sentenced to life imprisonment; Waltraud to three years.

Immediately upon Lotz's arrest, Mossad head Meir Amit contacted General Reinhard Gehlen, the head of the West German intelligence apparatus, and told him about the arrest of the Israeli fighter. Gehlen acceded to Amit's request that he take the Israeli spy under his wing and present him to the Egyptian authorities as his man in Cairo. To prevent the possibility that someone in Israel would recognize Lotz and blab about it, the Mossad obtained equipment to jam the reception of Egyptian television broadcasts in Israel during the trial. It turned out that the Egyptians, too, preferred to portray Lotz as a German spy. An Egyptian intelligence officer, Colonel Mahmoud Khalil, who was in charge of Egypt's armament project, confirmed this in a conversation with the German consul general in Cairo. In the film the former consul quotes the Egyptian officer as saying it was convenient for Egypt to depict Lotz as a German agent.

To this day, the Mossad does not know for certain how "Shimshon" was discovered. There are several theories, including one - which Yariv did not rule out - that he was caught by accident. According to this account, the policemen who met Lotz at his home did not know he was a spy, but had come to place him under preventive arrest, as they did with most of the West Germans living in Egypt, because of the visit of East German President Walter Ulbricht. Yariv theorizes that Lotz, who did not know about the Ulbricht visit, thought mistakenly that the policemen knew he was a spy. Accordingly, as a pedantic yekke (Jew of German origin) he led them to the transmitter and confessed, though he stuck to his cover story.

'Terrible meeting'

After Lotz's arrest, Rivka and Oded returned to Israel. The Lotzes were released in the prisoner exchange that followed the 1967 Six-Day War (together with the surviving members of the Israeli sabotage ring), thanks to the insistence of Mossad chief Amit. It was only on the plane from Cairo, on the way to freedom, that "Wolfie" mustered the courage to tell Waltraud about his double marital life - and did so in a letter.

"I have never read a love letter like that," Oded Gur-Arie says emotionally. "Not in novels, not in movies and not in life. He wrote how much he loves her, but also about Rivka, and about me."

Lotz was flown to Munich and from there to a debriefing in Brussels with Yoske Yariv and another Mossad man; the Mossad suspected that the Egyptians might have turned him into a double agent. That suspicion turned out to be groundless. Lotz wrote another letter of explanation, no less moving, to Oded. "It was a personal letter, in which he wrote that he was thrilled at the idea of meeting me, but also that he would not be able to continue his life with Mom."

Rivka Gur-Arie's feelings ran high as she impatiently awaited her husband's return. She even bought a new suit for the occasion. No one told her, or even so much as hinted, that her husband had no intention of resuming his life with her. Finally, at the last minute, Avraham Shalom and his wife came to her apartment in Ramat Aviv and told her that it would be best if she did not go to the airport.

"On the evening after Dad landed, a Mossad car came and took me to Avrum's house in Tzahala [a Tel Aviv suburb]. Dad stood there, waiting for me. Without Waltraud. We embraced and kissed, and there were tears, but I did not feel any intimacy. Then he came home and said hello to Mom."

What did he say to her?

"I don't remember. I only remember that it was a terrible meeting."

Was your mother angry with the Mossad?

"Yes. I'm not sure she actually believed that the Mossad had arranged the meeting with Waltraud and the marriage, but she thought they knew about it in advance or after the fact, and that Yoske Yariv decided that it would strengthen his cover story."

Why do you think they didn't inform you and your mother?

"Let's try to think like them. My father and Eli Cohen [an Israeli spy in Syria, who was caught and hanged] were wonderful agents. It was a success story. And there is a group of people, the handlers, who made a career and were promoted because of what my father and Eli Cohen did. So why not keep the operation going? Why tell things that might spoil it?"

How did it affect your mother's life?

"She had periods of deep depression, and that was only natural. Her husband had been caught and there was also the story of the other woman, and all this when she also had me, an adolescent, to raise, and she had to lead a normal life and couldn't talk to anyone about the story. The only person she could talk to was her brother, Nahman Gur-Arie, who worked in the Shin Bet; he died about two months ago. She remained hurt by the Mossad's behavior. My mother felt that she had been deceived by the whole world around her: her husband, the Mossad, the wives of the Mossad men, her best friends."

Did you also feel that the Mossad had betrayed you and your mother?

"I have no complaints against the Mossad. The people who worked with us, with the family, were perfectly fine. They devoted themselves heart and soul. We came back to Israel. The Mossad helped Mom find a job in the Tourism Ministry. She received Dad's salary. But, of course, in retrospect I think things could have been done differently, and better. When Dad was caught and we came back to Israel, they didn't give me any help and didn't take any interest in me. They were very good on the logistical side, but no one looked after me. As a boy, I had no one to talk to about the whole situation, and no one in the Mossad thought that maybe I needed to open up and let everything out. But it wasn't just me they didn't take care of - it was Mother, too."

How would you describe your father?

"He was a very complex person. When I was a boy I thought he was larger than life. But in his last years he was smaller than life. My father hurt a great many people, even those he loved. He hurt my mother. He hurt me. He hurt Waltraud. There was an element of the adventurer in him. He was a combination of adventurer and a lot of Zionism. He believed in the mission and in what he did. He truly thought that the German scientists were a danger to Israel."

No forgiveness

After high school, Oded Gur-Arie volunteered for the Haruv commando unit in the army, then worked as a security guard for El Al and fought as a reservist officer in the Yom Kippur War. After the war, he and two friends went to the United States to pursue their studies. He studied statistics and business administration at the University of Alabama, obtained a doctoral degree, taught at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and eventually left academic life for the business world. He and his partners founded the Domino's Pizza chain in Israel and later sold it for a handsome profit. He is now a businessman and consultant, married with four children, and living in Ann Arbor.

The Mossad helped Lotz rehabilitate himself, a process that included the establishment of a horse ranch in Ganot, a moshav near Tel Aviv. For a few years he was a national hero and bon vivant. He received honor and acclaim, was invited to receptions and parties, and tried to maintain a far higher standard of living than was possible on his Mossad pension. His business collapsed and his condition deteriorated even further after the premature death of Waltraud, in 1971, as a result of the torture she underwent in the Cairo prison. Her death, Oded says, utterly broke his father's heart. A few years later he got married for a third time, to Naomi. Together they went to the United States in order to realize his dream of producing a film about his life. But that dream was also not realized.

Lotz entered into a business partnership with an advertising agency in Seattle, but his partner swindled him. Broke, he returned to Germany. He applied for a job as a croupier in a casino, but was turned down because of his age. Finally, he found work as a salesman in the fishing department of a department-store chain. German tabloids discovered his presence and began to hound him. He was fired from his job and returned to Israel. He was consumed by shame over his failure. At the end of the 1970s, when he received an offer from a German publisher to write his autobiography, he packed his few belongings again and went to Germany.

For a time he lived on the advances he received from his publisher, from lectures and from fees he received for interviews. But those sources of income dried up, too. Naomi left him and returned to Israel after discovering that he was having an affair with another woman, Irma Arduff, who would become his fourth wife. Until his death, in 1993, he lived a hand-to-mouth existence, borrowing money he could never pay back. After his death, Oded, with the help of the Mossad, had his body flown back from Germany for burial in Israel.

Are you still angry at the Mossad?

"Personally, I forgive them. But for what they did to my mother, I cannot forgive them. I don't have the tools to forgive. Only she could have forgiven them, and she didn't."

د. يحي الشاعر​
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رد: فولفجانج لوتز .. الجاسوس الألمانى .. والصواريخ والأحصنة المصرية

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