معرض ايدكس ونافدكس 2025

موقع شركه Indra​


رادار S-band من اندرا يسهل دمجه في المساحات الصغيرة مثل الأبراج ومحطات أسلحة المركبات المدرعة ذات العجلات.
صحيح اخي ولكن لا اعلم هل هذه التشكيله من الردارات المتنوعه المتقدمه بتقنية ال AESA لها علاقه بالخبر :

EDGE, Indra formalise joint venture 'PULSE' to design, manufacture radars in Abu Dhabi

اعتقد الخبر يتكلم عن "رادارات" شبيها وليس فقط نوع واحد , امل ذلك لانه بالفعل مكسب كبير ان تكون شريك او مساهم رئيسي بصناعة رادارات ال AESA المتقدمه مقارنة بعمر المجموعه،، ننتظر منكم التوضيح والف مبروك مقدما!!.

إختبار دمج نظام القواذف العامودي من عائلة السلفر لدمج الميكا حاليا ومستقبلا الميكا آن جي خيار جميل.

هناك حديث عن صفقة محتملة لعدد طيب لإحدى البحريات من قبل المجموعة ، ولكل حادث حديث بحول الله

وقعت Hanwha Aerospace و Milrem Robotics مذكرة تفاهم للتعاون في تطوير المركبات القتالية الروبوتية (RCV) وغيرها من الأنظمة الروبوتية الأرضية والتسويق العالمي.
تم التوقيع في معرض آيدكس 2025 بحضور ممثلي الشركتين.
كجزء من هذه الشراكة الاستراتيجية ، ستتعاون الشركتان لتطوير RCVs المتعقبة من خلال الجمع بين خبرات كل منهما. كما أنهم ينفذون حملات تسويقية عالمية مشتركة للترويج ل RCV وحلول الروبوتات الأرضية الأخرى.

قال كولدار فارسي ، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Milrem Robotics: "يهدف تعاوننا مع Hanwha إلى تسريع تطوير الحلول الروبوتية المتطورة التي تلبي الاحتياجات المتطورة للقوات المسلحة الحديثة ، والجمع بين تقنيات Milrem Robotics المبتكرة وخبرة Hanwha الواسعة في أنظمة الدفاع".

"مع نمو Hanwha دوليا ، نسعى إلى جلب التكنولوجيا والسرعة ونقاط القوة الصناعية والشراكة مع الشركات المبتكرة لتلبية المتطلبات الناشئة بسرعة. هذا التعاون في أنظمة القتال الروبوتية والمستقلة يستفيد من خبرات وقدرات Milrem و Hanwha Aerospace "، قال مايكل كولتر ، الرئيس والمدير التنفيذي لشركة Hanwha Global Defense. "من خلال هذا التعاون ، نعتزم تقديم قدرات وقدرات جديدة لمعالجة البيئات القتالية سريعة التطور."


شراكة KATIM و Indra التابعة ل EDGE لتوسيع الاتصالات الآمنة في أسواق الدفاع الإسبانية وحلف شمال الأطلسي.

يسرنا أن نعلن عن شراكة استراتيجية بين KATIM، إحدى شركات مجموعة EDGE، وIndra Sistemas، الشركة الإسبانية الرائدة في مجال تكنولوجيا الدفاع والمعلومات، لتقديم حلول اتصالات فائقة الأمان من الجيل التالي لأسواق الدفاع الإسبانية وحلف شمال الأطلسي.

ويمثل هذا التعاون، الذي تم توقيعه في معرض آيدكس 2025، علامة فارقة في توسيع بصمة ايدج في الدفاع الأوروبي. ومن خلال الجمع بين خبرة "كاتيم" في مجال الاتصالات الآمنة السيبرانية وخبرة إندرا الدفاعية الأوروبية الواسعة، ستعزز الشراكة قابلية التشغيل البيني والمرونة وقدرات الأمن السيبراني للدول الحليفة.
بعد إنتاج قاذف القنابل اليدوية عيار 40 ملم، بدأت شركة Repkon أيضًا في إنتاج أنواع مختلفة من الذخيرة عيار 40 ملم.

وتم عرض الذخائر لأول مرة خلال معرض آيدكس2025 المقام في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة....


Saudi Arabia accelerates military self-reliance with SAMI-AEC’s new innovations at IDEX 2025​

At the International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) 2025, SAMI-AEC is exhibiting two new systems at the SAMI stand within the Saudi pavilion: the eBariq Drone and the Al-Rasid Ground Surveillance Radar. Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) is a key entity in Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts to increase self-sufficiency, operating through five divisions: SAMI Defense Systems, SAMI Advanced Electronics, SAMI Aerospace, SAMI Land, and SAMI Sea.


SAMI’s subsidiary, SAMI-AEC, specializes in advanced electronics and provides systems for defense, aerospace, communications, IT, energy, and cybersecurity. The company integrates modern technologies to support Saudi Arabia’s defense objectives. With a 100 percent project completion rate, SAMI-AEC continues to develop and expand its technological contributions to the sector.

At the International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) 2025, SAMI-AEC is exhibiting the eBariq drone, built for high endurance and long-range operations. It features a lightweight carbon fiber structure that increases durability while maintaining a compact form. It supports multiple applications, including surveillance, cargo transport, search and rescue, inspection, detection, wildlife monitoring, and mapping. It has foldable arms for transport and maintenance, radar sensors for 360-degree obstacle avoidance at depths of up to 15 meters, vertical radar sensors for precise landing and takeoff, ultrasonic sensors for vertical obstacle avoidance, and a portable ground control station. The drone operates autonomously and uses encrypted video and data transmission. The eBariq drone is displayed at SAMI’s booth at IDEX 2025.

SAMI-AEC is also showcasing the Al-Rasid Ground Surveillance Radar, which is designed for monitoring and target tracking. It detects, tracks, and classifies moving ground targets within a range of 50 kilometers and can identify pedestrians at up to 15 kilometers. The radar also tracks low-flying aerial targets, enhancing its effectiveness in surveillance and reconnaissance in various environmental conditions. The system is compact, lightweight, and can be mounted on tripods or vehicles. It integrates with command and control systems via an Ethernet interface for real-time tracking and data transmission.

The Al-Rasid radar provides continuous 360-degree coverage and integrates with command and control (C2) systems to improve situational awareness. It consists of a rotating unit, display and control system, power and communication cables, and a tripod. Additional components include a tactical field transport bag and rechargeable batteries, improving portability. The system supports multi-mode operation, can be deployed in under five minutes, and features advanced data processing and storage capabilities. It is designed for applications such as portable surveillance, military site security, border defense, mobile surveillance, and critical infrastructure protection. Other features include a graphical interface with Arabic language support, a cooling system, and protection against electronic warfare and jamming.

SAMI has also expanded its collaboration with the World Defense Show 2026 to further advance Saudi Arabia’s goal of localizing 50 percent of its defense expenditures. The partnership, announced on January 26, 2025, aligns with Vision 2030 and aims to increase military production, attract foreign investment, and enhance technological capabilities. As a subsidiary of the Public Investment Fund (PIF), SAMI plays a central role in developing an independent Saudi defense industry by integrating advanced technologies, fostering workforce development, and expanding exports.


The Al-Rasid Ground Surveillance Radar, designed for monitoring and target tracking, can detect, track, and classify moving ground targets within a range of 50 kilometers and can identify pedestrians at up to 15 kilometers.​

Saudi Arabia accelerates military self-reliance with SAMI-AEC’s new innovations at IDEX 2025​

At the International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) 2025, SAMI-AEC is exhibiting two new systems at the SAMI stand within the Saudi pavilion: the eBariq Drone and the Al-Rasid Ground Surveillance Radar. Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) is a key entity in Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts to increase self-sufficiency, operating through five divisions: SAMI Defense Systems, SAMI Advanced Electronics, SAMI Aerospace, SAMI Land, and SAMI Sea.


SAMI’s subsidiary, SAMI-AEC, specializes in advanced electronics and provides systems for defense, aerospace, communications, IT, energy, and cybersecurity. The company integrates modern technologies to support Saudi Arabia’s defense objectives. With a 100 percent project completion rate, SAMI-AEC continues to develop and expand its technological contributions to the sector.

At the International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) 2025, SAMI-AEC is exhibiting the eBariq drone, built for high endurance and long-range operations. It features a lightweight carbon fiber structure that increases durability while maintaining a compact form. It supports multiple applications, including surveillance, cargo transport, search and rescue, inspection, detection, wildlife monitoring, and mapping. It has foldable arms for transport and maintenance, radar sensors for 360-degree obstacle avoidance at depths of up to 15 meters, vertical radar sensors for precise landing and takeoff, ultrasonic sensors for vertical obstacle avoidance, and a portable ground control station. The drone operates autonomously and uses encrypted video and data transmission. The eBariq drone is displayed at SAMI’s booth at IDEX 2025.

SAMI-AEC is also showcasing the Al-Rasid Ground Surveillance Radar, which is designed for monitoring and target tracking. It detects, tracks, and classifies moving ground targets within a range of 50 kilometers and can identify pedestrians at up to 15 kilometers. The radar also tracks low-flying aerial targets, enhancing its effectiveness in surveillance and reconnaissance in various environmental conditions. The system is compact, lightweight, and can be mounted on tripods or vehicles. It integrates with command and control systems via an Ethernet interface for real-time tracking and data transmission.

The Al-Rasid radar provides continuous 360-degree coverage and integrates with command and control (C2) systems to improve situational awareness. It consists of a rotating unit, display and control system, power and communication cables, and a tripod. Additional components include a tactical field transport bag and rechargeable batteries, improving portability. The system supports multi-mode operation, can be deployed in under five minutes, and features advanced data processing and storage capabilities. It is designed for applications such as portable surveillance, military site security, border defense, mobile surveillance, and critical infrastructure protection. Other features include a graphical interface with Arabic language support, a cooling system, and protection against electronic warfare and jamming.

SAMI has also expanded its collaboration with the World Defense Show 2026 to further advance Saudi Arabia’s goal of localizing 50 percent of its defense expenditures. The partnership, announced on January 26, 2025, aligns with Vision 2030 and aims to increase military production, attract foreign investment, and enhance technological capabilities. As a subsidiary of the Public Investment Fund (PIF), SAMI plays a central role in developing an independent Saudi defense industry by integrating advanced technologies, fostering workforce development, and expanding exports.


The Al-Rasid Ground Surveillance Radar, designed for monitoring and target tracking, can detect, track, and classify moving ground targets within a range of 50 kilometers and can identify pedestrians at up to 15 kilometers.​


