صفقة دبابات أبرامز لمملكة البحرين.


صقور الدفاع
13 يوليو 2008
49,246 1,919 0
The Government of Bahrain has requested to buy fifty (50) M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams Main Battle Tanks; four (4) M88A2 HERCULES Combat Recovery Vehicles; eight (8) M1110 Joint Assault Bridges; eight (8) M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicles; eight (8) Heavy Assault Scissor Bridge (HASB); one hundred (100) M240 Coaxial 7.62mm machine guns; three (3) AGT1500 Gas Turbine engines; six thousand (6,000) 120mm M1002 Target Practice Multipurpose Tracer (TPMP-T) projectiles; and five thousand seven hundred sixty (5,760) 120mm M1147 High Explosive Multipurpose Tracers. Also included are M2A1 .50 caliber machine guns; Common Remote Operated Weapons Station Low Profile (CROWS-LP); Forward Repair System; M250 smoke grenade launchers; service and training ammunition; M1300/M1302 Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System (EHETS); M978A4 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) tanker and Load Handling System (LHS); M074A1 Palletized Load Systems and trailers and flat racks; support and test equipment; integration and test support; spare and repair parts; Special Tools and Test Equipment (STTE); communications equipment; Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM)-based Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers; software delivery and support; Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) equipment; publications and technical manuals; maintenance trainers; training equipment; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services; Next Generation Automatic Test System (NGATS); and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated total cost is $2.2 billion.
كم العدد

البحرين بدات تعطينا مفاجات كل شوي

مبلغ الصفقة كبير
كم العدد

البحرين بدات تعطينا مفاجات كل شوي

مبلغ الصفقة كبير

حقيقة ليسوا في حاجتها
يكفي إدامه الباتون + شراء مدولبات بمدفع 120 ملم بحزمه جيدة للبرج .

على كل حال مبارك لهم و عقبال صفقة مربحة للبحرية التي تعد الأهم في الدرع الدفاعي للبحرين .
معد للدبابات قيمه زي قبل ١٠ سنه لو اخذوا لهم درونات يكون احلا