الانكماش هو الاعلي منذ ثلاث سنوات مدفوع بانخفاض القطاع النفطي بمعدل 17% و هناك تباطئ في معدلات نمو القطاع غير النفطي (رغم انها ايجابية لكن حدث تباطئ فيها)
Gross domestic product shrunk 4.5% in the third quarter compared to a year earlier, driven by a 17% drop in the oil economy, according to preliminary data by the General Authority of Statistics. Growth in the non-oil economy also slowed.
Economic growth in the kingdom reached nearly 9% last year, the fastest among the Group of 20 nations, driven by record crude output and Russia’s war on Ukraine roiling energy markets. That helped Saudi Arabia’s GDP surpass $1 trillion for the first time.
من الاخر الاقتصاد الان يخسر مكاسب حرب أوكرانيا و ازمة النفط.. الي رفعته لتريليون دولار
Gross domestic product shrunk 4.5% in the third quarter compared to a year earlier, driven by a 17% drop in the oil economy, according to preliminary data by the General Authority of Statistics. Growth in the non-oil economy also slowed.
Saudi Economy Shrinks by Most Since 2020 On Oil Output Cuts
(Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia’s economy suffered its biggest contraction since 2020 during the third quarter, after the kingdom cut oil production to push up prices.Most Read from BloombergSaudi Forces on Alert After Clash With Iran-Backed HouthisInnovent, Lilly Obesity Drug Spurs More Weight Loss...
Economic growth in the kingdom reached nearly 9% last year, the fastest among the Group of 20 nations, driven by record crude output and Russia’s war on Ukraine roiling energy markets. That helped Saudi Arabia’s GDP surpass $1 trillion for the first time.
من الاخر الاقتصاد الان يخسر مكاسب حرب أوكرانيا و ازمة النفط.. الي رفعته لتريليون دولار