تقدم SIATT مجموعة من المنتجات في معرض BID Brasil الثامن . وهو حدث يقام في برازيليا، تعرض خط منتجاتها الذي يستهدف قطاع الدفاع.
مشاهدة المرفق 742149
عرضت شركة SIATT صاروخ MAX 1.2AC المضاد للدبابات.
يبلغ مداه 3 كيلومترات، وهو مزود بمنظار بصري 7x، وتوجيه بواسطة "شعاع الليزر" محصن ضد التداخل الإلكتروني وصاروخ بشحنة مشكلة تبلغ 2.2 كجم من المتفجرات بقوة اختراق وسرعة 240 م / ث.
يتم تفعيل الصمام عن طريق الاصطدام وله صلاحية إنتاج لغاية 10 سنوات.
بلغ طول الصاروخ 1.38 متر، وقطره 0.13 متر، ويزن 15.4 كجم.
النظام محمول، ويمكن إعادة الشحن كل 20 ثانية ويمكن تكييف النظام ليناسب المركبات الخفيفة أو المدرعة.
لفت انتباهي وجود ذخائر اخرى عرضتها SIATT في معرض LAAD 2023
- 04/17/2023
- By: João Paulo Moralez
LAAD 2023 – SIATT presents guided weapons and other solutions
Industry laad 2023
Once again, the Brazilian company SIATT (Sistemas Integrados de Alto Teor Tecnológico), based in São José dos Campos (SP), demonstrated the concept of a new small-scale precision-guided munition to be launched from drones or fixed-wing aircraft, during LAAD 2023.
Called Guided Small Bomb (GSBM), it uses a GNSS and inertial guided navigation system, or SALS and inertial, and is a weapon with a range of 5 to 18 km, with an accuracy of less than 10 m for GNSS and less than 4 m for SALS and inertial. The warhead weighs 6 kg and the dimensions are 127 mm in diameter, 240 mm with the wings open, 880 mm in length, total weight of 18 kg and ITAR free (free of embargoes).
Another new development was the proposal to replace the MANSUP anti-ship missile's rocket engine with the 1,000-pound TJ-1000 turbojet engine, measuring 984 mm in length and 350 mm in diameter. The advantage is increased range, which could reach 200 km.

According to the company, there is a great demand for precision products to reduce side effects, free from embargoes and at the same time with low acquisition costs. This weapon can be used by aircraft, helicopters or ground launchers; it is capable of attacking stationary targets moving at low speed; at a distance of up to 10 km; It integrates laser and inertial guidance systems with accuracy of less than one meter from the center of the target.

SIATT provides manufacturing, delivery and logistics support and is also open to setting up a production line in any country interested in this type of business.

LAAD 2023 - SIATT apresenta armas guiadas e outras soluções - Tecnodefesa
Mais uma vez, a empresa brasileira SIATT (Sistemas Integrados de Alto Teor Tecnológico), com sede em São José dos Campos (SP), demonstrou o conceito de uma nova munição guiada de precisão de pequena dimensão para ser lançada de drones ou aeronaves de asa fixa, durante a LAAD 2023. Chamada de...