طائرة النقل العسكري الصينية XAC Y-20

قوة الدفع 14 طن أي 137 كيلو نيوتن .
نفس قوة الدفع لمحركات CFM LEAP و PD14

13000 -16000 كلجم

نفسها النسخة الامريكية بوينغ سي-17 غلوب ماستر
الصين دواهي نقل الصق
???? apparently you are super expert in aeronautics , could you come up with a new design for military transport
this is called design constraints,, and its common in all transport plane , the high wing mounts to support heavy loads , the T shape tail to make room for cargo doors , in addition it allow better maneuverability in terms of pitching angle , Bro 80 % of the goods you consume daily are china made so don't be sarcastic