السعودية استملت أعداد كبيرة من طائرات النقل الأخرى ولا حاجة لها فعليا لهذه الطائرة. مما يجعلها صفقة سياسية ولامتلاك خط انتاج محلي لها (باختصار لا متطلبات ملحة لها)the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) had a long-standing relationship with Spanish CASA and received a large fleet of C-212 Aviocar light transports in the 1990s and 2000s. Simultaneously, RSAF was negotiating a purchase of Lockheed C-130 Hercules heavy transporters, which left little space for the Antonovs. It could be that the An-132 was a purely political project, with the prestige of domestic aircraft manufacturing put ahead of practicality.
لم يتم الاتفاق على تفاصيل نقل التقنية (لفقدان الاهتمام من الجانب السعودي)The announcement also used the future tense to describe the transfer of technology, highlighting that cooperation had not made much progress since 2015
يبدوا أن السعودية كانت مهتمة أيضا ب An-188 وربما أثر هذا على اتفاق An-132Further cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Ukraine also took place and two new contracts were signed in November 2017. While its contents were not revealed, it is presumed that one arrangement was for the An-188,
A400M و C-130s أخذت الجو عن An-132 لتغير الاحتياج الى طائرة نقل ثقيلةthere were reports that RSAF’s focus shifted towards heavier aircraft that would supplement the fleet of its C-130s, primarily the Airbus A400M.
المحللين يظنون أن السعودية أصلا لم تكن مهتمة بالطائرة !the An-132 project was never taken seriously by Saudi Arabia and was not pursued beyond the “consideration” phase
القوات الجوية السعودية رفضت الطائرة لأنها صنعت للاستخدام المدني ولا تصلح للاستخدام العسكريEspecially the Saudi Air Force was opposed to the An-132 project, who felt it was being pursued solely for industrial reasons rather than to meet an actual requirement by the country's military.
بالمختصر الطائرة لا تنفع في وضعها الحالي وقد رفضتها أيضا تركيا ويبدوا أن مشاكلها التقنية كثيرة جدا لاستبدال جميع المكونات الروسية فيها بأخرى غربية

Taqnia An-132: the curious tale of Saudi Antonovs - AeroTime
The domestic aircraft industry in Saudi Arabia has been trying to take-off for quite some time. One of the country’s last attempts to take flight was with the An-132, an aircraft with an incredibly short and fragmented history. It is far more difficult to pinpoint the beginning of the project...