رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****
اقرا ردي الاخير
ان لك ان تستعرف يا اخي فالمصادر كلها ضدك
من ردودك يتبين انك انسان هاوي مشاكل لانك لو بحثت قليلا في المنتدى ستجد كل ما تبحث عنه
اول غواصة كيلو-636 جزائرية
و هناك ادلة اخرى وجتها على تسلم الجزائر لغواصات kilo project 636
و هاهي صورة الكيلو الجديدة و لا تقل لي ان الصورة ليست لكيلو الجزائرية لانها من موقع روسي
مصدر هو بالروسي لاكن تستطيع ترجمته
و هاهو ترجمة النص بالانجليزية
The submarine project 636 for the Algerian Navy is insured for test "Russian Insurance Center
MOSCOW, Dec. 9. (ARMS-TASS). The submarine project 636 for the Algerian Navy is insured for test "Russian Insurance Center (RSC).
As reported korr.ARMS-Tass deputy chairman of SOAO "Russian Insurance Center Andrew Sechenov, construction in St. Petersburg on the" Admiralty shipyards "class submarine project 636 Kilo" is one of the RSC important international projects, which provide an integrated insurance protection.
Submarine to the Navy Algeria was established in 2007 and 20 November this year launched.
"At the time of construction, equipment installation and exit the boat from the dock RSC carried the obligation for damages of any sudden and unforeseen events that could lead to its loss or damage. Currently, RSC provides insurance protection at the boat mooring, navigation, public and acceptance test, "- said A. section.
Under the current insurance contract aggregate limit of liability is several hundred million dollars. Insured Risks are protected by international reinsurance obligatornym contract.
Submarine Project 636 is a further development of the submarine project 877EKM. Save all the dignity of the submarine project 877EKM it favorably power diesel generators, full speed underwater course, range of operation of diesel engines under water (RDP) and the low level of underwater noise. The combat effectiveness of the submarine project 636 significantly enhanced through the installation on board the impact of missile complex Club-S "in combination with the new electronic weapons systems promise to provide its operational use.
لقد قرات المصدر وهو يقول ان روسيا بدات في بناء غواصتين لصالح الجزائر ولكنه لا يؤكد انهم دخلوا بالخدمة بالفعل ..
اقرا ردي الاخير
ان لك ان تستعرف يا اخي فالمصادر كلها ضدك
من ردودك يتبين انك انسان هاوي مشاكل لانك لو بحثت قليلا في المنتدى ستجد كل ما تبحث عنه
اول غواصة كيلو-636 جزائرية
و هناك ادلة اخرى وجتها على تسلم الجزائر لغواصات kilo project 636
و هاهي صورة الكيلو الجديدة و لا تقل لي ان الصورة ليست لكيلو الجزائرية لانها من موقع روسي

مصدر هو بالروسي لاكن تستطيع ترجمته
و هاهو ترجمة النص بالانجليزية
The submarine project 636 for the Algerian Navy is insured for test "Russian Insurance Center
MOSCOW, Dec. 9. (ARMS-TASS). The submarine project 636 for the Algerian Navy is insured for test "Russian Insurance Center (RSC).
As reported korr.ARMS-Tass deputy chairman of SOAO "Russian Insurance Center Andrew Sechenov, construction in St. Petersburg on the" Admiralty shipyards "class submarine project 636 Kilo" is one of the RSC important international projects, which provide an integrated insurance protection.
Submarine to the Navy Algeria was established in 2007 and 20 November this year launched.
"At the time of construction, equipment installation and exit the boat from the dock RSC carried the obligation for damages of any sudden and unforeseen events that could lead to its loss or damage. Currently, RSC provides insurance protection at the boat mooring, navigation, public and acceptance test, "- said A. section.
Under the current insurance contract aggregate limit of liability is several hundred million dollars. Insured Risks are protected by international reinsurance obligatornym contract.
Submarine Project 636 is a further development of the submarine project 877EKM. Save all the dignity of the submarine project 877EKM it favorably power diesel generators, full speed underwater course, range of operation of diesel engines under water (RDP) and the low level of underwater noise. The combat effectiveness of the submarine project 636 significantly enhanced through the installation on board the impact of missile complex Club-S "in combination with the new electronic weapons systems promise to provide its operational use.