غير صحيح من قال ماعندها الا قنبلتين !
مشروع انتاج القنابل النووية الامريكية ( مشروع مانهاتن ) استطاع انتاج قنبلة اولية تم تفجيرها لغرض الاختبار ,,, ومن ثم انتجت قنبلتين
Before 1943, work on the design and functioning of the bomb itself was largely theoretical, based on fundamental experiments carried out at a number of different locations. In that year a laboratory directed by
J. Robert Oppenheimer was created on an isolated mesa at
Los Alamos,
New Mexico, 34 miles (55 km) north of
Santa Fe. This laboratory had to develop methods of reducing the fissionable products of the production plants to pure metal and fabricating the metal to required shapes. Methods of rapidly bringing together amounts of fissionable material to achieve a supercritical mass (and thus a nuclear explosion) had to be devised, along with the actual construction of a deliverable weapon that would be dropped from a plane and fused to detonate at the proper moment in the air above the target. Most of these problems had to be solved before any appreciable amount of fissionable material could be produced, so that the first adequate amounts could be used at the fighting front with minimum delay.
the summer of 1945, amounts of plutonium-239 sufficient to produce a nuclear explosion had become available from the Hanford Works, and weapon development and design were sufficiently far advanced so that an actual field test of a nuclear explosive could be scheduled. Such a test was no simple affair. Elaborate and complex equipment had to be assembled so that a complete
diagnosis of success or failure could be had. By this time the original $6,000 authorized for the Manhattan Project had grown to $2 billion.
The first atomic bomb was exploded at 5:30 AM on July 16, 1945, at a site on the Alamogordo air base 120 miles (193 km) south of Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was detonated on top of a steel tower surrounded by scientific equipment, with remote monitoring taking place in bunkers occupied by scientists and a few dignitaries 10,000 yards (9 km) away. The explosion came as an intense light flash, a sudden wave of heat, and later a tremendous roar as the shock wave passed and echoed in the valley. A ball of fire rose rapidly, followed by a mushroom cloud extending to 40,000 feet (12,200 metres). The bomb generated an explosive power equivalent to 15,000 to 20,000 tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT); the tower was completely vaporized and the surrounding desert surface fused to glass for a radius of 800 yards (730 metres). The following month, two other atomic bombs produced by the project, the first using uranium-235 and the second using plutonium, were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
بحلول 16 يوليو 1945 تم تفجير القنبلة الاولى في قاعدة آلامو جوردو في نيو مكسيكو ( قبل ذلك لم يستطيعوا انتاج القنبلة بسبب عدم توفر كمية كافية من البلوتونيوم-239) .... لاحقا تم استخدام القنبلتين في هيروشيما وناجازاكي ... وهذا ما يرجح انتاجهم لهذا العدد بحلول 1945 لأن اليابان وقعت وثيقة استسلامها في الحرب العالمية الثانية في 2 سبتمبر 1945 ...