رؤية 2030 (الصناعة العسكرية) متابعة


Ghoush Uniform

25 عامًا في تصنيع وتصميم وإنتاج ملابس العسكرية


منشاة التصنيع



"فوم تيك" هي شركة سعودية يقع مصنعنا في مدينة سدير الصناعية.

في مجال انتاج ألواح رغوة الألومنيوم


استخدمات المادة:
  • حماية المركبات والأفراد.
  • تقليل الوزن دون المساس بالسلامة الهيكلية المركبات العسكرية
  • التخفيف من الانفجارات وصدمات
  • مادة هيكلية غير قابلة للاشتعال وخفيفة الوزن لتطبيقات مختلفة بما في ذلك السيارات والقطارات والسفن


أحد الابتكارات الجميلة التي اعلنت قبل أيام من قبل فريق بحثي في Kacst هو ( تركيبات مواد محسنة لطلاء مقاوم للحرارة ) يتيح هذا الاختراع تطوير تركيبة طلاء مقاومة للحرارة تصل إلى 1100 درجة مئوية ، مع تقديم صلابة عالية ومقاومة للتآكل ، مما يجعلها مثالية للاستخدام على الأسطح المعدنية الصناعية وبالامكان أستخدامها في مختلف مجالات الدفاع والفضاء



Saudi Maintenance and Supply Chain Management Company (SMSCMC)​

SMSCMC was established in 2006 with the goals to

Deliver indigenous specialist Saudi National capability & employment

Act as the dedicated Delivery Partner for defense organisations, providing supply chain capability for the region across all relevant platform and locations;

Enable our Customers and Partners to focus on their core goals and reduce supply chain operating costs

In an increasingly complex and unpredictable world, customers want confidence in their supply chains - clients depend on Saudi Maintenance and Supply Chain Management Company (SMSCMC) to design solutions that meet their diverse business goals. A Saudi Arabian registered company, co-owned with local shareholders, SMSCMC combines rich local experience with world-class heritage and partnerships to continually develop and transfer critical capabilities, skills and jobs into a dedicated Saudi defence supply chain as well as across the GCC.

SMSCMC currently provides complete supply chain management solutions in support of several
major platforms, including those in Saudi Arabia under the UK-KSA government-to-government contacts.

Image 16-01-2025 at 1.42 am.jpeg

Saudi Maintenance and Supply Chain Management Company (SMSCMC)​

SMSCMC was established in 2006 with the goals to

Deliver indigenous specialist Saudi National capability & employment

Act as the dedicated Delivery Partner for defense organisations, providing supply chain capability for the region across all relevant platform and locations;

Enable our Customers and Partners to focus on their core goals and reduce supply chain operating costs

In an increasingly complex and unpredictable world, customers want confidence in their supply chains - clients depend on Saudi Maintenance and Supply Chain Management Company (SMSCMC) to design solutions that meet their diverse business goals. A Saudi Arabian registered company, co-owned with local shareholders, SMSCMC combines rich local experience with world-class heritage and partnerships to continually develop and transfer critical capabilities, skills and jobs into a dedicated Saudi defence supply chain as well as across the GCC.

SMSCMC currently provides complete supply chain management solutions in support of several
major platforms, including those in Saudi Arabia under the UK-KSA government-to-government contacts.

مشاهدة المرفق 752178

دمج استراتيجي على المدى الطويل وله تحولات ودلالات كثيرة