متابعة تمرين الاسد الافريقي 2018 African Lion

يا اخي انا ما طرحت الا تساؤل عن سبب تمسك الجيش المغربي بنفس البدلات القديمة للجيش الفرنسي
مشاهدة المرفق 112546
تحاول الاصطياد في الماء العكر بطريقة مثيرة للشفقة الزي العسكري المغربي لا علاقة له ببذلة فرنسا القديمة المفروض انتم من استعملتوها لمدة طويلة فقد.بقو عندكم 130 سنة
بصراحة ؟ ما لاحظته في المنتدى مثير للاشمئزاز

اصبح من الضروري دخول بعض الاعضاء لمواضيع لا تهمهم لا من قريب ولا من بعيد
كي يقومو بافسادها ببعض ردودهم ؟
كفى من المراهقة الالكترونية
كبرو فعقلكم شوية​
افتتاح المناورات


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نلاحظ في الصورة الثالثة مشاركة عناصر من Compagnie des Operations Speciales للعمليات الخاصة
المختصر باسم C.O.S التابع للواء المظلي الثاني

نلاحظ في الصورة الثالثة مشاركة عناصر من Compagnie des Operations Speciales للعمليات الخاصة
المختصر باسم C.O.S التابع للواء المظلي الثاني

مشاهدة المرفق 112608
وجود COS يعني المزيد من الآكش في المناورات ..




في الشق البحري من المناورات وصلت حاملة الطائرات الامريكية uss harry truman


ستشارك في المنارت الفرقاطة الثقيلة FREMM ومقاتلات مغربية مع سوبر هورنت وقوات بحرية خاصة

مناورات الاسد الافريقي تشارك فيها 15 دولة وهي مناورات برية جوية بحرية :تونس -كندا-المانيا-فرنسا-اسبانيا-بريطانيا-ايطاليا-يونان -مصر -تشاد-مالي-بوركينافاسو-موريتانيا-سنغال إلى جانب امريكا المغرب
هاري ترومان كانت متجهة للمغرب وليس سوريا ؟
ههههههههههه حلوة الفكرة

يبدوا انها ستكون مناورات ضخمة جدا​

Allies and partners from 15 countries representing Africa, Europe, and North America are participating in a combined multilateral exercise which will take place until the end of April in Morocco and Tunisia
Approximately 900 U.S. military personnel have arrived in the Kingdom of Morocco to take part in exercise African Lion 18. This is an annually-scheduled exercise designed to improve interoperability and mutual understanding of each nations’ tactics, techniques and procedures

سؤال للاخوة
هل سيقام جزء من المناورات في تونس كذلك؟
و هل سبق و أن شملت المناورات أراضي دولة اخرى سوى المملكة المغربية؟

Allies and partners from 15 countries representing Africa, Europe, and North America are participating in a combined multilateral exercise which will take place until the end of April in Morocco and Tunisia
Approximately 900 U.S. military personnel have arrived in the Kingdom of Morocco to take part in exercise African Lion 18. This is an annually-scheduled exercise designed to improve interoperability and mutual understanding of each nations’ tactics, techniques and procedures

سؤال للاخوة
هل سيقام جزء من المناورات في تونس كذلك؟
و هل سبق و أن شملت المناورات أراضي دولة اخرى سوى المملكة المغربية؟
التمارين الميدانية كلها ستكون في المغرب
قد يتم نقل جزء نظري من التمارين في تونس لانه حسب هذه النسخة سيكون هناك دورات تكوينية في الاستخبارات العسكرية ربما سيتم اجراء بعضها في تونس و الله اعلم​
التمارين الميدانية كلها ستكون في المغرب
قد يتم نقل جزء نظري من التمارين في تونس لانه حسب هذه النسخة سيكون هناك دورات تكوينية في الاستخبارات العسكرية ربما سيتم اجراء بعضها في تونس و الله اعلم​

هذا هو المصدر الذي وجدته أخي
أنا نفسي استغربت قليلا نظرا الى أن التمارين على حد علمي كانت دائما تتم في المغرب.

Exercise African Lion 18 Commences in Northern Africa

AGADIR, Morocco (April 16, 2018) – Allies and partners from 15 countries representing Africa, Europe, and North America are participating in a combined multilateral exercise which will take place until the end of April in Morocco and Tunisia.

Approximately 900 U.S. military personnel have arrived in the Kingdom of Morocco to take part in exercise African Lion 18. This is an annually-scheduled exercise designed to improve interoperability and mutual understanding of each nations’ tactics, techniques and procedures.

“African Lion is a clear demonstration of the strong bond between our militaries,” said Lt. Col. Winston Tierney, who served as the lead planner for the exercise and is now serving as the acting task force commander. “This robust, reliable relationship is the cornerstone to shaping the security environment in the region.”

Exercise African Lion 18 is led by U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa and sponsored by U.S. Africa Command. The exercise includes military training in command-post activities, academics, and field training all focused on countering violent extremist organizations, as well as aviation training, a humanitarian civic assistance mission, and a senior leader dialogue (SLD).

Various units from the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and the Utah, Colorado and Georgia Air National Guards, Utah Army National Guard, and U.S. Marine Corps Reserve are conducting multi-lateral training with units from the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces, as well as contingents from Burkina Faso, Canada, Chad, Egypt, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Spain, and Tunisia.

In addition to the activities taking place in Morocco, Tunisia will host a field training exercise as well as a SLD which will address the lessons learned from the exercise. The exercise is scheduled to end on or about April 27, 2018, with all U.S. forces returning to their home bases at the conclusion of the exercise.

“African Lion 18 is a unique opportunity for us to get to know each other, to train together, and to provide a greater level of trust when we operate together in the future,” Tierney said. “This exercise is a true force multiplier as it promotes regional cooperation and grows the ability of African militaries to work effectively together.”
صور جميلة جدا ستكون بروفة اضافة للمكتسبات القديمة مع الحرذان ومع الحوثيين بالتوفيق لجيشنا الحبيب حماة الوطن
هذا هو المصدر الذي وجدته أخي
أنا نفسي استغربت قليلا نظرا الى أن التمارين على حد علمي كانت دائما تتم في المغرب.

Exercise African Lion 18 Commences in Northern Africa

AGADIR, Morocco (April 16, 2018) – Allies and partners from 15 countries representing Africa, Europe, and North America are participating in a combined multilateral exercise which will take place until the end of April in Morocco and Tunisia.

Approximately 900 U.S. military personnel have arrived in the Kingdom of Morocco to take part in exercise African Lion 18. This is an annually-scheduled exercise designed to improve interoperability and mutual understanding of each nations’ tactics, techniques and procedures.

“African Lion is a clear demonstration of the strong bond between our militaries,” said Lt. Col. Winston Tierney, who served as the lead planner for the exercise and is now serving as the acting task force commander. “This robust, reliable relationship is the cornerstone to shaping the security environment in the region.”

Exercise African Lion 18 is led by U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa and sponsored by U.S. Africa Command. The exercise includes military training in command-post activities, academics, and field training all focused on countering violent extremist organizations, as well as aviation training, a humanitarian civic assistance mission, and a senior leader dialogue (SLD).

Various units from the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and the Utah, Colorado and Georgia Air National Guards, Utah Army National Guard, and U.S. Marine Corps Reserve are conducting multi-lateral training with units from the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces, as well as contingents from Burkina Faso, Canada, Chad, Egypt, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Spain, and Tunisia.

In addition to the activities taking place in Morocco, Tunisia will host a field training exercise as well as a SLD which will address the lessons learned from the exercise. The exercise is scheduled to end on or about April 27, 2018, with all U.S. forces returning to their home bases at the conclusion of the exercise.

“African Lion 18 is a unique opportunity for us to get to know each other, to train together, and to provide a greater level of trust when we operate together in the future,” Tierney said. “This exercise is a true force multiplier as it promotes regional cooperation and grows the ability of African militaries to work effectively together.”

صحيح هذه اول مرة يتم ذكر تونس كبلد مضيف
لكن كما اشرت سابقا ربما سيتم عقد ورشات حول خلاصات المناورة او التمارين الاستخباراتية رمبا تونس
as well as a SLD which will address the lessons learned from the exercise
سنرى حول هذا الامر خلال الايام المقبلة

US Lieutenant-Colonel Winston Tierney, chief of the exercises, stated that they will 'favor regional cooperation and increase the capacity of African armies to work together.'
At least 900 soldiers sent by Washington arrived in Morocco on Monday to attend the practices, which also involve 400 troops from the Royal Armed Forces of Morocco and 250 from the Tunisian Army.