معـرض دبــــــي للطـيـــــــران DAS 2017

منشأة إماراتية لتطوير وتصنيع أنظمة توجيه للذخائر جواً

خلال مشاركتها في معرض دبي للطيران 2017، أعلنت الإمارات للصناعات العسكرية «إديك»، للتصنيع العسكري والخدمات الدفاعية المتكاملة، أنها أعادت تسمية شركة «توازن داينامكس» إلى شركة «بارج داينامكس» كجزء من العملية المستمرة لتحويل المشهد الصناعي الدفاعي للإمارات العربية المتحدة إلى منظومة متكاملة من مجموعة شركات تقدم منتجات وخدمات أفضل لعملائها.
«بارج داينامكس» هي أول منشأة في الشرق الأوسط لتطوير، وتصنيع، وتجميع أنظمة التوجيه فائق الدقة، للذخائر التقليدية المحمولة جواً. وتملك شركة «دينيل داينامكس» وهي إحدى أكبر شركات التصنيع العسكري في جنوب إفريقيا حصة 49% من شركة «بارج داينامكس»، و51% من شركة «بارج داينامكس» تملكها شركة الإمارات للصناعات العسكرية.
وتنتج الشركة نظام الطارق، وهو سلسلة من الأنظمة الذكية التي يمكن استخدامها مع ذخائر إم كيه 81، وإم كيه 82 المحمولة جواً.
كلام كبير :)

البنتاغون يتطلع لشراكة مع الامارات في مجال البحث والتطوير بناء على النموذج الامريكي-الاسرائيلي ..

Pentagon eyes intimate R&D tie-up with UAE based on US-Israel model
By: Barbara Opall-Rome   8 hours ago

The U.S. is considering R&D cooperation with the UAE like it did for the Arrow — the first major U.S.-Israel cooperative project that has continuously expanded into the multitier missile defense and interoperability program that exists today. (Israel Aerospace Industries)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — U.S. and Emirati defense officials will meet next month in Abu Dhabi to continue discussions on technology security protocols that aim to elevate the level at which Washington can share and ultimately co-develop sensitive technologies with one of its most prized strategic partners in the region.

In interviews here at the Dubai Airshow, U.S. executives supportive of more intimate ties with their Emirati partners cited UAVs, sophisticated munitions and innovative means of coastal defense as examples of potential projects for joint development once the United Arab Emirates codifies and implements a technology security and export control regime.

“We want them to create their own watchdog similar to our DTSA,” Danny Sebright, president of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council said of the Pentagon’s Defense Technology Security Administration.

“Of course they will adapt it to their own conditions, but if we’re going to take this partnership to a higher, fifth-generation level, they need a system that really monitors and controls classified information and technology, has the authority to conduct inspections, and makes sure that what we entrust to them for specific purposes will remain that way.”

Sebright, a former Pentagon official who spent two years in Israel during the first Gulf War before serving for a decade as the Israel desk chief in the U.S. Defense Department’s policy shop, said the effort should eventually lead to levels of strategic cooperation similar to what the U.S. had in place with Israel in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

“We really want to see if we can do joint R&D cooperation like the Arrow back in the day,” Sebright said of the first major U.S.-Israel cooperative project that has continuously expanded into the multitier missile defense and interoperability program that exists today.

After a slight pause, Sebright qualified his Israel comparison by saying: “In fact, it won’t be like the joint R&D we do with Israel, where the lion’s share of funding comes from our own budget. Here’s a chance where we can work with the Emiratis on some common problems to the benefit of both militaries and get them to pay a fair share of the bill.”

The U.S. has invested billions of dollars on cooperative missile development programs with Israel and has committed to building upon the foundational Arrow program and its offshoots with annual spending of $500 million over the coming decade.

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In a Nov. 12 dinner gathering of Emirati officials and U.S. government and business leaders, Ellen Lord, U.S. undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, said a defense cooperation agreement signed last May provides the framework for intensified cooperation between the two defense establishments.

“Currently, we are seeing an acceleration in our ties,” she said.

Citing the upcoming biannual meeting in Abu Dhabi, Lord said the high-level forum would address ways the two countries are working to build “technology security protocols and a more robust export control infrastructure” that will allow Washington to sell increasingly sensitive front-line weaponry.

“This institutional development is critical not just for ensuring that advanced U.S. technology we release to our partners remains secure, but it will also benefit the Emiratis as the UAE’s domestic defense industry takes off and becomes a force in the global marketplace,” she said.

Fahad Mohammed Al Mheiri, an executive at the Emirates Defence Industries Company cited indigenous development and production of UAVs, advanced weaponry, naval systems and cyber as sectors for the nation’s long-term industrial goals.

However, in the short-term, Al Mheiri said EDIC was focused on more modest goals of merging disparate companies and capabilities into a truly integrated, cost-effective organization that will be able to serve as the backbone of the UAE industrial base.

Interviewed here at the Dubai Airshow, Al Mheiri said EDIC is legally mandated to be the umbrella organization for cultivating the manufacturing practices, technological capabilities and business culture needed to provide for national industrial needs. “In the world of defense, we have four companies focused on the needs and expectations of our end user, the UAE Armed Forces,” he said. “Right now, those expectations are relatively modest, with a focus on added value and sustainability. But here in the UAE, we always look to the future, and of course increasingly sophisticated indigenous development is part of our plan.”

Steve Bryen, the U.S. official who founded DTSA in 1985 under the Reagan administration, said it makes sense the UAE is being groomed as the second country in the region behind Israel for such intimate cooperation.

“They have been and will be great partners. They are obviously challenged from Iran from the threat of terrorism in all its forms. We share very strong and common interests, and they should be given more capability and responsibility,” he said.

Specifically in regard to a UAE version of DTSA, Bryen said the two sides must put in place clear rules of disclosure and guidelines for export licensing as well as guidelines to maintain long-term controls. “DTSA was always involved as much with disclosure as with export control. People have to be trained properly to understand what is allowed and not allowed; and it must be a system that is empowered to coordinate across all relevant sectors of government and industry,” he said.

He noted that years after such standards and guidelines were instituted with the Israelis, serious concerns remained that slowed or halted the natural progression of strategic cooperation. “The big issue with Israel for many years was China, and that held up the process for an extended period of time. It took many rounds of intense negotiations and corrective measures until those big issues were finally resolved.”

Sebright said that unlike the many knots that had to be untangled with Israel, the UAE has “a zero record of ever giving away U.S. technology or selling it unlawfully.”

“We had some isolated instances of things getting lost in action, but we believe they will be receptive to what needs to be done on our end to allow us to help them build up their defense industrial base,” Sebright said.

In a report published last month by the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, Sebright elaborated on three key areas in which the UAE has contributed to U.S. national security interests in the region and beyond:

1. Active partner in U.S.-led coalition operations: While the UAE did not join the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, it is the only Arab country to have participated with Washington in multilateral operations in six countries, including Somalia, Bosnia-Kosovo, Afghanistan, Libya and the campaign against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq.

During the initial air campaign against ISIS, Emerati Air Force pilots ― including the country’s first female pilot, Maj. Mariam al-Mansouri ― carried out more strikes in Syria than any other country besides the U.S.

2. Accommodating host to some 5,000 U.S. forces: Under a newly expanded defense cooperation agreement signed in May, the UAE will continue to provide a home to the U.S. Air Force’s 380th Air Expeditionary Wing at Al Dhafra Air Force Base in Abu Dhabi. Al Dhafra serves as the only overseas base for F-22 jets and is home to U.S. Air Force Central Command’s Air Warfare Center, which operates an integrated air- and missile-defense center, search-and-rescue training, and advanced tactical leadership courses.

As for sea power, two key deep harbor ports — Jebel Ali and Fujairah — will remain accessible U.S. aircraft carriers. In recent years, the UAE has been host to a sizable number of special operations forces from U.S. Central Command.

3. Counterterror Cooperation: Routinized intelligence sharing and a bilateral financial counterterrorism task force heads the list of nonkinetic manifestations of counterterror cooperation. The UAE was first in the region to join the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency’s Container Security Initiative, allowing U.S. and Emirati officials to work together inside Emirati ports to inspect U.S.-bound containers. Similar arrangements are in place with the U.S. Department of Energy to improve detection of nuclear materials in cargo containers, and with the U.S. State Department to halt shipments associated with weapons of mass destruction.

The two countries also operate a pre-clearance program that allows inspections of U.S.-bound commercial passengers at Abu Dhabi International Airport prior to departure. This multifaceted counterterror program has been credited with foiling a number of terror plots, including a 2010 plan by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula to send explosives into the U.S. via cargo planes. Finally, Abu Dhabi in recent years has helped Washington reduce terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay by agreeing to take custody of several Yemeni and Afghan detainees.

ليس مشاركة تقنيات فحسب بل تطوير مشترك وفي عدة مجالات : الطائرات بدون طيار ، الذخائر المتقدمة ، وسائل مبتكرة للدفاع الساحلي ( ويكمل : هذه فقط امثلة على مجالات التعاون المحتملة )

In interviews here at the Dubai Airshow, U.S. executives supportive of more intimate ties with their Emirati partners cited UAVs, sophisticated munitions and innovative means of coastal defense as examples of potential projects for joint development once the United Arab Emirates codifies and implements a technology security and export control regime.
اعتقد ان الموافقة الاماراتية لن تأتي بالاف ٣٥ فحسب ولكنها ستفتح الباب امام الكثير من التقنيات الحساسة وسبل التعاون التي لم تكن ممكنة من قبل ..
‏اللواء البلوشي : الصناعات العسكرية الوطنية متطورة ، ودول العالم تعتبر #الإمارات حاليا نموذجا يحتذى به عالميا نظرا لما حققته من إنجازات في هذا الجانب.
لم يتبقى من المعرض سوى ساعات ... ارجو ممن لديه اي خبر جديد او صور او اضافات مهمة ان يضعها مشكورا ...
اللواء البلوشي: الإمارات تركز في منهجيتها على التطوير في كل المناحي العسكرية


الخميس 16 نوفمبر 2017 / 11:52

أكد رئيس الإدارة التنفيذية للصناعات وتطوير القدرات الدفاعية بوزارة الدفاع نائب رئيس اللجنة العسكرية للعمليات المنظمة لمعرض دبي للطيران 2017، اللواء الركن طيار إسحاق صالح البلوشي، أن الإمارات تحررت من التقليدية في الصناعات العسكرية بأنواعها كافة، وتركز في منهجيتها على التطوير في كل المناحي العسكرية، لمواكبة المستقبل في هذا القطاع الاستراتيجي، الذي تعول عليه دول العالم في تحقيق أمنها واستقرارها.

وأوضح اللواء إسحاق البلوشي أن "قطاع الطيران يشكل أحد مشاهد النهضة والتطور في الإمارات، إذ يحاكي في مضمونه الاستدامة في الابتكار والإبداع في جودة الصناعة الجوية، ليس على المستوى المحلي فقط، بل على المستوى العالمي أيضاً، لاسيما أنها تشهد تطوراً سريعاً في تلك الصناعات".

وقال البلوشي في حوار خاص مع "درع الوطن" على هامش فعاليات معرض دبي للطيران إن "المعرض يعكس مع كل دورة جديدة له مشاهد التطور والتنمية في الإمارات، ويؤكد مكانتها في صناعة الطيران بين دول العالم، فضلاً عن أن المعرض أصبح منصة عالمية تمثل منظومة متكاملة لاستقطاب كبرى الشركات الدولية المتخصصة في صناعة المنتجات الجوية بأنواعها".

منشأة إماراتية لتطوير وتصنيع أنظمة توجيه للذخائر جواً

خلال مشاركتها في معرض دبي للطيران 2017، أعلنت الإمارات للصناعات العسكرية «إديك»، للتصنيع العسكري والخدمات الدفاعية المتكاملة، أنها أعادت تسمية شركة «توازن داينامكس» إلى شركة «بارج داينامكس» كجزء من العملية المستمرة لتحويل المشهد الصناعي الدفاعي للإمارات العربية المتحدة إلى منظومة متكاملة من مجموعة شركات تقدم منتجات وخدمات أفضل لعملائها.
«بارج داينامكس» هي أول منشأة في الشرق الأوسط لتطوير، وتصنيع، وتجميع أنظمة التوجيه فائق الدقة، للذخائر التقليدية المحمولة جواً. وتملك شركة «دينيل داينامكس» وهي إحدى أكبر شركات التصنيع العسكري في جنوب إفريقيا حصة 49% من شركة «بارج داينامكس»، و51% من شركة «بارج داينامكس» تملكها شركة الإمارات للصناعات العسكرية.
وتنتج الشركة نظام الطارق، وهو سلسلة من الأنظمة الذكية التي يمكن استخدامها مع ذخائر إم كيه 81، وإم كيه 82 المحمولة جواً.

الآعتماد على ذخائر الJDAM و عائلة GBU سيقل مع الوقت وتطور ذخائرنا المحلية

بارج داينامكس ستعمل على توفير جميع البدائيل بمخلتف الاوزان وطرق التوجيه لتعمل على منصاتنا الحالية والمستقبلية
سعيد جداً بالعمل التي تقوم به شركة CAE بالتعاون مع قواتنا المحلية بآفرعها وخصوصا الجوية.

برنامج مركز التدريب والمشبهات التي تعمل فيه CAE كمقاول رئيسي دليل على الجدية والتميز في توفير المتطلبات.

جميع المنصات من الطائرات بدون طيار ، طائرات الشحن و المروحيات وفرت CAE حلول متكاملة لها بكل تميز

وعند أنتهاء المشروع

"On the UAE side, they're paying us for the whole training center," he continues. "We're obligated to do the obsolescence management
. On the day we deliver them, they'll have the most modern simulators in the world - then on days two, three and four, it's up to us to make sure it never becomes obsolete. I'd like to think they're always going to get the best-in-breed technology from CAE, and we will keep it that way."

التعديل الأخير:
من الواضح أن الفترة القادمة ستشهد إنفتاحاً أمريكياً تجاه بيع ونقل تقنية المعدات الحساسة للإمارات شريطة أن تضمن الأخيرة للأمريكين عدم تسرب هذه التقنيات الحساسة، ولهذا تطلب الولايات المتحدة من الإماراتيين تكوين هيئة رقابية مماثلة للهيئة الأمريكية DTSA أو على الإقل إيجاد إتفاقيات وضمانات متبادلة في هذا الشأن.

أمريكا ستعمل على مساعدة الإماراتيين عبر مشاريع صناعية دفاعية مشتركة، حيث سيتم على مايبدو نقل تقنية الطائرات دون طيار و الذخائر المتطورة وكذلك إيجاد وسائل مبتكرة لمهام الدفاع الساحلي.

هذه الضمانات مطلوبة من الأمريكيين قبل تصدير مقاتلات الجيل الخامس، ويبدو أن هذه موافقة مبدئية على بيع F-35 للإمارات.


كلام كبير :)

البنتاغون يتطلع لشراكة مع الامارات في مجال البحث والتطوير بناء على النموذج الامريكي-الاسرائيلي ..

Pentagon eyes intimate R&D tie-up with UAE based on US-Israel model
By: Barbara Opall-Rome   8 hours ago

The U.S. is considering R&D cooperation with the UAE like it did for the Arrow — the first major U.S.-Israel cooperative project that has continuously expanded into the multitier missile defense and interoperability program that exists today. (Israel Aerospace Industries)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — U.S. and Emirati defense officials will meet next month in Abu Dhabi to continue discussions on technology security protocols that aim to elevate the level at which Washington can share and ultimately co-develop sensitive technologies with one of its most prized strategic partners in the region.

In interviews here at the Dubai Airshow, U.S. executives supportive of more intimate ties with their Emirati partners cited UAVs, sophisticated munitions and innovative means of coastal defense as examples of potential projects for joint development once the United Arab Emirates codifies and implements a technology security and export control regime.

“We want them to create their own watchdog similar to our DTSA,” Danny Sebright, president of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council said of the Pentagon’s Defense Technology Security Administration.

“Of course they will adapt it to their own conditions, but if we’re going to take this partnership to a higher, fifth-generation level, they need a system that really monitors and controls classified information and technology, has the authority to conduct inspections, and makes sure that what we entrust to them for specific purposes will remain that way.”

Sebright, a former Pentagon official who spent two years in Israel during the first Gulf War before serving for a decade as the Israel desk chief in the U.S. Defense Department’s policy shop, said the effort should eventually lead to levels of strategic cooperation similar to what the U.S. had in place with Israel in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

“We really want to see if we can do joint R&D cooperation like the Arrow back in the day,” Sebright said of the first major U.S.-Israel cooperative project that has continuously expanded into the multitier missile defense and interoperability program that exists today.

After a slight pause, Sebright qualified his Israel comparison by saying: “In fact, it won’t be like the joint R&D we do with Israel, where the lion’s share of funding comes from our own budget. Here’s a chance where we can work with the Emiratis on some common problems to the benefit of both militaries and get them to pay a fair share of the bill.”

The U.S. has invested billions of dollars on cooperative missile development programs with Israel and has committed to building upon the foundational Arrow program and its offshoots with annual spending of $500 million over the coming decade.

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In a Nov. 12 dinner gathering of Emirati officials and U.S. government and business leaders, Ellen Lord, U.S. undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, said a defense cooperation agreement signed last May provides the framework for intensified cooperation between the two defense establishments.

“Currently, we are seeing an acceleration in our ties,” she said.

Citing the upcoming biannual meeting in Abu Dhabi, Lord said the high-level forum would address ways the two countries are working to build “technology security protocols and a more robust export control infrastructure” that will allow Washington to sell increasingly sensitive front-line weaponry.

“This institutional development is critical not just for ensuring that advanced U.S. technology we release to our partners remains secure, but it will also benefit the Emiratis as the UAE’s domestic defense industry takes off and becomes a force in the global marketplace,” she said.

Fahad Mohammed Al Mheiri, an executive at the Emirates Defence Industries Company cited indigenous development and production of UAVs, advanced weaponry, naval systems and cyber as sectors for the nation’s long-term industrial goals.

However, in the short-term, Al Mheiri said EDIC was focused on more modest goals of merging disparate companies and capabilities into a truly integrated, cost-effective organization that will be able to serve as the backbone of the UAE industrial base.

Interviewed here at the Dubai Airshow, Al Mheiri said EDIC is legally mandated to be the umbrella organization for cultivating the manufacturing practices, technological capabilities and business culture needed to provide for national industrial needs. “In the world of defense, we have four companies focused on the needs and expectations of our end user, the UAE Armed Forces,” he said. “Right now, those expectations are relatively modest, with a focus on added value and sustainability. But here in the UAE, we always look to the future, and of course increasingly sophisticated indigenous development is part of our plan.”

Steve Bryen, the U.S. official who founded DTSA in 1985 under the Reagan administration, said it makes sense the UAE is being groomed as the second country in the region behind Israel for such intimate cooperation.

“They have been and will be great partners. They are obviously challenged from Iran from the threat of terrorism in all its forms. We share very strong and common interests, and they should be given more capability and responsibility,” he said.

Specifically in regard to a UAE version of DTSA, Bryen said the two sides must put in place clear rules of disclosure and guidelines for export licensing as well as guidelines to maintain long-term controls. “DTSA was always involved as much with disclosure as with export control. People have to be trained properly to understand what is allowed and not allowed; and it must be a system that is empowered to coordinate across all relevant sectors of government and industry,” he said.

He noted that years after such standards and guidelines were instituted with the Israelis, serious concerns remained that slowed or halted the natural progression of strategic cooperation. “The big issue with Israel for many years was China, and that held up the process for an extended period of time. It took many rounds of intense negotiations and corrective measures until those big issues were finally resolved.”

Sebright said that unlike the many knots that had to be untangled with Israel, the UAE has “a zero record of ever giving away U.S. technology or selling it unlawfully.”

“We had some isolated instances of things getting lost in action, but we believe they will be receptive to what needs to be done on our end to allow us to help them build up their defense industrial base,” Sebright said.

In a report published last month by the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, Sebright elaborated on three key areas in which the UAE has contributed to U.S. national security interests in the region and beyond:

1. Active partner in U.S.-led coalition operations: While the UAE did not join the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, it is the only Arab country to have participated with Washington in multilateral operations in six countries, including Somalia, Bosnia-Kosovo, Afghanistan, Libya and the campaign against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq.

During the initial air campaign against ISIS, Emerati Air Force pilots ― including the country’s first female pilot, Maj. Mariam al-Mansouri ― carried out more strikes in Syria than any other country besides the U.S.

2. Accommodating host to some 5,000 U.S. forces: Under a newly expanded defense cooperation agreement signed in May, the UAE will continue to provide a home to the U.S. Air Force’s 380th Air Expeditionary Wing at Al Dhafra Air Force Base in Abu Dhabi. Al Dhafra serves as the only overseas base for F-22 jets and is home to U.S. Air Force Central Command’s Air Warfare Center, which operates an integrated air- and missile-defense center, search-and-rescue training, and advanced tactical leadership courses.

As for sea power, two key deep harbor ports — Jebel Ali and Fujairah — will remain accessible U.S. aircraft carriers. In recent years, the UAE has been host to a sizable number of special operations forces from U.S. Central Command.

3. Counterterror Cooperation: Routinized intelligence sharing and a bilateral financial counterterrorism task force heads the list of nonkinetic manifestations of counterterror cooperation. The UAE was first in the region to join the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency’s Container Security Initiative, allowing U.S. and Emirati officials to work together inside Emirati ports to inspect U.S.-bound containers. Similar arrangements are in place with the U.S. Department of Energy to improve detection of nuclear materials in cargo containers, and with the U.S. State Department to halt shipments associated with weapons of mass destruction.

The two countries also operate a pre-clearance program that allows inspections of U.S.-bound commercial passengers at Abu Dhabi International Airport prior to departure. This multifaceted counterterror program has been credited with foiling a number of terror plots, including a 2010 plan by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula to send explosives into the U.S. via cargo planes. Finally, Abu Dhabi in recent years has helped Washington reduce terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay by agreeing to take custody of several Yemeni and Afghan detainees.

اوباااااااااااااااااااااااا ااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااا خبر ب 14 تريليون دولار
يكفي المعرض بالكامل على هذا الخبر لمن تعلمون ما معنى محتوى الكلام ... فتحت مغارة علي بابا لاولاد زايد بالمعنى الحرفي
:جدا: بلا سوخوي بلا F35
this is next level galactic shit
طائرات طائرات صافات 04


طائرات صافات 03



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هكذا اتوقع تأثير لدغة الصحراء على المدرعات ...

بالقياس على قدرة الرأس الحربي للهيلفاير المماثل من ناحية الوزن للرأس الحربي للدغة الصحراء ..

هذا جافلين مب هلفاير
منشأة إماراتية لتطوير وتصنيع أنظمة توجيه للذخائر جواً .

خلال مشاركتها في معرض دبي للطيران 2017، أعلنت الإمارات للصناعات العسكرية «إديك»، للتصنيع العسكري والخدمات الدفاعية المتكاملة، أنها أعادت تسمية شركة «توازن داينامكس» إلى شركة «بارج داينامكس» كجزء من العملية المستمرة لتحويل المشهد الصناعي الدفاعي للإمارات العربية المتحدة إلى منظومة متكاملة من مجموعة شركات تقدم منتجات وخدمات أفضل لعملائها.
«بارج داينامكس» هي أول منشأة في الشرق الأوسط لتطوير، وتصنيع، وتجميع أنظمة التوجيه فائق الدقة، للذخائر التقليدية المحمولة جواً. وتملك شركة «دينيل داينامكس» وهي إحدى أكبر شركات التصنيع العسكري في جنوب إفريقيا حصة 49% من شركة «بارج داينامكس»، و51% من شركة «بارج داينامكس» تملكها شركة الإمارات للصناعات العسكرية.
وتنتج الشركة نظام الطارق، وهو سلسلة من الأنظمة الذكية التي يمكن استخدامها مع ذخائر إم كيه 81، وإم كيه 82 المحمولة جواً.
بعد ما كبر الأمل عندي أكثر و أكثر بزيارة وزيرة الجيوش الفرنسية و الرئيس الفرنسي لأبو ظبي فجأة مافي شي و لا شي بعد 8 سنوات من الأمل و التتبع فجأة ولا شي

لامشكلة فالامارات قد استثمرت جيداً في انشاء قاعدة صناعية وطنية وكلها سنوات قليلة ان شاء الله وستجد الامارات قد امتلكت القدرة والمعرفة الصناعية لصناعة طائرة خاصة بها ان شاء الله

طبعاً ستكون طائرة تنافس احدث طائرات العالم طائرة حقيقية وليست مثل طائرات ايران

عاد لاتنشد وقتها عن عدد ماستصنعه من طائرتها هي او حتى الطائرة التي ستصنعها السعودية ايضا في السنوات القادمة واراهن ان شاء الله انهم سيجعلون الالاف منها جاهزة وفي الخدمة فالعرب قديماً كان احدهم يطعم خيوله من اطيب الطعام كالحليب والتمر بل وقد يجيع اولاده لاجل ان يعتني ويطعم خيوله والغريزة وطباع الاجداد تبقى كامنة في احفادهم حتى لو تحضرواةوتغير نمط حياتهم

فوائد صناعة سلاحك كل سلاحك كثيرة جداً واولها انك ستضمن ان شاء الله ان لايأتيك عدو مهما كان لينهي وجودك وهذا العدو سيأتي لامحالة اليوم او غدأ او بعد شهر او سنة او عقد او قرن او قرون ولارادع له الا الله ثم صناعة سلاحك ويأتي صناعة اسلحة الردع وكلنا نعرفها في مقدمة مايجب امتلاكه
وثاني فوائد صناعة السلاح هو تحقيق ايرادات للبلاد عند بيعه للخارج وابقاء ماكان يخرج لشراء السلاح في داخل اقتصاد البلاد وثالثا لو كنت تصنع كل سلاحك هل كان قذارات الارض ومن لايساوي احدهم شسع نعال مثل بشار واتباعه ان يعيثوا في الارض فساداً وفي شعبهم اللي هو قطعه منك وفي مجالك الحيوي
طبعا لا وبالخط العريض وستضربه وتدعم من تريد وكل من يتنمر عليك الان ويفرض عليك سياسته ويتدخل في مالايعنيه من بلدان العالم الكبرى سيصفق لك وقتها ويؤيدك او يلتزم الصمت ولاخيار له غير ذلك اعجبه ام لم يعجبه
ياخي تعجبني سياستنا في الامارات
لدينا ثاني اكبر صندوق سيادي في العالم وليست لدينا اي مشاكل ماديه مع ذالك الدوله ترفض ان تنفق درهم واحد علي شي لن يشكل اضافه كبيره القوه ليست بالمال بل كيف تنفقه بالشكل الصحيح

الله يوفقهم

نعم صدقت فالادارة هي بعد مشيئة الله وتوفيقه اهم عنصر للنجاح والتقدم
ولذلك تجد كل دولة فاشلة ولاتتقدم باستمرار يديرها ويدير اي مشروع مهم فيها جهلة حتى لو كانوا يحملون اعلى الشهادات النظرية في الادارة
فالادارة تحتاج غير الشهادات لكي تنجح لاشخاص طموحين منظمين عقولهم وافكارهم حره ولم تتلوث وبيئتهم التي عاشوا حياتهم فيها بيئة حره خاليه من اللف والدوران اهلها ذوي حضارة قديمة ونبلاء وتراثها يشجع على كل خلق كريم واهلها لم يستعمره مستعمر يتسبب في تخريب صفاء انفسهم ويجعلهم فريسة للامراض النفسية المجتمعية وهذا يتوفر بامتياز في دول الجزيرة العربية وانظر للامارات تجد هناك اهتمام كبير بالتراث وعشرات الفعاليات كل سنة مع انهم اصبحوا متمدنين ولكن ربط الماضي الحقيقي المشرف مع الحاضر يجعل روح الدولة متقدة باستمرار
انظر لشعوب جزيرتنا تجدهم ابعد الناس عن اتباع الاوهام والظنون ولايصدقون الا مايرونه او يلمسونه ان قيل لهم اي حديث لم يعتادوه وهذا دليل على صفاء الذهن والنفس
نسأل الله التوفيق لنا وللامارات الحبيبة ولكل مسلم