ادارة ترامب يحتمل ان توافق على بيع الاف 16 V لمملكة البحرين ..

صقر الامارات 

خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
26 يوليو 2008
103,632 1,452 2
Trump administration unlikely to block F-16V sale to Bahrain

The sale of F-16V fighters to Bahrain is likely to be approve by the new Trump administration, Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Bob Corker said.

Photo: RBAF

The Obama administration had added a “declaration of concern” into the draft notification of the sale previously. It wants Bahrain to deal with its human rights issues before the sale could proceed.


صفقة بيع الاف 16 V يحتمل ان تقرّها ادارة ترامب الجديدة بحسب مسؤول في لجنة العلاقات الخارجية ( بوب كروكر ) , ويذكر ان ادارة اوباما كانت قد طلبت من البحرين التعامل مع القضايا الخاصة بحقوق الانسان قبل المضي في اقرار الصفقة ..

للتعرف على المزيد حول الاف 16 V

Meet the F-16V: The Most Technologically Advanced 4th Generation Fighter in the World


The Lockheed Martin F-16V is the latest and most advanced F-16 on the market today. The F-16V configuration includes numerous enhancements designed to keep the F-16 at the forefront of international security, strengthening its position as the world’s foremost combat-proven 4th Generation multi-role fighter aircraft.

The F-16V, an option for both new production F-16s and F-16 upgrades, is the next generation configuration that leverages a common worldwide sustainment infrastructure and provides significant capability improvements.

Integrated Capabilities

The F-16V provides advanced combat capabilities in a scalable and affordable package. The core of the F-16V configuration is an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, a modern commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)-based avionics subsystem, a large-format, high-resolution display; and a high-volume, high-speed data bus. Operational capabilities are enhanced through a Link-16 Theater Data Link, Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod, advanced weapons, precision GPS navigation, and the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS).

Advanced AESA Radar

Northrop Grumman’s advanced APG-83 AESA radar delivers greater situational awareness, flexibility and quicker all-weather targeting. The APG-83 provides pilots with unprecedented target area detail and digital map displays that can be tailored with slew and zoom features. The APG-83 provides F-16s with 5th Generation fighter radar capabilities by leveraging hardware and software commonality with F-22 and F-35 AESA radars.

The APG-83 AESA radar enables greater detection and tracking ranges, multiple target track (20-plus target tracks), high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) maps for all-environment precision strike, interleaved air-to-air and air-to-surface mode operations for improved situational awareness, operational effectiveness and survivability; and robust electronic protection for operations in dense radio frequency (RF) environments. The APG-83 also provides greater overall system reliability and availability—three to five times that of legacy MSCAN radars.


Enhanced Battlespace Awareness

Another key feature of the F-16V configuration is the new Center Pedestal Display (CPD), which provides critical tactical imagery to pilots on a high-resolution 6”x 8” screen. The high-resolution display allows Pilot to take full advantage of AESA and Targeting Pod data. The new CPD enables color moving maps, larger and easier to manage air-to-air Situation Displays, zoom functionality with the ability to switch information among displays, and digital display of Flight Instrument Data. The CPD is also compatible with the Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS).

F-16V Takes Flight

Lockheed Martin successfully completed the maiden flight of the F-16V on October 16, 2015, marking the first time an F-16 had flown with Northrop Grumman’s advanced APG-83 AESA radar. The new radar delivers a quantum leap in capability for the venerable F-16. Northrop Grumman’s APG-83 SABR AESA fire control radar provides 5th Generation air-to-air and air-to-ground radar capability. Northrop Grumman also provides AESA radars for the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.

Lockheed Martin is more than two years into development of the F-16V and is now in the flight test phase of the program. Customer interest in the F-16V remains strong, particularly now that the program is in its flight test phase—a key milestone for any fighter aircraft development program.


F-16 Durability Testing

Lockheed Martin also completed more than 27,000 hours of simulated flight time on an F-16C Block 50 aircraft and is now analyzing the data to determine the durability of the aircraft beyond its original design service life. The test data will be used to identify an extended, definitive flight hour limit for the venerable F-16 and demonstrate the safety and durability of the aircraft well beyond its original design service life.

The durability tests should provide even more confidence to current and potential new F-16 customers that the combat-proven F-16 will continue to play a crucial role in international security for years to come.

With more than 4,550 F-16s delivered to date, the F-16V is a natural step in the evolution of the world’s most successful 4th Generation fighter.

صفقة مميزة ... ستبني على الخبرة البحرينية مع الاف 16 وهذا سيجعل من السهل الانتقال للخيار الجديد وتشكيل اسراب عمليات منه بوقت قياسي بالمقارنة مع خيار جديد بالكامل .
أتمنى عل القيادة البحرينية عدم التوقف بعد التعاقد عل F16V والمضي قدما بموضوع التايفون
Facing increased operational demand due to its involvement in the coalition campaign against Islamic State militants in the Middle East, the Royal Bahraini Air Force is looking to boost capabilities, says Rick Groesch, regional vice-president, Middle East for Lockheed Martin Aeronautics.

“They are thinking about upgrading their airplanes – we have been in discussion for a while,” Groesch told Flightglobal during the Bahrain International Airshow.

Modernising Bahrain’s in-service fleet to the F-16V standard would include the integration of an active electronically scanned array sensor, already identified as Northrop Grumman’s scalable agile beam radar. With the US government, the progamme would also add precision-guided weapons, such as from Boeing’s joint direct attack munition series, and Lockheed’s Sniper targeting pod.

In parallel with the upgrade, the service could also acquire “17 or 18” new-build F-16Vs, Groesch says. These would differ through the installation of conformal fuel tanks, which he notes would enable the assets to operate with more weapons beneath the wing, in place of 370gal fuel tanks.

Confirming Bahrain has asked for pricing, availability and schedule data about a potential deal via the Foreign Military Sales framework, Groesch says: “In early February we will start to discuss the request with the US government. Bahrain has seen the need to get this going, due to the operational tempo now.”

Groesch says the lead aircraft involved in an upgrade would undergo modification and flight test in Bahrain with Lockheed, and subsequent examples would receive the enhancements with the assistance of the nation’s air force.

Flightglobal’s Fleets Analyzer database records the Royal Bahraini Air Force’s inventory as including 16 F-16Cs and four D-model trainers, after a single-seat example was destroyed in a non-fatal accident in Saudi Arabia.

If concluded, the deal with Bahrain would enable Lockheed to extend production of the F-16 beyond 2017.

تحديث 16 طائرة للمعيار v والحصول على نفس العدد جديدة الأمر يحتاج لإعادة نظر بالأعداد خصوصاً مع إدارة تجارية كإدارة ترامب.​
الخزانات التماثلية ستعطي الاف 16 البحرينية مدى قتالي مميز ..

بالنظر للاف 16 صوفا الاسرائيلية التي تتبنى خيار الخزانات التماثلية CFT ... بالرغم من عدم وجود مصدر رسمي حول مداها القتالي الا ان التقارير حولها تشير لبعض الارقام المهمة..


There are conflicting reports concerning the F-16I combat radius, but the most reliablesource reports a combat radius of 2,100 km, on par with the F-15I. The Israeli military would not disclose the exact range of the jet, but one senior air force officer said, "it can reach the capitals of all the countries in the region." One report says that "it has an 820 km non-refueling radius of operation, sufficient to reach both Libya and Iran" -- but a glance at a map reveals that 820 kilometers from Israel is short of Baghdad, and far short of the 1,500 kilometers need to reach Tehran. One report suggest that the F-16I has an unrefueled combat strike radius of 1,640 kilometers without refueling. Another report relates that the external fuel capacity in conformal fuel tanks increases the aircraft range to 800 miles (1,500 km). One published reports states that the external fuel tanks above the central fuselage, extend the range of the jet and the reach of the Israeli air force by 25 percent


تختلف الارقام ولكن تشير بعضها - الاكثر تفاؤلا 2100 كم , بينما بعضما تشير لما بين 1640 كم و 1500 كم ..

لو اخذنا بـ 1,640 كم بحسب ماورد اعلاه ,, هكذا سيكون المدى القتالي بالانطلاق من البحرين ..

مدى 1640 كم.png
الصقر المقاتل قصة نجاح منذ 1974 ....

F-16 Fighting Falcon

Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod
  • Advanced Weapons
  • Precision GPS navigation and
  • Auto Ground Collision Avoidance System

Multinational Approach

Lockheed Martin leverages its F-16 experience to increase the commonality and interoperability of F-16 fleets around the world.

International F-16 upgrade programs combine the requirements of many customers for long-term cost savings through commonality and interoperability.

F-16 avionics upgrades can be integrated quickly, affordably and effectively by leveraging on-going Foreign Military Sales (FMS) investments in F-16 modernization.


Comprehensive Global Sustainment

As F-16 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Lockheed Martin is uniquely qualified to design, engineer, develop, integrate and sustain a complete F-16 weapons system solution tailored to meet customer requirements. With aircraft based at more than 80 locations worldwide, from the hottest climates to the coldest, Lockheed Martin offers complete sustainment solutions for any customer force size, operational concept and support arrangement.


Aircraft Specifications

Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.3 ft / 15.027 m

Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.7 ft / 5.090 m

Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 mph (Mach 2+)

Wingspan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.0 ft / 9.449 m

Empty weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,300 lb / 9,207 kg

Engine thrust class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,000 lb / 13,000 kg

Maximum TOGW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,000 lb / 21,772 kg

Design load factor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 g

الف مبروك للبحرين مع انى افضل

F-16V cockpit

التعديل الأخير:
مبروك للبحرين ..
وقوة على قوة .. وايضاً متأكدين ستدخل التايفون للقوات الجوية البحرينية..!!
الخزانات التماثلية ستعطي الاف 16 البحرينية مدى قتالي مميز ..

بالنظر للاف 16 صوفا الاسرائيلية التي تتبنى خيار الخزانات التماثلية CFT ... بالرغم من عدم وجود مصدر رسمي حول مداها القتالي الا ان التقارير حولها تشير لبعض الارقام المهمة..


There are conflicting reports concerning the F-16I combat radius, but the most reliablesource reports a combat radius of 2,100 km, on par with the F-15I. The Israeli military would not disclose the exact range of the jet, but one senior air force officer said, "it can reach the capitals of all the countries in the region." One report says that "it has an 820 km non-refueling radius of operation, sufficient to reach both Libya and Iran" -- but a glance at a map reveals that 820 kilometers from Israel is short of Baghdad, and far short of the 1,500 kilometers need to reach Tehran. One report suggest that the F-16I has an unrefueled combat strike radius of 1,640 kilometers without refueling. Another report relates that the external fuel capacity in conformal fuel tanks increases the aircraft range to 800 miles (1,500 km). One published reports states that the external fuel tanks above the central fuselage, extend the range of the jet and the reach of the Israeli air force by 25 percent


تختلف الارقام ولكن تشير بعضها - الاكثر تفاؤلا 2100 كم , بينما بعضما تشير لما بين 1640 كم و 1500 كم ..

لو اخذنا بـ 1,640 كم بحسب ماورد اعلاه ,, هكذا سيكون المدى القتالي بالانطلاق من البحرين ..

مشاهدة المرفق 72102

سؤال بخصوص المدى الي انت وضعته راح يكون دون التزود بالوقود جوا بس
الدائره هذي تقصد الذهاب دون العوده او معى العوده

لانا الي اعرفه يوم تنفيذ عمليات ضد داعش طائرة اربع طائرات اف 16 بحرينيه قامت بالمهمه وتزودة بالوقود مره واحده فقط
سؤال بخصوص المدى الي انت وضعته راح يكون دون التزود بالوقود جوا بس
الدائره هذي تقصد الذهاب دون العوده او معى العوده

لانا الي اعرفه يوم تنفيذ عمليات ضد داعش طائرة اربع طائرات اف 16 بحرينيه قامت بالمهمه وتزودة بالوقود مره واحده فقط

نتحدث عن المدى القتالي ( Combat Raduis ) وتعني الذهاب والعودة الى نقطة الانطلاق بدون اعادة تزود بالوقود جوا ..

الارقام اعلاه تخص الـ Combat Raduis فحسب .