تعاون بين شركه التركيه Aselsan والشركه الاستونيه MILREM لتركيب منصه التحكم عن بعد SARP من انتاج شركه Aselsan على مركبه غير مأهولة ( UGV ) من انتاج الشركه الاستونيه
شركه IGG الاماراتيه أيضا بالمشروع , على مايبدو المشروع وفق متطلبات الجيش الاماراتي
منصه SARP يمكن تسليحها برشاش عيار 7.62 ملم او عيار 12.7 ملم وأيضا قاذف قنابل عيار 40 ملم , المنصه مجهزه بنظام كهروبصري عالي الدقه (كاميرا نهاريه وكاميرا حراريه/ليليه) ليزر لقياس المسافه لتمكين الرامي من تحديد هدقه واصابته بدقه متناهيه .
يتم أيضا دراسه تركيب نظام قاذف صواريخ موجهه من انتاج Aselsan على المركبه غير المأهولة ( UGV )
IDEX 2017: THeMIS fitted with SARP weapon system
Estonia's MILREM has partnered with International Golden Group and Aselsan to integrate the latter's Stabilised Advanced Remote Weapon Station (SARP) on the Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System (THeMIS) unmanned ground vehicle (UGV).
Speaking to Jane's at IDEX 2017 in Abu Dhabi, MILREM's chairman, Kuldar Väärsi, said that the collaboration commenced around one year ago, with an expected UAE armed forces requirement as the initial focus of the effort.
Work on the integration of the weapon station has been ongoing for the last six months, Väärsi explained, with the teams working at their separate locations before coming together for the physical integration.
A new control system has been developed that has a common interface for the operation of the UGV and SARP, with a two-person team able to switch between roles when required.
In its standard configuration, SARP can accommodate a 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun or a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. The system features a cooled thermal imager, CCD camera, and a laser rangefinder. It is able to traverse through 360° and elevate from -30° to 60°.
Väärsi said that the integration of an Aselsan's anti-tank guided weapon system is also under consideration.
Elsewhere, MILREM has worked with compatriot and cyber security specialist, Guardtime, to provide increased security to THeMIS' datalinks.
شركه IGG الاماراتيه أيضا بالمشروع , على مايبدو المشروع وفق متطلبات الجيش الاماراتي
منصه SARP يمكن تسليحها برشاش عيار 7.62 ملم او عيار 12.7 ملم وأيضا قاذف قنابل عيار 40 ملم , المنصه مجهزه بنظام كهروبصري عالي الدقه (كاميرا نهاريه وكاميرا حراريه/ليليه) ليزر لقياس المسافه لتمكين الرامي من تحديد هدقه واصابته بدقه متناهيه .
يتم أيضا دراسه تركيب نظام قاذف صواريخ موجهه من انتاج Aselsan على المركبه غير المأهولة ( UGV )
IDEX 2017: THeMIS fitted with SARP weapon system
Estonia's MILREM has partnered with International Golden Group and Aselsan to integrate the latter's Stabilised Advanced Remote Weapon Station (SARP) on the Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System (THeMIS) unmanned ground vehicle (UGV).
Speaking to Jane's at IDEX 2017 in Abu Dhabi, MILREM's chairman, Kuldar Väärsi, said that the collaboration commenced around one year ago, with an expected UAE armed forces requirement as the initial focus of the effort.
Work on the integration of the weapon station has been ongoing for the last six months, Väärsi explained, with the teams working at their separate locations before coming together for the physical integration.
A new control system has been developed that has a common interface for the operation of the UGV and SARP, with a two-person team able to switch between roles when required.
In its standard configuration, SARP can accommodate a 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun or a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. The system features a cooled thermal imager, CCD camera, and a laser rangefinder. It is able to traverse through 360° and elevate from -30° to 60°.
Väärsi said that the integration of an Aselsan's anti-tank guided weapon system is also under consideration.
Elsewhere, MILREM has worked with compatriot and cyber security specialist, Guardtime, to provide increased security to THeMIS' datalinks.