هذه السوخوي-37
اللقب : Terminator ( المبيدة )
The designation Su-37 was first used to market a truely multi-role version of the
Su-35 (Su-27M) to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) air force. The Su-37MR (MR for multi-role) that was offered would have French-built instrumentation equipment and a number of changes in the avionics. Sukhoi Design Bureau and KnAAPO export company selected the series produced T10M-11 (
Su-27Mpre-production test aircraft) for conversion, which had already been testing the multi-mode N011M phased array radar. However the UAE preferred the
Mirage 2000-9 and it was decided to use the T10M-11 as flying test-bed for the engine thrust vector control (TVC) system. The Su-37 designation was retained.
سوخوي 37 متعددة المهام كانت معروضة على الامارات بتجهيزات فرنسية وعدد من التغييرات على الافيونكس ..
الامارات في نهاية المطاف اختارت الميراج-9
لاحظ ان هناك منافستين لدينا ( احدها انتهى باختيار البلوك 60 والاخرى انتهت باختيار الميراج-9 )
Russia could have won an extremely profitable contract with the United Arab Emirates which were considering the purchase of about 60 sophisticated Su-37 fighters but in 1998 the French Mirage 2000-9 won the tender held by the United Arab Emirates.
ليس لدي اطلاع اكبر حول حيثيات صفقة الميراج والمتنافسين في تلك المنافسة ,,
هنا نبذة تاريخية حول الامارات والميراج ... على ما يبدو ,, الطيارون الاماراتيون اتقنوا الميراج بشكل رائع .
In the early 1970s, Abu Dhabi acquired 36 Mirage IIIs and later upgraded them to the Mirage 5 standard. Despite the testing flying characteristics of the delta-wing aircraft,
the UAE pilots mastered control of the planes, Mr Pacalon says, including the extremely difficult technique of landing at 350kph with the jet's nose up.
The UAE followed the deal up with a similar order in 1983 for the Mirage 2000, and finally a third major order for Mirage aircraft in 1998 for an upgraded version, the Mirage 2000-9. That order totalled 62 aircraft, with 32 new planes and 30 of the UAE's older Mirage 2000s revamped.
لعل ارث الميراج الرائع من الميراج III وصولا للتحديثات التي تلتها قد رسخت قناعة كبيرة واعجابا متزايدا بالمقاتلات الفرنسية وهو ماقد يفسّر استمراره للرافال والتمسك بها لسنين طويلة ..
تحفة اجاد الاماراتيون في صقلها وتزويدها بالاضافات المهمة ..
بخلاف قدرتها على حمل البلاك شاهين ,, لدى الميراج الاماراتية
1-قدرات معالجة متفوقة مصممة بنفس هندسة انظمة الرافال والاف 35 والاف 22 المشابهة ..
2- تكنولوجيات ووضائف مستلهمة من تطويرات برنامج الرافال .
3- رادار RDY-2 مع قدرة تتبع التضاريس الكترونيا
4- نظام الحرب الالكترونية IMEWS من شركة اليترونيكا الايطالية ( سأضع تاليا المزيد حوله )
5- نظام الراديو ( Thomrad) بقدرة تفادي الموجات وبتشفير محسّن
6- قمرة زجاجية + شاشات LCD
7- عدد 4 شاشات تسجيل رقمية وقدرة التوافق مع نضارات الرؤية الليلية
8- وصلة بيانات تكتيكية
9- نظام جايرسكوبي-ليزري للملاحة بالقصور الذاتي.
10- حاوية ( نهار ) للرؤية بالاشعة تحت الحمراء
11- قدرة فريدة بالميراج-9 وهي امكانية اطلاق صاروخين ميكا IR و EM في آن واحد لخداع نظام الحرب الالكترونية المعادي .
12- حاوية ( شهاب ) للتهديف , حاوية استطلاع بعيدة المدى
13- نظام اعادة تزود بالوقود جوا , نظام التحكم الاوتوماتيكي بالسرعة
14- افيونكس مبنية بطريقة الـ Modular ( بحسب تعريف قاموس ميريام ويبستر , الـ Modular هو ان تكون لديك قطع ربطها ودمجها بطرق عدة ) , حزمة حرب الكترونية ( المصدر من داسو ويقول ان هاتين الجزئيتين جديرتين بالذكر بسبب طبيعتهما الغير اعتيادية )
15- الاجراءات المضادة تستخدم تكنولوجيا الـ interferometry ( قياس التداخل )
Mirage 2000-9: the most advanced version in the
Mirage 2000 family
The Mirage 2000-9 design has taken advantage of this huge feed-back experience from the onset of the program to improve the aircraft, the navigation and weapon system, and to implement new functionalities.
As an example, operational experience especially within multinational forces, has shown the need for an increased fuel capacity and firing power.
This requirement has been fulfilled, among others, with the introduction into operational service within UAE AF & AD (United Arab Emirates Air Force & Air Defense) of the Mirage 2000-9, which is a significant upgrade from the previous versions of the Mirage 2000-5 series.
The Mirage 2000-9 integrates
– the additional operating capabilities specified and tailored by the UAE AF & AD,
– together with
a lots of new technologies
– and functionalities directly issued from the experience gained from the RAFALE aircraft development.
Mirage 2000-9: a very ambitious program
This Mirage 2000-9 version is a very ambitious and successful program which embedded an incomparable number of new capabilities:
→ Navigation and Weapon System:
Modular avionics,
new RDY-2 multimode radar, digital terrain following system, new
IMEWS countermeasures suite,
Thomrad radio with frequency evasion and enhanced encoding,
glass cockpit with new LCD visualisations,
4-display digital recording system and night vision goggles compatibility,
tactical data-link,
gyro-Iaser inertial navigation system,
navigation Forward Looking Infra-Red system (NAHAR)….
→ Air-to-Air role:
A unique capability available on the Mirage 2000-9 version,
allows to use simultaneously IR and EM MICA in BVR mode (Beyond Visual Range) to deceive electronic warfare system of the target.
→ Air-to-Ground strikes:
Conventional bombs, day/night video and laser-guided bombs, “Black Shaheen” stand-off cruise missiles, long range recce pod, and “SHEHAB” laser designation pod.
→ Plus an in-flight refuelling capacity and the automatic speed control system thanks to the implementation of the autothrottle function.
Modular avionics and countermeasures suite are particularly worth mentioning in view of their unusual nature.
The Mirage 2000-9 is equipped with a pioneering IT “core system” architecture as of last generation aircraft (Rafale, F-22 & F-35/JSF).
When it comes to countermeasures, they break new ground by adopting interferometry technology, providing the aircraft with high self-protection capability and accurate EW threats localisation.
لذلك لا اجد غرابة في الاعجاب الكبير بالميراج-9 طوال تلك السنين واكثر ..
مزيد من الضوء على نظام الحرب الالكترونية الخاص بالميراج-9 ( نظام IMEWS ) من شركة إليترونيكا الايطالية الشهيرة في مجال نظم الحرب الالكترونية :
The programme began in 1999 and was based on the need by the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for extensive modernisation and expansion of its fleet of Mirage aircraft produced by Dassault Aviation. The Dassault Mirage 2000 interceptor became operative in the 1990s. The new configuration of these aircraft, now named Mirage 2000-9, includes the almost total replacement of the EW component with a new suite presenting extremely advanced characteristics that place it in the forefront as regards operative performances for apparatus installed in combat platforms.
The system configuration covered by the contract, named IMEWS (Integrated Multimission Electronic Warfare System) comprises several sub-systems, all significantly integrated and cooperative between each other and with the M-2000 platform.
It can operate in very intense and multi-threat situations.
The individual apparatus making up the suite includes: RWR, ESM, an ECM complex operating under high band and low band, a sophisticated central unit integrating the various apparatus that also manages electro-magnetic compatibility. The functions provided to the pilot, based on the integration and cooperation of different components, inasmuch offer superior performances to those offered by individual apparatus. For example, the traces intercepted by all the sensors, including the ECM receivers, combine to create - each with their own characteristics - an integrated vision of the operative environment. These functions include:
- Radar Warning, for rapid identification, classification and presentation of threats
- ESM with a Digital Receiver for complete Tactical Situation Awareness, including fast geographical location of the broadcasters
- Elint for acquisition of tactical or strategic data
- ECM, equipped with Digital Radio Frequency Memories, for coherent and effective contrast of modern threats.
All apparatus use harmonised libraries which are validated by a specific ground control centre which also ensures analysis of data recorded on-board. The IMEWS suite has undergone extensive tests with the aircraft manufacturer and the final client - the latter involved test flights in real operating conditions with numerous combat aircraft and surface threat units.
Involvement of ELETTRONICA
ELT was involved in the programme from the outset, having won - in cooperation with Thales - the contract for the modernisation of the 30 Mirage jets already owned by AF & AD in the UAE and for the supply of 33 other RF-EW Suites for the new aircraft supplied by Dassault.
ELT is Prime-Contractor for the programme, while technical-programming coordination is managed by Thales