اوكرانيا تتفاوض مع شريك من الشرق الاوسط لانتاج صاروخ مضاد للدبابات

معلومات عن الصاروخ

الشركة المصنعة - "Kyiv Design Bureau "Luch
نوع - صاروخ محمول بنظام "الصواريخ المضادة للدبابات"
هو صاروخ لتدمير الاهداف ثابتة و الأهداف المتحركة الحديثة مدرعة أو دروع متجانسة ، بما في ذلك الدروع النشطة ، وكذلك أهداف بالغة مثل مواقع الأسلحة ، ايضا اهداف مثل دبابه في خندق ، مدرعه ، هليكوبتر
خصوصيه stung P هي القدرة على تصوب صواريخ من "closed position" مكان قريب او اماكن حساسه مثل مستودع الاسلحه.

المواصفات الرئيسية
مجال الرمي "m"
في وضح النهار 100-5000
بالليل 100-3000

Maximum range total flight time يحتاج الصاروخ(المدا الاقصى) 23 ثانيه لضرب الهدف

نظام التوجيه بواسطة شعاع ليزر مع تتبع الهدف تلقائيا
الرأس الحربي cumulative tandem
ثقب درع نشط لا تقل عن 800

وزن (كجم)
صاروخ في حاوية 29.5 كجم (Missile in container)
راجمة 32 كجم (launcher)
جهاز تأشير 15.5 كجم (Pointing device)
جهاز التحكم 10 كجم ( Remote control)
وحدة التصوير الحراري 6 كجم (Thermal imaging module)
الابعاد الكلية
العيار الصاروخي 130 (Missile caliber)
طول النار 1360 (Shot length)
القطر الخارجي لل حاوية 140 (Outer diameter of the container)

درجة حرارة التشغيل ºС من -40 الى +60

Stugna-P لديها تقنية اطلق وانسى وهي ممتازة لمن يملك تقنية تصنيعها

ليس لديه تقنيه " اطلق وانسى " ( يجب تتبع الهدف ) , وليس لديه اخصيه "Top Attack " التي تتيح ضرب الأهداف المدرعه من الأعلى
الصراحه الصاروخ كامل !
حجمه 93 كجم !!!
ايش هذا!!
هذا الصاروخ موتابع للمشاه
التعديل الأخير:
أتوقع السعودية هي المقصوده لعلاقتها المتميزة مع اوكرانيا
لكن يا ريت حد من الأخوه يبين مدي فعاليه مدي الاختراق لهذا الصاروخ مقارنه بالكورنت والتاو والجافلين وغيره.
سواء كانت الإمارات او السعودية او مصر او دجيبوتي نقول مبروك فكلكم إخوة. المهم هو هل هدا الصاروخ يمكن ان يدمر كل الدروع بما فيها APS الإسرائلية؟؟؟
ليس لديه تقنيه " اطلق وانسى " ( يجب تتبع الهدف ) , وليس لديه اخصيه "Top Attack " التي تتيح ضرب الأهداف المدرعه من الأعلى

تعتقد من هى الدولة الشرق اوسطية المهتمة بالصاروخ الاوكراني
تركيا لديها صاروخها الخاص المضاد للدروع

لا اعتقد تركيا

نعم المجموعة الرائعة



صواريخ OMTAS

الموضوع طويل و في المحاكم وعليه والفضائح تفجرت من اسبوع
من يومين تغير باعلان الشركة انها تعمل مع زبون شرق اوسطي

يقال انها الامارات

Poroshenko decided to steal the American missile via Emirates


Home / Home
07.07.2016 20:09
Ukrainian defense industry itself will have to produce anti-tank missiles, and have not received the coveted assistance from the United States. By stating this fact reduces unsightly today's announcement chapter "Ukrinmash" Sergei Slyusarenko.

Request the President to the United States for the sale of complexes 1200 "Javelin" and left without attention, and now Ukrainian defense industry is forced to negotiate with the countries of the Middle East on the joint production. What exactly, Slyusarenko did not elaborate. However, it is clear that we are talking about Turkey or of the countries of the Persian Gulf. Moreover, the probability of the latter is higher, given the apology, which brought Erdogan Moscow.

That flood of the monarchy under the US military umbrella, and used primarily Pentagon weapons. Complex "Javelin" used by US allies since the late 90's, and do not require participation in the management of the calculation after the start. In fact, we are talking about copying the American missiles to the Arab sample and, most likely, according to the United Emirates line.


Russia harshly punished Belarus due to the relations with the West
The terrorists panic they do in Russia to escape from the Donbas
Very powerful country will be part of Russia in 2017

Photo: picpool.ru

Recall that in recent years Poroshenko twice visited the military exhibition in the UAE, which is among the largest in the field of arms and security technologies. Since February 2015, Emirates deliver armored vehicles Ukraine, mortar and anti-tank systems with 20 pins. Moreover, the list of supplies, according to Poroshenko, is constantly expanding. All of this military equipment used in the war in Donbas under the guise of "defensive arms", but it was not enough to break the heroic spirit of the militia and civilians.

US President Obama this year blocked the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine, provided it a $ 300 million last November than designated course for the implementation of the Minsk agreements until the end of his presidential term. Negotiations Putin and Obama on the eve of the Warsaw Summit of NATO saying that the US-Russian confrontation, at least at the level of the US president's authority has been removed.

Under these conditions, Poroshenko's nothing left but to go for plagiarism - create your own rocket using Emirati allies. Analog production leads Ukraine away from European NATO area and refutes the statement of Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States Chaly on joint production of weapons with the Americans. The new military cooperation Kiev means that Poroshenko decided to steal an American rocket with the help of the Emirates.
"Ukrobornpromivtsi" transferred 44 million for fictitious services

Friday, July 1, 2016, 11:46

National Anti-Corruption Bureau officials suspect the State self-supporting foreign trade and investment firm (DHZIF) "Ukrinmash" in procurement "Fuerteventura Inter LP" fictitious agency services worth almost $ 1.95 million.

This write " Our Money " referring to the decision of Solomenskiy District Court of Kyiv, which considered the appeal NABU detectives in the investigation of the criminal case №52016000000000081 23/03/2016

DHZIF "Ukrinmash" - subsidiary of the state company "Ukrspetsexport".

From material court hearing know that May 20, 2015 "Ukrinmash" and "Fuerteventura Inter LP" (UK) signed an agency agreement, which provided that the British firm will appear in the sale DHZIF 1 million rounds 23mm General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Ob ' the United Arab Emirates.

The total value of the contract from the UAE amounted to $ 14.82 million, and reward "Fuerteventura Inter LP" was more than 12% - about $ 1.92 million. Pursuant to the agreement in October and December 2015 "Ukrinmash" transferred to the account of the company in the full amount Versobank AS Commission. By then the average exchange rate is 43.94 million USD.

But the investigation found that "Fuerteventura Inter LP" appropriate services are not provided. Moreover, according to investigators, is "Ukrinmash" provided agency services for export Ukrainian weapons manufacturers. Therefore, officials "Ukrinmash" knew that Fuerteventura Inter LP failed to meet terms of the agency agreement, but transferred her funds.

"Fuerteventura Inter LP" was incorporated in Scotland in early February 2015 - three months before the signing of the "Ukrinmash."

The materials meeting Solomyansky Kyiv district court said that the company is owned equally by the two parties. But in the UK register their names were not disclosed.

"Ukrinmash" - one of the companies concern "Ukroboronprom" which deals with the trade of weapons. In late October, the personnel committee derzhkontsernu "Ukroboronprom" chose the general director of "Ukrinmash" Sergei Slyusarenko. Prior to this appointment Slyusarenko was one of the top managers BRAIN Computers, which deals with the trade of IT equipment.

At the conclusion of an agreement with the British acting CEO "Ukrinmash" wasVladimir Omelyanchuk , and his deputy - Leonid Kryuchkov. Last Known as the owner of the offshore "Beyrok Finance Limited", which funds derived former Energy Minister Edward Stavisky.

Leonid Kryuchkov - brother Dmitry Kryuchkov, who holds the position of Chairman of the Board of JSC "Holding" grid ", he declared wanted in the case of the theft of the" Zaporizhzhyaoblenergo "346 million USD.

Market participants informally associated Kryuchkov Vice President Hryhoriy Surkis League, which included representatives of the governing bodies of "grid".

Arms trade is the responsibility of the NSDC First Deputy Secretary Oleg Hladkovskoho. According to him , major contracts to supply weapons to the UAE was signed during the exhibition IDEX-2015, attended by President Poroshenko.
By the creators of corruption schemes in the "Ukroboronprom" slowly but surely approaching punishment.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau officials suspect the State self-supporting foreign trade and investment firm (GHVIF) "Ukrinmash" in buying a shell company in Fuerteventura Inter LP fictitious agency services worth almost $ 1.95 million. According to the online edition of Grom., Evidenced by a resolution Solomyansky district Court of Kiev, which considered the appeal NABU detectives in the investigation of the criminal case on 23.03.2016 №52016000000000081 (here and further allocated edited to point to a very interesting coincidence).

It is noteworthy that in early June NABU said that fears of illegal pressure on the Bureau detectives in connection with the investigation of large-scale abuse of the structure "Ukroboronprom".

"According to available information in the NABU, officials said state-owned enterprises can prepare unlawful pressure on the individual investigators and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau in general, - the press-service agency. - Also, we do not exclude the possibility of provocations, including information "stuffing" and the illegal use of existing law enforcement agencies in other levers of influence to interfere with the proper preliminary investigation and to avoid potential liability. "

Although detectives then concealed the name of the structure, investigating fraud which has caused such a serious risk, the date of production and number leaves no doubt - it is a "fact" Ukrinmash ".

From the court's records it is known that the May 20, 2015 it Fuerteventura Inter LP (United Kingdom) have signed an agency agreement, which provided that the British company will mediate with the sale of "Ukrinmash" 1 million caliber 23 mm in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates.

The total value of the contract with the UAE amounted to $ 14,820,000, as Fuerteventura Inter LP remuneration reached more than 12% -. The order of $ 1,920,000 Pursuant to the agreement in October and December 2015. "Ukrinmash" listed on the company's account in Estonian Versobank AS the full amount of commission . According to the then average exchange rate is 43.94 million USD.

It is noteworthy that the financial institution owned by agricultural companies Ukrselhosprom PCF LLC, which is part of the corporation "Alef" Ukrainian oligarchs landlords Vadim Ermolaev and Stanislaus Vilna. Versobank AS, incidentally, openly advertises its on the "tax optimization" services. That is, the withdrawal of funds in offshore accounts, and money laundering. But let us return to the Lord of War.

The investigation revealed that the Fuerteventura Inter LP related services not provided "Ukrinmash". Moreover, according to investigators, it was "Ukrinmash" provides agency services for the export of weapons of Ukrainian producers. That is, the officials of "Ukrinmash" knew Fuerteventura Inter LP has not complied with the conditions of the transaction agent, but listed it means.

The publication notes that the Fuerteventura Inter LP was recorded in Scotland at the beginning of February 2015 - three months before the signing of the agreement with the "Ukrinmash".

The materials of the meeting Solomyansky district court of Kiev said that the company is equally owned by two people. But in the UK register their names are not disclosed.

"Ukrinmash" - one of the enterprises of concern "Ukroboronprom", which is engaged in trade of weapons. In late October, the personnel committee of the State Concern "Ukroboronprom" chose the general director of "Ukrinmash" Sergei Slyusarenko. Prior to this appointment Slyusarenko was one of the top managers of the company BRAIN Computers, which is engaged in trade of IT-technology.

Journalists point out that at the time of the agreement with the British acting General Director of "Ukrinmash" was Vladimir Omel'yanchuk, and his deputy - Leonid Kryuchkov. The latter is known as the owner of the offshore "Beyrok Finance Limited", which displays tools ex-Energy Minister Edward Stavisky.

However, informed sources in the structure of "Ukroboronprom" argue that over the fraudulent transaction is Stanislav Hosh - former director of the "Ukrinmash" and his accomplice - "chief" state-owned "Spetstehnoeksport" Eugene Trishnovsky. According to our interlocutors, before the events described above, to hide in the shadows, he went to the voluntary decrease, to the position of the head of one of the departments of the arms company. However, it remains the "gray cardinal" of corruption schemes in the "Ukrinmash".

Among other things, into the hands of the same "master" indicates almost absolute similarity scheme crank in the past year, with the one trying to crank out a year earlier - when Stanislav Hosh have not hit the "downshifting" and did not hesitate to call himself a director " Ukrinmash ".

In February-March 2014, when the Russian invasion of Ukraine was in full swing, "Ukrinmash" under the strict guidance of Stanislav Khoshali contracts for delivery in Saudi Arabia, a large batch of weapons. Amount of the transaction - about half a billion dollars. The range of supply - up to tanks, armored combat vehicles and missiles.

As is the case with ammunition for military UAE, described above, are also featured front company-laying. The transaction was carried out through the Triangle Group Incorporated, registered in the United Arab Emirates. The fact that this company Ukrainian rather than Arabic, eloquent documents obtained in the open access. Her head Set scrap merchant from Zaporozhye Michael Buyankov.

Buyankov, as shown by the analysis of its accounts in social networks, good friend Konstantin Cherednichenko - Deputy Stanislav Khoshali when he was the last director of the "Ukrinmash" rather than its "gray eminence", as it is now.

And, as in the manipulation of ammunition for the UAE Army, to "wash" the money in this case, the choice of weapons "schemers" again fell on the Baltic "laundry" - this time on the notorious Latvian Norvik Banka.

According to the contract, Triangle Group Incorporated received for fictional brokerage services 20% of its value. That is, Hosh & Co. would become richer by $ 100 million. However, her government has blocked and the gun, which had their eye on these "barons", sent to the front.

However, this is not all feats of our heroes (by the way, when Yanukovych they even managed to sell the "left" two nuclear bomber). And if they manage to escape from the field of view of NABU, then there will be new. Anyway…

…to be continued.

Jaroslav Garmash, especially for CRiME`a and [high-profile cases].
احتمال اقل لان الروس لما احتلوا مدينة الي فيها مصنع الذخيرة الوحيد الاوكراني وجدوا ملفات تعاون بملاين مع الامارات وبالمليارات مع السعودية
وتفجرت القضية مشاركة 94/95
التعديل الأخير:
يقال انها الامارات

Poroshenko decided to steal the American missile via Emirates


Home / Home
07.07.2016 20:09
Ukrainian defense industry itself will have to produce anti-tank missiles, and have not received the coveted assistance from the United States. By stating this fact reduces unsightly today's announcement chapter "Ukrinmash" Sergei Slyusarenko.

Request the President to the United States for the sale of complexes 1200 "Javelin" and left without attention, and now Ukrainian defense industry is forced to negotiate with the countries of the Middle East on the joint production. What exactly, Slyusarenko did not elaborate. However, it is clear that we are talking about Turkey or of the countries of the Persian Gulf. Moreover, the probability of the latter is higher, given the apology, which brought Erdogan Moscow.

That flood of the monarchy under the US military umbrella, and used primarily Pentagon weapons. Complex "Javelin" used by US allies since the late 90's, and do not require participation in the management of the calculation after the start. In fact, we are talking about copying the American missiles to the Arab sample and, most likely, according to the United Emirates line.


Russia harshly punished Belarus due to the relations with the West
The terrorists panic they do in Russia to escape from the Donbas
Very powerful country will be part of Russia in 2017

Photo: picpool.ru

Recall that in recent years Poroshenko twice visited the military exhibition in the UAE, which is among the largest in the field of arms and security technologies. Since February 2015, Emirates deliver armored vehicles Ukraine, mortar and anti-tank systems with 20 pins. Moreover, the list of supplies, according to Poroshenko, is constantly expanding. All of this military equipment used in the war in Donbas under the guise of "defensive arms", but it was not enough to break the heroic spirit of the militia and civilians.

US President Obama this year blocked the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine, provided it a $ 300 million last November than designated course for the implementation of the Minsk agreements until the end of his presidential term. Negotiations Putin and Obama on the eve of the Warsaw Summit of NATO saying that the US-Russian confrontation, at least at the level of the US president's authority has been removed.

Under these conditions, Poroshenko's nothing left but to go for plagiarism - create your own rocket using Emirati allies. Analog production leads Ukraine away from European NATO area and refutes the statement of Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States Chaly on joint production of weapons with the Americans. The new military cooperation Kiev means that Poroshenko decided to steal an American rocket with the help of the Emirates.

اذا للامارات فالف الف مبروك سند واخوان

لاكن الخبر لم يذكر انها للامارات بل ذكر دولة شرق اوسطية ثم تطرق لموضوع اخر عن الامارات
موضوع تطوير صاروخ اوكراني اماراتي بسبب القيود المفروضة على اوكرانيا لجئت الى الامارات

هذا الي فهمته من الخبر اذا كنت غلطان اتمنى توظحون لي
اذا للامارات فالف الف مبروك سند واخوان
لاكن الخبر لم يذكر انها للامارات بل ذكر دولة شرق اوسطية ثم تطرق لموضوع اخر عن الامارات

المصادر كثير وما قريتها تماما بس الشباب مستعجلين علي
هي تركيا والخليج و نسخة من خط الامارات

هل الامارات عندها خط جافلين
طبعا الي تكلم عن مصر والجزائر ماعنده سالفه لانهم غير شرق اوسطيين
ومصر استلمت نسخة اوكرانية بالية
والكلام عن طبع لنسخة وسرقة الجافلين حديثة
و المحللين يقولون تركيا والخليج
والفساد يشير للامارات اولا
السعودية ثانيا
مصر شرق اوسطية
الجزائر من شمال افريقيا