الاجراء المتخذ من سلاح الجو الالماني هو اجراء احترازي فقط بناءً على تحذير بريطاني ، وجاء التحذير بسبب انه قد تمزق جزء من الهيكل الخلفي الخاص بتموضع المحرك عند حمل حمولات ثقيلة في احدى رحلات الطيران التجريبية
وهذا الاجراء الالماني شمل 60 مقاتلة فقط ، ولا يشكل خطر على سلامة الطيارين
In the Bundeswehr was emphasized that it was a security measure, the pilots were not at risk.
With the order the troops responded to warnings from Britain. There is a part of the rear engine mount structure was torn at one of the fighters under heavy load during a test flight. The aggregate threatened to dissolve. As a result, the manufacturers warned all customers and advised to check whether the apparently defective part is fitted made in Italy in their jets.
Put simply, the restrictions mean a kind of speed limit for the 60 deployable Bundeswehr fighter jets of this type, which can reach more than twice the speed of sound with its powerful engines