الرادار / كافراد
The main sensor of TF-2000 frigate
5000 Domestic GaN modules x 4 = 20,000 GaN modules on 360 degree radar surface
GaN T/R Module producer: AB MicroNANO
Domestic IFF Range: 500km
Surveillance Range: 500km
مرحلة ماقبل التصميم / اكتملت
المرحلة الحساسة / اكتملت
مرحلة عناصر التصميم / اكتملت
البحرية التركية تخطط لطائرة مدي بعيد للمراقبة البحرية
1200nm range 4h mission
Close radius missions 10h duration
Totally 12-15h duration
مشروع ملغم رقم ثلاثة
هيكل السفينة / اكتمل
المعدات الحساسة / في طور الاكتمال
بناء البلوك / تحت العمل
فرقاطات كلاس إسطنبول
-Design activities are completed !
-SSM is planning to launch the tender with a complete design at first half of this year
-Construction of three Istanbul class frigates will be done with a joint venture established by min. 3 Turkish shipyard.
-Construction of three vessel will be initiated simultaneously and entered into TN inventory simultaneously.
-SSM is completing the outsourcing contracts regarding the design activities of TF-2000 project in a few months.
-Documentation of TF-2000 is completed.
-Contact would probably be signed within a couple of months.
-2nd, 3rd and 4rd TF-2000 frigates will be constructed by private shipyards.
Length: 150m
Tonnage: Between 7000-8000 t
المشروع الصاروخي للبحرية التركية
-Temren Missile (Mizrak-D) -2017
-Atmaca anti-ship Missile - 2016
-National Cruise Missile (Gezgin) (~1000km)
-National SAM integration (Hisar family)-(2017)
-Akya integration (533mm heavy torpedo) (2017)
-Tork Torpedo counter torpedo
نظام CIWS
(عائلة كوركت)
-Korkut CIWS 35mm twin barrel
-Korkut-D CIWS Naval 25mm