Aselsan التركيه تزود مروحيات تشيلي بنظام الحمايه HEWS


خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
28 فبراير 2012
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تم الإعلان عن توقيع عقد بين شركه Aselsan التركيه ووزاره الدفاع التشيليه , بموجب العقد ستقوم شركه Aselsan بتركيب نظام الحمايه HEWS على مروحيات الجيش التشيلي من نوع AS532 Super Puma و AS532 Cougar

نظام الحمايه HEWS من تطوير شركه Aselsan يمكن تركيبه على المروحيات والطائرات ( جناح ثابت ) لحمايتها من خطر الصواريخ المضاده للطائرات , النظام يقوم برصد الصواريخ التي يتم اطلاقها باتجاه الطائره , تحذير طاقم الطائره بانه تم اطلاق صاروخ باتجاهم وتزويدهم بمعلومات حول الخطر القادم ومن ثم يبدا النظام بسلسله من الإجراءات للتشويش على الصاروخ وتعطيله

النظام تم تركيبه على المروحيات التي تعمل لدى الجيش التركي , من بيها المروحيه الهجوميه ATAK T-129 , بلاك هوك وكوبرا


Helicopter Electronic Warfare System (HEWS)
Helicopter Electronic Warfare System (HEWS) is the “Integrated Self Protection System” developed by ASELSAN for fixed and rotary wing aircrafts. Integrated via a Suite Central Processing System, HEWS provides

  • Radar Warning,
Missile Warning,
Laser Warning,
RF Jamming,
Chaff/Flare Dispensing

functions with complete situational awareness and threat specific countermeasure application capabilities.
RWR with the digital receivers operating in the narrow and wide bands together with optional geolocation capability and RFJ making use of Digital RF Memory (DRFM) technology together with the “state-of-the-art” solid state active electronically scanned phased array provides RF spectrum coverage with the most advanced countermeasure techniques. As an integrated and adaptive EW self-protection system, HEWS performs multispectral threat evaluation with an advanced decision fusion process. HEWS applies the optimized countermeasures, including combined techniques to defeat the identified radar and/or missile threat. The Suite provides an advanced human-machine interface, indicative audio warnings and alerts, in-flight event recording, pulse description word recording, blanking management, single point mission data file and mission report loading/downloading, night vision goggles compatibility, GPS/INS/IMU usage.
HEWS is designed with an open architecture which enables the flexibility to change the system configuration depending on the platform requirements without SW modification



AS532 Super Puma

RWR with the digital receivers operating in the narrow and widebands together with optionalgeolocation capability and RFJ making use of Digital RF Memory (DRFM) technology together withthe “state-of-the-art” solid state active electronically scanned phased array provides RF spectrum coverage with the most advanced countermeasure techniques.

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