رويترز: قاعدة عسكرية أميركية ثانية في شمال سورية عند كوباني

28 مارس 2013
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رويترز : الولايات المتحدة تستعد لبناء قاعدة للاستخدام المزدوج العسكري و المدني جنوب شرق كوباني بعد أن قاربت من الانتهاء من بناء القاعدة الجوية في الرميلان ( الحسكة ) شمال شرق سورية عند المثلث السوري - العراقي - التركي

World | Sun Mar 6, 2016 11:13am EST


U.S. builds two air bases in Kurdish-controlled north Syria: Kurdish report


The United States has nearly finished setting up an air base in Kurdish-controlled northern Syria and was proceeding with the construction of a second base for dual military and civilian use, a Kurdish website said on Sunday.

The Erbil-based news website BasNews, quoting a military source in the Kurdish-backed Syria Democratic Forces (SDF), said most of the work on a runway in the oil town of Rmeilan in Hasaka was complete while a new air base southeast of Kobani, straddling the Turkish border, was being constructed.

The source in the U.S.-backed alliance that also includes Arab armed groups told the news portal scores of U.S. experts and technicians were involved in the project.

Syrian Kurdish officials had recently said the Rmeilan airstrip was being used by U.S. military helicopters for logistics and deliveries.

The United States sent dozens of special operations troops to northern Syria last year to advise opposition forces in their fight against the militant group Islamic State. They have also dropped supply munitions to rebels in the province.

Last month, U.S. advisors backed by coalition air strikes assisted Kurdish-led Syrian rebels in encircling and capturing the strategic Syrian town of Shadadi from Islamic State but were away from the frontlines, U.S. officials said.

The Syrian Kurds have established control over wide areas of northern Syria since the country erupted into civil war in 2011, and their YPG militia has become a major partner in the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State.

U.S. military ties with the Syrian Kurds have grown deeper despite the concerns of NATO ally Turkey, which views the Syrian Kurdish PYD party as a terrorist group because of its links to the PKK, which is waging an insurgency in Turkey.

The special U.S. presidential envoy to the coalition against Islamic State, Brett McGurk, visited Kurdish-controlled northern Syria several weeks ago in what appeared to be the first declared trip to Syrian territory by an Obama administration official in three years.

McGurk said on Saturday in Baghdad the coalition was stepping up pressure on Islamic State and that the militants were losing ground in both Syria and Iraq.

(Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Stephen Powell)

التقسيم مستمر قاعدتين لأميركا وروسيا هلق بتغار وبدا قاعدة تانية​
الأمريكان ملاعين
فوائدهم لاتعد ولا تحصى في كل شيء!

وهذا برأيي يمهد لتنازلات للروس بإعطاءهم قاعدتهم في سوريا مستقبلا....

ولكن لسان حال الروس يقول:
البحر أمامنا ...والأمريكان خلفنا
الأمريكان ملاعين
فوائدهم لاتعد ولا تحصى في كل شيء!

وهذا برأيي يمهد لتنازلات للروس بإعطاءهم قاعدتهم في سوريا مستقبلا....

ولكن لسان حال الروس يقول:
البحر أمامنا ...والأمريكان خلفنا
ولكن الروس اصبحوا لاعب قوي في المسرح السوري وفرضوا وجودهم بسبب ضعف اوباما
مؤسف للغاية
سوريا لم تعد للسوريين
اتمني ان تنتهي الحرب هناك باقل الخسائر
اي سوريا موحدة
هذه انجازات حزب المقاومة و الممانعه

والمهم والاهم ..

انو النظام يحتفظ بحق الرد ,,,,

لكِـ الله يا شام ،،

امريكا تبني المطارات في المناطق الكردية والروس في المناطق العلوية!

عن اي مفاوضات وحل سياسي يتحدثون؟