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اختلف معاك في النقطة دي

The construction of the ship would be shared between the countries with France building about 60 percent and Russia 40. Work started in France, Saint-Nazaire, on 18 June 2013 and in the Russian Baltiysky Zavod shipyard in St. Petersburg on 4 July 2013​


اختلف معاك في النقطة دي

The construction of the ship would be shared between the countries with France building about 60 percent and Russia 40. Work started in France, Saint-Nazaire, on 18 June 2013 and in the Russian Baltiysky Zavod shipyard in St. Petersburg on 4 July 2013​


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Russian Rosoboronexport and French DCNS signed the contract for first two ships in June 2011. United Shipbuilding Corporation is involved as subcontractor of French shipyard STX France located in Saint-Nazaire. Baltiysky Zavod will construct 24 hull sections (stern parts of two ships) which is about 40 per cent of hulls.

Then the sections will be sent to France for final assembling. The first ship is supposed to join Russian Navy in 2015.
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مشكلتي اني perfectionist مبعرفش اعدي غلطة :cool:
لا متدقش انا اعرف واحد بلط ارضية المركب ببلاط مزايكو فى البحرية برضه ,فكرة’
كان فى مشكلة فى الارضية فجاب شبكة سلك و لحمها فى الارض بلمبة اللحام و حط عليها اسمنت و بلط ببلاط مزايكو :D
لا متدقش انا اعرف واحد بلط ارضية المركب ببلاط مزايكو فى البحرية برضه ,فكرة’
كان فى مشكلة فى الارضية فجاب شبكة سلك و لحمها فى الارض بلمبة اللحام و حط عليها اسمنت و بلط ببلاط مزايكو :D
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