رساله ناريه من الوفد الاماراتى فى معرض دبى لوفد مقاتله (تايفون)

أجل تحكينا لنا قصص محاكيات :D

In the Red Flag 2008 exercise, the F-15 the Su-30. The Su-30 doesn't begin to approach the F-22 Raptor, and the upgraded F-15C Eagles may also prove superior. In the Red Flag 2008 jamming between aircraft nullified radar-guided missiles and allowed the aircraft to come into the merge. The Indians tried to use their "air show tricks", but the US pilots used the tactics they had developed to move in behind the Flankers when they started "sinking" and to quote a pilot, "drill their brains out with guns".

الهنكود عرفوا قيمتهم في العلم الأحمر 2008 تمسخروا لدرجة أنهم رفضوا قتال على نمط 1-1 بين الإف 15 C والسوخوي حقتهم .. الاف 15 C عملت إغتصابات جماعية :D

يا اخوان حسب ماسمعنا قبل فترة طويله حضرت الرافال اللا خميس مشيط
وجربها طيارين سعوديين ولم تعجبهم وكان الفرنسيين يترجون الضباط السعوديين
لكي يكتبون تقارير تصب في مصلحة المقاتلة
وياتي البعض ليحاول ولو لمجرد المحاولة ان يضع الثرى قرب الثريا
| تفاوضت الكويت وفرنسا حول الرافال منذ ٦ سنوات ..
قدمت فرنسا للكويت اغرائات كبيره .. منها تخفيضات بالسعر وتسهيلات والى اخره ..
لكن عارض الخبراء والنواب الكويتيين الصفقة حيث أكد النائب جمعان الحربش بأنه سيحاسب وسيحرك أدواته الدستورية في حال المضي بالصفقة وبين أن هذه الطائرات مصنوعة منها 40 طائره وتريدوننا شراء 28 طائره منها في حين كل دول العالم ترفض شرائها مع العلم بأنها تعرض عليهم بأقل من الأسعار التي تعرض علينا حيث توجد ملاحظات كثيرة علي هذه الطائرات ومنها 'سجلها الحربي خالي من الحروب، طائرات 'الرافال' هي من أكثر الطائرات تكلفه، سجل التصدير خالي من الدول عدا فرنسا، عرضت علي الهند بمبلغ 67 مليون دولار وعلي الكويت بمبلغ100 مليون دولار للطائرة الواحدة، قدرتها محدودة علي حمل أي أسلحه غير فرنسيه وهذا النوع من الصفقات قد يجر الكويت إلي التوجهه للتسليح الفرنسي غالي الثمن
وبين النائب الحربش ان عيوب الطائرة لا يتم ذكرها في البيانات الرسمية بسبب اتفاقيه سريه المعلومات التي تقيمها المصانع مع الدول فرفض العديد من الدول التعاقد معها حيث ثبت أن هناك أخطاء مصنعيه وسعرها باهظ


تردد حديث ورد في الاول من نوفمبر تشرين الثاني عام 2009 في حديث بين عاهل البحرين الملك حمد بن عيسى ال خليفة والجنرال ديفيد بتريوس الذي كان في ذلك الوقت مسؤولا عن القيادة المركزية الامريكية. وجاء ذلك في برقية للسفارة الامريكية ..
وتفيد الوثيقة أن الملك حمد طلب من بتريوس المساعدة في اقناع شركات تصنيع الطائرات الامريكية بالمشاركة في أول معرض طيران تقيمه البحرين في يناير كانون الثاني 2010.
وافادت البرقية المرسلة من السفير الامريكي في المنامة انه "قال ان فرنسا تدفع طائراتها رافال وانها ستشارك غير انه يتفق مع بتريوس على ان المقاتلة الفرنسية تمثل تكنولوجيا الامس."


الواضح من النقاشات هو امر او مثل طرى على بالي من اغنية اماراتية :)

الي ما يطول العنب حامض عنه يقول

الاف 15 الملكة المالكينها 5 دول فقط في العالم كله ومن اقوى اسلحة الجو العالمية اصبحت فيل والغزال طائرة صنع فرنسية يركضون صانعيها لبيعها لاي دولة كانت بل ويترجونهم وقليل من الدول تقبل بذلك حسب استراتيجيتهم التسليحية وما الى ذلك اصبحت الكل في الكل


مصر تملك الميراج وتم استبدالها بالرافال والامارات تملك الميراج وتم استبدالها بالرافال وقطر تملك الميراج وتم استبدالها بالرافال هذا كل شيء باختصار شديد o_O سويتوها رابتور الشرق الاوسط ووووووو

العامود الفقري لسلاح الجو السعودي الاف 15 والتايفون بديل للترنيدو :D وسلامة فهمكم من المعيب مقارنه الرافال بالاف 15 بل قارنوها بالتايفون مع تاكدي التام بتفوق كبير للتايفون
هي تلميحات واضغاث احلام
يتفق بها اعضاء معينين ويبدئون في الاحلام
الاف15 التي يخطط الامريكان لاستخدامها منصة لاسقاط الاقمار الصناعيه ياتي اعضاء غير مستقرين ويشبهونها ببعض التشبيهات التي اقل مايقال عنها غبيه
انا اعلم ومتيقن ان البعض هنا يصطاد في الماء العكر
البعض لازال في احلام القرن الماضي
والبعض الاخر يريد مناطحة الكبار
المصيبه هناك اعضاء محسوبين من كبار المنتدى ولا يعرف ابجديات النقاش
كل كلامه فلنفرض ولنتخيل وعندما تتكلم يطلب مصادر كان الاولى منك ياصاحب الخيلات ان لا تتكلم الا بمصدر حتى لو صديقك اللي مش متذكر هو فرنسي ولا هندي ولا ايراني حتى


أجل تحكينا لنا قصص محاكيات :D

In the Red Flag 2008 exercise, the F-15 the Su-30. The Su-30 doesn't begin to approach the F-22 Raptor, and the upgraded F-15C Eagles may also prove superior. In the Red Flag 2008 jamming between aircraft nullified radar-guided missiles and allowed the aircraft to come into the merge. The Indians tried to use their "air show tricks", but the US pilots used the tactics they had developed to move in behind the Flankers when they started "sinking" and to quote a pilot, "drill their brains out with guns".

الهنكود عرفوا قيمتهم في العلم الأحمر 2008 تمسخروا لدرجة أنهم رفضوا قتال على نمط 1-1 بين الإف 15 C والسوخوي حقتهم .. الاف 15 C عملت إغتصابات جماعية :D

للتعبير فحسب .. اليك النتيجة من تمرين Cope India

Exactly 10 years ago, in the space of just 13 days, the Indian Air Force dealt a massive blow to the myth of invincibility of the US Air Force. At the Cope India exercise held at the Gwalior air force range on February 15-27, 2004, Indian pilots reportedly notched up an astounding 9:1 kill ratio against the all-powerful USAF, sending shock waves through the American defence establishment.

نتيجة 9 للهنود
1 للامريكيين

هذا الكلام في سنة 2004 ( وليس مشبهات بل تمرين حقيقي جرى في الهند )

هذه النتيجة تسببت بفضيحة في سلاح الجو الامريكي ... اقرأ

A different spin in D.C.

Used to hearing the United States is second only to god, the US leadership nearly burst a collective artery. The 3rd Wing had barely packed up its kit at Gwalior when Republican Congressman from California, Duke Cunningham, told a House Appropriations defence subcommittee hearing that USAF F-15Cs had been defeated more than 90 percent of the time in direct combat exercises against the IAF.

Cunningham’s revelation kicked up a huge uproar in Washington DC. Some Western military observers attempted to debunk the results, claiming the USAF did not bring its true ‘go-to-war-gear’ to these exercises and that the American pilots fought with several handicaps. What really happened?

90% من المواجهات مع الهنود انتهت بخسارة الامريكيين ( الاف 15 C )

لماذا جرى كل ذلك ؟؟

لان الامريكيين حمقى ( كما كان الهنود في العلم الاحمر 2008 ) حيث وافقوا على اشراك 6 ايجل مقابل 18 طائرة للهنود ... وبدون اشراك صواريخهم الـ BVR

First up, it’s true the F-15Cs that participated in Cope India 2004 were not equipped with the active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars. But then neither were the Indian jets. Secondly, at India’s request the USAF agreed to mock combat at 3-to-1 odds, which meant the six American jets were up against 18 IAF aircraft. And finally, the Americans agreed not to simulate their beyond-visual-range (BVR) missiles. Doesn’t look like a fair fight.

سنقول انها شجاعة ... ولكن انظر لفعل الهنود انفسهم وكأنهم يثبتون شجاعتهم في الاشتراك بالتمرين بثقة :

The Su-30MKI’s powerful Russian-made NIIP-BARS radar was operating only in the training mode which limited the sensor’s range and spectrum of capabilities. The self-imposed radar restrictions prevented US snoops from "mapping" the high-tech radar. But other restrictions were dictated by the hosts, Fulghum writes.

The Indians were barred from using data-links, chaff and flares. When they were targeted by surface to air missiles, they were shot down. There was no data picture in the cockpit to help IAF pilots’ situational awareness so the work load on the aircrews was high. Also, the IAF’s most powerful air-to-air missile, the R-77, was not simulated in the exercises.

ايام العلم الاحمر 2008 , لم يشغل الهنود رادارهم الا بطور التمرين ( وهو الامر الذي يحدّ من مدى المستشعرات ومصفوفة واسعة من القدرات ) ... فعلوا ذلك لمنع الامريكيين من التحصل على اسرار رادارهم عالي التقنية ..

لم يسمح للهنود استخدام وصلات البيانات

لم يسمح للهنود استخدام الـ Chaff ولا الـ Flares عندما كان يتم استهدافهم من قبل الصواريخ الجوية وصواريخ الدفاع الجوي ..

لم يتوفر للهنود صورة بيانات موحدة في قمرة القيادة لكي يلمّوا بالوضع الميداني ( وبالتالي , كان الجهد على الطاقم الجوي عالي ) .

لم يتم ادخال اهم الصواريخ الهندية جو-جو ( الـ R-77 ) في التمرين ..


بعد كل ذلك ,, هل تلوم الهنود في العلم الاحمر وتتجاهل ما حصل للامريكيين في Cope India 2004 !!!!

Come On توفي .. حسبتك تكيل بالعدل والميزان المستقيم :)
التعديل الأخير:
للتعبير فحسب .. اليك النتيجة من تمرين Cope India

Exactly 10 years ago, in the space of just 13 days, the Indian Air Force dealt a massive blow to the myth of invincibility of the US Air Force. At the Cope India exercise held at the Gwalior air force range on February 15-27, 2004, Indian pilots reportedly notched up an astounding 9:1 kill ratio against the all-powerful USAF, sending shock waves through the American defence establishment.

نتيجة 9 للهنود
1 للامريكيين

هذا الكلام في سنة 2004 ( وليس مشبهات بل تمرين حقيقي جرى في الهند )

هذه النتيجة تسببت بفضيحة في سلاح الجو الامريكي ... اقرأ

A different spin in D.C.

Used to hearing the United States is second only to god, the US leadership nearly burst a collective artery. The 3rd Wing had barely packed up its kit at Gwalior when Republican Congressman from California, Duke Cunningham, told a House Appropriations defence subcommittee hearing that USAF F-15Cs had been defeated more than 90 percent of the time in direct combat exercises against the IAF.

Cunningham’s revelation kicked up a huge uproar in Washington DC. Some Western military observers attempted to debunk the results, claiming the USAF did not bring its true ‘go-to-war-gear’ to these exercises and that the American pilots fought with several handicaps. What really happened?

90% من المواجهات مع الهنود انتهت بخسارة الامريكيين ( الاف 15 C )

لماذا جرى كل ذلك ؟؟

لان الامريكيين حمقى ( كما كان الهنود في العلم الاحمر 2008 ) حيث وافقوا على اشراك 6 ايجل مقابل 18 طائرة للهنود ... وبدون اشراك صواريخهم الـ BVR

First up, it’s true the F-15Cs that participated in Cope India 2004 were not equipped with the active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars. But then neither were the Indian jets. Secondly, at India’s request the USAF agreed to mock combat at 3-to-1 odds, which meant the six American jets were up against 18 IAF aircraft. And finally, the Americans agreed not to simulate their beyond-visual-range (BVR) missiles. Doesn’t look like a fair fight.

سنقول انها شجاعة ... ولكن انظر لفعل الهنود انفسهم وكأنهم يثبتون شجاعتهم في الاشتراك بالتمرين بثقة :

The Su-30MKI’s powerful Russian-made NIIP-BARS radar was operating only in the training mode which limited the sensor’s range and spectrum of capabilities. The self-imposed radar restrictions prevented US snoops from "mapping" the high-tech radar. But other restrictions were dictated by the hosts, Fulghum writes.

The Indians were barred from using data-links, chaff and flares. When they were targeted by surface to air missiles, they were shot down. There was no data picture in the cockpit to help IAF pilots’ situational awareness so the work load on the aircrews was high. Also, the IAF’s most powerful air-to-air missile, the R-77, was not simulated in the exercises.

ايام العلم الاحمر 2008 , لم يشغل الهنود رادارهم الا بطور التمرين ( وهو الامر الذي يحدّ من مدى المستشعرات ومصفوفة واسعة من القدرات ) ... فعلوا ذلك لمنع الامريكيين من التحصل على اسرار رادارهم عالي التقنية ..

لم يسمح للهنود استخدام وصلات البيانات

لم يسمح للهنود استخدام الـ Chaff ولا الـ Flares عندما كان يتم استهدافهم من قبل الصواريخ الجوية وصواريخ الدفاع الجوي ..

لم يتوفر للهنود صورة بيانات موحدة في قمرة القيادة لكي يلمّوا بالوضع الميداني ( وبالتالي , كان الجهد على الطاقم الجوي عالي ) .

لم يتم ادخال اهم الصواريخ الهندية جو-جو ( الـ R-77 ) في التمرين ..


بعد كل ذلك ,, هل تلوم الهنود في العلم الاحمر وتتجاهل ما حصل للامريكيين في Cope India 2004 !!!!

Come On توفي .. حسبتك تكيل بالعدل والميزان المستقيم :)

فيه نقطة صغيرة ...

هل الامريكان محتاجين يثبتون قوتهم على الهنود في مناورات مقيدة كهذه ؟
هنا مزيد من القاء الضوء على ماحدث في Cope India

منقول كما هو بالكامل ( مع ملاحظة ان شلّة الهنود كانت مكونة من : الميراج 2000 , الميج 27 , السوخوي MKI , الجاغوار , وكذلك العتيقة ميج 21 التي تم تحديثها للاشتقاق بايسون )

الطريف هنا انه يقال - والذمة على الراوي - ان الميج 21 اعطت الايجل دروسا في عدم الاستهانة بالجدّات العتيقات ( خصوصا المزودات بصواريخ الأدر المكافئة لنظيرتها الامريكية AIM-120 ) >>> انا من هذه الجملة Indian Air Force flying the MiG-21 'Bison' gave USAF F-15 drivers - a very bad day احسست ان الميج 21 هزمت الايجل بشكل دراماتيكي .. والله اعلم

Starting in 2004 the joint Cope India exercise began over South Asia after an absence of nearly 40 years, pitting F-15Cs of the USAF against a mix of older and newer Indian Air Force (IAF): Mirage 2000, MiG-21, MiG-27, and Jaguar aircraft.

However this is where everyones expectations ceased.

By every available account: the IAF soundly defeated American F-15Cs over and over and over.

[Above] Note USAF F-15Cs and IAF Mirage 2000s operating with drop-tanks, while the IAF Su-30Mks - do not.

American officials credited Indian pilots with being:

"very proficient in [their] aircraft and smart on tactics. That combination was tough for us to overcome,"

"The adversaries are better than we thought," Col. Mike Snodgrass added.” And in the case of the Indian Air Force both their training and some of their equipment was better than we anticipated."

"The Indians flew a number of different fighters, including the French-made Mirage 2000 and the Russian-made MiG-27 and MiG-29, but the two most formidable IAF aircraft proved to be the MIG-21 Bison, an upgraded version of the Russian-made baseline MiG-21, and the Su-30MK Flanker, also made in Russia."


When questioned on the capabilities of IAF pilots, Col Greg Newbech, USAF Team Leader made the following remarks:
“What we’ve seen in the last two weeks is the IAF can stand toe-to-toe with best AF in the world.”
“I pity the pilot who has to face the IAF and chances the day to underestimate him; because he won’t be going home.”
“The greatest compliment we heard from an IAF pilot – You American pilots are just like us, simply down to earth people.”

When word of the Cope India 2004 results reached Washington DC, it caused an uproar. Some Western military observers quickly attempted to dismiss/reframe the results, claiming that USAF did not bring its true ‘go-to-war-gear’ to these exercises.

True, American USAF F-15C’s typically were outnumbered 3-to-1. However most of these explanations have dubious merit:

1.) and would have made little difference in BVR - as new jamming technologies (like ) degrade or negate most of these (radio EM-spectrum) AIM-120 class capabilities - regardless. In one sense: active-homing ( ) BVR class weapons have become increasingly ‘easier’ to elude - using DRFM-class deception techniques. Indeed this might be what effectively occurs during 'Red Flag' 2008, (so keep reading.)

2.) It is unclear which R-27 missile round was employed by the IAF in 2004: IR-homing (R-27T), semi-active radar homing (R-27R) or active radar homing (R-27AE). Had the latest fire-and-forget class been allowed, the IAF would have simply used their R-77 similar to the American AIM-120 round. R-77 also has an IR-homing version - so again - another “wash.”

3.) Russian was designed to counter and defeat F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18 series. Its no surprise experienced Indian aircrews might prevail.

4.) Indians only used the Su-30 "MK" not their Su-30 "MKi." Reportedly IAF Flankers simply used their larger radar and longer range weapons to fire on the F-15C before USAF fighters could fire back.

5.) Lastly the American military always fight its wars over hostile airspace: so USAF-to-IAF numbers/odds/environment is 150% applicable.

Best link author could locate on Cope India:

Subsequent Cope India exercises in 2005, 2006 had little to no information coming out. Judging from the hubris displayed by the USAF in 2008 – the silence from the USAF during the 2005 and 2006 Gwalior exercises – was deafening...

- Now - jump to the 2008 Nellis AFB ‘Red Flag’ exercises hosted by the USAF -

This time the Indian Air Force bring their new Su-30 MKi.

64th and 65th Aggressor squadrons at Nellis AFB, Nev.

Colonel Terrence Fornof, Director of the Requirements and Testing office (USAF Warfare Center, Nellis AFB), was providing a briefing to a number of retired US generals, [video has in the past appeared, been removed, and then reappeared]:

Listen to a pod-cast audio regarding the same presentation (even MORE interesting) * note: this pod-cast with the editor "Flight" appears to have been pulled. The thrust of the interview was that Nellis instructors in the F-15 were able to catch the F-22A in a turn:

This means that according to the Colonels own hand positions - a properly flown Su-30 can (also) catch an F-22 in a turn. So what - actually - is the USAF trying to say?...
It says nothing.

The US Colonels remarks caused an international flap in India. Did some in the USAF have something to prove?

Indian Su-30MKi landing at Nellis AFB, Nev. in 2008

Problem is Colonel Fornof comments produced more questions than answers:

a.) Indian MiG-21IBis (I-Bis) "Bison" are equipped with Russian-made Kopyo radars, not Israeli “F-16” radars.

b.) Two conflicting accounts on what exactly happened at Mountain Home AFB both agree Fornof is in error. The first is 1-v-1 DACT at Mountain Home AFBT never occurred. The second was the kill ratio at Mountain Home was so overwhelmingly in favor of the IAF flown Russian-built fighter that the Sukhoi was considered effectively unbeatable. There is almost zero chance the Americans will entertain allowing this information out.
c.) FOD concerns are not unusual for any air force operating halfway around the world. The Flanker has simply immense loiter and combat persistence ability – take-off (fighter scramble) intervals are not (as) critical for Flanker - as for shorter range aircraft.

d.) MKi use Lyulka AL-31 turbofans, not Tumansky powerplants as USAF officer stated.
e) F-15C and other USAF fighters had the same number of blue-blue 'fratricide' as the IAF and in addition the American were all networked with each other.

f) MKi did not use thrust vector mode during the Nellis AFB exercises and only sparingly at Mountain Home.

g) Watching video of Su-30 maneuvering - anyone can see the Americans have simply been outclassed by a significant margin.

[Below] . "Low-tech" aircraft fitted with the right equipment, and properly trained crews - should never be underestimated. It appears the IAF knows exactly what they are doing.

Indian Air Force MiG-21IBis (I-Bis). The paradigm(s) after 1982 Bekaa Valley and 1991 Gulf War - appear to have been misguided.

Indian MiG-21-IBis with R-77 "Adder" missile round. The R-77 is the equivalent to the American AIM-120.

It is important to remember some historical context here. Everyone (everyone) wanted ACM training from the Indians after they soundly defeated Pakistani F-104s with MiG-21s during the Indo-Pakistani war in 1971. Indian MiG-21s downed F-104s with no MiG losses to Starfighters. So under actual combat conditions the Indians do have a history of air-combat proficiency. Plus lets be honest – the Flanker is probably the best ACM fighter in the world - in the last 70 years.

So what other conclusions if any, can be drawn?
  • The paradigms established/embraced after Bekaa Valley ‘Turkey Shoot’ in 1982 and the results of the 1991 Gulf War appear to have been misguided by 2004 - due to Indian MiG-21IBis (I-Bis) versus the F-15 Eagle.
  • There is no substitute for flight hours and training. Proper training allows aircrews (of any air force) to extract the maximum performance out of their aircraft.
  • A similar post-stall counter-tactic was used by Nellis (F-15) instructors against less-experienced aircrews in both F-22 and Su-30. So by definition: a properly flown Su-30 also can catch F-22 in a turn.
  • Remarking on F-22 needing ‘more missiles’ - is consistent with F-22 having only two IR missile rounds, historical air-to-air missiles and Raptors lack of helmet sighting. Su-30 brings , nearly twice the number of missile rounds, , and a - at much (much) lower costs (and so in larger numbers?)- to the fight.
  • His remarks on the of USAF instructor aircraft to employ their AIM-120 AMRAAM round - is interesting. Whether it was jamming, snooping, heads-up defensive flying, or other tactical issues, his comments are (duly) noted.
  • Remarks on the Indian MiG-21 are revealing. During the Bekaa Valley (Lebanon) air battles of June 1982, Israeli F-15 and F-16 radars had no trouble seeing (and downing scores of) Mig-21s. So -class jammers even on a MiG-21 - may have pushed BVR off the table - for any radio-spectrum AIM-120 equipped fighter - even Raptor?
  • Colonel Fornof was referring to this video (F-22 and Su-30 side-by-side):

[The video has disappeared - again. We will attempt to find a copy] Looking at the video, an astute observer noting airspeed, afterburner usage, altitude-loss, energy-recovery and aircraft attitude during/between maneuvers: can see that both F-22 and Flanker evenly matched regardless of Colonel Fornof statements or hand position(s). For now this video gives some idea:

Some believe as (or if?) the F-22A flight control system evolves - its maneuverability should increase - however look at what we dealing with here [see below]. This level of agility for a 20+ ton aircraft - is simply unprecedented. Remember F-22A lacks the pilot helmet-sighting of the Sukhoi. No matter how you rationalize it - the USAF and her F-22A Raptor fleet - is in huge trouble.

Indian News Report of2008 Red Flag:

The Sukhoi is going to be with us for quite awhile, and by any measure, is (and will be) a nightmare for USAF/USN brass, planners and aircrews alike. Flanker has unrefueled loiter and combat persistence ability - that has no western equivalent.

Train how you fight and fight how you train, train and train.

The question may be who fights over friendly airspace and who fights of hostile airspace?

We count no less than 12 hard points on this MKi: four on each wing, one on each engine nacelle, and two on the aircrafts centerline. Even without external drop tanks, Flanker unrefueled endurance and combat radius remains unequaled in the world.

Multi-sensor Advanced-Flanker with pilots of equal skill - is more (more) than a match for F-22.

When or if the participates in a future Cope India exercise at Gwalior India, whatever the results, they are certain to be quite the revelation - even if we never officially hear about them.

Conversely, we firmly conclude that procuring additional F-22s for the USAF will not resolve anything of this. One can purchase between three (3) and seven (7) Advanced Flanker for the cost of a single (1) F-22. To put it another way: if four (4) F-22 Raptors fly against twelve (12) to twenty-eight (28) Advanced Flankers - none (none) of the F-22s can survive this engagement. F-22 is simply far (far) too expensive for a real world.

India has placed a fresh order for forty (40) more Sukhoi aircraft with Russia.

والذمة على الراوي

لكن تبقى الايجل مقاتلة متميزة ونضجت بشكل كافي لاثارة اعجابي ( خاصة في احدث اشتقاقاتها ) مع تحفظي المعتاد على بصماتها المرتفعة .

اثارت اعجابي عندما ركبوا في انفها الـ OSF ( بدل الـ Tiger Eye المركب اسفل البدن والمحدود في زاوية الرؤية العلوية ) .. وكذلك فعلت عندما اضافوا لها نظام Fly By Wire , ايسا ونظام حرب الكترونية حديثين , تفعيل نقاط حمولة اضافية ..

هي حاليا معروضة على الامارات ( لمن يتحدث عن العنب والحامض الذي لا يطال )


معروضة باشتقاق السايلنت ايجل في سنة 2011 ...

كما سبق وعرضت في تسعينيات القرن الماضي بالاشتقاق F-15 U الخاص بالامارات والذي رفضته رسميا ...

top Boeing executive has added a new piece to the UAE's fighter modernisation puzzle, saying that the US government has delivered classified briefings about the capabilities of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and the F-15E Strike Eagle.

في مرحلة التحديث الحالية , قامت الحكومة الامريكية باعطاء الامارات معلومات سرية عن قدرات اف18 اي /اف سوبر هورنيت و اف 15 اي سترايك ايجل .

وكذلك جرى الاهتمام بمقاتلة الجيل الخامس :

On 12 November, the UAE air force announced plans to acquire a "next generation fighter" in the 2018-2025 timeframe.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 joint strike fighter (JSF) has been previously named by the UAE as a potential acquisition target. But briefing requests may indicate that the F/A-18E/F and the F-15 Silent Eagle are also in the discussion, Kohler said. With the exception of all-aspect very low observability, or stealth, the F-15SE and F/A-18E/F international roadmap variant share many of the same sensor, avionics and weapons capabilities with the F-35.

"I think [UAE officials] would be interested, depending on exactly what they want," Kohler said.

هنا بعض المعلومات التثقيفية لاخوتنا حديثي العهد بالمنتدى

ماهو طراز f15 u الذي عرض على الامارات العربية المتحدة قديما ؟



الموضوع بالمختصر : اختيار افضل القدرات الموجودة ودمجها بعد التجربة والبرهان ... مؤخرا ... نضجت الايجل بشكل يجذب الاهتمام ,,, لكن على بوينج باعتقادي الاهتمام بالبصمات المختلفة ( انجاز السايلنت ايجل .. ليس كنموذج عرض ولكن كمنتج جاهز للانتاج ) كما تعرض الآن الاف 18 كخيار ترقية جاهز بطريقة ADD-on Kit لمشغلي الاف 18 العالميين او حتى الجدد .
فيه نقطة صغيرة ...

هل الامريكان محتاجين يثبتون قوتهم على الهنود في مناورات مقيدة كهذه ؟

لا ادري ... الهنود ايضا دخلوا في مناورات مقيّدة كما سبق ووضحت اعلاه ..

التمارين عموما يصعب معرفة اسرارها ( كيف كان السيناريو ,,, التجهيزات والقيود للطرفين المشتركيني ,, الضروف وتطور المعدات المشاركة ,, الخ ..)
While the superb performances of IAF Sukhoi-30s were somewhat anticipated, the performance of MiG-21Bison came as a major “unpleasant surprise” to the USAF officials. It also validates the claim of the Russian officials that they are capable of successfully converting “second generation” late-model MiG-21bis fighters to “fourth generation combat platforms”. Inherently the significant positive attributes enjoyed by MiG-21s were their dog fighting ability in WVR (Within Visual Range) combat. Even the earlier models had a low corner velocity of 556 kilometres per hour and at Mach 0.5 had an instantaneous turn rate of 11.1 degrees per second. The MiG-21Bison with more powerful R-25 engines not only considerably bettered this performance but it may also be credited with “jackrabbit” acceleration, a very critical attribute in WVR combat.

الميج 21 بايسون كانت مفاجأة غير سارة للمسؤولين الامريكيين
يبدو والله اعلم .. ان الامريكيين جاءوا ليكحلوها فعموها :)

في التمرين المشابه الذي جرى في السنة التي تلتها ( COPE India 2005 ) اتى الامريكيون بالاف 16 وتكررت اخطاء عدة .. ويتباهى الهنود مجددا

هذه بكامل تقنياتها ( النسخة الروسية ) معززة ومضبوطة - في حالة القدرة على ذلك - لتتوائم مع باقي المنظومة الجوية والدفاع الجوي ككل ..


اعتقد انها ستشكل ندا رهيبا للتفوق الامريكي والله اعلم ..

طبعا فيه نقاط مهمة جدا لصالح F15

منظومة الحرب الالكترونية DEWS

الرادار الخرافي APG-63 V3

صاروخ AIM-9X مع خوذة JHMCS الذي انتهت بهما حقبة المناورات والدوج فايت

معدل التسلق والسرعة الكبيرة التي تتميز بها مما يسمح لها بكسر الاطباق الصاروخي

وحتى RCS لابد ان نقارن الطائرات بكامل حمولتها التسليحية وخزانات الوقود مع العلم ان F15 غالبا لن تحتاج خزانات وقود مقارنة مثلا بالرافال ،

واخيرا وليس آخرا صاروخ AIM-120 D هل هناك صاروخ يتفوق عليه ؟

وهل تستطيع المقاتلات الافلات منه ؟

نعم هناك الافضل منه .. ونعم يمكن الافلات منه بسهولة

اولا اخي الكريم انت اقررت بتفوق F15 في جميع ماذكر ، لكن بقي نقطة الصاروخ ..

ماهو الصاروخ الذي تعتبره افضل من AIM-120 D ؟

وماهو الصاروخ بعيد المدى الذي تمتلكه الرافال مقارنة ب AIM-120 D و الميتيور ؟

طبعا فيه نقاط مهمة جدا لصالح F15

منظومة الحرب الالكترونية DEWS

الرادار الخرافي APG-63 V3

صاروخ AIM-9X مع خوذة JHMCS الذي انتهت بهما حقبة المناورات والدوج فايت

معدل التسلق والسرعة الكبيرة التي تتميز بها مما يسمح لها بكسر الاطباق الصاروخي

وحتى RCS لابد ان نقارن الطائرات بكامل حمولتها التسليحية وخزانات الوقود مع العلم ان F15 غالبا لن تحتاج خزانات وقود مقارنة مثلا بالرافال ،

واخيرا وليس آخرا صاروخ AIM-120 D هل هناك صاروخ يتفوق عليه ؟

وهل تستطيع المقاتلات الافلات منه ؟

تعليقا على الملون بالاحمر ... لا يوجد ما يسمى ( انتهت حقبة الدوجفايت )

سأوضح لك السبب ..

تخيل طائرتين قادمتين باتجاه بعضهما البعض واطلقتا صواريخهما من فئة ( ماخلف مدى الرؤية ) .. وقامت احداهما باستخدام وسائل حربها الالكترونية + الاجراءات المضادة الاخرى كالـ Chaff الراداري/الحراري الخ .. ونجت من الصاروخ المعادي ..

هنا تبرز امكانية ان يقتربا من بعضهما البعض , وبالتالي , الدوج فايت مجددا .

فيما يخص الامرام 120 دي

دائما ابحث عن المكافئ له سواء لدى الاوروبيين ام الروس ..

الاوربيون لديهم الميتيور .. قارن بنفسك المواصفات واقرأ المقال التالي

وايضا اقرأ حول الـ K-77 M والـ R-77 الروسي

تطويرات هذه العائلة الروسية تعتبر المكافئ لعائلة الامرام الامريكية
هنا مزيد من القاء الضوء على ماحدث في Cope India

منقول كما هو بالكامل ( مع ملاحظة ان شلّة الهنود كانت مكونة من : الميراج 2000 , الميج 27 , السوخوي MKI , الجاغوار , وكذلك العتيقة ميج 21 التي تم تحديثها للاشتقاق بايسون )

الطريف هنا انه يقال - والذمة على الراوي - ان الميج 21 اعطت الايجل دروسا في عدم الاستهانة بالجدّات العتيقات ( خصوصا المزودات بصواريخ الأدر المكافئة لنظيرتها الامريكية AIM-120 ) >>> انا من هذه الجملة Indian Air Force flying the MiG-21 'Bison' gave USAF F-15 drivers - a very bad day احسست ان الميج 21 هزمت الايجل بشكل دراماتيكي .. والله اعلم

Starting in 2004 the joint Cope India exercise began over South Asia after an absence of nearly 40 years, pitting F-15Cs of the USAF against a mix of older and newer Indian Air Force (IAF): Mirage 2000, MiG-21, MiG-27, and Jaguar aircraft.

However this is where everyones expectations ceased.

By every available account: the IAF soundly defeated American F-15Cs over and over and over.

[Above] Note USAF F-15Cs and IAF Mirage 2000s operating with drop-tanks, while the IAF Su-30Mks - do not.

American officials credited Indian pilots with being:

"very proficient in [their] aircraft and smart on tactics. That combination was tough for us to overcome,"

"The adversaries are better than we thought," Col. Mike Snodgrass added.” And in the case of the Indian Air Force both their training and some of their equipment was better than we anticipated."

"The Indians flew a number of different fighters, including the French-made Mirage 2000 and the Russian-made MiG-27 and MiG-29, but the two most formidable IAF aircraft proved to be the MIG-21 Bison, an upgraded version of the Russian-made baseline MiG-21, and the Su-30MK Flanker, also made in Russia."


When questioned on the capabilities of IAF pilots, Col Greg Newbech, USAF Team Leader made the following remarks:
“What we’ve seen in the last two weeks is the IAF can stand toe-to-toe with best AF in the world.”
“I pity the pilot who has to face the IAF and chances the day to underestimate him; because he won’t be going home.”
“The greatest compliment we heard from an IAF pilot – You American pilots are just like us, simply down to earth people.”

When word of the Cope India 2004 results reached Washington DC, it caused an uproar. Some Western military observers quickly attempted to dismiss/reframe the results, claiming that USAF did not bring its true ‘go-to-war-gear’ to these exercises.

True, American USAF F-15C’s typically were outnumbered 3-to-1. However most of these explanations have dubious merit:

1.) and would have made little difference in BVR - as new jamming technologies (like ) degrade or negate most of these (radio EM-spectrum) AIM-120 class capabilities - regardless. In one sense: active-homing ( ) BVR class weapons have become increasingly ‘easier’ to elude - using DRFM-class deception techniques. Indeed this might be what effectively occurs during 'Red Flag' 2008, (so keep reading.)

2.) It is unclear which R-27 missile round was employed by the IAF in 2004: IR-homing (R-27T), semi-active radar homing (R-27R) or active radar homing (R-27AE). Had the latest fire-and-forget class been allowed, the IAF would have simply used their R-77 similar to the American AIM-120 round. R-77 also has an IR-homing version - so again - another “wash.”

3.) Russian was designed to counter and defeat F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18 series. Its no surprise experienced Indian aircrews might prevail.

4.) Indians only used the Su-30 "MK" not their Su-30 "MKi." Reportedly IAF Flankers simply used their larger radar and longer range weapons to fire on the F-15C before USAF fighters could fire back.

5.) Lastly the American military always fight its wars over hostile airspace: so USAF-to-IAF numbers/odds/environment is 150% applicable.

Best link author could locate on Cope India:

Subsequent Cope India exercises in 2005, 2006 had little to no information coming out. Judging from the hubris displayed by the USAF in 2008 – the silence from the USAF during the 2005 and 2006 Gwalior exercises – was deafening...

- Now - jump to the 2008 Nellis AFB ‘Red Flag’ exercises hosted by the USAF -

This time the Indian Air Force bring their new Su-30 MKi.

64th and 65th Aggressor squadrons at Nellis AFB, Nev.

Colonel Terrence Fornof, Director of the Requirements and Testing office (USAF Warfare Center, Nellis AFB), was providing a briefing to a number of retired US generals, [video has in the past appeared, been removed, and then reappeared]:

Listen to a pod-cast audio regarding the same presentation (even MORE interesting) * note: this pod-cast with the editor "Flight" appears to have been pulled. The thrust of the interview was that Nellis instructors in the F-15 were able to catch the F-22A in a turn:

This means that according to the Colonels own hand positions - a properly flown Su-30 can (also) catch an F-22 in a turn. So what - actually - is the USAF trying to say?...
It says nothing.

The US Colonels remarks caused an international flap in India. Did some in the USAF have something to prove?

Indian Su-30MKi landing at Nellis AFB, Nev. in 2008

Problem is Colonel Fornof comments produced more questions than answers:

a.) Indian MiG-21IBis (I-Bis) "Bison" are equipped with Russian-made Kopyo radars, not Israeli “F-16” radars.

b.) Two conflicting accounts on what exactly happened at Mountain Home AFB both agree Fornof is in error. The first is 1-v-1 DACT at Mountain Home AFBT never occurred. The second was the kill ratio at Mountain Home was so overwhelmingly in favor of the IAF flown Russian-built fighter that the Sukhoi was considered effectively unbeatable. There is almost zero chance the Americans will entertain allowing this information out.
c.) FOD concerns are not unusual for any air force operating halfway around the world. The Flanker has simply immense loiter and combat persistence ability – take-off (fighter scramble) intervals are not (as) critical for Flanker - as for shorter range aircraft.

d.) MKi use Lyulka AL-31 turbofans, not Tumansky powerplants as USAF officer stated.
e) F-15C and other USAF fighters had the same number of blue-blue 'fratricide' as the IAF and in addition the American were all networked with each other.

f) MKi did not use thrust vector mode during the Nellis AFB exercises and only sparingly at Mountain Home.

g) Watching video of Su-30 maneuvering - anyone can see the Americans have simply been outclassed by a significant margin.

[Below] . "Low-tech" aircraft fitted with the right equipment, and properly trained crews - should never be underestimated. It appears the IAF knows exactly what they are doing.

Indian Air Force MiG-21IBis (I-Bis). The paradigm(s) after 1982 Bekaa Valley and 1991 Gulf War - appear to have been misguided.

Indian MiG-21-IBis with R-77 "Adder" missile round. The R-77 is the equivalent to the American AIM-120.

It is important to remember some historical context here. Everyone (everyone) wanted ACM training from the Indians after they soundly defeated Pakistani F-104s with MiG-21s during the Indo-Pakistani war in 1971. Indian MiG-21s downed F-104s with no MiG losses to Starfighters. So under actual combat conditions the Indians do have a history of air-combat proficiency. Plus lets be honest – the Flanker is probably the best ACM fighter in the world - in the last 70 years.

So what other conclusions if any, can be drawn?
  • The paradigms established/embraced after Bekaa Valley ‘Turkey Shoot’ in 1982 and the results of the 1991 Gulf War appear to have been misguided by 2004 - due to Indian MiG-21IBis (I-Bis) versus the F-15 Eagle.
  • There is no substitute for flight hours and training. Proper training allows aircrews (of any air force) to extract the maximum performance out of their aircraft.
  • A similar post-stall counter-tactic was used by Nellis (F-15) instructors against less-experienced aircrews in both F-22 and Su-30. So by definition: a properly flown Su-30 also can catch F-22 in a turn.
  • Remarking on F-22 needing ‘more missiles’ - is consistent with F-22 having only two IR missile rounds, historical air-to-air missiles and Raptors lack of helmet sighting. Su-30 brings , nearly twice the number of missile rounds, , and a - at much (much) lower costs (and so in larger numbers?)- to the fight.
  • His remarks on the of USAF instructor aircraft to employ their AIM-120 AMRAAM round - is interesting. Whether it was jamming, snooping, heads-up defensive flying, or other tactical issues, his comments are (duly) noted.
  • Remarks on the Indian MiG-21 are revealing. During the Bekaa Valley (Lebanon) air battles of June 1982, Israeli F-15 and F-16 radars had no trouble seeing (and downing scores of) Mig-21s. So -class jammers even on a MiG-21 - may have pushed BVR off the table - for any radio-spectrum AIM-120 equipped fighter - even Raptor?
  • Colonel Fornof was referring to this video (F-22 and Su-30 side-by-side):

[The video has disappeared - again. We will attempt to find a copy] Looking at the video, an astute observer noting airspeed, afterburner usage, altitude-loss, energy-recovery and aircraft attitude during/between maneuvers: can see that both F-22 and Flanker evenly matched regardless of Colonel Fornof statements or hand position(s). For now this video gives some idea:

Some believe as (or if?) the F-22A flight control system evolves - its maneuverability should increase - however look at what we dealing with here [see below]. This level of agility for a 20+ ton aircraft - is simply unprecedented. Remember F-22A lacks the pilot helmet-sighting of the Sukhoi. No matter how you rationalize it - the USAF and her F-22A Raptor fleet - is in huge trouble.

Indian News Report of2008 Red Flag:

The Sukhoi is going to be with us for quite awhile, and by any measure, is (and will be) a nightmare for USAF/USN brass, planners and aircrews alike. Flanker has unrefueled loiter and combat persistence ability - that has no western equivalent.

Train how you fight and fight how you train, train and train.

The question may be who fights over friendly airspace and who fights of hostile airspace?

We count no less than 12 hard points on this MKi: four on each wing, one on each engine nacelle, and two on the aircrafts centerline. Even without external drop tanks, Flanker unrefueled endurance and combat radius remains unequaled in the world.

Multi-sensor Advanced-Flanker with pilots of equal skill - is more (more) than a match for F-22.

When or if the participates in a future Cope India exercise at Gwalior India, whatever the results, they are certain to be quite the revelation - even if we never officially hear about them.

Conversely, we firmly conclude that procuring additional F-22s for the USAF will not resolve anything of this. One can purchase between three (3) and seven (7) Advanced Flanker for the cost of a single (1) F-22. To put it another way: if four (4) F-22 Raptors fly against twelve (12) to twenty-eight (28) Advanced Flankers - none (none) of the F-22s can survive this engagement. F-22 is simply far (far) too expensive for a real world.

India has placed a fresh order for forty (40) more Sukhoi aircraft with Russia.

والذمة على الراوي

لكن تبقى الايجل مقاتلة متميزة ونضجت بشكل كافي لاثارة اعجابي ( خاصة في احدث اشتقاقاتها ) مع تحفظي المعتاد على بصماتها المرتفعة .

اثارت اعجابي عندما ركبوا في انفها الـ OSF ( بدل الـ Tiger Eye المركب اسفل البدن والمحدود في زاوية الرؤية العلوية ) .. وكذلك فعلت عندما اضافوا لها نظام Fly By Wire , ايسا ونظام حرب الكترونية حديثين , تفعيل نقاط حمولة اضافية ..

هي حاليا معروضة على الامارات ( لمن يتحدث عن العنب والحامض الذي لا يطال )


معروضة باشتقاق السايلنت ايجل في سنة 2011 ...

كما سبق وعرضت في تسعينيات القرن الماضي بالاشتقاق F-15 U الخاص بالامارات والذي رفضته رسميا ...

top Boeing executive has added a new piece to the UAE's fighter modernisation puzzle, saying that the US government has delivered classified briefings about the capabilities of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and the F-15E Strike Eagle.

في مرحلة التحديث الحالية , قامت الحكومة الامريكية باعطاء الامارات معلومات سرية عن قدرات اف18 اي /اف سوبر هورنيت و اف 15 اي سترايك ايجل .

وكذلك جرى الاهتمام بمقاتلة الجيل الخامس :

On 12 November, the UAE air force announced plans to acquire a "next generation fighter" in the 2018-2025 timeframe.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 joint strike fighter (JSF) has been previously named by the UAE as a potential acquisition target. But briefing requests may indicate that the F/A-18E/F and the F-15 Silent Eagle are also in the discussion, Kohler said. With the exception of all-aspect very low observability, or stealth, the F-15SE and F/A-18E/F international roadmap variant share many of the same sensor, avionics and weapons capabilities with the F-35.

"I think [UAE officials] would be interested, depending on exactly what they want," Kohler said.

هنا بعض المعلومات التثقيفية لاخوتنا حديثي العهد بالمنتدى

ماهو طراز f15 u الذي عرض على الامارات العربية المتحدة قديما ؟



الموضوع بالمختصر : اختيار افضل القدرات الموجودة ودمجها بعد التجربة والبرهان ... مؤخرا ... نضجت الايجل بشكل يجذب الاهتمام ,,, لكن على بوينج باعتقادي الاهتمام بالبصمات المختلفة ( انجاز السايلنت ايجل .. ليس كنموذج عرض ولكن كمنتج جاهز للانتاج ) كما تعرض الآن الاف 18 كخيار ترقية جاهز بطريقة ADD-on Kit لمشغلي الاف 18 العالميين او حتى الجدد .

أجل الميق21 أعطت الأف15 أوقات صعبة هههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

بس عسى سلمت وما طاحت عليهم في التمرينات :p

الهنود مالهم حل حقيقة يجيبونها مبهرة لدرجة الواحد ما يقدر يمشيها لهم
تعليقا على الملون بالاحمر ... لا يوجد ما يسمى ( انتهت حقبة الدوجفايت )

سأوضح لك السبب ..

تخيل طائرتين قادمتين باتجاه بعضهما البعض واطلقتا صواريخهما من فئة ( ماخلف مدى الرؤية ) .. وقامت احداهما باستخدام وسائل حربها الالكترونية + الاجراءات المضادة الاخرى كالـ Chaff الراداري/الحراري الخ .. ونجت من الصاروخ المعادي ..

هنا تبرز امكانية ان يقتربا من بعضهما البعض , وبالتالي , الدوج فايت مجددا .

فيما يخص الامرام 120 دي

دائما ابحث عن المكافئ له سواء لدى الاوروبيين ام الروس ..

الاوربيون لديهم الميتيور .. قارن بنفسك المواصفات واقرأ المقال التالي

وايضا اقرأ حول الـ K-77 M والـ R-77 الروسي

تطويرات هذه العائلة الروسية تعتبر المكافئ لعائلة الامرام الامريكية

وما هو الصاروخ بعيد المدى الخاص بالرافال ؟
تعليقا على الملون بالاحمر ... لا يوجد ما يسمى ( انتهت حقبة الدوجفايت )

سأوضح لك السبب ..

تخيل طائرتين قادمتين باتجاه بعضهما البعض واطلقتا صواريخهما من فئة ( ماخلف مدى الرؤية ) .. وقامت احداهما باستخدام وسائل حربها الالكترونية + الاجراءات المضادة الاخرى كالـ Chaff الراداري/الحراري الخ .. ونجت من الصاروخ المعادي ..

هنا تبرز امكانية ان يقتربا من بعضهما البعض , وبالتالي , الدوج فايت مجددا .

فيما يخص الامرام 120 دي

دائما ابحث عن المكافئ له سواء لدى الاوروبيين ام الروس ..

الاوربيون لديهم الميتيور .. قارن بنفسك المواصفات واقرأ المقال التالي

وايضا اقرأ حول الـ K-77 M والـ R-77 الروسي

تطويرات هذه العائلة الروسية تعتبر المكافئ لعائلة الامرام الامريكية

العقدية الان تغيرت ,, كنا نحتاج ان نجعل الطائرة المعادية امامي .. الان كل ما احتاجه النظر الى الطائرة المعادية .. واحلى aim-9x