دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

تسلم اخوي على المعلومات

افترض ان radar 1 المخصص للتصدير في عام 2015 ، افترض ان المقصود هنا هو للسعودية
اذا اخذنا بالاعتبار ان السعودية ستكون اول مشغل للتايفون يحصل على قدرات رادار aesa
بينما الدول المصنعة ستحصل علىها ابتداءا من 2017 وما بعدها

لكن المشكلة هنا للاوروبيين مع طائرات ترنش 3a وعددها 112 ، سيبدأ تسليمها من 2013 الى 2017
هنا ستضطر الدول الاوروبية تشغيل طائراتها بالرادار كابتور الميكانيكي لحين استلام رادراتها في 2017

هذا خبر تعاقد للرادار captor m لتجهيز طائرات ترنش 3a الاوروبية

bae orders captor m radars for tranche 3a eurofighters

selex galileo has won a £200 million ($317 million) contract from bae systems to supply 88 mechanically scanned captor radars to equip tranche 3a examples of the eurofighter typhoon for germany, italy, spain and the uk.

Announced on 5 october, the contract will ensure continued production of the captor until an active electronically scanned array antenna becomes available for operational use from 2015. The four eurofighter partner nations approved the development of the e-captor radar in july, with development work under way.

"as a key partner of the eurofighter programme we are strongly committed to delivering the best technology on the market, ensuring that the aircraft continues to meet the most stringent operational requirements," says selex galileo chief executive steve mogford

equipment deliveries are due to start in 2012 under the new award, with the work to be performed by the company and its euroradar consortium partners cassidian electronics (formerly eads defence electronics) and indra.

Although eurofighter's tranche 3a contract covers the production of 112 aircraft, the new radar order will only provide 88 sensors. The others were ordered previously, and will equip replacement typhoons for the royal air force, which had 24 of its tranche 2 aircraft diverted for delivery to the royal saudi air force.

Selex galileo says more than 400 captor m radars have been delivered so far, with the systems also integrated on typhoons for export customers austria and saudi arabia.

Bae also last month gave the selex galileo-led eurodass consortium a roughly £400 million contract to deliver praetorian self-protection equipment for tranche 3a eurofighters.

هل هذا يعني ان طائرات التايقون السعودية لن تحصل على اخر تطوير للرادار

المخصص للدول المصنعة او المخصص لبريطانيا
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

فيما يخص الرادارات ، توازن انشأت شركة جديدة تدعى ابوظبي لانظمة الرادارات المتقدمة Abu Dhabi Advanced Radar Systems (Adars).

هذه الشركة ستكون معنية بالتعاون مع ساب لنقل التكنولوجيا وتطوير منتجات محلية في قطاع الرادارات من الجيل القادم ( والمعروف ان الجيل الاحدث هو الايسا ، او رادارات صفيفة المسح الالكتروني الايجابي )

The radar joint venture is to focus on the local development and production of what the partners called "next generation" radar systems and will include sending 15 Emiratis to earn master's degrees in radar technology in Sweden.

استطيع ان اتخيل الشركة الجديدة وهي تستقبل تكنولوجيا رادارات ساب اضافة لماذكرته اعلاه بخصوص تكنولوجيا الرادار الجديدة المقدمة مع عرض التايفون للامارات ، اضافة للتعاون الوثيق وتطوير تكنولوجيات جديدة . لدي اعتقاد كبير بان تكنولوجيا رادارات ايسا ( احتمال غير مستبعد بالتعاون في رادار ريفن ايسا من ساب ) ، هذه توقعات اميل تجاهها بسبب تواتر اخبار التعاون المبشر بين الثلاثي ( bae systems , saab, tawazun )بانتظار جديد الاخبار

رادار الريفن raven-05 تصنعه شركة selex galileo الإيطالية بالتعاون مع ريثيون الأمريكية
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

رادار الريفن raven-05 تصنعه شركة selex galileo الإيطالية بالتعاون مع ريثيون الأمريكية

صدقت ، حسبت ان الساب بصفتها صانعة الجريبين تصنع كذلك الريفن بوسطة ساب للرادارات.
لابأس فهناك تعاون مع سيلكس اي اس والشركات المحلية الاماراتية ، وهو كفيل بفتح ابواب لتعاون مثمر في مايخص رادارات ايسا
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

بعد اذن الجميع
ارجوا العودة للموضوع الاساسي
دفعات التايفون السعودية واخبارها ومايتعلق بها
وان لا يتم اقحام اي امور وصفقات اخرى
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

سؤال ,,,,

هل هناك نيه لشراء kepd 350 ..؟
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

تستحق لقب سلاح الجو العربي رقم 1
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

في تقرير لمجلة combat aircraft ذكرت ان رادار التايفون aesa سيحظى بخارطة طريق من ثلاث نسخ\مراحل

radar 1 - مخصص لتلبية متطلبات التصدير في 2015 ، وهو مساوي لأداء رادار كابتور الميكانيكي لكن مع كل المزايات التقليدية لرادار aesa في الموثوقية ومرونة تعددية الانماط و eccm

radar 2 - مخصص لتلبية متطلبات الدول المصنعة بحلول 2017 ، يتمتع بزيادة مدى الكشف والتعقب مقارنة برادار كابتور الميكانيكي

radar 3 - مخصص لتحقيق متطلبات بريطانيا فيما بعد 2017 ، وهو اكثر تقدماً لديه انتينات جديدة مختلفة عن الموجودة في رادار 1 و 2 وقدرات اعلى في الهجوم الالكتروني

اما عدد وحدات الارسال والاستقبال فذكر رسمياً ان العدد من 1000 الى 2000 وحدة ، وبشكل غير رسمي ما بين 1400 - 1500 وحدة

لكن عددها ستكون ضعف عدد الوحدات الموجودة في رادار طائرة الرافال rbe-2 aesa ، وحجم الانتينات اكبر من حجم انتينات رادار apg-81 على طائرات ف-35

وافاد الرئيس التتنفيذي للشركة ان الرادار aesa الجديد سيقدم قدرات لن تكون موجودة في اي رادار متوفر حالياً

وأخيراً ، من المتوقع ان رادار aesa الجديد سيحلق على طائرة الاختبار ipa5 خلال 2014


هذا باختصار يا اخوان


بنسبة للملون بلون أحمر

هل نقول انا موضوع هو عبارة عن نسخ تصدرية لزبائن

اي دول مشترية لتايفون سوف تحصل علي رادار معين ودول مصنعةسوف تحصل علي رادار معين وبريطانيا رادار افضل هل هذا هو تفسير الموضوع؟
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

سؤال ,,,,

هل هناك نيه لشراء kepd 350 ..؟

ومن لايريد kepd 350 أخي مارشال .... السعودية تمتلك الستورم شادو وبأعداد كبيرة
وهو يعمل على التورنيدو وسيتم دمجه على التايفون ... صحيح بأنه سيعطي إضافة قوية
للقوات الجوية لو تم الحصول عليه ولكن لا تنسى بأنة مشروع الماني سويدي !!
أنا شخصياً متفائل في المستقبل ,,,, الإصرار السعودي بالتعاون الدفاعي مع الدولتين
والتغير الكبير في سياساتهما في السنوات الأخيرة والأزمات الإقتصادية التي تنهش في اوربا
ربما تكون هي الباب الذي سيدخل من خلاله 350 kepd للقوات الجوية !!
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

BAE تستأنف تسليم طائرات التايفون للسعودية
والمفاوضات الطويلة حول التسعيرة النهائية للصفقة ستختتم قريباً

BAE Systems has resumed Eurofighter Typhoon deliveries to Saudi Arabia, despite the company having yet to conclude long-running price negotiations with Riyadh for part of the 72-aircraft acquisition.

"Discussions continue with the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia relating to the formalisation of price escalation on the Salam Typhoon programme," BAE says in an interim management statement issued on 8 May. However, it reveals "aircraft deliveries on the programme re-commenced in April".

The Royal Saudi Air Force received 24 Typhoons from BAE between 2008 and 2011, including six two-seat trainers, says Flightglobal's MiliCAS database. Its remaining 48 aircraft are also to be completed at the company's Warton site in Lancashire, with a contract modification signed in 2012 having enabled final assembly activities to resume. Continuing price discussions are focused on the addition of new capabilities to the service's final 24 examples.

Photographs posted on the internet since early this year have shown several new Typhoon trainers being flown from Warton and operating in UK low-level training areas with Saudi markings and tail registrations including 318, 321 and 322.

BAE declines to comment further on the recent deliveries, but one other source suggests that two new aircraft have been handed over so far.

Elsewhere in its statement, BAE says it has secured fresh orders valued at £2.3 billion ($3.5 billion) from customers outside the UK and the USA so far this calendar year. This included a £600 million contract received in May to provide undisclosed weapons via the Saudi British Defence Co-operation Programme.

The company says it expects modest growth in underlying earnings per share during 2013, despite the potential risks posed by US defence spending cuts and the ongoing Typhoon price discussions with Riyadh.
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

متوشحة بعلم المملكة
وهي تحمل الرقم التسلسلي 321

رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

bae تستأنف تسليم طائرات التايفون للسعودية
والمفاوضات الطويلة حول التسعيرة النهائية للصفقة ستختتم قريباً

bae systems has resumed eurofighter typhoon deliveries to saudi arabia, despite the company having yet to conclude long-running price negotiations with riyadh for part of the 72-aircraft acquisition.

"discussions continue with the government of the kingdom of saudi arabia relating to the formalisation of price escalation on the salam typhoon programme," bae says in an interim management statement issued on 8 may. However, it reveals "aircraft deliveries on the programme re-commenced in april".

The royal saudi air force received 24 typhoons from bae between 2008 and 2011, including six two-seat trainers, says flightglobal's milicas database. Its remaining 48 aircraft are also to be completed at the company's warton site in lancashire, with a contract modification signed in 2012 having enabled final assembly activities to resume. Continuing price discussions are focused on the addition of new capabilities to the service's final 24 examples.

Photographs posted on the internet since early this year have shown several new typhoon trainers being flown from warton and operating in uk low-level training areas with saudi markings and tail registrations including 318, 321 and 322.

Bae declines to comment further on the recent deliveries, but one other source suggests that two new aircraft have been handed over so far.

Elsewhere in its statement, bae says it has secured fresh orders valued at £2.3 billion ($3.5 billion) from customers outside the uk and the usa so far this calendar year. This included a £600 million contract received in may to provide undisclosed weapons via the saudi british defence co-operation programme.

The company says it expects modest growth in underlying earnings per share during 2013, despite the potential risks posed by us defence spending cuts and the ongoing typhoon price discussions with riyadh.

الموضوع انتهى منذ مده وهناك تغييرات في العقد وعدد انواع الطائرات
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

عطنا العلوم يابو فارس
ايش اخر اخبار العقد بعد التعديل

بدل 48ترانش3 اصبحت 24تايفون ترانش3
بدل 24تايفون ترانش 2 اصبحت 48تايفون ترانش2
طبعا خبر سيئ حصولنا على 24ترانش3 بدل 48

لكن هناك اخبار قادمة وتثلج الصدور بأذن الله :12[1]:​
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

بدل 48ترانش3 اصبحت 24تايفون ترانش3
بدل 24تايفون ترانش 2 اصبحت 48تايفون ترانش2
طبعا خبر سيئ حصولنا على 24ترانش3 بدل 48

لكن هناك اخبار قادمة وتثلج الصدور بأذن الله :12[1]:​
العقد الأساسي يقول 72 ترنش ثاني وسمعنا السنه الفائتة انه المملكة دفعت قرابت المليار لتحويل 24 ترنش ثاني الي ثالث وأيضاً معا إلغاء نقل تقنيه

هل من جديد على هذا الأمر
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

العقد الأساسي يقول 72 ترنش ثاني وسمعنا السنه الفائتة انه المملكة دفعت قرابت المليار لتحويل 24 ترنش ثاني الي ثالث وأيضاً معا إلغاء نقل تقنيه

هل من جديد على هذا الأمر

من المعروف انها 72تايفون
24تايفون ترانش2 و48تايفون ترانش 3
لكن اكتفت السعوديه ب24تايفون ترانش 3 بدل 48 وهذا مالا يعرفه احد
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

من المعروف انها 72تايفون
24تايفون ترانش2 و48تايفون ترانش 3
لكن اكتفت السعوديه ب24تايفون ترانش 3 بدل 48 وهذا مالا يعرفه احد

خبر يضيق الصدررر
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Saudi Typhoons

Weapons display raises interesting questions

The weapons arrayed in front of the aircraft appear to be:

Storm Shadow
1,000-lb inert UK EPWII+ (blue body)
500-lb Paveway IV
BrimstoneDamoclès LDP
Dual Mode Brimstone (on triple launcher?)

To the right, roped off
500-lb Paveway IV
500-lb Paveway IV
Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM

The aircraft appears to be carrying IRIS-T, AMRAAM, and 1,000-lb inert UK EPWII+s.

This is interesting.

Quite apart from the inclusion of future weapons like Storm Shadow, Meteor and Brimstone, there are some unexpected features.

Saudi Arabia took IRIS-T because it was not allowed to take ASRAAM, and yet here is ASRAAM.

Saudi Arabia has not been allowed to purchase Paveway IV, and yet here is Paveway IV.

It would be easy to write the display off as a broad-brush, aspirational 'Farnborough Airshow' type of weapons display, except that it does seem to include only those weapons that are in service with the RSAF (those actually fitted to the aircraft) and those for which Saudi Arabia has expressed a requirement.

Saudi Arabia is pushing the pace of air-to-ground activity with the Tranche 2 Typhoon.

After a slow and disappointing start to the type's service in the Kingdom (thanks to problems with the buggy initial Tranche 2 SRP 5.0 software load), the introduction of SRP 5.1 allowed the RSAF to press ahead with the aircraft, declaring the type operational and on QRA (actually mounting QRA operations with its Tranche 2 aircraft before the RAF did!), and rapidly gaining a night AAR clearance.

But it was in the Air-to-Ground environment that the Saudis pressed hardest. When the RSAF was briefed on P1EA its representatives reportedly simply said: “That’s great! When can we have it?” Work is reportedly underway on incorporating P1EA software by UOR, even before a NETMA clearance is issued.

When I spoke to Colonel Hammad Alhammad, deputy commander of the Third Squadron, at the Bahrain International Air Show he confirmed that the Third Squadron had begun air-to-ground operations late in 2011, dropping significant numbers of LGBs, and using Tornados equipped with the Thales Damoclès pod for target designation.He was coy as to exactly what bomb was involved, though it now seems clear that it was the Paveway II Plus, as seen in the photos at the top of this blog post.

The Paveway II Plus (also known as the 'Frankenbomb') is a hybrid developed under a UOR for the RAF Harrier force, and aimed to give a dual mode capability for use in Afghanistan, the Paveway IV then encountering delays due to problems with its advanced fusing system.

The Paveway II Plus was produced by combining the Paveway IV's Enhanced Computer Control Group (ECCG) with the body and aerodynamic control surfaces of a standard UK 1,000-lb Paveway II. This did not give the weapon all of the functionality Paveway IV had to offer, though I'm not clear as to how the Paveway II Plus differed, in capability terms, beyond the obvious fact that it used a 1,000-lb warhead and 'bang-bang', non proportional guidance. The latter limitation may well prevent Paveway II Plus from enjoying Paveway IV's ability to attack targets from almost any direction and angle.

Nor is it clear to me how the Paveway II Plus is exportable to Saudi Arabia, when it seems as though Paveway IV is not.

Writing in Defense News, Andrew Chuter reported that US opposition was threatening to halt Saudi plans to acquire around 1,000 Raytheon Paveway IV dual mode laser/GPS-guided bombs for its Tornados and Typhoons, citing Britain’s defense attaché in Washington, Major General Francis Hedley Robertson ‘Buster’ Howes as confirming the problem.

It's hard to see exactly how the weapon can be blocked by the USA, as it is a product of Raytheon Systems Limited of Harlow, Raytheon’s UK arm, which is the Weapon Design Authority for Paveway IV. The weapon is viewed as being UK intellectual property, though the warhead case was the responsibility of Raytheon Missile Systems (RMS) in Tucson (filled by SEI in Sardinia), Arizona, and the Enhanced Computer Control Group (ECCG) uses technology provided by Raytheon Missile Systems. This seemingly gives the USA the power to dictate who will, and who will not receive the weapon. But Paveway II Plus presumably uses the same technology!

Though the RSAF’s Typhoon’s will receive the P1E upgrade, they will not be equipped with the two items which together form the core of the upgrade for the air forces of the European partner nations - the Paveway IV bomb, and the Litening 3 laser designator pod (LDP).

The Litening 3 LDP is of Israeli origin, and is thus not acceptable, though it is built in the UK by Ultra, and UK offers of what some wags termed an ‘uncircumcised Ultra Pod’ (a Litening in all but name, with its origins obscured) were rejected. Instead (and not before reportedly considering the Lockheed Martin Sniper pod), the RSAF has opted for the Thales Damoclès pod – already being built in Saudi Arabia by AEC for the RSAF Tornado fleet. Integration work on the Damoclès pod is believed to be about to begin at Warton, probably using an existing test fleet aircraft, probably BT017 – though it could involve a Typhoon bailed back from the RSAF.

Instead, the RSAF is understood to be acquiring the Sagem AASM (Armement Air-Sol Modulaire) Hammer in place of Paveway IV, and is looking to integrate this on both the Tornado and on the Typhoon as well.

The AASM Hammer is a family of modular, rocket-boosted and winged bombs with a choice of GPS/INS guidance (SBU-38), or GPS/INS with imaging infra-red terminal guidance (SBU-54) or GPS/INS with laser terminal guidance (SBU-64),
and with 125-, 250-, and 1,000-kg warhead options. The Hammer is significantly more expensive than unpowered Paveway-class weapons, with an estimated unit cost of $300,000 (€200,000). Moreover the weapon still lacks some fusing options (eg airburst) and other capabilities and development is continuing.

The Saudi plans to integrate Damoclès and AASM onto Typhoon demonstrate a hitherto unexpected capability for integrating new weapons and systems onto the Typhoon flexibly and in a rapid timescale, and seems to show that the hitherto slow pace of weapons integration has been imposed by funding constraints and not by any inherent technical difficulty.

It is believed that BAE Systems is offering further air to ground weapons options and integrations to the RSAF (perhaps including an early integration of the Storm Shadow cruise missile), and in shorter timescales, supporting the RSAF’s aspiration to keep the aircraft at the core of its future fleet plans. These could see the Kingdom ordering further Typhoons.

This ability to integrate new weapons quickly and easily could prove to be of pivotal importance to a number of potential Typhoon customers, including the UAE, who could perhaps see the Saudi example as evidence that a similar standalone integration of their ‘Black Shaheen’ stand off missile on Typhoon could be achieved before any NETMA clearance of a Taurus/Storm Shadow integration.
Saudi Arabia intends to grow its fleet beyond its current planned total of 72 aircraft*, and industry may be working hard to offer advanced weapons and capabilities in an effort to win further orders.

*Writing in the Washington Post, David Ignatius suggested that, as part of a wider more assertive policy, Saudi Arabia was planning to double its Armed Forces over the next 10 years while simultaneously modernising many capabilities. Ignatius said that the Royal Saudi Air Force would introduce between 450 and 500 new aircraft as part of this process, including 84 F-15SA Silent Eagles and a further 72 Typhoons.
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

خبر يضيق الصدررر

على العكس

الترانش 2 فعال وعملي و
مجرب والمملكة طورته الى البلوك 9 وهو اقرب تحديث للترانش الثاني الى الترانش الثالث

24 طائرة ترانش 3 ستصلنا قريبا وسنرى هل فعلا توافي المتطلبات والطموح ام لا

والحكمة تقول لاتضع البيض كله في سلة واحده
رد: دفعات التايفون السعودي التي وصلت و القادم(((شيق)))

بدل 48ترانش3 اصبحت 24تايفون ترانش3
بدل 24تايفون ترانش 2 اصبحت 48تايفون ترانش2
طبعا خبر سيئ حصولنا على 24ترانش3 بدل 48

لكن هناك اخبار قادمة وتثلج الصدور بأذن الله :12[1]:​

المهم اللي يثلج الصدر
ولا صفقة التايفون فقعت القلب
تعبونا معهم
الله يلعن الانلكليز
أعلى أسفل