صاروخ كروز SOM-J هو نسخه مخصصه للتركيب على الطائره F-35 للصاروخ التركي SOM وقد قامت شركه Roketsan باعاده تصميم الصاروخ SOM لتركيبه في حاويه التسليح الداخلي للطائره F-35 , كان من المقرر ان يتم بدا الاختبارات على الصاروخ SOM-J سنه 2018 ولكن شركه Roketsan أعلنت بانها جاهزه للبدء في الاختبارات السنه القادمه
Roketsan ستقوم بتركيب الصاروخ على الطائره F-35 Block 4.2
ويذكر بان السنه القادمه ستشهد اختبار الصاروخ SOM بمحرك جديد من شركه Kale Aero التركيه سيمكن الصاروخ للوصول الى مدى 500 كلم
Turkish missile maker Roketsan is hoping to fly its SOM-J cruise missile for the first time “possibly late next year” ahead of planned integration with the F-16 Block 40/50 by 2018 and the Lockheed Martin F-35 sometime later.
SOM-J is essentially a scaled-down version of Roketsan’s SOM (stand off missile), and sized for internal carriage on the F-35. SOM is already integrated with Turkey’s F-16 Block 40/50 and F-4E fighter jets, whereas the semi-armour-piercing SOM-J will become the nation’s cruise missile of choice once Ankara introduces the low-observable F-35 into its combat force.
One company official, who spoke to Flightglobal at a recent US Army conference in Washington but declined to be named, says most of the SOM subsystems including the multi-mode seeker have already been tested and qualified and the new development effort its mostly about adapting the missile for internal carriage on the F-35, such as changing the outer mould line.
الصاروخ SOM
الصاروخ SOM-J
Roketsan ستقوم بتركيب الصاروخ على الطائره F-35 Block 4.2
ويذكر بان السنه القادمه ستشهد اختبار الصاروخ SOM بمحرك جديد من شركه Kale Aero التركيه سيمكن الصاروخ للوصول الى مدى 500 كلم
Turkey hopes to fly SOM-J in late 2016, targeting F-35 Block 4.2
Turkish missile maker Roketsan is hoping to fly its SOM-J cruise missile for the first time “possibly late next year” ahead of planned integration with the F-16 Block 40/50 by 2018 and the Lockheed Martin F-35 sometime later.
SOM-J is essentially a scaled-down version of Roketsan’s SOM (stand off missile), and sized for internal carriage on the F-35. SOM is already integrated with Turkey’s F-16 Block 40/50 and F-4E fighter jets, whereas the semi-armour-piercing SOM-J will become the nation’s cruise missile of choice once Ankara introduces the low-observable F-35 into its combat force.
One company official, who spoke to Flightglobal at a recent US Army conference in Washington but declined to be named, says most of the SOM subsystems including the multi-mode seeker have already been tested and qualified and the new development effort its mostly about adapting the missile for internal carriage on the F-35, such as changing the outer mould line.
الصاروخ SOM

الصاروخ SOM-J

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