Abu Dhabi, 15 September 2015: NIMR Automotive LLC, a military vehicle manufacturer based in Abu Dhabi, UAE and a member of the Emirates Defence Industries Company (EDIC), has expanded its range of vehicles with the N35 Multi-Role Protected Vehicle.
The N35 4x4 and 6x6 wheeled armoured combat vehicles are an evolution of Denel Vehicle Systems’ (DVS) RG35, now under full ownership of NIMR. NIMR continues to collaborate with DVS to enhance the design, performance and capabilities of the vehicle range.
Vehicle features include a steel-armoured monocoque hull, which can be provided with scalable levels of ballistic, mine blast and IED protection. Given the continually evolving military environment, the addition of this vehicle range to NIMR’s portfolio enables NIMR to exceed today’s diverse mission requirements on a global basis.
CEO Dr Fahad Saif Harhara stated “We are delighted to announce this new vehicle range to supplement the NIMR line-up. This highly protected, modular platform provides exceptional performance across all terrains and in all conditions to cater for a wide range of mission requirements. The 4x4 and 6x6 variants complement our existing range, allowing NIMR to expand beyond our traditional light-medium weight vehicle category into the more highly protected, higher payload categories. Initial production and trials have already begun with series production scheduled from Q4 2016.”
As well as the commander, gunner and driver, the 4x4’s optimised internal layout provides seven dismounts seated on individual blast-attenuating seats. Crew can rapidly deploy via a large power operated ramp at the rear. The vehicle can be fitted with a wide range of weapons including an array of remote weapon station or two-person turrets.
The N35’s flexible architecture supports multiple mission vehicle variants; Reconnaissance, Patrol and Utility versions, and a 6x6 Fighting Vehicle. The N35 fleet provides a capability with the essential balance between firepower, survivability, mobility and cost for modern, conventional and asymmetric operations.
قدمت نمر اوتوموتيف الاماراتية احدث انتاج لها ... المدرعة N-35
المدرعة اضافتها الشركة الاماراتية لخط انتاجها بعد الاتفاق مع دينيل الجنوب افريقية ( تم الاتفاق على الاستحواذ الاماراتي الكامل على المدرعة الشهيرة RG-35 وما يتعلق بها )
وكذلك اتفقت الشركتان على الاستمرار بتطوير عائلة الـ RG-35 تصميما واداءا ..
يمكن للمدرعة الجديدة ان تلعب ادوارا مثل :
الاستطلاع , الدورية , المهام المختلفة بحسب الكونفيجريشن , مركبة قتال 6x6 ...
تتميز العربة بمستوى حماية باليستي قابل للتعديل بحسب التهديدات وتطوراتها المستمرة ..

Abu Dhabi, 15 September 2015: NIMR Automotive LLC, a military vehicle manufacturer based in Abu Dhabi, UAE and a member of the Emirates Defence Industries Company (EDIC), has expanded its range of vehicles with the N35 Multi-Role Protected Vehicle.
The N35 4x4 and 6x6 wheeled armoured combat vehicles are an evolution of Denel Vehicle Systems’ (DVS) RG35, now under full ownership of NIMR. NIMR continues to collaborate with DVS to enhance the design, performance and capabilities of the vehicle range.
Vehicle features include a steel-armoured monocoque hull, which can be provided with scalable levels of ballistic, mine blast and IED protection. Given the continually evolving military environment, the addition of this vehicle range to NIMR’s portfolio enables NIMR to exceed today’s diverse mission requirements on a global basis.
CEO Dr Fahad Saif Harhara stated “We are delighted to announce this new vehicle range to supplement the NIMR line-up. This highly protected, modular platform provides exceptional performance across all terrains and in all conditions to cater for a wide range of mission requirements. The 4x4 and 6x6 variants complement our existing range, allowing NIMR to expand beyond our traditional light-medium weight vehicle category into the more highly protected, higher payload categories. Initial production and trials have already begun with series production scheduled from Q4 2016.”
As well as the commander, gunner and driver, the 4x4’s optimised internal layout provides seven dismounts seated on individual blast-attenuating seats. Crew can rapidly deploy via a large power operated ramp at the rear. The vehicle can be fitted with a wide range of weapons including an array of remote weapon station or two-person turrets.
The N35’s flexible architecture supports multiple mission vehicle variants; Reconnaissance, Patrol and Utility versions, and a 6x6 Fighting Vehicle. The N35 fleet provides a capability with the essential balance between firepower, survivability, mobility and cost for modern, conventional and asymmetric operations.
قدمت نمر اوتوموتيف الاماراتية احدث انتاج لها ... المدرعة N-35
المدرعة اضافتها الشركة الاماراتية لخط انتاجها بعد الاتفاق مع دينيل الجنوب افريقية ( تم الاتفاق على الاستحواذ الاماراتي الكامل على المدرعة الشهيرة RG-35 وما يتعلق بها )
وكذلك اتفقت الشركتان على الاستمرار بتطوير عائلة الـ RG-35 تصميما واداءا ..
يمكن للمدرعة الجديدة ان تلعب ادوارا مثل :
الاستطلاع , الدورية , المهام المختلفة بحسب الكونفيجريشن , مركبة قتال 6x6 ...
تتميز العربة بمستوى حماية باليستي قابل للتعديل بحسب التهديدات وتطوراتها المستمرة ..