رسمياً : الميسترال مصرية


ربما نحن مجددا :)

ليس مهما حقيقة .. الاهم وصول هذه التحف لتأخذ مكانها اللائق وتعزز القوة العربية القادمة بعون الله
لأ انت فهمت غلط مش فى المفاوضات فلن نعرف ابدا
اقصد فى نقل الخبر
ان ممكن اتوقع ان الثلاثي اتفقا علي ان الامارات ومصر يمتلكو الاثنين علي ان تتعاقد المملكة علي حاملة طائرات ليكون للثلثي قوات بحرية لا تجابهاها الا القوي العظمي فقط ده مجرد احتمال بس ان قريبا هجيب الخبر
ماذا يخبي لنا القادم


اهتمت بالبحريه

اعتقد الدواعش في ليبيا الهدف القادم لعاصفة الحزم

ننتظر ماذا يحدث لزيارة الملك سلمان لامريكا
* الخبر الاصلي من الجريدة الروسية والذي تم نشره منذ يومين :

Russia has allowed France to sell the "Mistral" Egypt and the United Arab Emirates
They learned the details of the refund for the helicopter and their future destiny

But, as we found out "MK", the fate of these ships may be not so deplorable.Quite the contrary.Moreover, according to our information, Russia will take the most active part.

According to gun circles, one of the helicopter is going to soon buy Egypt.The transaction should take place directly with the support of Russia, which, as a source told "MK" in financial circles, Cairo offers for this financial loan.

Apparently, not so much credit is given for the purchase of the helicopter, as for the purchase of a Russian helicopter Ka-52.At the same time, according to our source, one of the conditions is that the first Egyptians buy our game Army helicopter Ka-52, and then the sea .

Of course, if such a transaction takes place, for Russia it is very advantageous, since the loan is in fact a trademark: a large consignment of helicopters will be based at our Russian defense industry, taxes will go into our budget, and the borrower does not receive the money, and the product - Helicopters produced in Russia.

اول حاملة ستذهب الى مصر وروسيا تعرض على مصر قرضا لشراء مروحيات كا-52كيه البحرية والمصادر تشير ان مصر ستحصل على النسخة الاساسية للكاموف ثم النسخة البحرية، وبكل تأكيد فإن الفائدة لروسيا ان السفينة ستحمل عددا من المروحيات الروسية والضرائب ستذهب للخزينة الروسية والمُشتري ( مصر ) لن يحصل على الاموال ( القرض متمثل في ان تدفع روسيا ثمن المروحيات لمصر التي ستسدده على دفعات لاحقة ) والمروحيات ستصنع في روسيا

As for the second helicopter, then, according to the "MK", this transaction is not Russia relations has promoted its own French.And another helicopter most likely will go to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).There, as explained by our source, "he needed a war with Yemen, as well as to a" nightmare "of Iran, which has problems with the UAE islands."

ثاني حاملة ستذهب الى الامارات والتي رشحتها فرنسا من ناحيتها وخاصة ان الامارات ستستخدمها في عمليات الانزال في اليمن وكذلك مواجهة ايران والمشاكل المتعلقة بالجزر الاماراتية في الخليج .

رابط : http://www.mk.ru/politics/2015/08/31/rossiya-razreshila-francii-prodat-mistrali-egiptu-i-oae.html

* الخبر الثاني تم نشره بتاريخ اليوم ويتضمن نفس المحتوى المذكور في الخبر الاول :

Russia has put forward conditions for the sale of "Mistral" to a third party
Among the potential buyers of amphibious ships - Egypt and the UAE

Russia wants to get the maximum benefit from the resale of the French amphibious helicopter carriers "Mistral".Moscow intends to invite potential customers to purchase along with the ships deck game Russian Ka-52K.In case of refusal, Russia will block the deal.

The fate of two helicopter carriers "Mistral" is directly connected with the plans to market the Russian deck Ka-52K, the newspaper"Kommersant", citing sources in the field of military-technical cooperation.

French authorities have already started to look for buyers of the ships, which were built for the Russian Navy.According to sources, the newspaper,Moscowintends to offer to potential customers to purchase, along with French ships party Ka-52K, which are specifically designed for the project "Mistral" (just under the development work has been built four cars).If the buyer refuses, Russia could use its veto on the sale of Paris it ships to a third party.

As we found out "MK",one of the helicopter is going to soon buy Egypt.The transaction should take place directly with the support of Russia, which, as said a source in financial circles, Cairo offers for this financial loan.Apparently, not so much credit is given for the purchase of the helicopter, as for the purchase of a Russian helicopter Ka-52.

If this deal goes through, for Russia it is very advantageous, since the loan is in fact a trademark: a large consignment of helicopters will be based at our Russian defense industry, taxes will go into our budget, and the borrower does not receive the money, and the product - helicopters made in Russia.

As for the second helicopter, then, according to the "MK", this transaction is not Russia relations has promoted its own French.And another helicopter most likely will go to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).There, as explained by our source, "he needed a war with Yemen, as well as to" nightmare "of Iran, which has problems with the UAE islands."

In 2011 Russia andFrancesigned a contract for construction of the "Mistral" for the Russian Navy.The cost of the transaction amounted to € 1,2 Bln. Paris had to pass the first "Mistral" in the fall of 2014, the second - in 2015.However, the contract was terminated.Disruption of supplies linked to France's position on the situation in Ukraine.

In August, Moscow, Paris, listed more than € 1 billion in damages for the undelivered two "Mistral".Compensation includes not only the transfer amount of the advance payment for the Russian helicopter, but also the cost of training of crews and equipment installation on ships.

رابط : http://www.mk.ru/politics/2015/09/0...prodazhu-mistraley-bez-rossiyskikh-ka52k.html
لدي سؤال ..

بما ان فرنسا دفعت للروس مستحقاتهم -ان لم يخب الظن - وقد فكوا ارتباطهم بالميسترال ..

لماذا اذا تصدر الإذن لفرنسا وتعيين اسم الامارات ومصر !!
هل من تفسير ؟؟
الامر فى المسترال مختلف
فهى تم تصنيعها بناء على متطلبات ومواصفات روسية وبمشاركة خبراء روس
وتم صنع بعض اجزائها خصوصا المؤخرة بروسيا اصلا
لذلك اغلب المفاوضات الاخيرة توصلت الى ان بيعها لطرف ثالث لن يكون الا باتفاق الاطراف واعتقد دا سبب استبعاد بولندا
اذا هل نقول - في حالة اقتناء الامارات لها - انها ستشتري تسليحا روسيا ( كاموف مثلا )
اذا هل نقول - في حالة اقتناء الامارات لها - انها ستشتري تسليحا روسيا ( كاموف مثلا )
بالتاكيد و الامارات زبون للسلاح الروسي و اعتقد امكانيه المشاركه في تطويرات النسخه البحريه
احنا كده عرفنا اول اسباب انشاء الصندوق المصري الامارتي الروسي اكيد طائرات جيل خامس وارماتا ولسه ان شاء الله هتشوفو العجب زاي ما قال السيسي فكرين
* الخبر الاصلي من الجريدة الروسية والذي تم نشره منذ يومين :

Russia has allowed France to sell the "Mistral" Egypt and the United Arab Emirates
They learned the details of the refund for the helicopter and their future destiny

But, as we found out "MK", the fate of these ships may be not so deplorable.Quite the contrary.Moreover, according to our information, Russia will take the most active part.

According to gun circles, one of the helicopter is going to soon buy Egypt.The transaction should take place directly with the support of Russia, which, as a source told "MK" in financial circles, Cairo offers for this financial loan.

Apparently, not so much credit is given for the purchase of the helicopter, as for the purchase of a Russian helicopter Ka-52.At the same time, according to our source, one of the conditions is that the first Egyptians buy our game Army helicopter Ka-52, and then the sea .

Of course, if such a transaction takes place, for Russia it is very advantageous, since the loan is in fact a trademark: a large consignment of helicopters will be based at our Russian defense industry, taxes will go into our budget, and the borrower does not receive the money, and the product - Helicopters produced in Russia.

اول حاملة ستذهب الى مصر وروسيا تعرض على مصر قرضا لشراء مروحيات كا-52كيه البحرية والمصادر تشير ان مصر ستحصل على النسخة الاساسية للكاموف ثم النسخة البحرية، وبكل تأكيد فإن الفائدة لروسيا ان السفينة ستحمل عددا من المروحيات الروسية والضرائب ستذهب للخزينة الروسية والمُشتري ( مصر ) لن يحصل على الاموال ( القرض متمثل في ان تدفع روسيا ثمن المروحيات لمصر التي ستسدده على دفعات لاحقة ) والمروحيات ستصنع في روسيا

As for the second helicopter, then, according to the "MK", this transaction is not Russia relations has promoted its own French.And another helicopter most likely will go to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).There, as explained by our source, "he needed a war with Yemen, as well as to a" nightmare "of Iran, which has problems with the UAE islands."

ثاني حاملة ستذهب الى الامارات والتي رشحتها فرنسا من ناحيتها وخاصة ان الامارات ستستخدمها في عمليات الانزال في اليمن وكذلك مواجهة ايران والمشاكل المتعلقة بالجزر الاماراتية في الخليج .

رابط : http://www.mk.ru/politics/2015/08/31/rossiya-razreshila-francii-prodat-mistrali-egiptu-i-oae.html

* الخبر الثاني تم نشره بتاريخ اليوم ويتضمن نفس المحتوى المذكور في الخبر الاول :

Russia has put forward conditions for the sale of "Mistral" to a third party
Among the potential buyers of amphibious ships - Egypt and the UAE

Russia wants to get the maximum benefit from the resale of the French amphibious helicopter carriers "Mistral".Moscow intends to invite potential customers to purchase along with the ships deck game Russian Ka-52K.In case of refusal, Russia will block the deal.

The fate of two helicopter carriers "Mistral" is directly connected with the plans to market the Russian deck Ka-52K, the newspaper"Kommersant", citing sources in the field of military-technical cooperation.

French authorities have already started to look for buyers of the ships, which were built for the Russian Navy.According to sources, the newspaper,Moscowintends to offer to potential customers to purchase, along with French ships party Ka-52K, which are specifically designed for the project "Mistral" (just under the development work has been built four cars).If the buyer refuses, Russia could use its veto on the sale of Paris it ships to a third party.

As we found out "MK",one of the helicopter is going to soon buy Egypt.The transaction should take place directly with the support of Russia, which, as said a source in financial circles, Cairo offers for this financial loan.Apparently, not so much credit is given for the purchase of the helicopter, as for the purchase of a Russian helicopter Ka-52.

If this deal goes through, for Russia it is very advantageous, since the loan is in fact a trademark: a large consignment of helicopters will be based at our Russian defense industry, taxes will go into our budget, and the borrower does not receive the money, and the product - helicopters made in Russia.

As for the second helicopter, then, according to the "MK", this transaction is not Russia relations has promoted its own French.And another helicopter most likely will go to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).There, as explained by our source, "he needed a war with Yemen, as well as to" nightmare "of Iran, which has problems with the UAE islands."

In 2011 Russia andFrancesigned a contract for construction of the "Mistral" for the Russian Navy.The cost of the transaction amounted to € 1,2 Bln. Paris had to pass the first "Mistral" in the fall of 2014, the second - in 2015.However, the contract was terminated.Disruption of supplies linked to France's position on the situation in Ukraine.

In August, Moscow, Paris, listed more than € 1 billion in damages for the undelivered two "Mistral".Compensation includes not only the transfer amount of the advance payment for the Russian helicopter, but also the cost of training of crews and equipment installation on ships.

رابط : http://www.mk.ru/politics/2015/09/0...prodazhu-mistraley-bez-rossiyskikh-ka52k.html

استخدامها لا اعتقد انه مجدي في الخليج الضيق .. واصلا كثيرة على تحرير جزر ثلاث صغيرة .. برأيي تكفيها صليات من الاتكامز والكروز والمدفعية الصاروخية 300 مم لتتحول لأتون مشتعل ..

اعتقد ان الموضوع كبير ..

Power Projection
صفقة الكاموف الروسى لم تأتى اعتباطا خاصة اغلب الظن انها التى كانت مخصصة للميسترال ولا استبعد ان يكون كل التسويات التى تمت بين فرنسا وروسيا بينها بيع طائرات المخصصة للميسترال ولا استبعد اتفاقهم ع الزبون ايضا
لو ربطنا كل الخيوط مع بعض
ومع خبر امبارح هنلاقي

"فيتو مع روسيا ..ويجب توافق روسيا وفرنسا علي من يشتري القطعتين..ربط النسخه البحريه للكاموف بالصفقه..خبر مفاوضات مصر علي الكاموف البحريه من كام يوم.." يبقي بعون الله مبروووك لمصر الميسترال وعلي ظهرها Ka-52K ويبقي ضربنا 4545#%$^%& عصفور بحجر واحد

Russia intends to invite a State chooses to buy a "Mistral", designed specifically for them Ka-52K. About this
newspaper "Kommersant".

It is noted that Russia could use its veto on the sale of helicopter a country - France must agree with Russia a specific buyer "Mistral".


خبر التفاوض علي الكا 52 ك

One of the novelties of the MAKS-2015 - sea-based attack helicopter Ka-52K even before the official opening of the exhibition carefully studied delegations of foreign armies, including the Egyptian military were seen. According to the manager of one of the defense industry, participating in the exhibition, with Egypt really is negotiating the sale of such vehicles, which, being armed with anti-ship missiles X-35 and X-31, are a major force for the concerned security of its maritime borders of states.


التعديل الأخير:

المواضيع المشابهة
