الطائرة السعودية AN-132 ( متابعة مستمرة )

شباب محد عنده خبر عن المصنع الي بيكون في السعودية !
ياخوفي تلحق التايفون :(
هذا اول مشروع اجرب اتابعه مع مدينة الملك عبدالعزيز للعلوم والتقنية واول مشروع لتقنية
اتمنى مايخيبون املنا
لا اريد تحويل مسار الموضوع ولكن الحق يقال
ايران تمتلك صناعة طيران جيده فايران تعاونت مع شركة انتونوف في انتاج طائرات AN-140 في ايران


لو كانت جيدة لما رغبت بدفع 50 مليار دولار لشركة إيرباص وبوينغ لشراء طائراتهم،

ولاكن رفض الأمريكان أمس دمر أحلام إيران،،
المسؤل عن برنامج An-132
يقول ان بامكان انتونوف انتاج الطائرة بالكامل وبامكانها مشاركة الانتاج مع الشركة السعودية ، ويقول ان الشركة السعودية تستطيع انتاج قليل (اعتقد يعني عدد محدود متفق عليه) لاكنها تخطط للتوسع ويقول ان انتونوف والشركة السعودية يخططون للتسويق المشتركة للطائرة وان التسويق المشتركة يهم انتونوف جدا اكثر من الصناعة

"We possess relevant technical capabilities. In fact, we can carry out a full-scale production of aircraft or share part of the production process with the Saudi company according to a cooperative scheme. Currently they can take on only a small production segment, but they are considering options to expand it. Besides, a joint marketing strategy is more important to us now than industrial cooperation. Entering Saudi Arabia's market with the An-132 aircraft will allow us to gain a foothold not only on that market but in the entire Middle East region, focusing later on Latin America and India's markets, where Antonov's aircraft have long proved successful," Khokhlov said.

التعديل الأخير:
سوف نصنع ما يقارب 100 طائره AN-132 ونحن نمتلك تقنيتها بالكامل 100% وهي ملكيتها للسعوديه وانا باقي الأنواع فلنا ترخيص من الأوكران وسوف نصنع طائرات مدنيه وعسكريه ومراقبة بحار واشبه بالايواكس وقونشيب والكثير ، هذه فقط البدايه وهو بداية صناعة جوية سعوديه اولا نمتلك تقنية الطيران وبعدها ننطلق في التطوير والخ..:cool:
المسؤل عن برنامج An-132
يقول ان بامكان انتونوف انتاج الطائرة بالكامل وبامكانها مشاركة الانتاج مع الشركة السعودية ، ويقول ان الشركة السعودية تستطيع انتاج قليل (اعتقد يعني عدد محدود متفق عليه) لاكنها تخطط للتوسع ويقول ان انتونوف والشركة السعودية يخططون للتسويق المشتركة للطائرة وان التسويق المشتركة يهم انتونوف جدا اكثر من الصناعة

"We possess relevant technical capabilities. In fact, we can carry out a full-scale production of aircraft or share part of the production process with the Saudi company according to a cooperative scheme. Currently they can take on only a small production segment, but they are considering options to expand it. Besides, a joint marketing strategy is more important to us now than industrial cooperation. Entering Saudi Arabia's market with the An-132 aircraft will allow us to gain a foothold not only on that market but in the entire Middle East region, focusing later on Latin America and India's markets, where Antonov's aircraft have long proved successful," Khokhlov said.


كيف سنطور مالم يكن لدينا شيء نطوره؟
الخطوة الأولى هي إيجاد بنية تحتية للمنتج وإنتاجه، وبعدها تأتي الخطوة التالية بدراسة علمائنا للمنتج وتطويره للأفضل ليواكب الإحتياجات،،
7 July 2016 18:52 | SOCIETY


channel 5

Priority - it avionics that can be delivered from Canada

State company "Antonov" moves to imortozamischennya Russian-made parts used to build airplanes. Currently in parts procured only within the framework of contracts signed with Russian suppliers in previous years.This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Hennadiy Zubko.

Over the last two years, the plant manufacturers are actively seeking more than 70 thousand names of parts that used enterprise "Antonov" ordered in. According to Gennady Zubko, Ukraine has already found foreign and Ukrainian suppliers that offer advanced hardware at lower prices. Most parts bought in Canada, France, Germany and America. "Antonovtsi" is already complete construction of the first aircraft, which will be the Russian parts. This - the AN-132.

الصندوق برات ويتني محرك

Gennady Zubko, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, said: "Today is the possibility of supply of these parts on avionitsi, in other countries with spare parts which are of higher quality, more professional. Basic - a avionics that can be delivered from Canada, which is at a higher level. And most importantly, this is probably - one of the most important elements in any plane. "

But the program director of the An-148/158, An-178 SE "Antonov" Victor Kazurov said: "The prices of many of these components in some cases much lower than even Russian production. And in quality, reliability and the characteristics they even surpass them . we have not lost anything, the only thing we ukomplektuyemo aircraft more modern, better equipment. "

As reported 5.ua, June 30, 2016 "Antonov" has signed an agreement to merge with enterprises sector in a joint project.
المصنع بدائي ماتقول انه مصنع احد اكبر شركات تصنيع الطائرات في العالم!!
المصنع بدائي ماتقول انه مصنع احد اكبر شركات تصنيع الطائرات في العالم!!

مو مشكلة مهم بعدين مره عن تقنية
عندهم اكثر من ورشة في كذا ورشة متطورة ,الطائرة تنقل من ورشة الى ورشة هذا نظامهم وفي نفس الورشة تتحرك في الخط

اهم شئ هذه الطائرة مو مهمه بس لسعودين هي اهم طائرة عند الاكرانين الان لانها هي الطائرة الاولى بدون اي جزء روسي
صناعتها تحدي وطيرانها تحدي وكمان هي اول طائرة باجزاء غربية وتتبعها باقي الفئات
Cost demonstration model An-132 is about $ 50 million. Funding his collection will be conducted on equal terms. The demand for this model in Saudi Arabia is expected to reach 80 machines. Another 200 boards will be implemented on the markets of the Middle East, Latin America and India. Interaction with Arabian side in aviation materials opens "Antonov" access to new technologies. "We use the technology of the 1970s - says Kiselev.- Our aircraft composite application level does not exceed 10-12%, while in the world using such materials is at least 30%, and with each new model, this share is growing. " If the same uses as Bombardier CSeries aircraft designs 46% composites, the Airbus A350 XWB in - 53%. Composites can make the plane lighter and stronger, which leads to improve its performance, including the fuel economy and reduced maintenance costs."Creating An-132, we gathered on one platform cluster best companies of the world airline industry", - noted in KACST.


Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) announced it will be participating in Ukrainian airframe OEM Antonov new AN-132D DEMO aircraft, part of its new generation of light, multi-purpose airplanes Program which is expected to be ready for demonstration in late 2016.
صرحت برات وتيني كندا انها ستساهم في في طائرة an132 الخفيفية متعددة الاستعملات . البرنامج يوكون جاهز للعرض في اخر 2016

The long term potential for the program is estimated to be in the order of 400 PW150A engines. The AN-132D is to be developed by Antonov with participation from King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). P&WC is a division of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).
من المحتمل على المدى الطويل ان يطلب هذا البرنامج 400 محرك من نوع pw150a.
an132D تطور بواسطة شركة انتنوف و مشاركة مدينة الملك عبدالعزيز للعلوم وتقنية.
برات وتيني هو فرعUnited Technologies Corp

The announcement was made at the European Regions Airline Association’s 35th Annual General Assembly.
التصريح اطلق في الجمعية العمومية للجمعية الطيران الاقليمي الاوربي للعام 35
“We are delighted to have been selected by Antonov to power its AN-132D aircraft,” says Richard Dussault, Vice President, Marketing, P&WC. “The PW150A engine is part of the PW100 family of engines, proven workhorses known for their durability and dependability. This is an exciting, high-potential program for both Antonov and P&WC and we look forward to fully developing that potential.”
قال السيد ريتشارد نائب رئيس التسويق في برات وتيني : نحن في منتهى السعادة لكون تم اختيارنا لصناعه محرك an 132d
محرك PW150A هو جزء من عائلة محركاتPW100 المعروفة بشغلها واحتماليتها واعتماديتها.
هذا مثير هناك افاق كبيرة لهذا البرنامج لكل من انتنوف وبرات وتيني. نحن نتطلع للامام لتطوير الكامل

The AN-132 – intended for short- and medium-haul routes -- will have varied use, from troop transport to cargo and can be outfitted with a variety of cabin configurations. The aircraft will have a maximum cruising speed of 500 kilometers per hour and a maximum cruising altitude of 9,000 meters with a maximum payload of 9.2 tonnes. Antonov projects a potential market for the aircraft of 200 units between 2018 and 2025. Engine deliveries are expected to begin in the first quarter of 2016, with first fight of the AN-132 in 2016.
مخصصةAN-132 للرحلات القصيرة والمتوسطة
سيكون منها انواع من ناقلات جند الى نقل البضائع
ممكن تجهيز الكابينةبتكوينات مختلفة
سرعة الطائرة القصوى ستكون 500 كم/ساعة
اقصى ارتفاع لتحليق سيكون 9000 متر
اقصى حمولة 9.2 طن
مشروع انتنوف هذا من المحتمل يسوق 200 طائرة مابين عام 2018 و 2024
من المتوقع ان يسلم المحرك في بداية الربع الاول 2016
الرحلة الاولى لطائرة ستكون في 2016

The PW100 engine family offers the lowest fuel consumption and carbon emissions in the regional turboprop market and incorporates the latest, proven advanced technologies. Ranging in power from 1,800 shp to more than 5,000 shp, PW100 engines are available in 38 models, offering unsurpassed flexibility and capability for a variety of applications. PW100 engines power aircraft in service with 500+ operators in 130+ countries. More than 8,000 PW100/150 engines have been produced since the family entered service in 1984, accumulating more than 165 million flying hours. PW100 engines have demonstrated their versatility in powering aircraft applications spanning regional airlines, coastal surveillance, firefighting and cargo transport.

عائلة المحرك PW100 توفر اقل استهلاك للوقود وانبعاث لكربون سوق المحركت التيربو الاقليمية
تداخل هذا المحركات في احدث التقنيات المتقدمة المعتمدة
القدرة تتراوح مابين 1,800 shp الى 5000 shp
محركات PW100 متوفره في 38 موديل
توفر المرونه والامكانيات لانواع مختلفة من تطبيقات
تخدم هذه العائلة من المحركات اكثر من 500 مشغل في 130 دولة اكثر من 8000 محرك PW100/150 تم انتاجها منذ ان دخلت هذه العائله الخدمة عام 1984
اتمت هذه المحركات مجتمعه 165 مليون ساعة طيران
اثيتت هذا العائله طلاقتها في تزويد الطاقة لطائرات الاقليميةوالمراقبة الساحلية والهجومية والنقل ونقل البضائع

شباب اشوفهم يكتبون كثير مع الاخبار An-132D حرف D وش يرمزله ؟

AN-132D DEMO aircraft
demonstration model An-132
7 July 2016 18:52 | SOCIETY


channel 5

Priority - it avionics that can be delivered from Canada

State company "Antonov" moves to imortozamischennya Russian-made parts used to build airplanes. Currently in parts procured only within the framework of contracts signed with Russian suppliers in previous years.This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Hennadiy Zubko.

Over the last two years, the plant manufacturers are actively seeking more than 70 thousand names of parts that used enterprise "Antonov" ordered in. According to Gennady Zubko, Ukraine has already found foreign and Ukrainian suppliers that offer advanced hardware at lower prices. Most parts bought in Canada, France, Germany and America. "Antonovtsi" is already complete construction of the first aircraft, which will be the Russian parts. This - the AN-132.

الصندوق برات ويتني محرك

Gennady Zubko, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, said: "Today is the possibility of supply of these parts on avionitsi, in other countries with spare parts which are of higher quality, more professional. Basic - a avionics that can be delivered from Canada, which is at a higher level. And most importantly, this is probably - one of the most important elements in any plane. "

But the program director of the An-148/158, An-178 SE "Antonov" Victor Kazurov said: "The prices of many of these components in some cases much lower than even Russian production. And in quality, reliability and the characteristics they even surpass them . we have not lost anything, the only thing we ukomplektuyemo aircraft more modern, better equipment. "

As reported 5.ua, June 30, 2016 "Antonov" has signed an agreement to merge with enterprises sector in a joint project.

التخلص من الاجزاء الروسية وإضافة أجزاء من كندا وألمانيا وفرنسا وأمريكا سيؤثر على سعرها بشكل كبير نسبيا بسبب فروقات العملة!



Entry into service of new aircraft expected by end of 2018

Jul 12, 2016 - 02:00 AM

FARNBOROUGH, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwired - July 12, 2016) -

Editors Note: There is a photo associated with this press release.

Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) and Antonov today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide Antonov's AN-132 aircraft production program with a new version of the PW150A turboprop engine. P&WC is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).

The AN-132 is part of a new generation of light, multi-purpose aircraft. The AN-132 is to be developed by Antonov with participation from King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST).

"We are delighted to be working with Antonov on its AN-132 production program after having provided Antonov with PW150A engines for the AN-132D DEMO aircraft last fall," said John Saabas, President, P&WC. "The PW150 delivers unequalled value to multi-purpose aircraft such as the AN-132, offering exceptional payload capacity, fuel efficiency, environmental performance and low-cost maintenance.

The AN-132 - intended for short- and medium-haul routes - will have varied use, from troop transport to cargo and can be outfitted with a variety of cabin configurations. The aircraft will have a maximum cruising speed of 500 kilometers per hour and a maximum cruising altitude of 9,000 meters with a maximum payload of 9.2 tonnes.

The PW100/150 engine family offers the lowest fuel consumption and carbon emissions in the regional turboprop market and incorporates the latest, proven advanced technologies. Ranging in power from 1,800 shp to more than 5,000 shp, PW100 engines are available in 38 models, offering unsurpassed flexibility and capability for a variety of applications. PW100 engines power aircraft in service with 500+ operators in 130+ countries. More than 8,000 PW100/150 engines have been produced since the family entered service in 1984, accumulating more than 165 million flying hours. PW100 engines have demonstrated their versatility in powering aircraft applications spanning regional airlines, coastal surveillance, firefighting and cargo transport.

P&WC will be at Farnborough 2016 (Pavilion #OE3). Interested operators are invited to drop by the booth to speak with a customer service representative.

About Pratt & Whitney Canada

Founded in 1928, and a global leader in aerospace, P&WC is shaping the future of aviation with dependable, high-technology engines. Based in Longueuil, Quebec (Canada), P&WC is a wholly owned subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. United Technologies Corp., based in Farmington, Connecticut, provides high-technology systems and services to the building and aerospace industries.

This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning future business opportunities. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to changes in levels of demand in the aerospace industry, in levels of air travel, and in the number of aircraft to be built; challenges in the design, development, production, support, performance, and realization of anticipated benefits of advanced technologies; as well as other risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in United Technologies Corp.'s Securities and Exchange Commission filings.

Note to Editors

Follow us on Twitter (www.twitter.com/pwcanada) and Facebook(www.facebook.com/PrattWhitneyCanada) for our latest news and updates.

To view the photo associated with this press release, please visit the following link: http://www.marketwire.com/library/20160712-1062261photo800.jpg

Karine Baccichet
Pratt & Whitney Canada
[email protected]

Dowty Propellers begins the delivery of propeller systems for Antonov’s AN-132D transport aircraft demonstrator

July 12, 2016

Farnborough, England – Dowty Propellers has started component deliveries for propeller systems that will equip the demonstrator for Antonov’s new AN-132 twin-engine transport aircraft.

Based on an agreement signed earlier this year, the twin-engine AN-132D will utilise Dowty Propellers’ R408 propeller systems, which already are in widespread service worldwide. For the AN-132D’s ground and test flights, Dowty Propellers is providing two R408 propeller systems for the Ukrainian aircraft manufacturer’s demonstrator, along with a spare.

“We’ve established an excellent working relationship with Antonov since signing the R408 propeller system’s supply agreement in January, and our teams are fully committed to making the AN-132D demonstrator a success,” said Oliver Towers, the President of Dowty Propellers, who is attending this week’s Farnborough International Airshow.

Dowty Propellers’ support for the AN-132D program will include commissioning of the R408 propeller systems on the demonstrator aircraft, the rigging of strain gauges for its ground and flight testing, assistance during demonstration flights, along with intermediate-level training for Antonov personnel to provide full operational knowledge of the systems.

Dowty Propellers’ R408 propeller system incorporates six all-composite blades with advanced swept design and optimized ARA-D/A airfoil sections. It provides excellent climb and cruise performance while generating low noise levels, and the system’s modular configuration is designed for low maintenance costs – eliminating mechanical linkages to cockpit.

The AN-123D demonstrator is being developed by Antonov with participation from Saudi Arabia’s King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). This multi-purpose aircraft will be powered by Pratt & Whitney Canada PW150A turboprop engines, which have already logged millions of flight hours with Dowty Propellers’ R408 propeller system.

“For the AN-132 multipurpose transport program, Antonov Company and our partner from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have brought together world leaders in the aviation field, and we are proud to count Dowty Propellers as part of our team,” stated Oleksandr Kotsiuba, President of the Antonov Company. “As a result, we are sure that the AN-132 will find a proper place in the market, and the AN-132D demonstrator is the first step on this path.”

About Dowty Propellers

As a leader in the development, manufacture and support of electronically controlled, all-composite propeller systems, Dowty Propellers provides solutions for the propulsion needs of today and tomorrow. Its products are used in applications that range from commercial airliners and military airlifters to multi-role seaplanes and marine hovercraft.

With a proven record of product development, introduction and support, Dowty Propellers continually invests in technologies, production capabilities and human resources – resulting in propeller systems that are safe, efficient and reliable. Its history of firsts-to-market includes the all-composite propeller blade and full-authority digital propeller control. More than 23,000 advanced composite blades have been delivered to date by Dowty Propellers, with the lead blade logging over 45,000 hours of flight time.