روسيا تعلن عن دمج الصاروخ 40N6 في منظومة S-300V4

الدرع المصري

صقور الدفاع
10 يوليو 2010
18,598 18 0
الصاروخ الذي يصل مداه الى 400 كم و اقصي ارتفاع للاعتراض له 185 كم ( خارج الغلاف الجوي ) من الجيل الرابع لصواريخ الدفاع الجوي و الذي بدأ تطويره في التسعينات دخل الخدمه لاول مرة في عام 2008 و لكن استمر التطوير و الاختبارات حتى اعتماده 2012 و اعتماده في 2013 الان ضمن منظومة الدفاع الجوي عن القوات البريه S-300v4 لتوحيده على انظمة الدفاع الجوي الاستراتيجية و الذي يجعل المسئولين عن حماية الاجواء الروسيه من الصواريخ الاستراتيجية يشعرون الان بالراحه امام التهديدات من قبل الناتو
الان اصبحت منظومة اس 300 المجنزرة تستخدم اهم صاروخ دفاع جوي فضائي لدي روسيا

يارب نشوفه قريب عندنا

المشكلة إنه مدى الصاروخ أكبر كتير من مدى رادار التهديف الجريل بان و حتى أكبر من مدى رادار البيل البورد للإنذار المبكر

فكيف يمكن إستخدام الصاروخ بقدراته القصوى 400 كم على الاس-300 في 4 ؟؟؟
يارب نشوفه قريب عندنا

المشكلة إنه مدى الصاروخ أكبر كتير من مدى رادار التهديف الجريل بان و حتى أكبر من مدى رادار البيل البورد للإنذار المبكر

فكيف يمكن إستخدام الصاروخ بقدراته القصوى 400 كم على الاس-300 في 4 ؟؟؟

رادار البحث في المنظومة المصرية انتاي 2500 مداه اكبر من 500 كم
عشان تستخدم صاروخ بمدى 400 كم لازم الرادار يكون اقل مدى 600 كم يعنى عاوز رادار جبار

اعتقد ( و قد اكون مخطئ ) لو عندك رادار كشف اكتشف هدف من بعد 400 كم مثلاً يمكنك اطلاق الصاروخ قبل الاغلاق على الهدف و توجيه الصاروخ بإتجاه الهدف بدون إغلاق عليه و الإعتماد على إغلاق رادار الصاروخ النشط عند إقترابه من الهدف

الصاروخ ده ميزته بمداه الضخم ده بيعمل Suppression لأي عملية جوية معادية قبل أن تبدأ
رادار البحث في المنظومة المصرية انتاي 2500 مداه اكبر من 500 كم

كلامك صح بخصوص البيل بورد و ده للاهداف الضخمة كطائرات النقل مثلاً

لكن رادار الإغلاق الجريل بان مداه أقل
توجه مصر من ناحية الدفاع الجوي ل روسيا توجهه كان موفق
كلمة السر النيبو ام :cool:

أعتقد إنه كلامك غير صحيح

أولاً لأنه غير مذكور انه النيمبو ام شارك في التجربة خصوصا انه لا اعتقد انه للنيمبو ام نسخ مجنزرة بعد

ثانياً لانه الاس-300 في 4 صمم أصلاً للعمل بشكل شبه مستقل مع القوات البرية
يعني صمم ليكون نظام يعتمد على نفسه = تجربة إطلاق الصاروخ تمت عن طريق ثلاثي رادارات النظام بيلبورد/هاي سكرين/جريل بان + رادار الصاروخ
أعتقد إنه كلامك غير صحيح

أولاً لأنه غير مذكور انه النيمبو ام شارك في التجربة خصوصا انه لا اعتقد انه للنيمبو ام نسخ مجنزرة بعد

ثانياً لانه الاس-300 في 4 صمم أصلاً للعمل بشكل شبه مستقل مع القوات البرية
يعني صمم ليكون نظام يعتمد على نفسه = تجربة إطلاق الصاروخ تمت عن طريق ثلاثي رادارات النظام بيلبورد/هاي سكرين/جريل بان + رادار الصاروخ

بالامكان جعله مجنزر بالطلب ، انا اتحدث عن الاستفادة لة اذا اتيح الصاروخ للدمج في المنظومه المصريه و لكن مستبعد و الا كانت سميت s300v4 صريحه
الفرق الرئيسي ما بين الاثنين s300v4 و vm هوا هذا الصاروخ
و لكم عمله على النسخه الروسيه بالتاكيد مع عدم حصول تغير في الردار يفرض النيبو ام ، او الربط مع منظومات استكشاف اخرى لزيادة القدرات على كافة المنظومات الصاروخيه ، المنظومة صممت باستقلاليه بالتاكيد قبل دمج الصاروخ و لكن هذا لا يمنع التطوير ، قد نسمع عن تطوير الرادارت للمنظومه مستقبلا
По имеющимся данным, Египет стал второй после Венесуэлы страной, приобретшей ЗРС С-300В4 (ее экспортное название - "Антей-2500").

Antey-2500 Long-Range Air Defense Missile System

The mobile long-range air defense missile system (ADMS) Antey-2500 is a very effective air defence (AD) which could become the mainstay of AD of any nation. When the characteristics are compared to other systems in the world, Antey-2500 is undoubtedly a world leader. The current export version of Antey-2500 has been upgraded extensively from the 1990s version to meet the present and future air threat. It includes modern element base and digital technologies that significantly enhance the performances of the system. The most significant innovation in the new missile is to increase its firing range up to 350 km with which it can effectively engage and destroy airborne warning and control system (AWACS ) aircraft. Earlier such hostile targets were engaged by fighter aircraft. Antey-2500 has a combination of pre-programmed guidance of surface-to-air missile (SAM) with the radio correction and semi-active guidance at the final stage of flight, which provide it a high anti-jamming and accurate firing capability. The effective destruction of the target is provided with the use of heavy warhead weighing 150 kg. Its destructive effect multiplies because of the Russian “know-how” – which is guided blasting of the warhead charge providing fragments spread within the spatial angle of 60°. When firing missiles which have active radar seekers on the group of targets, they may target the most powerful emitting target, which is almost impossible for “Antey-2500” SAM. It is capable of destroying all types of aerodynamic targets, including cruise missiles, as well as the ballistic missiles launched at the ranges of more than 2,500 km. Antey-2500 can easily be integrated into the customers overall AD system but it can effectively operate in autonomous mode, using its own highly effective detection radars.

One of the major advantages of ADMS Antey-2500 is the capability to use its sensors to considerably increase the effectiveness of other air defence means including medium-/long-range and anti-ballistic missile defence (ABMD) systems. Combat batteries or even separate launchers with missiles of “Antey-2500” ADMS might be easily integrated into these systems. Each launcher by itself computes the optimal launch moment for its missiles and its builtin radar provides for missiles guidance to the target (radio correction of flight programme and target designation for several seconds before its destruction). For this purpose, it is necessary to provide constant transmission of the target coordinates to the launcher from the radar of AD System with which “Antey-2500” launcher has been integrated with. Such integration of “Antey-2500” ADMS elements into perspective non-strategic missile air defence systems will provide effective protection against a wide spectrum of ballistic missiles at a stage of atmospheric interception as well as the protection of objectives and ABMD means themselves against all types of air assault means.



“Antey-2500” ADMS is characterised by very high combat survivability: the deployment/close down time does not exceed 5-6 minutes and the tracked chassis allow to change positions even in cross country and adverse conditions. On the customer’s demand, the ADMS may be supplied on the wheeled chassis.

The command and control over ADMS (ADMC/battalion) is executed from command and control post (CCP). It receives the information from two subordinate radars and/or external sources (higher level CCP, external radars). One of radars executes circular search of space at a distance of 500 km. The second radar (having electronic controlled beam in two planes) operates in the prescribed sector. Its main missions are: the timely detection of ballistic missiles warheads as well as targets detection in conditions of heavy jamming. The automated analyses of the airspace situation is executed at the CCP, after that it distributes the chosen targets among subordinate missile batteries (ADMBat), there are up to four batteries under one CCP.

The multi-channel missile guidance radar (MGR) is the main element of the battery; the radar may detect enemy’s targets independently in the prescribed sector, or operate depending on the target designation from CCP. Each MGR tracks up to 12 targets and controls up to six launchers by transmitting the coordinates of one target to each launcher. Depending on the data received from MGR, the launcher provides for the firing on the determined target, guiding radio correction and designation radar antenna on the target. The firing is executed with the use of one or several SAMs, launched from the launcher or loader/launcher attached to it. Every battery may contain up to six launchers and loader/launchers.

There are two type of missiles; the “light” missiles of maximum range up to 130 km are launched by the launcher (up to four missiles on each launcher) and three types of “heavy” missiles, range of up to 350 km, are launched by the launcher/launcher (two missiles of one type per loader/launcher).

“Antey-2500” ADMS is available in serial production for the Russian Armed Forces and for export as well. The system continuously undergoes development and has vast upgradation potential. (See figures for the composition of the system)

كلامك صح بخصوص البيل بورد و ده للاهداف الضخمة كطائرات النقل مثلاً

لكن رادار الإغلاق الجريل بان مداه أقل
بخلاف ان النظام يمكن دمجه ضمن شبكة رادار و انذار مبكر مصريه متكاملة كما ان الصاروخ في مرحلته الاولي يتم توجيههع من خلال داتا لينك ثم ينشط الباحث الخاص بالصاروخ في المرحلة الاخيرة للتوجيه الذاتي , و اذا كان دمجه ضمن هذه المنظومة يتطلب زيادة في مدي الرادار لفعل الروس ذالك بدون شك لبلوغ الهدف .
اساسا مفيش رادرار المنظومة بيشتغل لوحدو :) هيتم ربط المنظومة بعدة ردرارت وتعمل كشبكة وباتالى هيكون عندك تغطية اكبر من 2000 الى 3000 كيلو حسب وضع اماكن الردرات وباتالى لو الصاروخ شرف عندنا هيشتغل باريحية تامة و كمان لان مربوط بردرات متوافقة تماما الاس 300 لانها روسية اصلا
По имеющимся данным, Египет стал второй после Венесуэлы страной, приобретшей ЗРС С-300В4 (ее экспортное название - "Антей-2500").

Antey-2500 Long-Range Air Defense Missile System

The mobile long-range air defense missile system (ADMS) Antey-2500 is a very effective air defence (AD) which could become the mainstay of AD of any nation. When the characteristics are compared to other systems in the world, Antey-2500 is undoubtedly a world leader. The current export version of Antey-2500 has been upgraded extensively from the 1990s version to meet the present and future air threat. It includes modern element base and digital technologies that significantly enhance the performances of the system. The most significant innovation in the new missile is to increase its firing range up to 350 km with which it can effectively engage and destroy airborne warning and control system (AWACS ) aircraft. Earlier such hostile targets were engaged by fighter aircraft. Antey-2500 has a combination of pre-programmed guidance of surface-to-air missile (SAM) with the radio correction and semi-active guidance at the final stage of flight, which provide it a high anti-jamming and accurate firing capability. The effective destruction of the target is provided with the use of heavy warhead weighing 150 kg. Its destructive effect multiplies because of the Russian “know-how” – which is guided blasting of the warhead charge providing fragments spread within the spatial angle of 60°. When firing missiles which have active radar seekers on the group of targets, they may target the most powerful emitting target, which is almost impossible for “Antey-2500” SAM. It is capable of destroying all types of aerodynamic targets, including cruise missiles, as well as the ballistic missiles launched at the ranges of more than 2,500 km. Antey-2500 can easily be integrated into the customers overall AD system but it can effectively operate in autonomous mode, using its own highly effective detection radars.

One of the major advantages of ADMS Antey-2500 is the capability to use its sensors to considerably increase the effectiveness of other air defence means including medium-/long-range and anti-ballistic missile defence (ABMD) systems. Combat batteries or even separate launchers with missiles of “Antey-2500” ADMS might be easily integrated into these systems. Each launcher by itself computes the optimal launch moment for its missiles and its builtin radar provides for missiles guidance to the target (radio correction of flight programme and target designation for several seconds before its destruction). For this purpose, it is necessary to provide constant transmission of the target coordinates to the launcher from the radar of AD System with which “Antey-2500” launcher has been integrated with. Such integration of “Antey-2500” ADMS elements into perspective non-strategic missile air defence systems will provide effective protection against a wide spectrum of ballistic missiles at a stage of atmospheric interception as well as the protection of objectives and ABMD means themselves against all types of air assault means.



“Antey-2500” ADMS is characterised by very high combat survivability: the deployment/close down time does not exceed 5-6 minutes and the tracked chassis allow to change positions even in cross country and adverse conditions. On the customer’s demand, the ADMS may be supplied on the wheeled chassis.

The command and control over ADMS (ADMC/battalion) is executed from command and control post (CCP). It receives the information from two subordinate radars and/or external sources (higher level CCP, external radars). One of radars executes circular search of space at a distance of 500 km. The second radar (having electronic controlled beam in two planes) operates in the prescribed sector. Its main missions are: the timely detection of ballistic missiles warheads as well as targets detection in conditions of heavy jamming. The automated analyses of the airspace situation is executed at the CCP, after that it distributes the chosen targets among subordinate missile batteries (ADMBat), there are up to four batteries under one CCP.

The multi-channel missile guidance radar (MGR) is the main element of the battery; the radar may detect enemy’s targets independently in the prescribed sector, or operate depending on the target designation from CCP. Each MGR tracks up to 12 targets and controls up to six launchers by transmitting the coordinates of one target to each launcher. Depending on the data received from MGR, the launcher provides for the firing on the determined target, guiding radio correction and designation radar antenna on the target. The firing is executed with the use of one or several SAMs, launched from the launcher or loader/launcher attached to it. Every battery may contain up to six launchers and loader/launchers.

There are two type of missiles; the “light” missiles of maximum range up to 130 km are launched by the launcher (up to four missiles on each launcher) and three types of “heavy” missiles, range of up to 350 km, are launched by the launcher/launcher (two missiles of one type per loader/launcher).

“Antey-2500” ADMS is available in serial production for the Russian Armed Forces and for export as well. The system continuously undergoes development and has vast upgradation potential. (See figures for the composition of the system)

بخلاف ان النظام يمكن دمجه ضمن شبكة رادار و انذار مبكر مصريه متكاملة كما ان الصاروخ في مرحلته الاولي يتم توجيههع من خلال داتا لينك ثم ينشط الباحث الخاص بالصاروخ في المرحلة الاخيرة للتوجيه الذاتي , و اذا كان دمجه ضمن هذه المنظومة يتطلب زيادة في مدي الرادار لفعل الروس ذالك بدون شك لبلوغ الهدف .

باحث الصاروخ فى المرحلة الأخيره ذاتى التوجيه .. تمام .. ممكن يغلق على الهدف من مسافة كام ! و ال NEZ بتاعه كام ياريت حد يفتينا فى الموضوع ده !!