Those are algerian mi-24 mkIII , and the south african company wich make this upgrade (ATE) doesn't exist any more
it's successor PARAMOUNT proposes CARL ZEISS optronic equipement wich is smaller then the one on the photo ,made previously by DENEL
the photo shows algerian mi-24 mkIII at AVIAKON plant in ukraine probably for the adaptation to carry "BAR ER" anti tank missiles and Mi-24 in the adaptation of the fire control system laser missile control channels wich was reported a time ago
“BAR’ER-V” helicopter antitank missile system is intended for modernization of Mi-24 helicopters, consists of an antitank guided missile in transport and launching container, laser control channel in optical and aiming station. The system is designed to destroy stationary and moving modern armoured targets with combined, carried or monolithic armour, including ERA (explosive reactive armour) as well as pinpoint targets such as weapon emplacements, a tank in a trench, light-armoured objects and helicopters.
Recently, experts of the State Enterprise "Izyumskoe Instrument Factory" contributed to the creation gyrostabilized platform TITAN-410 SD. It was demonstrated in the presentation of products Anglo-italyan company SELEX Galileo in September this year in the city. Kiev.
Defense Express Edition notes that this event is a successful example of integration of Ukrainian developers and international companies in order to increase the export potential of the domestic defense industry. It should be emphasized that cooperation in this area has a strong export potential, which can be implemented in many countries with armed helicopters Mi-171 and Mi-24. Currently, the planned implementation of the first project in the interests of Algeria
and because they where sent with there optronic and armement systems
wich was not done previously when sent to ukraine to engines and cabine maintenance
some nigerian bloggers made a mistake when seeing one of their officials taking a selfie in front of an algerian SUPERHIND