اختراع درونات جديده تشبه الطيور و الحشرات


24 أكتوبر 2014
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DARPA’s Fast Lightweight Autonomy program aims to develop and demonstrate autonomous UAVs small enough to fit through an open window and able to fly at speeds up to 20 meters per second (45 miles per hour) through complex indoor spaces, independent of communication with outside operators or sensors and without reliance on GPS waypoints. If successful, the algorithms developed in the program could enhance unmanned system capabilities by reducing the amount of processing power, communications, and human intervention needed for low-level tasks, such as navigation around obstacles in a cluttered environment.

DARPA aims to give small unmanned aerial vehicles advanced perception and autonomy to rapidly search buildings or other cluttered environments without teleoperation

Military teams patrolling dangerous urban environments overseas and rescue teams responding to disasters such as earthquakes or floods currently rely on remotely piloted unmanned aerial vehicles to provide a bird’s-eye view of the situation and spot threats that can’t be seen from the ground. But to know what’s going on inside an unstable building or a threatening indoor space often requires physical entry, which can put troops or civilian response teams in danger.

To address these challenges, DARPA issued a Broad Agency Announcement solicitation today for the Fast Lightweight Autonomy (FLA) program. FLA focuses on creating a new class of algorithms to enable small, unmanned aerial vehicles to quickly navigate a labyrinth of rooms, stairways and corridors or other obstacle-filled environments without a remote pilot. The solicitation is available here: http://go.usa.gov/MGWx

The program aims to develop and demonstrate autonomous UAVs small enough to fit through an open window and able to fly at speeds up to 20 meters per second (45 miles per hour)—while navigating within complex indoor spaces independent of communication with outside operators or sensors and without reliance on GPS waypoints.

“Birds of prey and flying insects exhibit the kinds of capabilities we want for small UAVs,” said Mark Micire, DARPA program manager. “Goshawks, for example, can fly very fast through a dense forest without smacking into a tree. Many insects, too, can dart and hover with incredible speed and precision. The goal of the FLA program is to explore non-traditional perception and autonomy methods that would give small UAVs the capacity to perform in a similar way, including an ability to easily navigate tight spaces at high speed and quickly recognize if it had already been in a room before.”

If successful, the algorithms developed in the program could enhance unmanned system capabilities by reducing the amount of processing power, communications, and human intervention needed for low-level tasks, such as navigation around obstacles in a cluttered environment. The initial focus is on UAVs, but advances made through the FLA program could potentially be applied to ground, marine and underwater systems, which could be especially useful in GPS-degraded or denied environments.

“Urban and disaster relief operations would be obvious key beneficiaries, but applications for this technology could extend to a wide variety of missions using small and large unmanned systems linked together with manned platforms as a system of systems,” said Stefanie Tompkins, director of DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office. “By enabling unmanned systems to learn ‘muscle memory’ and perception for basic tasks like avoiding obstacles, it would relieve overload and stress on human operators so they can focus on supervising the systems and executing the larger mission.”

Since the focus of the program is improving perception and reducing dependence on external sources—as opposed to designing new small UAVs—DARPA will provide performers selected for the program with the same small UAV testbed as government-furnished equipment.

A webcast Proposers Day is scheduled for Jan.6, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern. Registration closes Friday, Jan. 2, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. Eastern. For more information and details on registering, please visit:http://go.usa.gov/MC2Q
ملخص الخبر
تعمل الولايات المتحده بجديه على تطوير نوع من الدرونات قادر على الولوج من خلال نوافذ الابنيه والطيران
فوق السلالم وتفحص الغرف داخل الابنيه .
هذا النوع من الدرونات ستظهر قريبا لدعم القوات العسكريه والامنيه الامريكيه
وستمتاز هذه الدرونات بمرونه كبيره شبيهه بمرونة طيران الطيور كما اورد صحيفة واشنطن تايمز
يأتي هذا المشروع ضمن اشروع اكبر لتطوير وسائل خفيفة الوزن تعمل بالتحكم من بعد ويعرف المشروع بأسم FLA وتقوم منظمة الابحاث الدفاعيه الامريكيه DARPA بتطويره

وستستعمل هذه الدرونات بشكل اساسي في مهام الكشف وانقاذ الرهائن وانقاذ الضحايا في الكوارث الانسانيه مثل الزلازل والفيضانات

وتقوم حاليا منظمة DARPA بدراسه اساليب الطيران لطيف من الحشرات والطيور

كما تدرس DARPA على وضع جهاز ملاحه للدرون المستقبلي يتيح له قيادة نفسه يختلف عن نظام GPS حيث ان نظام GPS معرض للتشويش كما يحتاج الى مراقبه مستمره من قبل الموجه لاحتماليه وجود عوائق امام الدرون

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التعديل الأخير:
انها آلات المستقبل في حقل القتال .... شكرا جزيلا على الخبر الجميل .. ومجهوداتك رائعة وكبيرة في المنتدى يا صديقي ال__ صقررررر المصري :D:D:D
هذه مجموعة روبوتات اسرائيلي مثل السمكة والضفدع والسحلية وقريت منذ فترة عن روبوت يلتصق بالسفن للتجسس
انها آلات المستقبل في حقل القتال .... شكرا جزيلا على الخبر الجميل .. ومجهوداتك رائعة وكبيرة في المنتدى يا صديقي ال__ صقررررر المصري :D:D:D
الحاجات دي هتفيد جدا فريق الذئاب الرمادية خليها في حساباتك عند التخطيط للعمليه
الحاجات دي هتفيد جدا فريق الذئاب الرمادية خليها في حساباتك عند التخطيط للعمليه

اكيد .. اكيد .. هذه امور مهمة للغاية وشكرا لك على تذكيري بها (^ I * )