رد: صورة ميغ -29 السورية
هناك حتى الآن 3 صور مسربة لطائرة ميغ-29 السورية
أعداد ميغ 29 ::
24 طائرة من نوع - MiG-29/ SMT
40 طائرة من نوع - MiG-29/ Fulcrum A
6 طائرة من نوع - MiG-29 /UB
روسيا جمدت صفقة - 12 طائرة - ميغ 29 -إم -2
ولكن هل تم الغاء تجميد الصفقة مقابل التخلي عن الكيماوي
أغلبها موجود بمطار - طياس - العسكري بريف حمص
لا أعلم ان تم استخدام الميغ 29 خلال حرب الابادة التي يقوم بها النظام والايرانيون والروس وحزب الله ضد الشعب السوري
هذه صور قديمه للميغ - 29 السوريه في روسيا اثناء عمل صيانه وعمره لها قبل بدأ الصراع في سوريا ضد بشار الجحش.
الميغ - 29 السوريه شهدت معارك جويه مع سلاح الجو الصهيوني ، كان هنالك معركه جويه فوق سواحل لبنان بين الميغ - 29 السوريه ومقاتلات اف-15 صهيونيه حيث حاولت مقاتلتين ميغ - 29 سوريتين اعتراض اف- 15 صهيونيه وتم اسقاطهم من قبل الأف-15.
But, on this day, at 0914hrs, the two MiG-29s sent to shadow the Boeing 707 suddenly turned towards the Israeli aircraft and increased their speed. For the pilots of the two Israeli F-15s in escort this was not only surprising, but also an obviously aggressive maneuver. Due to the short range, there was no time to ask questions: the MiGs turned towards the Israeli planes in aggressive manner, and could open fire any moment.
The leader of the F-15-pair ordered the Boeing to instantly distance from the area and engage ECM systems, and then called his ground control for help and reinforcements (as a result of this call, six more F-15s and six F-16s were scrambled, along a single Boeing 707 tanker). Moment later, he warned the Syrian MiG-29 pilots on the international distress frequency to change their course. As the MiGs failed to response, the Eagles moved into attack.
One of the F-15s attacked the lead Syrian MiG-29 from above, closing directly out of the rising sun, and launching a single Python Mk.IV from an off-boresight angle of 40 degrees. The missile guided properly and hit the MiG above the left wing, immediately setting it afire.
The other MiG-29 banked hard right, apparently heading back to Syria, but it was too late, as the second F-15 was already too close: the pilot launched a single AIM-9M Sidewinder from a range of only 500 meters. The missile slammed into the target, crashing it into the sea.
Both Syrian pilots, Maj. Arshad Midhat Mubarak, and Capt. Ahmad al-Khatab, ejected safely and were recovered by Syrian ships. The names of the involved Israeli F-15-pilots remain unknown.
المعلومات مذكوره في موقع ACIG العسكري وهذا هو الرابط
Israeli - Syrian Shadow-Boxing