قوة الصواريخ الاستراتيجية السعودية

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عضو مميز
5 مايو 2008
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الترسانة الصاروخية السعودية

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The United States is angry: China actually sell missiles to Saudi Arabia’s most advanced
Date:2011-08-29Author:adminCategory:Military HistoryComment:0

current relationship between China and Saudi Arabia, mainly in Beijing need to import energy, and the demand growing rapidly, but China’s long-term goal may be to replace the United States, which it has to protect the security of the Persian Gulf.

Beijing is rapidly becoming a major world oil market, role, it is increasingly clear to energy to national security and the importance of long-term military strategy. The mid-1980s, Beijing’s nuclear warheads to be loaded medium-range CSS-2 ballistic missile to sell Saudi Arabia, and since then, Beijing will spare no effort to develop relations with Riyadh. Some reported that Saudi Arabia funded Pakistan to China to buy missiles and nuclear weapons technology, which Pakistan has become the production and proliferation of nuclear weapons.

China an important part of the strategy is to ensure that can encroach on the Persian Gulf’s oil resources, so it has been maintaining close relations with Saudi Arabia. Until 1995, China was a net oil exporter. However, it was imported in 2001, more than 6000 tons of oil. The next decade, in order to maintain GDP growth, China needs to import at least double the amount of oil. Soon, the Chinese impact on world oil markets will become the major countries, this change will be competition for resources and a great impact on international security relations.

China needs energy reserves in the world to enjoy a greater share, so it has adjusted its foreign policy and energy strategy. It is with Sudan, Venezuela, Iraq and Kazakhstan signed a large amount of oil contracts, and these contracts has brought important military and security protocols. Thousands of Chinese workers and soldiers disguised as oil workers in Sudan’s oil production facilities to maintain security. In spring 2001, Chinese leaders * visit to Venezuela, that the leaders of oil-producing countries, said Jiang Chavez and his socialist revolution is a revolution for the Chinese Maoist model of. Chavez came to power, the sudden the two countries to strengthen bilateral military relations. Agreement between China and Kazakhstan Kazakh oil fields from the construction of a huge oil pipeline across China. China hopes to become the future delivery of oil to Japan and South Korea land bridge, with a view to strengthen its influence in order to achieve the basin to replace the U.S. as the largest country in East Asia’s strategic objectives.

China and Saudi Arabia, the relationship between both arms, there are commercial contracts. In the late 1980s, China sold thirty-six CSS-2 missiles to Saudi Arabia. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in the south of China who built two bases, the Chinese military responsible for the maintenance of these missiles. Chinese CSS-2 is a major regional nuclear-weapon systems, originally used to target the United States in Japan, Korea and the Philippines military bases. CSS-2′s range of 3,000 miles or so; in theory, be deployed in Saudi Arabia that the missile can hit almost all of the Middle East region and parts of India. CSS-2 system is very heavy, need to spend hundreds of people preparing to launch dozens of military vehicles. It is very corrosive liquid fuel, if inhaled, can cause death; Therefore, adding fuel to operate is extremely complex. Saudi Arabia is likely to rely on the Chinese military experts to do the launch preparations, therefore, under what circumstances the use of these belong to the Saudi missiles, Beijing has a great voice. CSS-2 nuclear weapons, but China sold Saudi Arabia voice call CSS-2 production of conventional warheads. Assumed that the Saudi CSS-2 with conventional warheads, but Beijing has not promised privately to provide nuclear warheads in a crisis, they hit a poor Saudi CSS-2 is basically a pile of waste. Chinese people actually let the Saudis have taken the bait, do not buy a useless old with nuclear warheads on missile systems.

news reports speculated that China has offered to sell Saudi Arabia advanced missile systems, of which 600 km range CSS-6 missiles and a range of 1800 km, using solid fuel CSS-5 missiles; also may be a range of 5500 km of intercontinental ballistic missiles, because it basically added a booster of CSS-2. It is said that the Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan and his two sons, Prince Multan Dasu classes (now Ambassador to the U.S.) and Prince Khalid bin Sultan (Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War commander) and China to negotiate a The first missile deal. Prince Sultan went to China for several years conducted several high-level visits. His ranch not far from Riyadh, said in 1988, CSS-2 missiles, transport aircraft landed at the ranch on the airport. That sum of CCS-2 transaction of $ 3 to 3.5 billion U.S. dollars, of course, willing to sell Beijing a complete missile systems to Riyadh, but Saudi people may realize on the transaction to give them trouble In such a large sum of money paid before then, they might consider repeatedly.

most likely in the future to sell missiles to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan. According to many media reports, Saudi Arabia has been funding Pakistan to China to buy missiles and nuclear technology; the 1994 defection of a Saudi diplomat’s report also mentioned this. Pakistan’s fiscal years of deficits, while China can not be in arrears, so the money must not have come at. In May 1999, Pakistan conducted nuclear tests, Prince Sultan visited the card Huta uranium enrichment plant and production of missile facilities. May 2002 Pakistan test-fired missiles can carry nuclear warheads Jiawu Li, the Sultan may also be present. If these reports are true, and that Saudi Arabia is paying to China, Pakistan to allow China to buy missiles and nuclear technology. If this is the case, Saudi Arabia may be purchased through an agent of nuclear technology to China, and Pakistan as is this role. If Riyadh on Pakistan’s nuclear program can also influence, transported to Saudi Arabia as long as the number of missiles and warheads, they can immediately become a true nuclear power.

recent argument is that since 1997, Pakistan has been working with North Korea during the barter transaction: the former to the latter in exchange for China’s nuclear missile technology. As a result, things even more complicated. According to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said that North Korea secretly developing nuclear weapons underground facilities, concentrated in the vicinity of Jinchang in which to do so is a violation of Pyongyang in 1994 to make a commitment. In Pakistan’s nuclear facilities and missile facilities and technical personnel working in China is certainly aware of these transactions, while Beijing has deliberately concealed the message to Washington. These events illustrate, the United States has always been China’s proliferation of missiles and nuclear technology to conduct a blind eye attitude, now has its turn to suffer the.

China and Saudi Arabia have much in common, but not in the near future as China replaced the United States to protect the security of the Persian Gulf. There has been speculation in the Sultan branch of the Saudi royal family if the palm of the right will turn to seek refuge with Beijing. This speculation is illogical, because the United States in the Gulf region has a strong military and economic strength. Sultan family, the people engaged in missile deal with Beijing not to close relations between Saudi Arabia and China. They are for the money, it may be in order to get an atomic bomb. However, if the political situation has changed in Riyadh, may also lead to strategic realignment. Never happened before is not an unexpected event: Saudi Arabia’s neighbors, Iran’s pro-American King of a sudden it fell. In the case of the Saudi royal family suddenly appeared on the succession crisis, China may be waiting in the wings. It is certain: As China’s oil demand is growing, it will do everything possible to expand the existing small influence in the Persian Gulf region, and the relationship with Saudi Arabia is an important part of this strategy.
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يهمنا في هذا التقرير التالي :
news reports speculated that China has offered to sell Saudi Arabia advanced missile systems, of which 600 km range CSS-6 missiles and a range of 1800 km, using solid fuel CSS-5 missiles; also may be a range of 5500 km of intercontinental ballistic missiles, because it basically added a booster of CSS-2. It is said that the Saudi Defense Ministe
وهو يتحدث عن ان السعودية اضافت لترسانتها CSS-5 بمدى 5500كلم وCSS-6 بمدى 600كلم
هذا غير الصواريخ القديمة من CSS-2
ويتكلم التقرير ايضا عن توافق ايراني امريكي لمنع السعودية من التعاون مع باكستان والصين وكوريا
وخوفهم من امتلاك السعودية للرؤوس النووية وغضب امريكي من الصين

وهنا من تقرير اخر :
The Pakistani government reportedly brokered the deal, and it may have also offered to sell Saudi Arabia nuclear warheads for the CSS-2s, which are not accurate enough to deliver conventional warheads effectively.

Pakistan could sell operational nuclear weapons and delivery systems to Saudi Arabia, or it could provide the Saudis with the infrastructure, material, and technical support they need to produce nuclear weapons themselves within a matter of years, as opposed to a decade or longer

وهذا التقرير يتكلم عن ان باكستان عرضت بيع رؤوس نووية للسعودية
وباكستان مستعدة لتقديم الدعم للسعودية لكي يصنعو رؤوسهم النووية الخاصة في غضون عدة سنوات بانفسهم
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

سبحان مغير الاحوال
على العموم شكرا على الخبر وتستاهل تقييم
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

التقرير الثالث :
Pakistan Piles On The Plutonium

July 20, 2011: The U.S. believes that Pakistan is building three more nuclear reactors, to be used to produce plutonium for new nuclear weapons. It is believed that Pakistan has over a hundred nuclear weapons. Two years ago, the U.S. thought that Pakistan had 60 nuclear weapons, and was producing nuclear material for at least 5-6 more bombs a year. That turned out to be an underestimate. Pakistan appears to be increasing its annual production of nuclear weapons. This has created growing fear that one of those weapons could end up in the wrong hands.

The U.S. has provided money and technical assistance to ensure the security of those weapons. It is believed that Pakistan stores its nukes with the nuclear material kept separate from the rest of the weapon (which contains the explosives that compress the plutonium or enriched uranium, causing the nuclear explosion, as well as the electronics and warhead components needed to trigger the explosion.) The Pakistanis also provide layers of security for their nuclear weapons, and do background checks on anyone involved in building, handling or guarding their nukes. Still, there are so many Islamic radical supporters in Pakistan, and the country is so corrupt (as in so many people are for sale or rent) that even the most stringent security efforts are not as effective as they would be in the West (or even China or Russia.) As Pakistan expands its nuclear weapons program, it increases the risk of someone getting away with a nuke, or nuclear material (that could be used for a "dirty bomb" that spreads the nuclear material around using explosives.)

Pakistan built its nuclear weapons in order to provide some protection from Indian invasion and conquest. But India has no interest in conquering Pakistan. That would nearly double the number of Moslems in India, as well as adding an area that has a lot more poverty and corruption. Then there are the Pakistani tribal territories, with over 20 million tribal people who have, for thousands of years, raided into, and occasionally invaded, India. A growing number of Pakistanis are coming to accept this Indian attitude as true, and for the last seven years, the two countries have been negotiating to settle the territorial and political differences that have caused decades of violence (and four wars) between the two nations. Most people, on both sides of the border, agree that a nuclear war would be a tragic disaster for both nations, insuring that neither could claim "victory" with a straight face. But so far there is no peace deal, and Pakistan keeps building more nukes.

Pakistan denies that it is expanding its nuclear arsenal, but U.S. intelligence (and their Indian counterparts) believe otherwise. Sixty weapons should be sufficient to maintain the "balance of terror" with India. What no one wants to discuss openly is the risk of Pakistan selling its "surplus" of nukes to another country. Pakistan certainly needs the money, and already has a track record of peddling nuclear weapons technology. The UN IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) continues investigating Pakistani nuclear weapons scientist A Q Khan's illegal nuclear weapons technology smuggling organization. IAEA believes that Khan's group not only had a wider reach than previously thought, but is still in business. Khan recently showed off a letter from North Korea, discussing a $3.5 million payment for nuclear weapons technology.

Khan is suspected of peddling nuclear secrets as far back as the late 1990s. In 2004, Khan finally admitted it. There was popular outrage in Pakistan at a local politicians suggestion that A Q Khan, who originally stole technology from the West that enabled him to create Pakistan's nuclear bombs, be questioned by foreign police for his role in selling that technology (as a private venture) to other nations (like Libya and North Korea). Khan was placed under house arrest after he confessed, and kept away from journalists, but was otherwise untouchable, because he was a national hero for creating the "Islamic Bomb." Popular demand eventually led to Khan being released from house arrest three years ago.

The IAEA continues to question Khan's customers, some of whom have been very cooperative. It is now known, for example, that most of the nuclear weapons documents provided were in electronic form. Thus the information could be easily copied and distributed. There's no way to track down how many copies there are or who has them. It is known that the documents are not in wide distribution, but it is likely that someone (especially in Iran and North Korea) has copies. But there are indications that the documents are still on the market.

A prime potential customer for Pakistani nukes is Saudi Arabia, which fears increased Iranian aggression once Iran acquires nukes. The Saudis have already bought ballistic missiles from China (which is suspected of supplying Pakistan with some nuclear weapons technology.) Saudi Arabia has the cash to buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan (along with the technology to build a ballistic missile warhead for them). Saudi Arabia would need several dozen nuclear weapons to provide them with an adequate counter to Iranian nukes. This would benefit Pakistan in that Iranian control of Arab oil in the Persian Gulf would put Pakistan at a disadvantage against their Iranian neighbor.

ويهمنا هذا الجزئية :
A prime potential customer for Pakistani nukes is Saudi Arabia, which fears increased Iranian aggression once Iran acquires nukes. The Saudis have already bought ballistic missiles from China (which is suspected of supplying Pakistan with some nuclear weapons technology.) Saudi Arabia has the cash to buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan (along with the technology to build a ballistic missile warhead for them). Saudi Arabia would need several dozen nuclear weapons to provide them with an adequate counter to Iranian nukes. This would benefit Pakistan in that Iranian control of Arab oil in the Persian Gulf would put Pakistan at a disadvantage against their Iranian neighbor.

ويتكلم عن بيع باكستان للرؤوس النووية وتركيبها على الصواريخ السعودية
وانها ساعدت السعودية في التكنولوجيا النووية
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

وهنا حسن خان يتحدث عن العلاقات السعودية الباكستانية وهو مسؤول كبير في الدولة الباكستانية

Saudi Arabia showed great interests to purchase of Pakistani ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have information mechanism on different subject.

Pakistan-Saudi Arabia alliance would guarantee larger regional conciliation and stronger ties of survival, production and socio-economic prosperity. Generosity of Saudi Arabia, mediation of Pakistan hold the key of success.

يتكلم عن بيع باكستان لصواريخ باكستانية تستطيع حمل رؤوس نووية
والعلاقات التاريخية والاستراتيجية السعودية وعلاقات حياة او موت
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

تسلم يانمر بس لو تترجم لان مستوي في اللغة e. عالي جدا حتى عمي قوقل مسكين جاه زهايمر حتى ترجمة واحد من التقارير كاتب لاعب ريال مدريد فضلاً لا امراً
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

تسلم يانمر بس لو تترجم لان مستوي في اللغة e. عالي جدا حتى عمي قوقل مسكين جاه زهايمر حتى ترجمة واحد من التقارير كاتب لاعب ريال مدريد فضلاً لا امراً

ننتظر الاخ تايفون ارسلت له رساله بالحضور
ويترجم لنا كل تسائلات الاعضاء
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

هذا يعني أن السعوديين يمتلكون القنبلة النووية لكن لا يمتلكون التقنية النووية؟هل هذا هو المقصود اخوتي؟
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

هذا يعني أن السعوديين يمتلكون القنبلة النووية لكن لا يمتلكون التقنية النووية؟هل هذا هو المقصود اخوتي؟

لا اخي بل نملك القنبلة النووية
وقد ساعدت باكستان السعودية في التقنية النووية
مع بقية التقارير ستتضح الصورة
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

تقارير خطيرة وليست غريبة على السعودية والشقيقة باكستان وايضاً الصديقة الصين

اعتقد ان هذا الموضوع يضع حد للمتشككين في قدرات الترسانة السعودية
وكيف يمكن للمملكة الحصول على اعتى الصواريخ بدون ضغوط دولية عليها بفضل الله ثم حكمة القيادة السعودية ونتهاز فرصة تسمى بايران للحصول على مانريد

بارك الله فيك النمر تقييم

رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

تقارير خطيرة وليست غريبة على السعودية والشقيقة باكستان وايضاً الصديقة الصين

اعتقد ان هذا الموضوع يضع حد للمتشككين في قدرات الترسانة السعودية
وكيف يمكن للمملكة الحصول على اعتى الصواريخ بدون ضغوط دولية عليها بفضل الله ثم حكمة القيادة السعودية ونتهاز فرصة تسمى بايران للحصول على مانريد

بارك الله فيك النمر تقييم

صدقني ايران لاتبحث عن النووي الا بعد ن عرفت عن امتلاك السعودية لها
التقارير واضحة للعيان وهذه صورة من تقرير سوف ارفقها في المشاركة التالية
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

أنا موجود يا أخوان ,, أي شخص يحتاج ترجمة أو توضيح ؟؟
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

تقارير تشرح الصدر , الحمدلله يوجد قيادة حكيمة على قدر من المسؤلية تجاه أمن وطنها

اذا قوة الصواريخ الملكية السعودية لم تنشأ عبث

جزيل الشكر لك يانمر

بس سؤال يجول في خاطري قصة مشروع الصقر الصاروخي هل هو واقع ام لا
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

أنا موجود يا أخوان ,, أي شخص يحتاج ترجمة أو توضيح ؟؟

اخ تايفون
الله يعطيك العافية احتاج الزبدة من الصورة التي وضعها الاخ النمر العربي
العنوان فهمت منه ان باكستان اعدت سلاحين نوويان للسعودية لكن ما في حيل اقرا الباقي:close_tema[1]:
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

بحرام انك كفو يانمر انت و تايفون بس لوتترجم اهم النقاط في التقرير و تسلم
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

تقارير تشرح الصدر , الحمدلله يوجد قيادة حكيمة على قدر من المسؤلية تجاه أمن وطنها

اذا قوة الصواريخ الملكية السعودية لم تنشأ عبث

جزيل الشكر لك يانمر

بس سؤال يجول في خاطري قصة مشروع الصقر الصاروخي هل هو واقع ام لا

هل تعلم اني قرأت خبر يتكلم عن 600صاروخ في الترسانه السعودية
ومشروع الصقر ليس عبث اخي
لكن للاسف الخبر لي مدة وانا ادور عليه
لذلك ااااااااايعتبر خبر لايعتد به الا بعد ان نجد الخبر ان شاء الله
صدقني مافيه شيئ عبث
التعديل الأخير:
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

شكرا لك اخوي على الدعوه
موضوع جميل ومتكامل وكامل باقي التقارير انا اشهد انك ماقصرت تكفى ادعوا q8demo, مصراوي نيوز , عبدالرحمن عزام,نشوف وش ردهم
شكرا لدعوتك
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

بحرام انك كفو يانمر انت و تايفون بس لوتترجم اهم النقاط في التقرير و تسلم

انا اعطيتك المفيد
لكن لو فيه نقطة معينه الاخ تايفون يترجمها بالحرف
ارسل له على البروفايل ماراح يقصر معك
رد: الترسانة النووية والصاروخية السعودية

شكرا لك اخوي على الدعوه
موضوع جميل ومتكامل وكامل باقي التقارير انا اشهد انك ماقصرت تكفى ادعوا q8demo, مصراوي نيوز , عبدالرحمن عزام,نشوف وش ردهم
شكرا لدعوتك

انا لايشرفني دعوتهم تفضل انت وادعوهم
اما انا اعوذ بالله اني افعلها