لوكهيد مارتن: f-35 تتفوق او تساوي التايفون والسوبر هورنيت

رد: لوكهيد مارتن: f-35 تتفوق او تساوي التايفون والسوبر هورنيت

هل صحيح ان الاف35 قد تنفجر في الجو اذا ضربتها صاعقه ؟؟؟!!!

The F-35 Could Explode In Midair If Struck By Lightning

The F-35 is unable to fly within 25 miles of a thunderstorm because engineers believe it could explode if struck by lightning.

The storm restriction will not be lifted until an oxygen gauge in the fuel tank is redesigned in all F-35s.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program has experienced setbacks since 2000 when the first concept designs by Boeing, and winning contractor Lockheed Martin, were scaled back due to cost overruns and development delays. Current estimates place the cost of operating the projected U.S. fleet of F-35s at about $1 trillion over the five decades it's expected to serve the Navy, Air Force, and Marines.

This most recent development is mentioned in the Pentagon's 2012 Operational Test and Evaluation report that annually examines developing defense programs until they reach full production.

The section on the F-35 doesn't mention the critical fuel problem until the second page where it seems to have been known about since 2009.

From the DoD report:

Tests of the fuel tank inerting system in 2009 identified deficiencies in maintaining the required lower fuel tank oxygen levels to prevent fuel tank explosions. The system is not able to maintain fuel tank inerting through some critical portions of a simulated mission profile. The program is redesigning the On-Board Inert Gas Generating System (OBIGGS) to provide the required levels of protection from threat and from fuel tank explosions induced by lightning.

Lockheed released a January 11 F-35 program highlight sheet mentioning the F-35B accomplished 396 flights, met more than 2,400 test points, and executed 102 vertical landings. Of the 30 JSF deliveries made in 2012 only one was an F-35B and that was made to Britain's Royal Air Force in October. The F-35B was grounded late last week diue to problems with its fueldralic line.

Part of Lockheed's, and the Pentagon's success at signing countries onto the program is integrating its development into foreign economies, making jobs a part of final delivery. The Telegraph points out that concern in an article today:

The future of the aircraft is also key to Britain’s defence industry and will help to sustain over 20,000 jobs.

Although the plane is being manufactured by Lockheed Martin, Britain is a major partner in the programme, with both BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce playing key roles in the production and design of the jet.

The UK already cut its F-35B order to 48 from the 2006 order of 138 jets.

A spokesman for Lockheed Martin told The Telegraph: "“The F-35 is a stealth aircraft and by definition it is less vulnerable than any fourth generation fighter flying today. We don’t consider this a major issue. We have demonstrated very good vulnerability performance and we continue to work this with the Joint Programme Office.”

All of this comes after Canada's December announcement that it would be stepping back from its F-35 commitment.

Australia followed Canada's announcement a few days later saying it would buy 24 Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets if it saw any more delays in the F-35 program.

Firming its support for the program the Pentagon promptly announced it was signing a contract with Lockheed Martin for a fifth batch of 32 jets worth $3.8 billion.

U.S. pilots started training in the F-35 at Eglin, AFB starting this month can likely plan on duty stations at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, which will be the first U.S. F-35 overseas base in the world.

All of that is good news for Lockheed Martin and its investors who now expect profits in the high single digits following about 10 years of four percent profits during the F-35's development phase.


لاتستطيع الاقتراب لمدى 25 ميل من عاصفة رعدية :)
رد: لوكهيد مارتن: f-35 تتفوق او تساوي التايفون والسوبر هورنيت

هذه الطائرة افضل طائرة صنعت لليوم ......................

مع احترامي لرأيك اخي اشرف فأنا اخالفك فيه .... الـF-22 رابتور أفضل من هذه الطائرة بعدة نواحي لا داعي لاذكرها فأنت اعلم مني ، لو خصصت ربع اموال مشروع الـF-35 لاستكمال الرابتور لأصبحت هذه الجميلة العمود الفقري للقوات المسلحة الامريكية خلال العقود القادمة !!
يكفي ان المقطع الراداري للرابتور أصغر من الـF-35 بحوالي 4 مرات :p30[1]:
رد: لوكهيد مارتن: f-35 تتفوق او تساوي التايفون والسوبر هورنيت

مع احترامي لرأيك اخي اشرف فأنا اخالفك فيه .... الـF-22 رابتور أفضل من هذه الطائرة بعدة نواحي لا داعي لاذكرها فأنت اعلم مني ، لو خصصت ربع اموال مشروع الـF-35 لاستكمال الرابتور لأصبحت هذه الجميلة العمود الفقري للقوات المسلحة الامريكية خلال العقود القادمة !!
يكفي ان المقطع الراداري للرابتور أصغر من الـF-35 بحوالي 4 مرات :p30[1]:

هناك مشاكل ادت لايقاف طيرانها :

Posted : Friday Jan 18, 2013 15:41:15 EST

تجميد طيران الاف 35 بسبب عطل في نظام الهيدروليك :

The DoD office in charge of the Joint Strike Fighter has suspended flight operations on the F-35B (STOVL) variant for precautionary reasons after a problem was discovered with the fueldraulic system in the jet, officials said today.

والمسؤولون عن الاختبار حذروا ان النظام الهيدروليكي يترك فرصة لاشتغال النيران اذا تم كشفه

The testers warned that the fueldraulic system leaves open the chance of a sustained fire if exposed, but noted that the program office “is accepting the increased vulnerability associated with the fueldraulic system and is currently not considering reinstating the fueldraulic fuses in the production aircraft configuration.”


لذلك اعتقد انه برنامج لم ينضج بعد ,, عند نضجه نستطيع ان نصفه ب ( طائرة حربية ) ولكن تفوقها سينحصر في الالكترونيات والشبحية , اما المدى القتالي , الحمولة الحربية فهي بلاشك تصف لصالح طائرات اخرى حتى من الجيل الرابع +
رد: لوكهيد مارتن: f-35 تتفوق او تساوي التايفون والسوبر هورنيت

مع احترامي لرأيك اخي اشرف فأنا اخالفك فيه .... الـf-22 رابتور أفضل من هذه الطائرة بعدة نواحي لا داعي لاذكرها فأنت اعلم مني ، لو خصصت ربع اموال مشروع الـf-35 لاستكمال الرابتور لأصبحت هذه الجميلة العمود الفقري للقوات المسلحة الامريكية خلال العقود القادمة !!
يكفي ان المقطع الراداري للرابتور أصغر من الـf-35 بحوالي 4 مرات :p30[1]:

الف35 احدث و تختلف عن ف22 وليست اقل منها ...هي مختلفة فقط ولكن تمتلك قدرات لا تمتلكها ف22 في كثير من الجوانب للان ...والف22 تمتلك قدرات ممازة كمقاتلة ....
رد: لوكهيد مارتن: f-35 تتفوق او تساوي التايفون والسوبر هورنيت

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رد: لوكهيد مارتن: f-35 تتفوق او تساوي التايفون والسوبر هورنيت

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