الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"




انظروا الى طريقة وصل الاسلاك لكبينة الطائرة


رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

لمن سال عن الشركات الايرانية المصنعة للصناعات الجوية اكبرها

نبذة عن الصناعات و التطويرات الجوية - التقرير -من سنة 2004 اى قديم قليلا
Glossary of Abbreviations:

(AUC)- Aviation University Complex; part of Malek Ashtar University
(IACI)- Iran Aircraft Industries
(IAMI)- Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries (aka IAMCO, HESA, HASA)
(MATSA)- Air Force Technology and Electronic Centre
(MODAFL) Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics
(OIC)- Owj Industrial Complex, over seen by IRIAF
(SSAFU)- Shahid Sattari Air Force University

Iran's aviation industry was initially established in the 70s, under the Shah. The Iran Helicopter Support and Renewal Company (IHSRC), or (PANHA) was formed in 1969, the Iranian Aircraft Industries (IACI) in 1970, and Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries Corporation (IAMI) or (HESA), in 1974. Two other important companies, Iran Aviation Industries Organization of the Armed Forces (IAIO), also known as the Iranian Armed Forces Aviation Industries Organization (IAFAIO), and Ghods/Ghoods Research Centre were formed in the early 1980s. These companies progressed from repair and maintenance facilities to larger defence enterprises with several thousands employees, except for Ghods which has remained relatively small.

IAIO's main task, in addition to supplying spare parts for aircraft in service, is to obtain the required technologies and know-how to manufacture aircraft for the national armed forces. IAIO thus acts as the policy maker and coordinator of Iran's aviation industries. Essentially, the other companies mentioned are IAIO’s subsidiaries.

IACI conducts major overhauls on several aircraft types. PANHA provides spare parts and equipment, and undertakes the repair and overhaul of Iran's helicopter fleet. It has also built a number of helicopters based on Bell designs. IAMI repairs and overhauls aircraft and hovercraft for the Iranian Navy, and manufactures the Ababil unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Ghods Research Centre manufactures remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs) and unmanned aerial vehicles.

A number of upgrade programmes have been initiated to improve the capabilities of Iran's military aircraft fleet, primarily built around US types such as the Northrop F-5E/F Tiger II, the Grumman F-14A Tomcat and the McDonnell Douglas F-4D/E Phantom II, which were delivered prior to the 1979 Islamic revolution.

Soviet-built MiG-29s and Su-24s were delivered to Iran between 1989 and 1991, and 115 Iraqi Air Force aircraft (including 16 to 18 Su-24s and 21 MiG-29s) were flown to Iran during the 1990-91 Gulf War. Iran refused to return them after the war, and pressed several types, notably the MiGs and Sukhois into IRIAF service.

Iranian Aviation Industries has undertaken several upgrade programmes for the F-4 and F-5 aircraft. Project Alburz claims to have increased the range of the F-4E's APQ-120 radar in search mode from 160km to 290km, and its range in tracking mode to almost 80km. Another programme has improved the F-4D's APQ:109 radar, enabling it to detect targets at a range of 306km and track them at over 75km. The F-5E's APQ- 159 fire-control radar has been upgraded, extending its search-mode range to over 60km, and tracking mode to 40km.

New F-14 fire control system

The Iranian Air Force claims to have successfully tested in May 2000 a new air-to-ground fire-control system for its F-14A Tomcats. The system enables the aircraft to deploy a range of indigenous developed and reverse-engineered air-to-surface missiles, including laser-guided bombs. Reported sightings of F-14s confirm that at least part of the force can still deploy the AIM-54A Phoenix air-to-air missile.

As for licence production, Iranian sources have indicated that maritime reconnaissance/anti-submarine warfare (ASW) versions of the IAMI Iran 140 (a licence-built version of Ukraine's An-140 design) will eventually replace the ageing P-3F Orion procured from the United States prior to 1979. An airborne early warning (AEW) version of the Iran 140 is also supposed to be developed, but Tehran will need to develop the airborne radar platform's complex avionics. It is almost certain that Russia's aviation industry will come to Iran's assistance.


1.) Azarakhsh (“Lightning”)

Iran’s fighter projects basically starts with the F-5E. Iran achieved the ability to produce F-5Es from scratch after producing F-5E fuselages, avionics, etc. for refurbishment of damaged F-5Es (which delayed Iran considerably). This resulted later into the Simorgh project, converting F-5As into F-5B-like dual seat trainers.

Iran took this ability a step further when IACI developed a new F-5E based fighter. It had strengthened and reinforced composite wings (with new heavy duty wing spars) and stronger newly designed hard points. This provided the aircraft with the ability to carry two 1,000kg Sattar-1/2 laser and electro-optical precision guided munitions. This also required placing a television screen in the cockpit, installing new displays, and adding a laser designator. A new multi-purpose Iranian designed, Russian derived radar was also installed on the aircraft (possibly with ground mapping ability). It supposedly incorporates Iranian parts and technology especially from the AN/APQ-120 fire control system of the F-4E. The radar is roughly similar to or slightly more advanced than the Russian Kopyo “Spear” radar. The new radar resulted in the aircraft having a 17cm longer radar dome than a regular F-5E. However, this is unnoticeable to the untrained eye. One more important improvement was made to the fighter. Its twin J-85 turbo-jet engines were upgraded with more thrust.

In addition, an air-ground weapon called Zulfiqar was designed and developed for Azarakhsh and later aircraft. It is reportedly a missile employing multiple separating warheads to hit several targets simultaneously. Other weapons include Fatter (Sidewinder), Zooben 750lb elctro optical glide bombs, Mk.80-series of bombs, Chinese PL-6s, and the Iranian Shabaz-1/2 unguided rockets. Possibly, but not confirmed is the ability to use the R-73 (AA-11) “Archer” and Iranian built version of the AIM-7 Sparrow, which would give Azarakhsh some BVR combat ability.

First prototype flight occurred in 1997 and subsequently 3 more prototypes were constructed by 1999, bringing the total to 4. Azarakhsh officially entered serial production in 2000 under the OIC sub-complex of IACI with a 30-35 aircraft order from the IRIAF with delivery over the following three years. However, it has turned out that this order never materialized and only 6-9 aircraft were actually produced through 2000 to 2001. It is unknown whether the Azarakhsh is in active squadron service currently. Also, it is possible that a number of rebuilt airframes under contract with IACI since 2001 have received the designation “Azarakhsh”.

2.) F/B-22 “?”

F/B-22 was a HESA planned upgrade concept for F-5E/Fs. On the F-5F, the canopy would have been removed and replaced with a bubble canopy and the back seat would have been replaced with extra fuel storage. Also, the spine of the aircraft would have been extended for extra fuel storage. The upgrade would have been similar on the F-5E, but instead, the airframe would have had to be extended and converted to an F-5F configuration first (similar to Simorgh). In essence, it was like an F-5SMT type of project. At any rate, the F/B-22 never made it to the prototype stage.

3.) Sa’eqeh/ Sa’eqeh-80 (“Lightning”)

The next step in the Iranian fighter evolutionary trail is the Sa’eqeh or Sa’eqeh-80. The “80” which was later dropped stood for the Iranian year of 1380, the year in which the aircraft was planned first to fly. It is important to note that Sa’eqeh, unlike Azarakhsh, was developed by MATSA (with design help from SSAFU) not IACI.

Sa’eqeh could be summarized as a significant upgrade of Azarakhsh, or “Azarakhsh-2”. In fact, this project is known as Azarakhsh-2 in Iranian official circles.

One noticeable difference on the Sa’eqeh is that the single F-5E tail fin of the Azarakhsh was replaced by twin F/A-18 style composite tail fins. It is believed that Sa’eqeh incorporates a fly by wire system, required due to the aerodynamic unstableness created by the new tail fins. More significantly, it is believed that the J-85 turbojet engines used in the Azarakhsh were replaced with Iranian made afterburning turbofan J-85 engines with substantial technology from the TF-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older counterparts.

The exact reasons why Iran decided to adopt a twin tail fin design is currently unknown. However, some reasons that contributed to this decision are believed to be a reduced radar cross section, enhanced performance (shorter take-off, improved yaw, etc.), needed stability due to increased engine thrust, technology demostrator for next generation aircraft and more room for extra fuel cells. It is also noted that the Sa’eqeh has larger composite wings than Azarakhsh, which improves its performance and provides room for extra fuel storage. In addition, Sa’eqeh has a slightly more advanced radar than Azarakhsh.

The first Sa’eqeh prototype made its maiden flight on May 30, 2004. Since then, Sa’eqeh has been undergoing a series of flight and capability tests. Apparently, it demonstrates significantly improved take-off and turning performance over earlier models. Depending on how successful Sa’eqeh is in its test program, it could enter series production. Currently, only a very limited number of the aircraft are being assembled with some added improvements such as digital glass cockpits and possibly canards.

Although Sa’eqeh is a capable fighter/bomber, it is still rather only a technology demonstrator. In other words, the Sa’eqeh is not meant to become a new workhorse of the Iranian Air Force nor will it replace any fighters currently in Iranian service. It is just another stop in the evolution of Iranian fighter programs.

4.) F/B-44 “Iranian Lion”

This aircraft is highly controversial and may not even exist. In any case, this fighter is supposedly referred to by American sources with the code name F/B-44 “Iranian Lion”.

Very little is known about this fighter, other then that it has twin fins, twin engines, a dual seat configuration, it is a medium size fighter in a class between the YF-17 (P-530) Cobra and F-14 Tomcat, and a new fighter. The aircraft supposedly derives much from the Northrop YF-17 project, in which the Shah was heavily connected. Actually, blue prints, designs, and manuals are said to have made there way into Iran before the revolution. Also, the F/B-44 incorporates much of the F-14 design.

The only official Iranian comments on the project are that is a blend of eastern and western technology and that it doesn’t resemble any aircraft in Iranian service or any where in the world. According to many, the F/B-44 “Iranian Lion” is an ultimate and definitive fighter aircraft to actually replace Iranian F-4s and possibly F-14s.

Development of the F/B-44 is believed to have begun in the early 1990’s. As it is, the F/B-44 supposedly incorporates a heavily upgrade and modified Iranian digital version of the AWG-9, the long range radar/ fire control computing system used in the F-14. It is also believe to be compatible with the AIM-54 Phoenix missile system. Many reverse engineered parts of other Iranian fighters, especially the F-14, are purportedly used in the construction of the F/B-44.

The fighter possibly uses two Iranian built upgraded J-79 engines (used in F-4) or two Klimov Rd-33 engines (used in MiG-29). Interestingly enough, this could possibly be the Iranian fighter Jane’s was talking about, with two Rd-33 engines, not the Azarakhsh. As of 2001, there were two F/B-44 prototypes flying and well in to the flight test program. According to current plans, the F/B-44 should enter large scale operational service somewhere between the years 2008 and 2010.

5.) Shafaq “Light before Dawn; Twilight”

Shafaq is probably Iran’s most well-known combat aircraft project. Shafaq started its life as a joint project between Iran and Russia. It derived much of its design from the “Integral”, a canceled Russian project. When the Russians left the project (probably because of outside pressure), it was handed over to AUC, working under the instruction of the IRGC, for development completion and eventual construction of a prototype. It has also received substantial help from engineers from both the MiG Aircraft Corporation and Sukhoi Design Bureau and from SSAFU.

At present, Shafaq is “officially” nothing more than a advanced trainer aircraft with light combat strike capabilities and potential to be converted into a single seat light advanced fighter or dual seat precision attack aircraft.

Shafaq will feature many advanced technologies such as three LCD multifunctional displays (MFD), digital avionics and fly by wire (FBW), and hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) flight control, and a head-up display (HUD). The aerodynamic performance of the aircraft will be enhanced by its exceptionally large leading edge root extensions (LERX) and a highly unusual circular section at the wing root. The platform also has seven stores hard points, three beneath each wing and one beneath the aircraft’s fuselage centerline, to carry various air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons.

The original Shafaq design called for twin turbofan engines developed in the basis of the J-85 engine (used in the F-5). For unknown reasons, however, the twin engine design was replaced with a single engine design. The two candidates for the Shafaq power plant was Klimov Rd-33 or Iranian built J-79. In the end, the Iranian built J-79 won out for obvious reasons (experience with the engine, no reliance on the Russians, etc.). Despite previous belief, Shafaq will be capable of sustained supersonic speeds. Regardless of many sources claiming otherwise, Shafaq does have a reduced radar cross section or “stealth” design; everything besides the external weapons stores adhere to the principles of “stealth”. In addition, it is built of composite radar absorbing material and is covered with radar absorbing paint.

The single seat fighter will have an Iranian designed radar and fire control system and would eventually replace the F-5Es in IRIAF service as a defensive fighter and interceptor.

The dual seat attack version will probably be equipped with laser designators, and electro-optical television monitor, and ground looking infrared, and train mapping radar. This model would probably specialize in long range precision strikes and sea denial missions against high value targets. Additionally, both variant will have a short take off and landing capability and will possibly have rough airfield capability.

The trainer variant of Shafaq apparently had its first flight in 2005 according to Iranian news. Assembly of the Shafaq will probably be carried out by IAMI, according to current plans.

6.) M-ATF

The M-ATF was the original collaborated project between Iran and Russia, derived from the Integral concept. When the Russians left the program, Iran dropped the program for a simplified variation, which was later named Shafaq. This was not the end of the M-ATF, however. Suspicious were aroused when a model of the M-ATF was shown at Kish 2005 next to the Shafaq model. Now, several independent and varied sources have claimed that Iran has revived the M-ATF and is developing it independently. At the current time, however, there is no confirmation or evidence that would back such claims. More likely Iran is using features and design traits from the M-ATF in the design of the single seat fighter variant of the Shafaq. Possibly, this could result in a fused together M-ATF and Shafaq hybrid, which would not be that unconceivable or difficult considering the Shafaq was originally derived from the M-ATF.

المصدر جلوبل سيكورتى 2004

ايضا ..
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

لمن سال عن الشركات الايرانية المصنعة للصناعات الجوية اكبرها
iran aircarf industries , hesa , hasa,

نبذة عن الصناعات و التطويرات الجوية - التقرير -من سنة 2004 اى قديم قليلا
glossary of abbreviations:

(auc)- aviation university complex; part of malek ashtar university
(iaci)- iran aircraft industries
(iami)- iran aircraft manufacturing industries (aka iamco, hesa, hasa)
(matsa)- air force technology and electronic centre
(modafl) ministry of defence and armed forces logistics
(oic)- owj industrial complex, over seen by iriaf
(ssafu)- shahid sattari air force university

iran's aviation industry was initially established in the 70s, under the shah. The iran helicopter support and renewal company (ihsrc), or (panha) was formed in 1969, the iranian aircraft industries (iaci) in 1970, and iran aircraft manufacturing industries corporation (iami) or (hesa), in 1974. Two other important companies, iran aviation industries organization of the armed forces (iaio), also known as the iranian armed forces aviation industries organization (iafaio), and ghods/ghoods research centre were formed in the early 1980s. These companies progressed from repair and maintenance facilities to larger defence enterprises with several thousands employees, except for ghods which has remained relatively small.

iaio's main task, in addition to supplying spare parts for aircraft in service, is to obtain the required technologies and know-how to manufacture aircraft for the national armed forces. Iaio thus acts as the policy maker and coordinator of iran's aviation industries. Essentially, the other companies mentioned are iaio’s subsidiaries.

iaci conducts major overhauls on several aircraft types. Panha provides spare parts and equipment, and undertakes the repair and overhaul of iran's helicopter fleet. It has also built a number of helicopters based on bell designs. Iami repairs and overhauls aircraft and hovercraft for the iranian navy, and manufactures the ababil unmanned aerial vehicle (uav). Ghods research centre manufactures remotely piloted vehicles (rpvs) and unmanned aerial vehicles.

a number of upgrade programmes have been initiated to improve the capabilities of iran's military aircraft fleet, primarily built around us types such as the northrop f-5e/f tiger ii, the grumman f-14a tomcat and the mcdonnell douglas f-4d/e phantom ii, which were delivered prior to the 1979 islamic revolution.

soviet-built mig-29s and su-24s were delivered to iran between 1989 and 1991, and 115 iraqi air force aircraft (including 16 to 18 su-24s and 21 mig-29s) were flown to iran during the 1990-91 gulf war. Iran refused to return them after the war, and pressed several types, notably the migs and sukhois into iriaf service.

iranian aviation industries has undertaken several upgrade programmes for the f-4 and f-5 aircraft. Project alburz claims to have increased the range of the f-4e's apq-120 radar in search mode from 160km to 290km, and its range in tracking mode to almost 80km. Another programme has improved the f-4d's apq:109 radar, enabling it to detect targets at a range of 306km and track them at over 75km. The f-5e's apq- 159 fire-control radar has been upgraded, extending its search-mode range to over 60km, and tracking mode to 40km.

new f-14 fire control system

the iranian air force claims to have successfully tested in may 2000 a new air-to-ground fire-control system for its f-14a tomcats. The system enables the aircraft to deploy a range of indigenous developed and reverse-engineered air-to-surface missiles, including laser-guided bombs. Reported sightings of f-14s confirm that at least part of the force can still deploy the aim-54a phoenix air-to-air missile.

as for licence production, iranian sources have indicated that maritime reconnaissance/anti-submarine warfare (asw) versions of the iami iran 140 (a licence-built version of ukraine's an-140 design) will eventually replace the ageing p-3f orion procured from the united states prior to 1979. An airborne early warning (aew) version of the iran 140 is also supposed to be developed, but tehran will need to develop the airborne radar platform's complex avionics. It is almost certain that russia's aviation industry will come to iran's assistance.


1.) azarakhsh (“lightning”)

iran’s fighter projects basically starts with the f-5e. Iran achieved the ability to produce f-5es from scratch after producing f-5e fuselages, avionics, etc. For refurbishment of damaged f-5es (which delayed iran considerably). This resulted later into the simorgh project, converting f-5as into f-5b-like dual seat trainers.

iran took this ability a step further when iaci developed a new f-5e based fighter. It had strengthened and reinforced composite wings (with new heavy duty wing spars) and stronger newly designed hard points. This provided the aircraft with the ability to carry two 1,000kg sattar-1/2 laser and electro-optical precision guided munitions. this also required placing a television screen in the cockpit, installing new displays, and adding a laser designator. A new multi-purpose iranian designed, russian derived radar was also installed on the aircraft (possibly with ground mapping ability). It supposedly incorporates iranian parts and technology especially from the an/apq-120 fire control system of the f-4e. The radar is roughly similar to or slightly more advanced than the russian kopyo “spear” radar. The new radar resulted in the aircraft having a 17cm longer radar dome than a regular f-5e. However, this is unnoticeable to the untrained eye. One more important improvement was made to the fighter. Its twin j-85 turbo-jet engines were upgraded with more thrust.

in addition, an air-ground weapon called zulfiqar was designed and developed for azarakhsh and later aircraft. It is reportedly a missile employing multiple separating warheads to hit several targets simultaneously. Other weapons include fatter (sidewinder), zooben 750lb elctro optical glide bombs, mk.80-series of bombs, chinese pl-6s, and the iranian shabaz-1/2 unguided rockets. Possibly, but not confirmed is the ability to use the r-73 (aa-11) “archer” and iranian built version of the aim-7 sparrow, which would give azarakhsh some bvr combat ability.

first prototype flight occurred in 1997 and subsequently 3 more prototypes were constructed by 1999, bringing the total to 4. Azarakhsh officially entered serial production in 2000 under the oic sub-complex of iaci with a 30-35 aircraft order from the iriaf with delivery over the following three years. However, it has turned out that this order never materialized and only 6-9 aircraft were actually produced through 2000 to 2001. It is unknown whether the azarakhsh is in active squadron service currently. Also, it is possible that a number of rebuilt airframes under contract with iaci since 2001 have received the designation “azarakhsh”.

2.) f/b-22 “?”

f/b-22 was a hesa planned upgrade concept for f-5e/fs. On the f-5f, the canopy would have been removed and replaced with a bubble canopy and the back seat would have been replaced with extra fuel storage. Also, the spine of the aircraft would have been extended for extra fuel storage. The upgrade would have been similar on the f-5e, but instead, the airframe would have had to be extended and converted to an f-5f configuration first (similar to simorgh). In essence, it was like an f-5smt type of project. At any rate, the f/b-22 never made it to the prototype stage.

3.) sa’eqeh/ sa’eqeh-80 (“lightning”)

the next step in the iranian fighter evolutionary trail is the sa’eqeh or sa’eqeh-80. The “80” which was later dropped stood for the iranian year of 1380, the year in which the aircraft was planned first to fly. It is important to note that sa’eqeh, unlike azarakhsh, was developed by matsa (with design help from ssafu) not iaci.

sa’eqeh could be summarized as a significant upgrade of azarakhsh, or “azarakhsh-2”. In fact, this project is known as azarakhsh-2 in iranian official circles.

one noticeable difference on the sa’eqeh is that the single f-5e tail fin of the azarakhsh was replaced by twin f/a-18 style composite tail fins. It is believed that sa’eqeh incorporates a fly by wire system, required due to the aerodynamic unstableness created by the new tail fins. More significantly, it is believed that the j-85 turbojet engines used in the azarakhsh were replaced with iranian made afterburning turbofan j-85 engines with substantial technology from the tf-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older counterparts.

the exact reasons why iran decided to adopt a twin tail fin design is currently unknown. However, some reasons that contributed to this decision are believed to be a reduced radar cross section, enhanced performance (shorter take-off, improved yaw, etc.), needed stability due to increased engine thrust, technology demostrator for next generation aircraft and more room for extra fuel cells. It is also noted that the sa’eqeh has larger composite wings than azarakhsh, which improves its performance and provides room for extra fuel storage. In addition, sa’eqeh has a slightly more advanced radar than azarakhsh.

the first sa’eqeh prototype made its maiden flight on may 30, 2004. Since then, sa’eqeh has been undergoing a series of flight and capability tests. Apparently, it demonstrates significantly improved take-off and turning performance over earlier models. Depending on how successful sa’eqeh is in its test program, it could enter series production. Currently, only a very limited number of the aircraft are being assembled with some added improvements such as digital glass cockpits and possibly canards.

although sa’eqeh is a capable fighter/bomber, it is still rather only a technology demonstrator. In other words, the sa’eqeh is not meant to become a new workhorse of the iranian air force nor will it replace any fighters currently in iranian service. It is just another stop in the evolution of iranian fighter programs.

4.) f/b-44 “iranian lion”

this aircraft is highly controversial and may not even exist. In any case, this fighter is supposedly referred to by american sources with the code name f/b-44 “iranian lion”.

very little is known about this fighter, other then that it has twin fins, twin engines, a dual seat configuration, it is a medium size fighter in a class between the yf-17 (p-530) cobra and f-14 tomcat, and a new fighter. The aircraft supposedly derives much from the northrop yf-17 project, in which the shah was heavily connected. Actually, blue prints, designs, and manuals are said to have made there way into iran before the revolution. Also, the f/b-44 incorporates much of the f-14 design.

the only official iranian comments on the project are that is a blend of eastern and western technology and that it doesn’t resemble any aircraft in iranian service or any where in the world. According to many, the f/b-44 “iranian lion” is an ultimate and definitive fighter aircraft to actually replace iranian f-4s and possibly f-14s.

development of the f/b-44 is believed to have begun in the early 1990’s. As it is, the f/b-44 supposedly incorporates a heavily upgrade and modified iranian digital version of the awg-9, the long range radar/ fire control computing system used in the f-14. It is also believe to be compatible with the aim-54 phoenix missile system. Many reverse engineered parts of other iranian fighters, especially the f-14, are purportedly used in the construction of the f/b-44.

the fighter possibly uses two iranian built upgraded j-79 engines (used in f-4) or two klimov rd-33 engines (used in mig-29). Interestingly enough, this could possibly be the iranian fighter jane’s was talking about, with two rd-33 engines, not the azarakhsh. As of 2001, there were two f/b-44 prototypes flying and well in to the flight test program. According to current plans, the f/b-44 should enter large scale operational service somewhere between the years 2008 and 2010.

5.) shafaq “light before dawn; twilight”

shafaq is probably iran’s most well-known combat aircraft project. Shafaq started its life as a joint project between iran and russia. It derived much of its design from the “integral”, a canceled russian project. When the russians left the project (probably because of outside pressure), it was handed over to auc, working under the instruction of the irgc, for development completion and eventual construction of a prototype. It has also received substantial help from engineers from both the mig aircraft corporation and sukhoi design bureau and from ssafu.

at present, shafaq is “officially” nothing more than a advanced trainer aircraft with light combat strike capabilities and potential to be converted into a single seat light advanced fighter or dual seat precision attack aircraft.

shafaq will feature many advanced technologies such as three lcd multifunctional displays (mfd), digital avionics and fly by wire (fbw), and hands-on-throttle-and-stick (hotas) flight control, and a head-up display (hud). The aerodynamic performance of the aircraft will be enhanced by its exceptionally large leading edge root extensions (lerx) and a highly unusual circular section at the wing root. The platform also has seven stores hard points, three beneath each wing and one beneath the aircraft’s fuselage centerline, to carry various air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons.

the original shafaq design called for twin turbofan engines developed in the basis of the j-85 engine (used in the f-5). For unknown reasons, however, the twin engine design was replaced with a single engine design. The two candidates for the shafaq power plant was klimov rd-33 or iranian built j-79. In the end, the iranian built j-79 won out for obvious reasons (experience with the engine, no reliance on the russians, etc.). Despite previous belief, shafaq will be capable of sustained supersonic speeds. Regardless of many sources claiming otherwise, shafaq does have a reduced radar cross section or “stealth” design; everything besides the external weapons stores adhere to the principles of “stealth”. In addition, it is built of composite radar absorbing material and is covered with radar absorbing paint.

the single seat fighter will have an iranian designed radar and fire control system and would eventually replace the f-5es in iriaf service as a defensive fighter and interceptor.

the dual seat attack version will probably be equipped with laser designators, and electro-optical television monitor, and ground looking infrared, and train mapping radar. This model would probably specialize in long range precision strikes and sea denial missions against high value targets. Additionally, both variant will have a short take off and landing capability and will possibly have rough airfield capability.

the trainer variant of shafaq apparently had its first flight in 2005 according to iranian news. Assembly of the shafaq will probably be carried out by iami, according to current plans.

6.) m-atf

the m-atf was the original collaborated project between iran and russia, derived from the integral concept. When the russians left the program, iran dropped the program for a simplified variation, which was later named shafaq. This was not the end of the m-atf, however. Suspicious were aroused when a model of the m-atf was shown at kish 2005 next to the shafaq model. Now, several independent and varied sources have claimed that iran has revived the m-atf and is developing it independently. At the current time, however, there is no confirmation or evidence that would back such claims. More likely iran is using features and design traits from the m-atf in the design of the single seat fighter variant of the shafaq. Possibly, this could result in a fused together m-atf and shafaq hybrid, which would not be that unconceivable or difficult considering the shafaq was originally derived from the m-atf.

المصدر جلوبل سيكورتى 2004

ايضا ..
ماهي الشركات التي صنعت قاهر 313

اتحداك تجاوب
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

وش هذي الطيارة الي ما تقطع الا 300 كيلو :budo[1]:

لازم يمشي جنبها تانكر طوال الرحلة !!

3,000 كيلو هناك فاصلة بعد 3

و ليس 300 كيلو

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The J-85 turbojet engines used in the Azarakhsh were replaced with Iranian made afterburning turbofan J-85 engines with substantial technology from the TF-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older counterparts.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]المصدر Air recognition [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] #[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]===============[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Technical Data [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]DesignThe Saeqeh is of a conventional design and layout, appearing as something of a slight cross-breed consisting of the American-made Northrop F-5 Tiger and theMcDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet. One noticeable difference on the Sa’eqeh is that the single F-5E tail fin of the Azarakhsh was replaced by twin F/A-18 style composite tail fins.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Avionic and combat systemsThe Saeqeh will most likely feature a modernized digital cockpit with avionics and armament systems that allow it to compete on the modern battlefield. Her defensive suite is said to be entirely locally-produced within the Iranian military complex, negating the need to procure expensive or limited-function systems from foreign parties.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]PropulsionThe J-85 turbojet engines used in the Azarakhsh were replaced with Iranian made afterburning turbofan J-85 engines with substantial technology from the TF-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older counterparts.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ArmamentSaeqeh armament stable will most likely be largely Russian in origin and include access to the latest in guided-missile and bomb technology. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Specifications [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Type[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]fighter aircraft [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Country user [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Iran[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Country producer[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Iran[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Crew[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]a[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Engine[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Two engine [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Speed[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1,700 km/h maximum[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Range[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3,00 km maximum[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Weight[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]4,750 kg[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Avionic[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Iranian-made modernized digital cockpit with avionics systems. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dimension[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Length: ? m; Height: ? m Wing span: ? m[/FONT]​


3,000 كيلو هناك فاصلة بعد 3

و ليس 300 كيلو


الرقم الموجود 3,00 وراجع الملون بالاحمر
والثلاث الاف تكتب هكذا 3,000 من وين جبت الصفر الاخير !! :kap[1]:​
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]the j-85 turbojet engines used in the azarakhsh were replaced with iranian made afterburning turbofan j-85 engines with substantial technology from the tf-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older counterparts.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]المصدر air recognition [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] #[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]===============[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]technical data [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]designthe saeqeh is of a conventional design and layout, appearing as something of a slight cross-breed consisting of the american-made northrop f-5 tiger and themcdonnell douglas f/a-18 hornet. one noticeable difference on the sa’eqeh is that the single f-5e tail fin of the azarakhsh was replaced by twin f/a-18 style composite tail fins.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]avionic and combat systemsthe saeqeh will most likely feature a modernized digital cockpit with avionics and armament systems that allow it to compete on the modern battlefield. Her defensive suite is said to be entirely locally-produced within the iranian military complex, negating the need to procure expensive or limited-function systems from foreign parties.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]propulsionthe j-85 turbojet engines used in the azarakhsh were replaced with iranian made afterburning turbofan j-85 engines with substantial technology from the tf-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older counterparts.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]armamentsaeqeh armament stable will most likely be largely russian in origin and include access to the latest in guided-missile and bomb technology. [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]specifications [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]type[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]fighter aircraft [/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]country user [/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]iran[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]country producer[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]iran[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]crew[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]1[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]a[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]engine[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]two engine [/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]speed[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]1,700 km/h maximum[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]range[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]3,00 km maximum[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]weight[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]4,750 kg[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]avionic[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]iranian-made modernized digital cockpit with avionics systems. [/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]dimension[/font]​

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]length: ? M; height: ? M wing span: ? M[/font]​


اخي سوف اقول لك شي ، المواقع العسكريه الأجنبيه عندما تتحدث عن مكونات سلاح وخواصه هي تفعل ذلك بعد ان تزور الشركات المصنعه له وتحصل علي بروشوراته وتزور معارض السلاح لتتطلع علي التجارب التي تجري عليه كما هو الحال في معرض ايدكس الذي يقام في دبي كمثال.

بالنسبه لصناعه السلاح الأيرانيه ، ايران لا تشارك في معارض عسكريه ولا ترسل بروشورات عن منتجاتها ولا تسمح للأجانب بالأطلاع وفحص ماتصنعه من سلاح لذلك اغلب هذه المواقع العسكريه الأجنبيه تتكهن وتفترض من دون ان تأكد ، مره اخري انظر الي ماضللته باللون الوردي اعلاه

one noticeable difference " الأختلاف الذي يمكن ملاحظته " هنا يعني انه تم الأعتماد علي النظر في ملاحظه الفرق وليس الفحص او الرجوع الي بروشور او الشركه المصنعه.

most likely اغلب الأحتمال

is said to be " قيل انه سوف يكون " وهذا اثبات علي ان الموقع يستند الي اقوال ايران وليس اعتمادا علي مايمتلكه من معلومات نابعه من تحليله للطائره.

اما السطر اسفله

the j-85 turbojet engines used in the azarakhsh were replaced with iranian made afterburning turbofan j-85 engines

موقع جلوبال سيكيورتي في المشاركه السابقه ذكر نفس العباره واتضح ان الموقع يقول انه احتمال ولم يؤكد وبينما موقعك الجديد يذكرها بصيغه التأكيد وهذا ليس بدليل علي ان ايران تصنع محرك J-85 لان المعلومات تختلف من موقع واخر واغلب المواقع الأجنبيه في مايتعلق بالأسلحه الأيرانيه تفترض وتتكهن حتي لا تفقد مصداقيتها لانه مره اخري لا يمكنها الأطلاق عن قرب وفحص الأسلحه الأيرانيه لتذكر خصائصها.

وانت لغايه الأن لم تستطع الأجابه علي سوالي ومازلت تتجاهله ، ماهو عدد اسراب مقاتله الصاعقه في سلاح الجو الأيراني ؟؟؟
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

اخي احمد مع احترامي لك انت تنفخ في قربه مشقوقه ان كنت تعتقد ان البشر سوف يتغيرون بيوم وليله ، انا لي في المنتدي 3 سنوات والكثير من الأعضاء ذكروا ماذكرت ولا توجد فائده من القاء الموعظات ، افضل طريق هو تثقيف الناس وزياده معلوماتهم وحثهم علي المشاركه لانه عندما يرتفع مستوي ثقافتهم سوف يتوقفون عن السخريه ويبدؤن بالمناقشه بصوره علميه وحضاريه. هو طريق صعب ولكن يؤتي ثماره في النهايه وان لم يؤتي ثماره اذن كسبنا حسنات من رب العباد.

المنتدي يحتوي علي مختلف الناس ، هنالك الجاهل الذي يغطي علي جهله بالسخريه وهنالك الذي لا يحب ان يعترف بالخطأ ويريد الأخرين ان يعتقدو انه دائما علي حق وهنالك الذي ينشر الطائفيه وهنالك الذي تعمي كراهيته بصيرته وتفكيره وهنالك المحترم الذي يفضل السكوت ليغطي علي جهله وهنالك المتمكن من العلم ويريد نشره وهنالك من يحب المناقشه حتي وان كان لا يعرف حتي يستفيد وهنالك من يريد كسب الحسنات من رب العباد بنشر العلم.

يعني بالمختصر المفيد انت تتعامل مع مختلف الفئات من البشر وليس فئه واحده ، لذلك انصحك بالصبر لانه الرسول عليه الصلاه والسلام صبر وكسب القلوب قبل العقول بالكلمه الحسنه والمحبه والتغيير لا يحصل بيوم وليله لذلك عليك بالصبر وانشاء الله يتحسن مستوي المنتدي الي الأفضل.

اخ صلاح وجودك هنا جعلني اتيقن اني لا انفخ في قربة مخرومه وفعلا

هي تعتمد على المستوى الاخلاقي والوعي الديني والمستوى التعليمي وادب الحوار

لتلك المجموعه من الاعضاء............ هدانا واياهم............المشكلة تكمن ان هنالك توارث في السلوكيات من الاقدم الى الاحدث... ماعلينا

اكمل اخي بارك الله لك ومنك وعليك
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

بغض النظر عن تصميمها الجميل نسبيا مع التحفظ على بعض الفنشات ان كانت نموذجا او الطائره بعينها..

اعتقد ان 3000 كم كثير اخي العزيز بالنسبة لحجمها وابعاد جناجيها وانفراد محركها وصغره

الذي سؤثر سلباً على ما اعتقد على مساحة حاويات الوقود وبالتالي تقليل المدى القتالي...

لكن السؤال لو كانت هذه المقاتلة هي نفسها فلماذا ستستخدم ؟ اعتقد برأي البسيط ستكون مقاتله

اسناد قريب للقوات البريه..... لا اعرف

لأنني بصراحة اتحير ان كانت ستحمل قنبلة كقاصد التي تنتجها ايران 3 او ان كانت حتى قاصد 2 ذات 900 كغم

ياريت التحليل قيم من الافاضل


اخي المقتبس الكريم ان كنت ستندرج بردي الى هاوية المضاحك
فاني الزمك بالله ان تعتقني من شراكة ذنبك...شكرا لوقتك

التعديل الأخير:
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

صورة الطائره من بعيده تظهرها خاليه من العيوب

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

هذه الصوره لربما تظهر بعض من حقيقة الفيديو المعروض وتقوية التكهنات ان الطائره الظاهره في الفيديو ما هي الا طائرة روموت

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

بغض النظر عن تصميمها الجميل نسبيا مع التحفظ على بعض الفنشات ان كانت نموذجا او الطائره بعينها..

اعتقد ان 3000 كم كثير اخي العزيز بالنسبة لحجمها وابعاد جناجيها وانفراد محركها وصغره

الذي سؤثر سلباً على ما اعتقد على مساحة حاويات الوقود وبالتالي تقليل المدى القتالي...

لكن السؤال لو كانت هذه المقاتلة هي نفسها فلماذا ستستخدم ؟ اعتقد برأي البسيط ستكون مقاتله

اسناد قريب للقوات البريه..... لا اعرف

لأنني بصراحة اتحير ان كانت ستحمل قنبلة كقاصد التي تنتجها ايران 3 او ان كانت حتى قاصد 2 ذات 900 كغم​

ياريت التحليل قيم من الافاضل


اخي المقتبس الكريم ان كنت ستندرج بردي الى هاوية المضاحك
فاني الزمك بالله ان تعتقني من شراكة ذنبك...شكرا لوقتك

عزيزي الكريم احمد

قد البستنا النظارات في عز الشباب :0126[1]:

آمل تكبير الخط في مشاركاتك .
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"



رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

اميركا بوينق ولوكهيد مارتن
روسيا سوخوي وميج
ايران لا تحتاج قطع غيار ولا شركات ولا علامة تجارية فقط يقول الطيار يامهدي يا صاحب الزمان ادركني ويأتي المهدي يصلح الطياره وهي في الجو ..

انا لا امزح ولا استهزئ الأمر حقيقي

ويبدو ان بعض الزملاء المدافعين عن هذه الطائرة مقتنعين بهذه المعلومة ولكن يخجلون من الأفصاح عنها وانا بدوري افصح عنها للزملاء حتى يكونوا على اطلاع كامل بكل جوانب الموضوع , فالأمر لدى الايرانيين اعتقاد ديني علينا احترامه .

ايه الحين الواحد عرف السر
عن نفسي أقنعت تماما
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

هذه الصوره لربما تظهر بعض من حقيقة الفيديو المعروض وتقوية التكهنات ان الطائره الظاهره في الفيديو ما هي الا طائرة روموت


هذه الصوره اكثر وضوحا



رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

صوره ترفيهيه


والله تحملنا اثم ووزر من هذا الموضوع بما يكفي

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

عزيزي الكريم احمد

قد البستنا النظارات في عز الشباب :0126[1]:

آمل تكبير الخط في مشاركاتك .

اسف اخي لكن الاعدادات في الخطوط عندي

لاتستجيب لي كما هو الحال ايضا في لوحة التحكم

واكرر اسفي لعينيك... وسلامتهم الف سلامه اخي
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"


والله تحملنا اثم ووزر من هذا الموضوع بما يكفي


الان ساقوم بعرض جميع الصور التي تظهر فيها عيوب الطائره
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

3,000 كيلو هناك فاصلة بعد 3

و ليس 300 كيلو


ليش تهرب من الاجابه على سؤالي اعيده لك :

ماهي الشركات التي صنعت قاهر 313

اتحداك تجاوب
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

الرجاء الالتزام بنقاش خالى من السخريه و الصور عديمه الفائده !!