تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

التطوير امر جيد

وبما نها مازالت بحالة جيدة وتقوم بواجبها لما لا نطورها

وعالعموم القوات البرية لديها قيادة وتعلم وتعمل ماهو في مصلحة الجيش .
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

أفضل حل تحويلها لأقرب مكب نفايات !!
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

أفضل حل تحويلها لأقرب مكب نفايات !!

هي تسد فراغ في سلاح المدرعات و متواجده بالمنطقة الجنوبية رغم أننا لم نجدها تشارك في حرب الحوثيين ؟!
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

بدلا من اضاعه الجهد والمال عليها ، يجب اخراجها من الخدمه واستعمالها في اغراض التدريب فقط. لا اعلم لماذا الجيوش العربيه دائما مغرمه في تجديد الخرداوات مع ان مصنعها يفضلون اخراجها من الخدمه.

هذه ليست عملية "تحديث" أنما تسمى في الحقيقه " عملية فساد مالي"...وورائها متمصلحون تمتلئ جيوبهم دائما بأموال الحرام والسحت :no[2]:
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ربعنا وبعض الاعضاء طايرين بالعجة ولا كلفو حالهم يطلعون على الخبر

لأربعاء 25 فبراير 2009م


وكلمه الامير خالد بن سلطان في مناورات الدرع الاخضر 2 !!!!! اي قبل عامين او 3 تحرو الدقه
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ربعنا وبعض الاعضاء طايرين بالعجة ولا كلفو حالهم يطلعون على الخبر

لأربعاء 25 فبراير 2009م


وكلمه الامير خالد بن سلطان في مناورات الدرع الاخضر 2 !!!!! اي قبل عامين او 3 تحرو الدقه

ومالفرق مازالت في الخدمه ولم يتم اخراجها
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

ومالفرق مازالت في الخدمه ولم يتم اخراجها

على اساس اخي العزيز الليوبارد استلمنا منها 500 وال 300 بعد 4 شهور عجيب امركم تريدون ان نجلس ب700 دبابة اذا اخرجناها لبلد مساحته 2 مليون !!!!!!!!!

بعدين انا ضد اخراجها من الخدمة نستطيع تدريعها بالشكل المناسب وجعلها صف ثاني
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

عدد الدبابات التي تعمل

In service = في الخدمة 750

في الخدمة amx-30 بعدد 150

بدون 150 = في الخدمة 600 دبابة فقط


رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30


وهنا التقرير 2011 - 2012م

يلاحظ نفس العدد في خانة m1a2

فقط 115 الان في الخدمة مع 200 + 115 = 315

865 بدل 750 مع 115 الاحتياط من Abrams

رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30


وهنا التقرير 2011 - 2012م

يلاحظ نفس العدد في خانة m1a2

فقط 115 الان في الخدمة مع 200 + 115 = 315

865 بدل 750 مع 115 الاحتياط من Abrams

فاتك شي مهم وهو ال 58 ابرامز .؟ ثم عدد الباتون 460 والام اكس 320 !!!!! اذا اين ذهبت الباقيات

وبالمناسبة ايضا 143 ابرامز حديثة اس قادمه للسعودية

قد تعاقدت لاصلاح 143 دبابات من طراز أبرامز M1 السعودي إلى مستوى M1A2S
هنا يتكلم عن ترقية m1 من مخازن الجيش الامريكي للسعوديه

وجميل ايضا نملك اعداد من الخالد لكن التقرير ليس حديث بل قديم ومغلوط اخي الجزر
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30


وهنا التقرير 2011 - 2012م

يلاحظ نفس العدد في خانة m1a2

فقط 115 الان في الخدمة مع 200 + 115 = 315

865 بدل 750 مع 115 الاحتياط من Abrams

التقرير فيه نسبة كبيرة من الصحة ,, لأن 100 دبابة من الأم 60 تم تسليمها لليمن الشمالي أثناء حرب 94
الامكس أكثر من نصفها معطل ..مشاكلها لا تعد ولا تحصى والباقي في الخدمة شبه معطل ..منظرها يجيب الهم وعساكر اللواء الرابع يسوون لها اشتراك بأقرب شيول عشان يركبونها على الكناور :no[2]:

المختصر المفيد .. قواتنا البرية مضروبة على الأخر !!
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

مستقبل المشتريات = Intent

• M1A2 أبرامز 58
• M1A2S تطوير 315 الى M1A2
• الخالد الباكستانية + قيد التفاوض


مصدرك يتحدث بنفس التقرير

والتقرير حديث 2012م ونشر هنا


16 أبريل 2012

من مصدرك أخي

Apr 16, 2012 12:10 EDT
USA, Contracts - Intent, Force Structure, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Support Functions - Other, Tanks & Mechanized
Latest updates: US Army sheds light on the


In July 2006 the US DSCA informed Congress [PDF] that the government of Saudi Arabia wished to purchase 58 M1A1 Abrams tanks, then upgrade these M1A1s, along with its existing 315 M1A2s, to create 373 M1A2S (Saudi) Abrams configuration main battle tanks. The sale will include kits, spare and repair parts, communications and support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, contractor engineering and technical support services and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $2.9 billion.
This program also dovetails well with their recent $276 million Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Agreement, which ensures support and spare parts for their American-made land equipment. This sale and upgrade program will be executed in 3 phases, and has begun to attract contracts.

  • M1A2S Program: Phases and Plans
  • Contracts & Key Events [upgraded]

M1A2S Program: Phases and Plans

The 3 phases for the main program are as follows:

  • PHASE 1: Engineering phase for 30 months;

  • PHASE 2: Purchase of 58 M1A1s, and upgrade to M1A2S (Saudi) configuration. The Abrams Integrated Management (AIM) program was designed to economically rebuild and maintain the M1A1 Main Battle Tank (MBT) to a ‘like new’ condition, in order to improve fleet readiness and reduce sustainment costs. The 58 M1A1s will undergo an ‘AIM-like’ process and will be upgraded to the M1A2S configuration in the United States;

  • PHASE 3: Tear down of the 315 M1A2 Abrams in Saudi Arabia’s tank fleet and upgrade to the M1A2S configuration. The 315 Saudi M1A2A MBT’s will also undergo an ‘AIM-like’ process and will be re-configured to the M1A2S configuration. Vehicle teardown and final re-assembly will be accomplished in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia has an unusual land forces structure whereby it has an “American brigade” (8th Armored Brigade) currently armed with US equipment like M1 Abrams tanks, M2 Bradleys et. al., and a “French brigade” (4th Armored Brigade) armed with French equipment including AMX-30 tanks, AMX-10P APCs, et. al. Indeed, Saudi equipment throughout its land forces tends to be a mixture of American and French equipment as a rule. This hedges against supplier continuity and creates wider markers for geopolitical favors, at the cost of increased maintenance burdens and potential logistical and interoperability headaches. The Tribune-Libanaise’s 2006 article “The Dynamics of Weapons Procurement in Gulf States” offers outstanding insight and background in this area.
There were rumors that the 2006 memorandum of defense cooperation with France may also lead to an order of Leclerc main battle tanks etc., to upgrade the “French brigade” alongside its American counterpart. There has been no action on that front, but there have been countervailing rumors of a deal for Russian T-90s.

رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

مجرد نية Intent

Apr 16, 2012


للاسف فقط المصادر العربية تتحدث عن شراء

تجدر الإشارة أن المملكة العربية السعودية تمتلك حوالي 1150 دبابة قتال رئيسية تتمثل ب 58 دبابة M1A2S Abrams و 315 دبابة M1A2 Abrams التي سيتم تحديثها إلى النموذج M1A2S، وكذلك تمتلك السعودية 460 دبابة M60 A1/ A3 و 320 دبابة AMX-30.


رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

المصادر العربية بل لم تذكر نية الشراء انما المصادر الاجنبية تحياتي اخي جزر ^^^^
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

نفس الرابط المكرر اخي وهو يتحدث عن Intent

- نية -

رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

نفس الرابط المكرر اخي وهو يتحدث عن Intent

- نية -

April 12/12: US Army sheds light. The US Army throws a bit of light on a program that has been short of details, as it announces that Anniston Army Depot had contracted to overhaul 143 Saudi M1 Abrams tanks to M1A2S standard, through a partnership with General Dynamics Land Systems. It extends a previous GDLS partnership that began in early 2011, when the depot assisted in upgrading 57 M1A1 and M1A2 tanks to the M1A2S variant.
Once structural repairs are complete, the hulls, turrets and components will be shipped from Alabama to Lima, OH, where the tanks will be assembled by General Dynamics Land Systems.

That brings the total number of M1A2S tanks under the agreement to 200, and an additional 129 tanks are awaiting funding. Work will take place at Lima Army Tank Plant
, OH, where 326,000 direct labor hours are expected for the installation through this program. Anniston Army Depot employees will disassemble and sandblast the vehicles, then perform needed repairs to the hulls and turrets. They’ll also play a key role in refurbishing components for the vehicles by rebuilding the Gunner’s Primary Sight assembly, computer control panel, elevating mechanism assembly, gunner’s control assembly, and other parts for each tank. US Army.

April 9/12: A $12.1 million cost contract modification buying M1A2S long lead materials. Work will be performed in Lima, OH, with an estimated completion date of Nov 30/12. One bid was solicited, with one bid received (W56HZV-11-C-0350).

March 2/12: An $11.1 million cost contract modification buying M1A2S long lead materials. Work will be performed in Lima, OH, with an estimated completion date of Nov 30/12. One bid was solicited, with one bid received (W56HZV-11-C-0350).

March 2/12: An $8 million firm-fixed-price contract modification to convert M1A2S tanks. Work will be performed in Lima, OH, with an estimated completion date of May 30/12. One bid was solicited, with one bid received (W56HZV-11-C-0005).

Jan 5/12: Lockheed Martin Global Training and Logistics in Orlando, FL receives an $8.2 million firm-fixed-price contract to upgrade Saudi Advanced Gunnery Training System configurations to the M1A2S standard.

Work will be performed in Orlando, FL, and Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, with an estimated completion date of Feb 28/14. One bid was solicited, with one bid received by the US Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Acquisition Center in Orlando, FL, who acts as Saudi Arabia’s agent in this matter (W900KK-12-C-0008).

Jan 5/12: An $11.8 million cost contract modification “to increase foreign military sales funding.” No further details are given, but the contract number corresponds to Saudi M1A2S upgrades. Work will be performed in Lima, OH, with an estimated completion date of Nov 30/12. One bid was solicited, with 1 bid received by the US Army Contracting Command in Warren, MI (W56HZV-11-C-0350).

Nov 10/11: Mistaken announcement. A $6.9 million cost-no-fee contract for kits to convert M1A2 tanks to Saudi Arabia’s M1A2S configuration. Work will be performed in Oxford, AL, with an estimated completion date of Nov 30/12. One bid was solicited, with one bid received (W56HZV-11-C-0350).

Discussions with GDLS reveal that despite the Pentagon announcement, this isn’t a contract yet.

Aug 11/11: A $29.75 million cost-no-fee contract for kit delivery and associated labor supporting production and conversion of 60 M1A2 tanks to Saudi Arabia’s M1A2S configuration. Work will be performed in Lima, OH until Aug 30/12. One bid was solicited, with one bid received (W56HZV-11-C-0350).

Aug 9/11: A $12.6 million cost-no-fee contract for kit delivery and associated labor supporting production and conversion of 42 more M1A2 tanks to Saudi Arabia’s M1A2S configuration. Work will be performed in Lima, OH, with an estimated completion date of Sept 30/12. One bid was solicited, with one bid received (W56HZV-11-C-0005).

Jan 4/11: A $6.9 million cost-no-fee contract will provide tools and equipment to help set up a production facility in Saudi Arabia for converting M1 Abrams tanks to the M1A2S configuration. Work will be performed in Sterling Heights, MI, with an estimated completion date of Aug 1/12. One bid was solicited with one bid received (W56HZV-10-C-0160).

Jan 4/11: A $37.1 million cost-no-fee contract for materials and labor to convert 42 M1A2 tanks to Saudi Arabia’s M1A2S configuration. Work will be performed in Lima, OH, with an estimated completion date of Sept 30/12. One bid was solicited with one bid received (W56HZV-11-C-0005).
رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

April 12/12: US Army sheds light. The US Army throws a bit of light on a program that has been short of details, as it announces that Anniston Army Depot had contracted to overhaul 143 Saudi M1 Abrams tanks to M1A2S standard, through a partnership with General Dynamics Land Systems. It extends a previous GDLS partnership that began in early 2011, when the depot assisted in upgrading 57 M1A1 and M1A2 tanks to the M1A2S variant.


هنا تم تحديث 57 M1A1 and M1A2


الشركة المطورة Dynamics Land Systems


العدد المتفق على تحديثه 200

129 دبابة تنتظر التمويل = 14 + 57 = 71 سوف يتم تحديثها

بتاريخ نشر الخبر و 129 تنتظر التمويل


total number = العدد الكلي

That brings the total number of M1A2S tanks under the agreement to 200

رد: تحديث الدبابه السعودية amx-30

قد تعاقدت لاصلاح 143 دبابات من طراز أبرامز M1 السعودي إلى مستوى M1A2S
هنا يتكلم عن ترقية m1 من مخازن الجيش الامريكي للسعوديه

US Army sheds light. The US Army throws a bit of light on a program that has been short of details, as it announces that Anniston Army Depot had contracted to overhaul 143 Saudi M1 Abrams tanks to M1A2S standard