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Increment 3.2 will be a software-focused upgrade, and was expected to begin in 2014. It will provide compatibility with new AIM-9X Sidewinder short range air-air missiles
Development funding for the full Increment 3.2 was expected to begin in FY 2012, but current progress is unclear. What those upgrades will entail is also unclear. Increment 3.2 has run into problems, and is now split into a 3.2a (by 2014) and 3.2b (by 2017), while costs rise and delivery dates slip. There may be even a hardware focus at the end of Increment 3.2, if a USAF effort to examine the full replacement of the F-22’s core systems with a modern, open architecture software and hardware framework (vid. the F-35) bears fruit. If the idea looks affordable, it could become Increment 3.2c, for installation by 2020.
The USAF is still considering what might go into an Increment 3.3 upgrade. Past upgrade plans have included items like side-mounted AESA radar arrays to improve radar field of view and improve ground scans, multispectral/infrared search and track (IRST) systems for aerial and/or ground targets, and the JHMCS helmet-mounted sight. Improved jamming capabilities are another item that will always be in demand, and side-mounted radar arrays would add a big hardware boost. At present, there are no plans to add powered weapons, or even GBU-53 Small Diameter Bomb II capabilities, which would let the F-22s attack moving targets. That, too, could be one of the items in the mix for future increments.
The Air Force identified three critical technologies for increment 3.2B. The two technologies that will be used
to integrate the AIM-9X missile with the aircraft are in the early stages of development and have only been
tested in a lab environment. The Air Force expects these technologies to be demonstrated in a relevant
environment by the start of system development. The third technology, which is needed to improve the
ability to locate ground targets, has already been demonstrated in a relevant environment.
increment 3.2 will be a software-focused upgrade, and was expected to begin in 2014. It will provide compatibility with new aim-9x sidewinder short range air-air missiles
development funding for the full increment 3.2 was expected to begin in fy 2012, but current progress is unclear. What those upgrades will entail is also unclear. Increment 3.2 has run into problems, and is now split into a 3.2a (by 2014) and 3.2b (by 2017), while costs rise and delivery dates slip. There may be even a hardware focus at the end of increment 3.2, if a usaf effort to examine the full replacement of the f-22’s core systems with a modern, open architecture software and hardware framework (vid. The f-35) bears fruit. If the idea looks affordable, it could become increment 3.2c, for installation by 2020.
the usaf is still considering what might go into an increment 3.3 upgrade. Past upgrade plans have included items like side-mounted aesa radar arrays to improve radar field of view and improve ground scans, multispectral/infrared search and track (irst) systems for aerial and/or ground targets, and the jhmcs helmet-mounted sight. Improved jamming capabilities are another item that will always be in demand, and side-mounted radar arrays would add a big hardware boost. At present, there are no plans to add powered weapons, or even gbu-53 small diameter bomb ii capabilities, which would let the f-22s attack moving targets. That, too, could be one of the items in the mix for future increments.
ليه يا ريس .....................؟
increment 3.2 will be a software-focused upgrade, and was expected to begin in 2014. It will provide compatibility with new aim-9x sidewinder short range air-air missiles
development funding for the full increment 3.2 was expected to begin in fy 2012, but current progress is unclear. What those upgrades will entail is also unclear. Increment 3.2 has run into problems, and is now split into a 3.2a (by 2014) and 3.2b (by 2017), while costs rise and delivery dates slip. There may be even a hardware focus at the end of increment 3.2, if a usaf effort to examine the full replacement of the f-22’s core systems with a modern, open architecture software and hardware framework (vid. The f-35) bears fruit. If the idea looks affordable, it could become increment 3.2c, for installation by 2020.
the usaf is still considering what might go into an increment 3.3 upgrade. Past upgrade plans have included items like side-mounted aesa radar arrays to improve radar field of view and improve ground scans, multispectral/infrared search and track (irst) systems for aerial and/or ground targets, and the jhmcs helmet-mounted sight. Improved jamming capabilities are another item that will always be in demand, and side-mounted radar arrays would add a big hardware boost. At present, there are no plans to add powered weapons, or even gbu-53 small diameter bomb ii capabilities, which would let the f-22s attack moving targets. That, too, could be one of the items in the mix for future increments
the six f-22 raptors currently at al dhafra, uae, belong to the 49th fighter wing, based at holloman afb, new mexico. They flew as “mazda 91″ to moron, spain, on apr. 17 and departed again for their final destination on apr. 20.
since they spent some 4 days in spain, during their stay, the stealthy planes were photographed by several local spotters that were able to provide the exact list of all the examples involved in the deployment:
#04-4078, #04-4081, #05-4093, #05-4094, #05-4098, #05-4099.
if they were not willing to let the world know of such deployment they would not make a stopover in spain, during daylight.
they are all block 3.0 (or block 30) examples meaning that neither of them has received the latest upgrade (block 3.1) that has brought the capability to find and engage ground targets using the synthetic aperture radar mapping and eight gbu-39 sdbs (small diameter bombs) to the troubled stealthy fighter.
therefore they are hardly involved in any build-up process in the region, since their role in case of war on iran, would be limited to the air-to-air arena: Mainly fighter sweep (missions with the aim to seek out and destroy enemy aircraft prior to the arrival of the strike package), hvaa (high value air asset) escort and dca (defensive counter air).
image credit: U.s. Air force
considered the limited effectiveness of the iranian air force, it is much more likely that the f-22s involved in any kind of attack on iran would be those of the 3rd fighter wing, based at joint base elmendorf-richardson, in alaska, that was the first u.s. Air force unit to receive the block 3.1 planes and has already started training in the air-to-surface role.
بمناسبة الرابتور الموجودة في الخيج
الطائرات الموجودة غير مطورة للقيام بأي عمليات جو - ارض مكتفية بقدرات جو -جو
increment 3.1 was set to begin opeval in january 2011, and began fielding in march 2012. It includes ground-looking synthetic aperture radar (sar) modes, some electronic attack capability, geo-location of detected electro-magnetic emitters, and initial integration with the gps-guided gbu-39 small-diameter bomb (sdb-i). That last change expands the f-22’s ground attack arsenal from 1 jdam per bay to 4 sdb-is. The catch is that a pilot will only be able to release 2 weapons at a time.
F-22’s fuel:weight ratio, wing loading, and acceleration are inferior to existing fighters.
They believe that peacetime exercises are designed with predetermined outcomes in mind and can’t be relied on, and question the lethality of air-air missiles based on their war record.
Sprey and Stevenson also question the F-22’s stealth on the grounds that its own radar will give it away when used, adding that the unreliability of IFF (Identification, Friend or Foe) has generally meant that combats are fought at close ranges where stealth is largely negated.
Limited Weapon Set:
Qualified weapons for the F-22 are limited: short-range AIM-9 Sidewinder and medium range AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, and the JDAM family of bombs including the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb glide weapon. An F-22 can carry up to 8 GBU-39s, or 2 GBU-32 JDAMs. None of its internally-carried strike weapons are powered, and radar-killing missiles like the AGM-88 HARM/AARGM aren’t even on the drawing board as options. Key ground-looking radar modes are just being integrated, and important additions like wider field side-looking radar arrays and helmet-mounted sights will not appear until and unless future Block 30/ Block 40 upgrades are funded.
هذه عن الموضوعة في الإمارات
لكن عموما
the 3rd fighter wing, based at joint base elmendorf-richardson, in alaska, that was the first u.s. Air force unit to receive the block 3.1 planes and has already started training in the air-to-surface role
دعنا ننتقد بعقلانية ....
الجزأ الأول هو لشخصين f-16 program analyst
وهما pierre sprey and author james stevenson
ماذا قالوا ..
f-22’s fuel:weight ratio, wing loading, and acceleration are inferior to existing fighters
هل تعرفون هذه الطائرة
fb-22 نموذج القاذفة الخفية المبنية على اساس الرابتور
هل تعرفون كم يبلغ مداها
the fb-22 could have a combat radius of about 1,800 nautical miles—more than triple that of the f/a-22 2005/0105raptor.aspx
بحسبة بسيطة يتضح ان الرقم اقل من 1000 كلم
» f-22 raptor
the f-22, utilizing supercruise technology, boasts a combat radius of between 650 and 800 nautical miles.
طبعآ الرقم هنا ازداد قليلآ لانه افترض استخدام السوبر كروز طوال المهمة وهذا لايمكن تثبيته كقاعدة للعمليات فلكل عملية ظروفها مثلآ كلما كان الارتفاع اعلى قلت كثافة الهواء فيقل الاحتكاك بين الطائرة والهواء المحيط بها فيقل بالتالي استهلاك الوقود بالاضافة الى ان المهام لا تكون على علو واحد فالمهام تصنف ك
الخلاصة انه لاتوجد ارقام ثابتة بل متغيرة ولكن من المؤكد ان الرقم لا يصل الى 1000 كلم
حاليآ النموذج المطور موجود في الاسكا فقط
الاولوية روسيا وليست ايران
ذكرتني بالذي مضى عندما قلت ان مدى الرابتور بدون خزانات اضافية اقل من 1000 كلم فتم ضربي بقنابل وصواريخ جو - ارض مع اني اثبت ذلك كما هو موضح بالاسفل
ذكرتني بالذي مضى عندما قلت ان مدى الرابتور بدون خزانات اضافية اقل من 1000 كلم فتم ضربي بقنابل وصواريخ جو - ارض مع اني اثبت ذلك كما هو موضح بالاسفل
وهل ايران بالأصل عدو أمريكي حاليا .............؟
حساباتك كانت خاطئه واثبت الامر في نفس الموضوع .......انت استخدمت معدل استهلاك الوقود بوجود خزانات وقود معتبرا انه نفس المعدل بدون خزانات وقود وهو خطا كبير جدا ويحدث فرق كبير.........اذا كنت لا تذكر ساعيد توضيح الامر هنا مرة اخرى
lava لماذا تعتقد ان ف22 تظطر الى الطيران بنفس البروفايل الخاص بالطائرات الغير شبحية مثل low -low low الخ ؟؟ ف22 مختلفه فعلى ارتفاع عالي هذه الطائرة تغير كل القوانين وهو احد اسرار تفوقها
ف22 هزمت الف15 صديقي في عمليات التجريب الاولى للف22 ...........انا لا اريد ان ادخل في نقاش مكرر ..............هل تعرف ف15 الطائرة المجربة والمثبتة صاحبة المدى والحمولة ......لا تقارن بف22 بشيء بما فيها المدى وهذا كلا مثبت بمصادر موثوقه ....
الطائرة الوحيدة التي تنافسها او ستنافسها هي باك فا ............سو-35 وف15 تمتلك قدرات جيدة وممتازة لكن ف22 تهزمهم حتى بتفوق عددي
lava لماذا تعتقد ان ف22 تظطر الى الطيران بنفس البروفايل الخاص بالطائرات الغير شبحية مثل low -low low الخ ؟؟ ف22 مختلفه فعلى ارتفاع عالي هذه الطائرة تغير كل القوانين وهو احد اسرار تفوقها
ف22 هزمت الف15 صديقي في عمليات التجريب الاولى للف22 ...........انا لا اريد ان ادخل في نقاش مكرر ..............هل تعرف ف15 الطائرة المجربة والمثبتة صاحبة المدى والحمولة ......لا تقارن بف22 بشيء بما فيها المدى وهذا كلا مثبت بمصادر موثوقه ....
الطائرة الوحيدة التي تنافسها او ستنافسها هي باك فا ............سو-35 وف15 تمتلك قدرات جيدة وممتازة لكن ف22 تهزمهم حتى بتفوق عددي