أول رائدة فضاء في العالم تحتفل بذكرى 45 عاما على تحليقها
45 عاما مرت منذ أن غزت المرأة عالم الفضاء.. حينها انطلقت مركبة "فوستوك – 6" حاملةً على متنها فالينتينا تيريشكوفا في رحلة دامت 3 أيام لتصبح تيريشكوفا رائدةَ رائداتِ الفضاء.
Valentina Vladimirovna Nikolayeva Tereshkova was the first woman to travel in space in Vostok 6. Born in western Russia on March 6, 1937, she worked in a textile mill at age 18. Interested in parachuting as a hobby, she also trained as an airline pilot. She was not just the first woman to travel in space, but the first space traveler who hadn't been a test pilot, though her parachuting and piloting experience certainly qualified her for space work. Her Vostok 6 mission orbited the earth from June 16 through June 19, 1963

45 عاما مرت منذ أن غزت المرأة عالم الفضاء.. حينها انطلقت مركبة "فوستوك – 6" حاملةً على متنها فالينتينا تيريشكوفا في رحلة دامت 3 أيام لتصبح تيريشكوفا رائدةَ رائداتِ الفضاء.
Valentina Vladimirovna Nikolayeva Tereshkova was the first woman to travel in space in Vostok 6. Born in western Russia on March 6, 1937, she worked in a textile mill at age 18. Interested in parachuting as a hobby, she also trained as an airline pilot. She was not just the first woman to travel in space, but the first space traveler who hadn't been a test pilot, though her parachuting and piloting experience certainly qualified her for space work. Her Vostok 6 mission orbited the earth from June 16 through June 19, 1963