فيلمين نادرين من مشروع "الجزيرة" عن نكسة حرب 1967
Operation Focus
هناك سطور لا بد أن نقرأهم ... ومشاهد أفلام لا بد أن نراهم ... ووقائع تاريخية ، لا بد أن لا ننساهم ....
منهم ... الأفلام التى تتعلق بحروبنا ... إنتصاراتنا ... وأيضا بنكسة حرب 1967
فيما يلى ، موضوع من مشروع "الجزيرة" بالأنجليزية ... الذى يتعلق بنكسة حرب 1967
فيلمين نادرين من مشروع "الجزيرة" عن نكسة حرب 1967
يحى الشاعر
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A0KGOEcTV0&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fenglish%2Eal jazeera%2Enet%2FNR%2Fexeres%2FC5C283A1%2DC4B4%2D47 87%2D9FB9%2D08BD009FE66A%2Ehtm
رسالة المسئول عن المشروع
Tuesday 5th of June: 16:30, 22:30
Wednesday 6th of June: 07:00, 10:30
Thursday 7th of June: 06:00, 23:30
These times are in Doha and Cairo local times
Hussein Elrazzaz │ Producer │P r o g r a m m e s │ AL JAZEERA ENGLISH CHANNEL
+974 489 2254(Direct Line) │ +974 5092799( Mobile ) │ +974 489 0796 (Fax)
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By June 10, Israel had occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the entire Sinai Peninsula and the Syrian Golan Heights, ushering in decades of occupation, and changing forever the political landscape of the Middle East.
The Israelis claim that the strike was pre-emptive, that it was forced upon them to prevent an attack by the war-hungry Arabs.
However there is compelling evidence that the Israeli attack - Operation Focus - was in fact planned.
In Operation Focus Al Jazeera tells the story of that fateful morning, and uncovers the real reasons why Israel went to war.
Operation Focus aired from 05 June 2007
Watch Part One here:
Watch Part Two here:
Operation Focus
هناك سطور لا بد أن نقرأهم ... ومشاهد أفلام لا بد أن نراهم ... ووقائع تاريخية ، لا بد أن لا ننساهم ....
منهم ... الأفلام التى تتعلق بحروبنا ... إنتصاراتنا ... وأيضا بنكسة حرب 1967
فيما يلى ، موضوع من مشروع "الجزيرة" بالأنجليزية ... الذى يتعلق بنكسة حرب 1967
فيلمين نادرين من مشروع "الجزيرة" عن نكسة حرب 1967
يحى الشاعر
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A0KGOEcTV0&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fenglish%2Eal jazeera%2Enet%2FNR%2Fexeres%2FC5C283A1%2DC4B4%2D47 87%2D9FB9%2D08BD009FE66A%2Ehtm
رسالة المسئول عن المشروع
Watch my new project “Operation Focus” on these times on Al Jazeera English … wanna hear your feed back …
Tuesday 5th of June: 16:30, 22:30
Wednesday 6th of June: 07:00, 10:30
Thursday 7th of June: 06:00, 23:30
These times are in Doha and Cairo local times
Hussein Elrazzaz │ Producer │P r o g r a m m e s │ AL JAZEERA ENGLISH CHANNEL
+974 489 2254(Direct Line) │ +974 5092799( Mobile ) │ +974 489 0796 (Fax)
Notice: The information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s). This information may be subject to legal professional or other privilege or may otherwise be protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. It must not be disclosed to any person without authorisation. If you are not the intended recipients, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are not authorised to and must not disclose, copy, distribute, or retain this message or any part of it.
TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2007
13:27 MECCA TIME, 10:27 GMT
13:27 MECCA TIME, 10:27 GMT
Operation Focus

On the morning of June 5, 1967, the Israeli Air Force launched a surprise strike on Arab military airfields and destroyed over 450 aircraft.
By June 10, Israel had occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the entire Sinai Peninsula and the Syrian Golan Heights, ushering in decades of occupation, and changing forever the political landscape of the Middle East.
The Israelis claim that the strike was pre-emptive, that it was forced upon them to prevent an attack by the war-hungry Arabs.
However there is compelling evidence that the Israeli attack - Operation Focus - was in fact planned.
In Operation Focus Al Jazeera tells the story of that fateful morning, and uncovers the real reasons why Israel went to war.
Operation Focus aired from 05 June 2007
Watch Part One here:
Watch Part Two here: