صور المروحية المحطمة قرب منزل الشيخ/أسامة بن لادن

الهليكوبتر Black Hawk التى إستخدمت فى تصفية بن لادن ربما تكون شبحيه

Mission Helo Was Secret Stealth Black Hawk

The helicopters that flew the U.S. Navy SEALs on the mission to kill were a radar-evading variant of the MH-60 Black Hawk, according to a retired U.S. special operations aviator.

Part of a damaged helicopter is seen lying near the compound after U.S. Navy SEAL commandos killed al-Qaida leader in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 2. (Reuters via Newscom)

The helicopter's low-observable technology is similar to that of the the retired aviator said. "It really didn't look like a traditional Black Hawk," he said. It had "hard edges, sort of like an … F-117, you know how they have those distinctive edges and angles - that's what they had on this one."
In addition, "in order to keep the down, you have to do something to treat the windshield," he said. If a special coating was applied to the windshield it is "very plausible" that would make the helicopter more difficult to fly for pilots wearing night-vision goggles, he said. The helicopters carrying the SEALs arrived over the compound at about 1 a.m. local time on May 2. One crash-landed in the courtyard and was so badly damaged it was unable to take off again.
That crash landing might have been caused by a phenomenon known as "settling with power," which occurs when a helicopter descends too quickly because its rotors cannot get the lift required from the turbulent air of their own downwash.
"It's hard to settle with power in a Black Hawk, but then again, if they were using one of these [low-observable helicopters], working at max gross weight, it's certainly plausible that they could have because they would have been flying so heavy," the retired special operations aviator said, noting that low-observable modifications added "several hundred pounds" to the weight of the , which already weighs about 500 to 1000 pounds more than a regular UH-60 Black Hawk.
The special operations troops on the bin Laden mission destroyed the stricken aircraft - most likely using thermite grenades - but the resultant fire left the helicopter's tail boom, assembly and horizontal stabilizers intact in the compound's courtyard.
Photographs of the wreckage taken the next day raced around the Internet, creating a firestorm of speculation among military aviation enthusiasts because the tail of the helicopter did not resemble any officially acknowledged U.S. military airframe.
This was to be expected, the retired special operations aviator said.
"Certain parts of the fuselage, the nose and the tail had these various almost like snap-on parts to them that gave it the very unique appearance," he said.
He and another source referred to the disc-shaped device that is seen covering the in the photographs as a "hubcap."
If the radar-evading technology worked, it "would be a true statement" to say that the use of the low-observable Black Hawks was evidence that the United States gave Pakistani authorities no advance warning of the mission, the retired special operations aviator added.
The low-observable program started with special operations attack helicopters in the 1980s, said the aviator. During the 1990s U.S. Special Operations Command worked with the Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works division, which also designed the , to refine the radar-evading technology and apply it to the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment's , he said. awarded a contract to Boeing to modify several MH-60s to the low-observable design "in the '99 to 2000 timeframe," he said.
Initial plans called for the low-observable Black Hawks to be formed into a new unit commanded by a lieutenant colonel and located at a military facility in Nevada, the retired special operations aviator said. "The intent was always to move it out west where it could be kept in a covered capability," he said.
planned to assign about 35 to 50 personnel to the unit, the retired special operations aviator said. "There were going to be four [low-observable] aircraft, they were going to have a couple of 'slick' unmodified Black Hawks, and that was going to be their job was to fly the low-observables."
SOCOM canceled those plans "within the last two years," but not before at least some of the low-observable helicopters had been delivered to the Nevada facility, the retired aviator said. "I don't know if it was for money or if it was because the technology was not achieving the reduction in the that they were hoping for," he said. In the meantime, crews from the 160th's 1st Battalion, headquartered at Fort Campbell, Ky., would rotate to Nevada to train on the stealthy aircraft, he said.
The low-observable MH-60s were armed with the same sort of door mini-guns as standard , he said. "There was not a DAP conversion," he added, referring to the variant known as the Direct Action Penetrator, which is equipped with stub wings upon which can be fitted a variety of armaments.
The early versions of the low-observable Black Hawks were not fitted with air-to-air refueling probes, the retired special operations aviator said. "The probe would disrupt the ability to reduce the radar cross-section," he added. "There was no way to put some kind of a hub or cowling over the probe that would make it stealthy." However, he said he did not know whether the models that flew the bin Laden mission had been equipped with such probes.
USSOCOM spokesman U.S. Army Col. Tim Nye said his command had no comment for this story.
Marcus Weisgerber contributed to this story


بالطبع كنا نتسأل كيف إستطاعت طائرات الهليكوبتر الأمريكيه دخول المجال الجوى الباكستانى
بدون علم باكستان
ربما تكون الإجابه فى هذا التقرير

فالتقرير يتحدث عن مقابله مع طيار متقاعد كان يعمل فى القوات الخاصه الأمريكيه
ويقول إن الهليكوبتر Black Hawk تم تعديلها بتكنولوجيا خاصه بالطائره
لكى تكون خفيه عن الرادار
والتعديلات تشمل بدن الطائره والمروحه والذيل والزجاج الخاص بالكابينه
وأخذ يتحدث الطيار المتقاعد عن أسباب سقوط مروحيه فى هذه العمليه
وقال الطيار المتقاعد أيضآ أن هذا يؤكد أن أمريكا لم تخبر باكستان بهذه العمليه
وقال إن برنامج هذه الطائرات فى عام 1980
وإن قيادة العمليات الخاصه تعمل نع شركة لوكهيد مارتن المنتجه للطائره
منذ عام 1990 وبعد ذلك تعاملت مع شركة بوينج لإدخال تلك التعديلات
وعند سؤال المتحدث بإسم الجيش الأمريكى لم يعلق على هذه القصه

لم أقم بترجمة المقال كامل
فيوجد فقرات تتحدث عن نظرية الطيار فى تحطم الهليكوبتر التى سقطت فى العمليه
وفقرات خاصه بالقوات الخاصه
لكنى أرادت إيصال ما هو المقصود من المقال

رد: الهليكوبتر Black Hawk التى إستخدمت فى تصفية بن لادن ربما تكون شبحيه

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رد: الهليكوبتر Black Hawk التى إستخدمت فى تصفية بن لادن ربما تكون شبحيه

اعتقد ان هذا شكلها بالمقارنة مع البلاك هوك العادية

رد: الهليكوبتر Black Hawk التى إستخدمت فى تصفية بن لادن ربما تكون شبحيه

هي محاولات لإبعاد باكستان عن شبهة التواطئ مع امريكا ، خوفاً من ردة فعل القاعدة التي تعمل داخل باكستان ..!

اظن التصميم الشبحي ينبغي ان يقترن بسرعة عالية لعدم اصطياد الرادار لها ، والمختصين افضل مني في هذا الجانب .
رد: صور المروحية المحطمة قرب منزل الشيخ/أسامة بن لادن

طياره غريبه ولكن ربما سبب اسقاطها هو rbg و يمكن ضرب الار بي جي في ذيل الطائرة

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رد: صور المروحية المحطمة قرب منزل الشيخ/أسامة بن لادن

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رد: صور المروحية المحطمة قرب منزل الشيخ/أسامة بن لادن


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