تدريبات بحريه بين الهند والولايات المتحده
نيودلهى 5 يناير 2011
بدأت قوات بحريه من الهند والولايات المتحدة يوم الاربعاء تمرينا مشتركا قبالة ساحل اندامان بجزر نيكوبار وقد أطلق على التمرين الذى يستمر اسبوعا اسم سالفيكس ( salvex ) .
وتهدف هذه التدريبات الى تعزيز قدرات الغوص والانقاذ حيث سيتم خلال السبعة أيام ممارسة جميع تقنيات الانقاذ بشكل مشترك .
وستحصل الهند أيضا على خبرة التعامل مع الغواصات التى تسير بالتحكم عن بعد وكذلك تقنيات المسح بمساعدة سونار السفينه يو اس اس .
كذلك سيتم التدريب على معدات جديدة لازالة البقع النفطيه وتسرب الوقود من السفن الغارقه .
تضم التدريبات 17 غواصا هنديا و 15 أمريكيا بينهم ضباط .
وتعتبر الهند واحدة من بين أربع دول فى العالم لديها القدرة على الغوص لمسافة 300 متر تحت سطح البحر حيث تمتلك سفينة دعم غوص INS Nireekshak .
وتدريبات سالفيكس بدأت فى عام 2005 وتتم بالتناوب فى الهند وفى الولايات المتحده فى المحيط الهادى وقد تم العثور على طائرات غارقه تحت مياه المحيط فى تدريبات سابقه .
The aim of the exercise is to strengthen capability in niche techniques associated with
diving and salvage. In the course of the seven day exercise various specialist salvage techniques will be practiced jointly by the IN and USN divers.
During the exercise, the Indian Navy will also gain experience of working on underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and side scan SONARs being launched from USS Safeguard, Navy officials, said an official statement issued here.
The exercise will also witness the operation of Hot Tap Equipment, which is used for removal of oil or fuel from tanks of sunken vessels. During the SALVEX the divers will also hone their salvage skills on a 'Mud Monster', a pontoon specially built and sunk to practice salvage and diving exercises.
In this edition of SALVEX, the Indian Navy's team comprises 17 Clearance Divers including two officers and the US Navy's team comprises 15 divers including two officers are participating.
India is one of the four countries in the world having the capability to dive up to the depths of 300 metres into the sea.
INS Nireekshak is Indian Navy's specialist diving support ship with the capacity to support dives up to 300 metres deep.
The maiden IN-USN SALVEX was conducted in 2005 and the SALVEX series of exercises have been conducted annually thereafter alternately in India and US Pacific locations. Interestingly in the first SALVEX a vintage Sea Hawk fighter aircraft was recovered from a depth of about 50 metres off Kochi. IN Salvage teams have also recovered a Seaking helicopter from a depth of 70 metres in the past.
Indian Navy - diving support ship INS Nireekshak
نيودلهى 5 يناير 2011
بدأت قوات بحريه من الهند والولايات المتحدة يوم الاربعاء تمرينا مشتركا قبالة ساحل اندامان بجزر نيكوبار وقد أطلق على التمرين الذى يستمر اسبوعا اسم سالفيكس ( salvex ) .
وتهدف هذه التدريبات الى تعزيز قدرات الغوص والانقاذ حيث سيتم خلال السبعة أيام ممارسة جميع تقنيات الانقاذ بشكل مشترك .
وستحصل الهند أيضا على خبرة التعامل مع الغواصات التى تسير بالتحكم عن بعد وكذلك تقنيات المسح بمساعدة سونار السفينه يو اس اس .
كذلك سيتم التدريب على معدات جديدة لازالة البقع النفطيه وتسرب الوقود من السفن الغارقه .
تضم التدريبات 17 غواصا هنديا و 15 أمريكيا بينهم ضباط .
وتعتبر الهند واحدة من بين أربع دول فى العالم لديها القدرة على الغوص لمسافة 300 متر تحت سطح البحر حيث تمتلك سفينة دعم غوص INS Nireekshak .
وتدريبات سالفيكس بدأت فى عام 2005 وتتم بالتناوب فى الهند وفى الولايات المتحده فى المحيط الهادى وقد تم العثور على طائرات غارقه تحت مياه المحيط فى تدريبات سابقه .
Indo-US joint exercise ‘SALVEX’ begins at coast of Andaman Nicobar
New Delhi, Jan 5, IRNA – Navies of India and the US Wednesday began a week-long joint exercise codenamed ‘SALVEX’ off the coast off Andaman in Nicobar Islands.
New Delhi, Jan 5, IRNA – Navies of India and the US Wednesday began a week-long joint exercise codenamed ‘SALVEX’ off the coast off Andaman in Nicobar Islands.
The aim of the exercise is to strengthen capability in niche techniques associated with
diving and salvage. In the course of the seven day exercise various specialist salvage techniques will be practiced jointly by the IN and USN divers.
During the exercise, the Indian Navy will also gain experience of working on underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and side scan SONARs being launched from USS Safeguard, Navy officials, said an official statement issued here.
The exercise will also witness the operation of Hot Tap Equipment, which is used for removal of oil or fuel from tanks of sunken vessels. During the SALVEX the divers will also hone their salvage skills on a 'Mud Monster', a pontoon specially built and sunk to practice salvage and diving exercises.
In this edition of SALVEX, the Indian Navy's team comprises 17 Clearance Divers including two officers and the US Navy's team comprises 15 divers including two officers are participating.
India is one of the four countries in the world having the capability to dive up to the depths of 300 metres into the sea.
INS Nireekshak is Indian Navy's specialist diving support ship with the capacity to support dives up to 300 metres deep.
The maiden IN-USN SALVEX was conducted in 2005 and the SALVEX series of exercises have been conducted annually thereafter alternately in India and US Pacific locations. Interestingly in the first SALVEX a vintage Sea Hawk fighter aircraft was recovered from a depth of about 50 metres off Kochi. IN Salvage teams have also recovered a Seaking helicopter from a depth of 70 metres in the past.

Indian Navy - diving support ship INS Nireekshak
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