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وجدت هذا الخبر الدي يقول بأن المغرب استلم 5 دبابات من نوع تي 80 أضن أن الأمر كان من أجل تجريبها والله أعلم !!
Countries. Cyprus (41 T 80U), Pakistan (320), People’s Republic of China (200 T-80U), Republic of Korea (80 T-80U), Russian Federation (12,479 – some were lost in the Chechnya fighting or otherwise destroyed), and Ukraine (234 T 80/T 80B/T 80BK/T-80BVK, 28 T-80U, and 11 T-80UD). In 1992, the Spetstekhnika organization sold five T 80U tanks to Morocco, which then resold the tanks to France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 1992, the Voyentekh export firm in the Russian Federation sold another T 80U to the United Kingdom. Finally, Sweden has acquired a T-80U for evaluations.
المصدر طبعا
وجدت هذا الخبر الدي يقول بأن المغرب استلم 5 دبابات من نوع تي 80 أضن أن الأمر كان من أجل تجريبها والله أعلم !!
Countries. Cyprus (41 T 80U), Pakistan (320), People’s Republic of China (200 T-80U), Republic of Korea (80 T-80U), Russian Federation (12,479 – some were lost in the Chechnya fighting or otherwise destroyed), and Ukraine (234 T 80/T 80B/T 80BK/T-80BVK, 28 T-80U, and 11 T-80UD). In 1992, the Spetstekhnika organization sold five T 80U tanks to Morocco, which then resold the tanks to France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 1992, the Voyentekh export firm in the Russian Federation sold another T 80U to the United Kingdom. Finally, Sweden has acquired a T-80U for evaluations.

المصدر طبعا