في تطور ملفت قام المغرب اضافة الى 11 بلد اخر في منتصف عام 2024 بتوقيع عقد مع لوكهيد مارتن بخصوص صيانة و تجديد اجزاء رادرات مقاتلاته من نوع AN/APG-68 version 9 على ان تنتهي اعمال الصيانة بحلول عام 2030 ...الملفت للنظر ان المغرب كان سبق واعلن عن نيته تطوير ردارات مقاتلاته الحالية ال 23 للمعيار الاعلى واستبدالها بنسخة APG-83 AESA , لكن في مايبدو ان قرار صيانة والاحتفاظ بنسخة AN/APG-68 قد نسفت برنامج تطوير ردرات اسطول الاف 16 العاملة حاليا لدى سلاح الجو الملكي المغربي
The U.S. Air Force has awarded Northrop Grumman a $49.9 million contract to repair the F-16 radar components of 11 countries: Chile, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Iraq, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Thailand and Turkey.
Specifically, the contract provides for the repair and return of AN/APG-68 version 9 components through the US Foreign Military Sales procurement route. Work will be performed at Linthicum Heights, Maryland, and is expected to be completed by 30 July 2030.
The U.S. Air Force has awarded Northrop Grumman a $49.9 million contract to repair the F-16 radar components of 11 countries: Chile, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Iraq, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Thailand and Turkey.
Specifically, the contract provides for the repair and return of AN/APG-68 version 9 components through the US Foreign Military Sales procurement route. Work will be performed at Linthicum Heights, Maryland, and is expected to be completed by 30 July 2030.

Northrop Grumman Wins Air Force Contract to Repair F-16 Radar Components for 11 Countries | GovCon Exec International
The U.S. Air Force has awarded Northrop Grumman a $49.9 million contract to repair the F-16 radar components of 11 countries: Chile, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia,

Air Force Awards $49.9 Million Contract for F-16 Support
Northrop Grumman was awarded a $49.9 million contract for the repair and return of F-16 radar components to 11 countries.

Northrop Grumman delivers F-16 components to global users - Airforce Technology
US defence prime, Northrop Grumman, has won a contract to support global F-16 fleets with the latest AN/APG-68(V)9 radar systems.

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