هي بزززززااااتهااا
و سمعت ان السعودية كانت مهتمة بها قبل سنوات عديدة 8 او 10 سنوات و لكن اللغيت الفكرة انذاك !!
اتمنى اجد المصدر او الخبر
استراليا تقرر تكهين أسطول مروحياتها من طراز NH-90 على أن تحل محلها البلاك هوك أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الأسترالية عن إتجاهها لتكهين 47 مروحية طراز NH-90 عاملة فى صفوف الجيش و البحرية الأسترالية و التى دخلت الخدمة فى عام 2007 و يرجع سبب ذلك إلى مشاكل و نفقات التشغيل الباهظة ، و أعلنت وزارة الدفاع...
انت تقصد صفقة 2006 التي الغيت
كان الجيش السعودي يريد التعاقد على عدة مروحيات و طائرات و من بينهم 64 مروحية NH-90
42 نسخة TTH للنقل التكتيكي و 10 نسخ بحرية
-- The Saudi government last week agreed to purchase a total of 142 helicopters from France, in a deal that will modernize its militaryhelicopter fleet at a single stroke and that, together with additionalcontracts to follow, firmly establishes France as the kingdom's mainweapons supplier.
The helicopter contract, due to be signed with France's Sofresa armsexport agency, will cover 64 NH-90 battlefield helicopters; 20Eurocopter Cougar utility helicopters in Combat Search and Rescueversion; 42 Eurocopter Fennec light helicopters; four Panther navalSearch and Rescue helicopters; and an initial batch of 12 Tiger attackhelicopters. The NH-90s are made by NH Industries, a joint company inwhich France's Eurocopter has a 62.5% share, while all other types areproduced by Eurocopter.
The contract also includes the provision of weapons, spare parts,training services and support equipment, as well as the construction ofseveral helicopter bases, boosting its total value to well over 7billion euros, sources say. It is the largest single arms export dealever signed by France.
The NH-90 order includes 10 naval NFH-90s for the Saudi navy; 42 TTH-90battlefield helicopters for the Saudi Army and 12 more for the SaudiArabian National Guard, while the Fennec order comprises 30 helicoptersfor the Saudi air force and 12 for the national guard.
A separate contract will cover an unspecified number of Airbus A330aerial tankers, similar to the KC-30 that EADS, the corporate parent ofboth Airbus and Eurocopter, has offered to the US Air Force.