راجمات و درونات أهانت أفضل ما لدى الروس , كيف تقارن بينهم و بين دول ضعيفة و تعتمد على السلاح الروسي أساسا ؟
Ukrainian drone captured the moment HIMARS destroys Russian S-300V4 Antey Surface-to-air Missile
The Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to hit a Russian S-300V4 Antey surface-to-air missile system. The HIMARS system was able to strike at 70 kilometers range. The S-300V4’s real-world tracki…www.globaldefensecorp.com
S-400 (M39 Block I ATACMS)
Burning Image Of 'World's Best' S-400 AD System Surfaces Online; Russia’s Anti-F-16 Plan Goes For A Toss
Russia lost a S-400 surface-to-air missile (SAM) battery in northern Crimea on Wednesday (April 17) to a Ukrainian strike. Reports claim the attack was a result of a strike from the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), fired from the High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS). The...www.eurasiantimes.com