كان بأمكان صدام حسين لو كان حكيما ان يلجأ للقانون الدولي كما تفعل باقي الدول خصوصا بأن أمريكا كانت تحاول التخلص من حكام ايران في ذلك الوقت عن طريق ايجاد اي ذريعه ، ولوفر ارواح العراقيين والمبالغ الطائله التي خسرها في حرب خاسره دامت 8 سنين اكلت الأخضر واليابس.
اما بالنسبه لقرارات الأمم المتحده فهيا حددت أن العراق هو من بدأ العدوان علي أيران عن طريق غزو اراضيه اولا واقرت لإيران تعويضات حرب يجب ان يدفعها العراق لها.
On 9 December 1991, the UN Secretary-General reported the following to the UN Security Council:"That Iraq's explanations do not appear sufficient or acceptable to the international community is a fact. Accordingly, the outstanding event under the violations referred to is the attack of 22 September 1980, against Iran, which cannot be justified under the charter of the United Nations, any recognized rules and principles of international law or any principles of international morality and entails the responsibility for conflict." "Even if before the outbreak of the conflict there had been some encroachment by Iran on Iraqi territory, such encroachment did not justify Iraq's aggression against Iran—which was followed by Iraq's continuous occupation of Iranian territory during the conflict—in violation of the prohibition of the use of force, which is regarded as one of the rules of jus cogens." "On one occasion I had to note with deep regret the experts' conclusion that "chemical weapons had been used against Iranian civilians in an area adjacent to an urban center lacking any protection against that kind of attack" (s/20134, annex). The Council expressed its dismay on the matter and its condemnation in resolution 620 (1988), adopted on 26 August 1988."[87]
الوكيديا موقع غير موثوق
لا ادري لما ترمي من محاولة اتهام العراق بالقوة انه هو من هاجم ايران
والتاريخ يعرفه الجميع
هل كل هذا دفعا عن ايران ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟