هل يوجد لدى روسيا صواريخ تعمل على نمط الاعتراض HTK ؟

هل يوجد لدى روسيا صواريخ تعمل على نمط الاعتراض HTK ؟
Amid growing demand for its current S-400 system, Almaz Antey continues development of a successor to the ‘Triumf’. Known as ‘Prometheus’, the S-500 is a more advanced air and missile defense system originally scheduled for deployment by the Russian air defense forces by the end of the decade. A navalized version could follow in 3-5 years. According to Russian officials, testing of the new interceptors is said to be on schedule for fielding by 2020, three years later than the original schedule.

The new system employs two new interceptors – 77N6-N and 77N6-N1, both are designed to perform at hypersonic speed (above 5,000 meters/second), using ‘Hit-To-Kill’ (HTK) effect. In their HTK capacity, the new Russian air defense system will be similar to the latest U.S. interceptors, such as THAAD and Patriot PAC-3, but the speed and range of the Russian system are expected to exceed the performance of the American systems. The interceptors of the current S-400 system that excels in medium and long-range performance uses proximity fusing. The S-500 system is reported to be able to cover a radius of to 600km defending against ballistic missiles that are launched from a range of up to 3,500 km. It will be able to engage aircraft, at a range up to 400km.

لكن لا اعلم هل هو نفس مبدأ العمل لدى الغرب ام لا.
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